The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 13

153 4 2
By T-Bonezesteak2

TV news reporter: The city of Townsville is furious! What started as protests are now riots erupting on the streets against the Powerpuff Girls. The context behind this was that at Townsville News TV, 2 guests who were the leaders of their previous campaign, "Parents Against Powerpuffs," Sandra and Stanley Practice, were interviewed earlier afternoon. This is what was told...

The camera cuts to a recap of the interview from the previous episode (if anyone was reading it). After the recap, it cuts multiple times showing mass protests in Townsville.

TV news reporter: As a result, a mass amount of people have gone to the streets and protested in Townsville. It was expressed as relatively peaceful. However, it quickly changed to violent. Field reporters have now reported the massacre of Powerpuff Girls merchandise from shops, people burning magazines, books, and posters about the Powerpuff Girls, and people holding anti-Powerpuff signs while chanting "Powerpuffs away." Those that we could interview on the ground had this to say...

The camera cuts to a protester.

Protester 1: I can't believe the Powerpuff Girls would do something like this! They took advantage of everyone's stupidity, including mine, just for them to take credit instead of doing any actual hero work by destroying that monster island! So we are here to tell you now that these girls aren't normal; they're bug-eyed freaks created by a madman in a lab! They deserve everything coming to them, just like the Rowdyruff Boys!

The camera cuts to show protests across the United States.

TV news reporter: However, it's not just in Townsville; the protests, while they're not as violent as in Townsville, are also happening across the US.

The camera cuts to another protester.

Protester 2: I have three children back at home, and they were all fans of the Powerpuff Girls saving the day. Now with what's happening, who are they supposed to look up to now?

TV news reporter: However, some people support the girls and defend them from the backlash.

Powerpuff Girl supporter 1: This whole situation is ridiculous; Yes, the girls are superheroes and save the day, but do you expect them that much to do? A monster island is filled with monsters; I find it hard to believe the girls could have destroyed it alone. Besides, they are only in kindergarten!

Powerpuff Girl supporter 2: Ah, these powerpuff haters are retards. Don't they know that Sandra and Stanley are and were always against the girls? And now they have come up with a conspiracy theory as if a green bug-eyed kid with anger issues destroyed an entire island.

TV news reporter: Whatever you might agree with, the authorities had this to say...

The camera cuts to the chief of police on a stage with a microphone.

Chief of police: The evidence shown by Mr. and Mrs. Practice hasn't been confirmed whether it is real or fake. However, the Powerpuff Girls and their guardian, Professor Jonathan Utonium, as well as the mayor of Townsville, will face trial and be investigated. Should they be found guilty, they must pay a heavy fine or face a heavy punishment. But until the trial, an investigation must be done.

TV news reporter: The protests and riots have even gotten the attention of the presidential candidates: Franklin Weston and William Shepard.

The camera cuts to Franklin.

Franklin: However people feel about this situation, the fact that the monster island wasn't destroyed long ago caused severe financial damage to our country. And so I promise to remove all possible dangers of supervillains and monsters from our country and improve national security.

TV news reporter: Franklin did not mention the Powerpuff Girls as the prime suspects in the situation. But William was quick to respond...

William: All due respect to my opponent, but Franklin is an imbecile, for he failed to mention the mayor of Townsville, along with the Powerpuff Girls, are the prime suspect in this situation. How is it that an island full of monsters goes unchecked? Even if the mayor, or the Powerpuff Girls, didn't think about it, the damage has already been done! It goes against the national security principle to protect its people! The girls are still in kindergarten but have taken the responsibility to save our men, women, and children and maintain this country's national security. That is why the mayor of Townsville, as well as the Powerpuff Girls to an extent, must face punishment for letting a dangerous source of monsters exist this long!

The camera zoomed out to reveal a TV monitor.

