Me and You

By booksbyyourfav

64.8K 1.6K 664

An average high school love story. More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

2.3K 63 62
By booksbyyourfav

Today is the best day of the week, Friday. Game day.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn my shower on and start up my playlist.

"Girls girls girls girls, girls all over the worrlldd" I rap as I make my way over to my closet.

I quickly move through the hug closet grabbing all the pieces I need to make my idea come to life. I quickly lay out my outfit and stare at it to make sure I like how it looks.

" perfect" i say as as i turn to enter the bathroom.

On game day it was mandatory to Dress nice. Look better play better was our coach's motto and honesty I think it might be true. I quickly hop in the shower and wash my body. Once I get out I lotion  my body up and pull my straightened hair into a nice slick back pony tail with some dramatic edges.

Once I finish my hair I put on a small amount of makeup and touch up my lash extensions.

"Perfect" I say once finish. I snap a few selfies and post them to my close friends.

I put my clothes on and spray a few sprits of my favorite perfume.

"Tini baby we gotta go in 15 if you wanna get breakfast" my dad shouts as he taps on my door.

"Coming" I shout back

I grab my bags and quickly sit them at the door so dad could put them in my car. I quickly make my bed and turn all my things off, before existing my room.

I walk down the steps and met my parents in the kitchen.

"You look cute, sweetie" My mama compliments as she hugs me.

"You too mama" she is wearing some cute cargos with a plain black shirt and her Pandas

"And do" my papa adds.

He was also wearing something similar. Since it was game day my parents knew they would be wearing their street wear. Dad was wearing some Khaki cargos with a black Tee and his pandas.

My parents are  the cutest.

"Period" I cosigns 

"Alright let's go, before we are late." My dad reminds..

We make our way out of the door. On game days we have breakfast, they drop me off and go to work and after the game they bring me home and dad cooks my food of choice, win or lose.

"How do you feel about today's game jellybean?" dad asks.

Jellybean was a name I have grown up hearing from him. Mom says he called me that even when I was in her belly. I think it's kinda cute.

"I feel good right now. Livy was cleared on Thursday so we should be good on getting the ball over the net the right way now." I tell him. Lily is our best finisher. She is known for her kills. With her back my job is going to be slightly easier.

"That's good, Maddy is good but she's no Liv."

"That part." Mom slips in.

We pull up to Waffle House and get seated immediately. Once we order our food, I listen as my parents talked and went over the schedule for the next few weeks.

" Enough about us what's going on with you and Rocci" dad questions as he sips his black coffee.


"You in her business" my mom says before I can even open my mouth.

"Girl, her business is my business" My dad is quick to answer .

"Not too much Ric" She says back, slapping his arm.

"Anyways, what's tea?" he asks, turning his attention back to me.

"We are just friends father, we are partners for an English project" I answer honestly.

"Mhmmm" he answers back with an eyebrow raised.

"Do you like him?" My mom asks, sounding just like her husband. Nosey.

"YoU IN HeR busINesS" my dad shoots, mocking her.

"AHT , shut up." My mom shouts quickly, shutting him right up.

I could't help but let a small giggle out. These two are truly a handful.

"I mean he's cool, very easy on the eyes, but I'm not sure we know enough about each other yet to truly decide if I truly like him like that." I answer.

"He's a good kid bean, if you do decide you like him, you'll be in good hands." My dad states with a shrug.

We finish up breakfast and I am off to school.

Once I made it I went to put my bags in the locker room and headed to my first period. I had a couple of minutes before class started and decided this would be the perfect time to get to know Marc a little better. I went to our text thread and shot him a quick text.

Hi Partner

Marc Anthonie
Hi Princess

Wanna play a game?

Marc Anthonie
What game

21 questions ?

Marc Anthonie
anything for you pretty, you go first?

How many bodies you got?

Marc Anthonie
Now Gabriella :|


Marc Anthonie
Dont ask me nothing likee that unless you want to be apart of it.

