Total drama all Stars

By karateunicornalc

3.7K 77 287

Is this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another seaso... More

Heroes VS Villains
Evil Dread
Saving private leech-ball
Food fright
Moon madness
No one egg-spects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punched
You regatta be kidding me!
Zeek and Ye shall Find
Obsta-kill course
Sundae muddy Sundae
The final wreck-ening
ending one, Mike wins!
Ending two, Zoe wins
Ending three *Canonical ending* Alex wins
Author's note!

The bold and the booty-full

157 5 16
By karateunicornalc

Sorry if this chapter's short, I have lost all inspiration for it. Hopefully the finale will be better.

Alex's POV

Scarlett and I were sitting on the cabin steps talking.

She was drumming her fingers on her leg and her eyes were darting around.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Totally." she said.

"You just seem a little distracted..." I said.

"No, I'm fine. I just-"

Mike started coughing.

"You ok Mike?" I asked him.

"yeah, just choking on air." he laughed

"That ever happened to you Alex? You know, choking?" he asked.

"Yeah. it's probably happened to me a couple times." I said.

"Nice. Well, see ya guys!" he said, before leaving.

"idiot..." Scarlett sighed, still tapping her fingers on her leg.

"Scar, if there was something wrong, you'd tell me, right?" I asked her.

"Of course." she responded.


Scarlett: Ugh! Mal told me about himself last night, but I can't tell anyone else about him, or he'll hurt Alex. Ugh. Stupid love. really makes uncovering psychopaths difficult...


The loud speaker turned on.

"Goooooooooooooooooood morning final six! Gather on the dock pronto-roon-io!". Not a word. "It's crunch time! And by that, I mean you're about to get crunched!" Chris said over the loudspeaker.

"C'mon. Let's get to the finale." I said, standing and offering Scarlett my hand. She took it, and we started walking.

We went down to the docks.

"Ahoy maties!" Chris said, pulling up in a boat with some pirate garb on.


Alex: Why is it that every season has to have a challenge that involves pirates? Season one, pirate treasure hunt, season two, the pirate movie challenge, season three, Owen started acting all pirate-y, season four, an episode had a pirate themed name, I'm over the damn pirates!!!


"Come to me faithful bird!" Chris said, stepping onto the dock.

Chef stepped out of the boat in a bird costume. He looked done with life. Can't say I blame him, working for Chris must suck.

"Oh come on, stop frowning! You look great and you know it!" Chris smiled "hey, if you don't want to be here-"

Chef drove the boat away.

"That isn't what I was gonna say!" Chris yelled after him. He sighed and walked over to us.

"Sorry. It's just life is so hard in the spa hotel! I'm sick of roughing it!" he exclaimed.

"The spa hotel is 'roughing it'?" Scarlett asked in disbelief, using air quotes.

"Yes. And since I'm craving the comforts of home, I've come up with a special challenge!" Chris grinned.


Alex: The avadakadabra request still stands.


"Your mission? To retrieve one of five valuable pieces of pirate loot stashed somewhere on the island!" Chris said.

"Pht. As if there's anything valuable around here!" Scott scoffed.

"There's plenty if you know what you're looking for!" Chris said, his stupid pirate voice returning.

"To determine who searches for what, each player must choose one of these six treasure chests!" Chris said, gesturing to six small treasure chests "Zoe, as the winner of last challenge, you get to go first." Chris said.

"Good luck!" Mike said, giving her a thumbs up.

Zoe put her hand on a chest and got electrocuted.

"OW!" she yelled in pain. The chest opened and a card with a footprint popped out.

"Excellent! you must bring me the yeti!" Chris said.

Gwen opened up hers and a cloud of pepper burst out.

"Gah! pepper!?" she exclaimed, sneezing a few times.

A card with a picture of Chris popped out.

"Gwen, you must go to the crumbling, life threateningly dangerous wreck of my former cottage-"

"It was a mansion!" Scarlett interrupted.

"Nobody cares. As i was saying, you must go to the crumbling, life threateningly dangerous wreck of my former cottage and bring back an intact portrait of moi." Chris said.


Gwen: *Sneezes again, and sniffs.* Did- did he say life threateningly?!


I opened mine and a racoon jumped out onto me.

"Woah! Chill!" I said, pulling it off me and tossing it into the lake. "Sorry!"

A card with a picture of a mutant squirrel popped out of my chest.

"Alex, you must bring one of the mutants from Boney Island!" Chris said.


Alex: Shit.


Scott opened him and nothing came out, so he looked over it.

A boxing glove on a spring popped out and punched him in the face.

It had a card with a picture of a crystal on it.

"Scott, you must bring me the McLean diamond!" Chris said.

There's a diamond on this island?