TV news reporter: While Franklin was trying to maintain neutralism on the subject, William blamed the mayor of Townsville as well as the Powerpuff Girls for the financial crisis status quo they maintained. So now we can only ask ourselves this: Is this the beginning of the end for the Powerpuff Girls?

The TV got turned off, and the camera faded to black. After some seconds, the camera faded to the city hall building before it cut to the mayor walking inside, humming a tune.

Mayor: Hm-hmhm-hmhm-hm-hm-hmhm-hm-hhhmmmmm...

It cut again to the mayor's room as the mayor entered it.

Mayor: Bum-budum-bumrrrrrrrabumbum.

He noticed Miss Bellum standing near the desk and police officers near it.

Mayor: Good morning, Miss Bellum. You won't believe what an idea I had last night: a pickle-sized coffee with a pickle inside it. Isn't that genius? So now I want you to try to make that a reality, Miss Bellum.

No response.

Mayor: Um, Miss Bellum? Police officers?

Miss Bellum: I'm sorry, mayor, but I can't help you with that or anything else right now.

Mayor: Why? What's happening?

Police Officer 1: Mister Mayor, we need you to come with us downtown and answer some questions.

Mayor: Um, can't we just answer it here?

Police Officer 2: You are suspected of being one of the prime causes of the financial crisis in this country by not terminating a consistent source of monsters that tear through this city.

Mayor: What?! (the policemen grab him and exit through the door) BUT I HAVEN'T VISITED PARIS YET! I STILL HAVEN'T TRIED THE SPECIAL BAGUETTE PICKLES!

Police Officer 3: (from the hallway) You have the right to remain silent.

The camera cuts to an interrogation room in a police station. A detective, the professor, and the Powerpuff Girls were there.

Detective: And that's what happened with the mayor in a nutshell. Now, this is where you girls and the professor come in this picture; my first impression of you girls is that I don't think you've done it for a selfish purpose, but this line of work must make sure evidence lines up. You understand this, right?

Professor and the girls: ...

Detective: Thought so. I want you to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; For what purpose did you not destroy the monster island? Is it because of what's been said, or do you have something different to tell from your point of view?

The girls looked at the professor; he nodded in agreement; the girls looked back at the detective, hesitant.

Detective: Don't be shy, now; you could walk out of this innocent if what you say lines up.

Blossom: (deep inhale and exhale) Well, I'm not sure how to start this, but I'll say it anyway: We have to save Townsville every day from criminals, supervillains, and giant robots and monsters.

Detective: Mhm. Go on.

Blossom: We (pause) didn't really think about destroying an island with more than hundreds of monsters. Besides, do you know about the recording of the Rowdyruff Boy Butch destroying the island?

Detective: Yes.

Blossom: If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here at all. That's the truth, mister detective.

Detective: So what you're saying is that you didn't think about it out of habit of saving Townsville on a regular basis. And even if you wanted to destroy that island, you couldn't because your powers have limits too.

Blossom: That's right.

Detective: Hm. To be frank with you, I find it hard to believe that the thought hadn't crossed your mind even once, but not being powerful enough does sound logical. Unfortunately, we need hard and objective evidence to prove that you weren't powerful enough to kill all those monsters.

Buttercup: What?! That's impossible to prove!

Bubbles: Hey, I have an idea; the professor has a training chamber in his lab that we practice in. Why not duplicate the number of monsters we fought that day and prove that we couldn't have destroyed all of them?

Professor Utonium: Because it's impossible, Bubbles.

Bubbles: Huh?

Professor Utonium: We don't know how many monsters exactly were there; the number could be over thousands, way too much for the training chamber to handle all at once. And even if we did know, I would not do such a thing to hurt you, girls.

Buttercup: But professor-!

Professor Utonium: That's enough! There's nothing more we can do.

Powerpuff Girls: ...

Detective: Then I guess we have to go through with it. Jonathan Utonium and the Powerpuff Girls. Alongside the mayor, you will stand trial at the Supreme Court of Justice in Washington tomorrow. Moreover, you will be escorted and led by police officers throughout the whole travel there. (stands) Take my advice and tie any loose ends before the trial.