Mmm maybe I do maybe I dont.

Marc Anthonie
Stop playing with me. To answer your question only a handful

Really ?

Marc Anthonie
Yes really, I might have that reputation of being a whore but im a bujiee one.

Lol okay period,  know your worth.

Marc Anthonie
My turn, what's your favorite thing to do other than play ball.

Uhhh hang out with my people. I love being around people who want the best for me.

Marc Anthonie
I like that.

What's your favorite color?

Marc Anthonie
Black *wink*

Such a corn ball

Marc Anthonie
Shut up, ever dated a white guy?

Nope never.

Marc Anthonie
Wanna date a white boy?:]

Goodbye Marc

Marc Anthonie
Nooo don't leave, ill behave, promise.

Lol I have to go. It's class time.


I put my phone away after the final bell rang and greet my friends.

"Hey Y'all"

"Wassup best" Rem answers back before going back to scrolling on his phone.

"Hey Gabbi, ready for the game tonight?" Cat asks once she got situated.

"Yeah kitty, im excited if anything." I answer back

I never really got nervous when it came to playing. I knew that if my dad was there I would be fine.

"Not nervous that your boy will be there ?" She instigates, wiggling her eyebrows.

"He was at the first game dummy." Rem states

"Shut up Remmington." Cat snaps back rolling her eyes.

"ShUt Up REmingTon, girl." he mocks quietly.

I let them continue with their bickering while I start to take our notes for this class. This was our flow. I took the note, Rem did the homework and Cat did the group assignments.

"Best Marc wants you to text him." Rem says nudging me

I pull out my phone and sent a quick text

'Marc Anthonie, how may I help you'

Marc Anthonie
Diner tonight ?


Marc Anthonie
I'll take it. Are you ready for your game princess?

Yes, Im excited.

Marc Anthonie
Good, I can't wait to watch you play.

You already have......

It was game time, the arena was packed as usual. At this prep school it seems as volleyball also makes the list of one of the elite sports. The student section stayed packed, some had painted faces, others had signs, some even had FatHeads of the players.

Personally, I loved the school spirit.

"Yoo wassup" Noah greets once he makes it to the bottom where we are sitting.

"Wassup my boy, where's your pet?" Rem asks, dapping him up.

"Remington, keep playing with me if you want too." he replies

"Whaat did i say? I just asked where your Cat was." he says with a coy smirk running across his face.

"Mar Wassup with you twin?" he asks completely ignoring Rem

"I'm alright, im chilling" I reply back

" You ready to see your girl play ? he ask

"More like buss her knees" Remington interjects. I instantly break out into laughter, because he was telling the truth.

If it was one thing Tini was known for it was her floor dives, my girl was not scared to get on the ground at all.

" Yeah, I'm ready to see her play. She said it's supposed to be a really good game." I say turning my attention to the other team who is warming up.

They looked decent from what I could see. The majority of them are tall, which is a good thing, their libero looks determined but we not even gone worry about her.
I continue to observe the other team warm up until I hear our team's warm up music start to play.

"No way coach T is letting them warm up to this" the beat of Hellcats and Trackhaws fill the arena.

"Oh Tini bout to show out now for real" Cats cackles as she watches them start to stretch out.

I watch as she sits on the floor to stretch out her hip flexors and quads, as she stretches she stays controlled and focused, almost as if she's in her own little world. She soon gets up and starts to run drills with one of her teammates. Once she finishes up she takes a look around the arena, spotting her parents first.

She then gaze tracks to the student section then all the way down to me. Her lips tug into a small smile and I mirror it back before mouthing 'mangia bella ragazza'. She laughs a bit before sending me a thumbs up.

"Not yall out here flirting in the open" Rem exclaims grabbing my attention.

"Rem shut up, you ruining the moment" Cat sighs

"They weren't having one, she was looking at me," Sebastian adds.