Eh. It's probably a five dollar plastic one he bought on

"Which can be found on the abandoned pirate ship, which just so happens to be guarded by your old friend, Fang!" Chris added.

"I have to fight a shark but all Gwen has to do is find some art? how is that fair?!" Scott exclaimed.

"hey, there's no fair in pirate!" Chris shrugged "Scarlett, pick a chest!"

Scarlett opened up her chest. A grenade with the pin already pulled popped out.

"FUCK!" she yelled, throwing it in the water. It exploded, making a massive splash.

"Nice reflexes." I noted.

She reached inside and pulled out a card with a picture of a piece of paper.

"Scarlett, you must find Courtney's chart!" Chris said.

She groaned.


Scarlett: i do not want to see that stupid thing again! But I can't let Mal win!


"Guess that leaves the last chest for me! What's in it?" Mike asked.

"Nice try, but the choice isn't official until you see for yourself." Chris smirked.

"Hope he gets pepper spray..." Scarlett muttered.

"Since when do you have a problem with Mike?" I asked her.

"It's nothing." she responded.

"Fine." Mike sighed, opening his chest.

An angry snapping turtle latched onto his hand.


Scarlett: Eh. Better than nothing.


He yelped, before growling at it, making it whimper like a puppy and let go of his hand.

"Ok. That's new." Chris said in surprise. A card with a picture of one of the Gilded Chris statues popped up from the chest.

"Mike, you must bring me the ling lost original golden Chris statuette." Chris said.

"Any clue where I might find it?" Mike asked.

"If I knew it wouldn't be long lost, now would it?" Chris said.

"Helpful hint, Think fast and work even faster, because, three of you are going home today." Chris said.

We gasped.

"Whoever comes back last, or worse, empty-handed, goes directly to the Flush of Shame. Whoever brings back their loot first wins a guaranteed spot in the finale and gets to select which of the remaining two walks the plank into the big john tonight." Chris said.

He switched to his pirate voice again

"All clear?! On your marks!!!!"

he sighed, and switched back to normal.

"Oh, just go." he said, before blasting his airhorn.

We started running.

"Ok, one of us needs to win." Scarlett said to me "I'll come with you to Boney Island to help you find a mutant, then find the chart after."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yes. You have the harder one of our two tasks, so we should focus on getting that for you." she said.

"Ok..." I said.

We ran to the boathouse and got a canoe before getting in and paddling to Boney Island.

"You getting deja vu, or is it just me?" I asked Scarlett.

"Tri armed challenge." she smiled "First time I ever really shared my feelings with anyone."

"Yeah." I smiled back.

We got to Boney island after about ten minutes and got out.

"Ok, Chris said that the mutants were rounded up and sent to the fun zone. Let's look there." Scarlett said.

We ran to where the fun zone entrance was.

"How do we get this open?" Scarlett wondered aloud.

I saw a big red button with a sign underneath it.

"Do not press." I read "Or do, I'm a sign, not a cop."

I pressed it.

"Did... did you just press the big red button?" Scarlett asked in disbelief.

"It's a big red button, what was I supposed to do?" I said.

The doors the the fun zone opened.

"And that worked out in our favor." I smiled.

We walked inside.

"Ok, it should be easy to find a mutant. It should be less easy to bring it back." I said.

"We should probably look for something that can't kill us." Scarlett said.


"Most things I say are."


Alex: i will sell my soul for her confidence.


We wandered around for a while, finding no mutant animals, dangerous or otherwise.

"How is it that there were so many last time we were here, but now there's freaking nothing?" Scarlett said, kicking a rock into a bush. There was a growl and a mutant goat rose up out of it. It growled at us, before breathing some fire.

"RUN!" Scarlett and I both screamed, before booking it out of there.

I looked over my shoulder and saw it chasing us.

"We need to get to higher ground!" i exclaimed.

We clambered up a tree.

The goat started headbutting it.

"This is so not how I want to die!" Scarlett said.

"Well, we can either wait for it to knock the tree down, or we can jump on it and pray like hell that it gets knocked out." I offered.

"I choose option two." she said "Jump on three."





We both jumped, landing on the goat. It bleated, before passing out.

"Oh thank gods." I breathed.

"Let's get this back to Chris." Scarlett said.

We picked up the knocked out goat and carried it to the canoe.

"You think it'll even float with the extra weight?" I asked Scarlett.

"If we properly distribute the weight there shouldn't be much to worry about." she responded. We got in the canoe and started paddling again.

We got back to the island and carried the knocked out mutant goat to Chris.

"Am I last?" i asked.

"Nope. But Scarlett will be if she doesn't beat Gwen." Chris responded.

"Shit." Scarlett muttered, before running off to find the chart.

A/n, could not be fucked to write what happened, so it's time for you to use your imagination.

She ran back about ten minutes later with Courtney's elimination chart.