Before the detective could walk away, Blossom made him stop.

Blossom: Detective! What about the Yakuza?! Do you investigate them as well?!

Detective: Yes, but I'm afraid our conversation's over. I have work to do.

Blossom: Crime has been on a straight decline since the Yakuza arrived! We saw Mojo Jojo get kidnapped by them! They tried to destroy us in that volcano explosion! They weaponized antidote-X to be used against us! And from what I understood from the Rowdyruff Boys, they also tried to kidnap our friend, Robin! How is it that you don't see anything suspicious about this?!

Detective: I didn't say it wasn't suspicious. But I only investigate what my bosses tell me to investigate; there are other detectives for that. Don't make this situation worse than the position you are in now. (walks to the door and touches the handle) Oh, and uh, if you ask me, thanks to a criminal organization, the fact that crime is the lowest it's ever been says a lot about you girls as so-called "heroes" that save the day.

The detective opened the door, exited the room, and closed behind him.

Blossom: Nrgh...

Professor Utonium: Girls.

The girls then looked at an angry professor, and they got nervous. The camera cuts to the girls' house living room.

Professor Utonium: So you went after the Yakuza even when I specifically told you not. What were you thinking doing something so reckless as this?

Buttercup: "Reckless?" Professor, we can't just stand by and watch those bad guys have their way.

Bubbles: They tried to hurt our friend, Robin.

Blossom: Please, professor, if you can just trust us that-.

Professor Utonium: TRUST?! You have broken my trust; You kept secrets from me that could lead to your demise. How is it that you expect me to trust you now?!

Buttercup: Professor, you've never been like this. You didn't have any problem when we fought giant monsters, robots, and supervillains.

Professor Utonium: (crouches and holds Buttercup's shoulders) Because you have always come out on top! Because it was ideally simple to fight supervillains and monsters that only caused destruction! Yakuza and other underground criminal organizations rely on building connections, using and manipulating people to destroy the reputations and everything they love of those they target while hiding their actions from the public eye, and so much more! HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THE DANGER THEY POSE TO YOU, GIRLS?!

Silence. The girls were in awe of the professor's anger. The professor stood up, sighed, and calmed down.

Professor Utonium: So, what other secrets have you kept from me?

Blossom: W-We (pause) I planned to fight Brick today because he told us he had something about the Yakuza. (the professor raises an eyebrow) And it's (pause) partially our fault the volcano exploded because we investigated at night where Mojo Jojo was.

Professor Utonium: I thought so.

Suddenly, the house entrance door opened. The girls turned around. It was Eugene, but he had a disappointed expression.

Bubbles: E-Eugene?

Professor Utonium: Eugene, I'm in the middle of something right now. You can sit on the couch, and I'll be right with you.

No response.

Professor Utonium: Eugene?

Eugene: I'm sorry, John, but we won't drink that coffee like we used to.

Soon as Eugene finished his sentence, yakuza gangsters entered the house.

Bubbles: What the-?

Blossom: Yakuza! Let's go, girls!

The girls charged at the yakuza gangsters but were shot with an antidote-X laser midway; They fell to the ground. They stood up and looked at the gangsters; what was before confidence and anger turned into nervous and fearful expressions on the girls' faces, except for Blossom, who still stood her guard up for a bit. They slowly walked backward.

Professor Utonium: What is the meaning of this? Eugene!

Eugene: I tried to warn you (pause), but you didn't listen.

Professor Utonium: You (pause) work with them?

Familiar voice: I'll take it from here, doc.

From the crowd emerged Damien.

Damien: Well, what do we have here? The Powerpuff Girls, but the "power" part is missing, so now it's just the Puff Girls.

No response from the girls and the professor.

Damien: Aw, don't worry, I won't bite if you're gonna be humble about it; sit down, will ya?