El oh el

I turn slightly to look at Rem and Cat, and sure enough they are looking at him with the same expression.

"Maybe you're confused Seb, i'm pretty sure she is looking at Marc but maybe i can't see or something" she says waving him off.

"Oh well i can see and she shoal ai-"


"Talk about being saved by the bell" I hear Rem mumble. I quickly tap him letting out a laugh, which only makes him crack up more.


"Gah dang, they don't even be this loud when they announce to us'"Noah slips in.

The game starts quickly. Both teams are playing really well. The score continues to go back and forth with every serve. Our girls win the first game, and their girls win the second so it all comes down to right now. The score is 23-24, the opposing team only needs one point to win, but i dont think it's going to happen. With our team serving, the ball is hit over the net to the backside of their defense, there is a bump, set spike, but it's blocked by our defense. Their Libero is too slow going down, getting us an extra point.

"Game Point" Phwwwwwhht

Our team serves again, and the serve is caught, set and spiked to our defense, the front line tries their best but their timing is a tad bit off. Tini dips down quickly and recovers our team sets the ball perfectly for Liv to kill, and sure enough that's what she does.

"And the Lady's of Apex Scholars win"

The gym is loud with cheers. Gabriella is quickly swallowed by hy her teammates.

"Turn me up twin" Seb shouts.

i look at Rem and Rem looks at me

"Trim" he mouths

i shake my head with a small laugh

this is unreal

"Marc, Tini is trying to get your attention." Cat says

I turn my head toward the court, and she starts to sign slowly


i smile, she's learning slowly

'yes' i sign back

she sends a wink back before hopping in line to shake the opponents hand.

" Tini signs?" Seb asks.

"she's leaning how to" i answer back

"from you?" he asks again

" who else knows how to sign sebby" Rem instigates

" i mean i would've learned for her" he says shrugging

"You like her or something?" i ask tired of his antics.

"chilllll" he says laughing a lil " its not even like that"

i don't say anything back for his sake.

" alright lets go boys" Rem interjects

i get up and make my way out of the stands and onto the court.

i spot her parents still in the stands and send them a wave. we wait a few minutes for tini to come out of the locker room.

"wassup girl" rem greets as she steps out of the locker room.

"hey yall" she greets as she goes around the circle giving out hugs.

"you look good babe" Cat comments slapping her cheeks which are still out in her spandex

"that recoil is crazy" Seb mumbles under his breath.

"ayoooo" Rem says "chill sebastian"

i quickly grab Tini as she walks towards me. after hugging her i pull her into me under my arm.

" i'm going to break his jaw" i whisper in her ear in italian.

she simply looks up at me with a pout.

"no" she says back.

i roll my eyes

always captain save a hoe

" what's the move after this?" Seb ask

"i'm going home" Rem reply's quickly

"We going to my crib" Noah answers. Him and Cat have been inseparable.

"and you, sweetheart?" Seb directs at Gabbi.

i feel her tense slightly, tf

" I have plans" she answer swiftly, leaning more into my side.

"aww that's too bad, i would've loved to take you out" he replies with a small smile

is he dumb?

"you ready to go?" i ask, agitation clear in my tone.

"yeah" she replies.

i grab her bag from her. i dap the Noah and Rem up and give Cat a hug.

"bye yalll" Gabbi says waving to the boys after she hugs Cat

"text me when y'all get home" rem says as we start to walk away.

"text me later tini" seb sits quickly

"Gabriella, non mi piace condividere" i say once we get in the car

(Translation: Gabriella, I don't like to share)

"Devi Marc Anthonie, ho altri amici"

(Translation: You have to Marc Anthonie, I have other friends")

i groan

'we aren't friends baby' is what i want to say but i choose to stay quiet.

" let me get you home princess."

"no food?" she asks

"of course i'm going to feed you, what would you like"

"mmmmm" she says tapping her chin. "chic fill aaaaa"

"say no more."

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