"Done. Take it. or let me burn it. Whatever works." she said, shoving it into Chris's hand.

Gwen ran over clutching a painting.

"I'm here! I'm here!" she exclaimed.

"And Gwen is last to arrive, but she comes bearing loot. Unlike Scott." Chris said.

Scott groaned in pain.

Gwen held up a very weird looking picture of Chris.

"Funny. I don't remember this one." Chris said.

"Yeah, uh, I had to do a little restoration work.." Gwen said nervously.

Chris... smelt the painting. He gagged.

"Ugh! What's that earthy aroma?" he exclaimed.

"Oh. It's avant-garde, it's stylized. It''s..." gwen said, before sighing in defeat "It's bear poop."


Alex: *gags and vomits*

Scarlett: *Vomits*


Chris vomited.


Alex: Ew! *Vomits again*

Scarlett: *Vomits in a bucket.*


"For showing up last and defacing my portrait, Gwen gets the flush!" Chris announced.

Zoe, Scarlett and I gasped.

"What?! No fair! Scott and Ma- Mike came back empty-handed!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"True! But, they didn't make me do this!" Chris said, before vomiting on the painting again.


Alex: Ok, I think my stomach's empty- *Vomits again.* never mind... ugh...

Scarlett: *gags* Not... today! *Swallows and shudders*


Scarlett's POV

I knew I'd be getting kicked off.

I was lying on my bunk in the cabin, staring at the ceiling. The same bunk, and same ceiling from season one.

Man things have changed since then.

I went from a antisocial, friendless, romance hating manipulator, to having friends, a boyfriend, and dare I say, a few heroic moments.

Just goes to show how much you can change over a couple years.

Was this game fun all the time? Of course not. If I could go back in time and stop myself from auditioning would I? Well... that's a different story.

Yes, of course sometimes I wish I could slap my sixteen year old self for signing up, but other times I sometimes think that signing up for this show was the greatest decision of my life.

I pulled a piece of paper out of my bag and started writing.

Dear future Scarlett.

Man your life got crazy over the past two years. You joined a reality show, had your first crush, first friend, first boyfriend.

Yes, some stuff went wrong sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Because that's what life is, isn't it? Sometimes it's not about being cautious, or planning out every detail so there's no chance of failure. Sometimes it's good to just throw caution to the wind and do something crazy and spontaneous. Like having your first kiss, or volunteering for some half surfing, half suicide mission.

Sometimes life has been terrible, sometimes it's been perfect. Sometimes it's been right in the middle. And in a way, that was better than the perfect moments.

But, in case you ever lose your mind and revert back to the manipulative, slightly psychotic girl you were two years ago, please remember this.

You are loved.

You are wanted.

You are cared for.

Signed, Scarlett.

Aka 'Manipulative jerk'

Aka 'Scar'

Aka 'Carrot top.'

Aka 'Villainous sarcastic nerd'

Aka 'Manipulative jerk'

Aka 'Love denying little bitch'

Aka 'Nerdy girl.'

Aka 'Gingerbread.'

Aka 'Senorita'

Love ya girl X


"Good luck Zoe, Scar and Alex! I really hope one of you wins!" Gwen said. She was sitting in the flush of shame.

"Aww, Thanks! Next time, I hope we're on the same team!" Zoe smiled.

"Next time?! Oh no! No way am I ever coming back to this dump!" Gwen exclaimed, before getting flushed.

"Who to flush next? It all comes down to who you wanna battle in the finale." Chris said to Zoe.


Zoe: I wanna bring Mike to the finale. Not Mal. But, if I ditch Mal now. Mike could be lost forever. Ugh. Love. Pfft. Seriously!

Scarlett: Am I probably getting eliminated? Yes. Do I care? No.


"I promised to have a friendship finale. But, things had seriously changed since then." Zoe said.

Chris yawned boredly.

"But, I'm a girl of my word. So, sorry Scott. And, sorry Scarlett." Zoe sighed.

"Ugh." Scott grumbled.

"Bye Alex." I said to Alex.

We shared a kiss, then Scott and I climbed into the flush of shame.

"You're making a mistake" Mike's a total scammer. You don't know what you're in for!" Scott exclaimed.

"Thanks, Scott! But, I know exactly what I'm up against and who." Zoe said, looking at Mike.

Oh, she knows. Good.

Chris pressed the button on the remote, and Scott and I got flushed.

Good luck Alex.

Author's note!


Moment of silence for Scar Scar.


Aaaaaand we're done!

Anyway, about the letter thing,

It was to get the word count up.

Sorry not sorry.

jk jk.

It was originally just to get the word count up, but now I actually sorta like it, ngl.

Anyway, Alex is going into the finale! Good luck bestie!

See ya at the finale!

-Chinchilla ✨

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