The professor and the girls cautiously went and sat on the couch; Damien sat opposite. He then pulled out a carrot from his pocket.

Damien: So, (bites carrot) what's up, doc? Hehehe, I'm just kiddin'. Ya know when we're talkin' about cartoons, Bugs Bunny's my favorite. Ya know, there's that one cartoon shortie that I still remember; it's the one with the red hairy monster chasin' Bugs all over some mansion but fails cuz Bugs always came up with all kinds of tricks to mess with him. Hehehe...

No response from the professor or the girls.

Damien: Oh, come on, don't tell me your daddy raised ya to be the serious type like him; I even brought a carrot for the joke, too, at least show some kinda interest in some lightness for a change. God, sometimes I'm surrounded by steel-faced people everywhere I go. (bites carrot) But I guess business it is.

Only the sounds of carrot chewing were heard as everybody else was quiet for a few seconds.

Professor Utonium: What do you want?

Damien swallowed, put the carrot on the table, and looked at the professor and the girls.

Damien: How about peace? (pause. gets up from the couch) Tell me (starts to walk around the area), how does peace strike the self-esteemed Powerpuff Girls and their father, Professor Utonium, who we have heard so much about? Hm?

Blossom: It depends; how do you define peace?

Damien: It's very simple, you see; you stay away from us, and we stay away from you. In other words, you just forget about us, kick back, and save the day from monsters and silly supervillains with monologues ripped from Shakespeare like you usually do, and we leave Townsville for good (pause), at least physically, ya know, cuz of real estate and other business stuff.

Buttercup: Pfft, yeah, right; why should we trust a buncha dirty liars like you to get away with this?

Damien: Hehehe, no, my little cup of butter, the question is not why should you trust us; the question is: do you have any better option than to trust us? I mean, have you seen the news lately? It doesn't look good for you, girls. Not destroying a monster island cuz you wanted to get all the credit when you saved Townsville from monsters? Ha! Even I couldn't come up with that. Hehe, (inhales) but it's convincing; people aaalllll over the country are gettin' riled up about it. So what can ya really do about it, huh?

Blossom: We can explain it to them! We didn't think about it when we saved the day on a regular basis!

Damien: Come on, Blossom, that ain't how society works. You feed them a lie, and they'll keep eatin' it without touchin' anything else. Besides, when you look at it from a different angle, you broke their trust in you just as you broke your daddy's. There's a saying that goes like this: "Trust is like a glassy vase; if you break it, you either have to build it back slowly, piece by piece, or you can't fix it at all."

The girls were humbled by Damien.

Professor Utonium: (sighs) This offer of yours, "peace," what will we get out of it?

Damien: (goes back to the couch) Hmhm. I did say I would make it fair. (sits on the couch) If you accept my offer, your lives will turn back to normal; well, as normal as it is for bug-eyed freaks created in a lab that save the day. Mayor's back in office, your girls' bad reputation will be known as fake news, all of the wacky villains will be back, no Yakuza meanies or any other of that kind; and uh, oh, the pièce de résistance: Eugene here can leave us by choice and join you as a happy little family. Everything will be perfect.

No response from the girls.

Damien: Tsk, ok, if you girls don't understand me, maybe you'll understand your friend.

Damien pulled out an octi plushie.

Bubbles: (gasps) OCTI!

Bubbles stood up and wanted to jump at Damien, but Blossom grabbed her and struggled to keep her still.

Blossom: No, Bubbles! Stop!


Blossom: Buttercup, help me, please!

Buttercup joined and helped Blossom.

Damien: Aaawwww, isn't that cute? The little pigtailed girl still cares and plays with dolls. What do you think, Mister Octipuss? (puts tongue out for a second and makes a fart noise with it) Hey, who did that? (tongue fart noise) Is somebody here fartin'? (points to a random Yakuza gangster) Was that you?

Random Yakuza: Eh? なんだ?

Damien: Haha, I'm just jokin' with yall. Maybe it was Bubbles; cuz, ya know, bubbles in her stomach makin' her do this. Anyway, Mister Octi, what do you have to say to the girls?

Octi (Damien): (goofy high-pitched voice. moves parts of the plushie) Uh, well, I have a lot of things to tell you, girls. First, you should listen to this guy. He's so cool.

Damien: (to Octi) And aren't you the flirtatious one, eh? Hehehehe.


Octi (Damien): Bubbles, I'm hurt; why you gotta be like that?

Damien: Come on, Bubbles, you're better than hurting your best friend's feelings.


Professor Utonium: ENOUGH!

Bubbles: Huh?

Professor Utonium: Girls, sit down and be quiet if you know what's good for you.

Bubbles: But he got my-.

Professor Utonium: NOW!

Bubbles: Uh, o-ok...

Blossom and Buttercup let Bubbles go, and they sat back.

Damien: Thank you, doc; kinda killed the mood there, but thanks anyway. Where was I? Offer, peace, everything back to normal, save the day, etcetera-etcetera. So yeah, what'll it be?

Professor Utonium: And what will happen if we refuse?

Damien: You want to refuse? C'mon, doc, I've been fair to you and your family this far, don't throw it all away now. (inhales) But if you just wanna know, let's just say that the girls' lives will end before they have even begun, and you might look at a career change, doc.

The girls gasped in shock.

Bubbles: Are we (pause) gonna die?

Damien: Dunno. But like they say: there are things worse than death.

The girls looked at each other, worried.

Damien: So, what'll it be?

The girls and the professor were conflicted, but ultimately, the professor decided.

Professor Utonium: (sighs) I accept your terms. We will not say a word about you, and we will not bother you ever again.

Damien: Wisely chosen, doc! Isn't it nice when we reach a compromise?

Professor Utonium: So what now?

Damien: You just kick up your feet, you girls too, drink some fruit juice or somethin', and just wait for the magic to happen at the Supreme Court. After the trial, Eugene will greet you with a heartwarming smile as you will be one big happy family, and your lives will return to normal; as simple as that, don't ya think?

No response.

Damien: (stands up) Oh, well, I'll leave it to you to answer it. (to the gangsters) いくぞ。 Ya know? You girls are gonna thank me one day for openin' your eyes, and that's sayin' somethin' with those bug eyes of yours.

Damien and the gangsters walked to the house entrance door and exited the building. Silence. The girls looked at each other and then at the professor. Blossom was about to say something, but the professor cut her to it.

Professor Utonium: Not. Another. Word. Go to your room.

The girls stood up; Bubbles grabbed Octi, and they went upstairs to their room. The professor changed his expression to a sad and disappointed one as he sighed and put his hands on his face. The camera cut to their room. They each sat at a different spot in it and were silent while looking at the floor.

Buttercup: I've never seen the professor so angry with us. For a moment, I thought he was going to hit us.

Bubbles: Me too; I think it's because we lied to him.

Buttercup: Yeah, we did.

Bubbles: Does he hate us now?

Buttercup: (stands up and goes to Bubbles. comforting tone) No, Bubbles, he still loves us. He wouldn't get mad at us if he didn't love us; he's worried about our safety.

Bubbles: (sniffs. A tear comes out her eye) It still hurts.

Buttercup: It does, but we get over it. Watch; as soon as we're out of this situation, we'll bake for the professor and Eugene the biggest and yummiest cake they've ever tasted.

Bubbles: (sniffs. smiles) Will it be chocolate cake?

Buttercup: I dunno, maybe vanilla, cheese, or even biscuit cake.

Bubbles: I like cheesecakes more. What do you think, Blossom?

No response from Blossom.

Bubbles: Blossom?

Blossom: (stands up) I got an idea, but we can't discuss it here. Let's sneak outside to talk about it.

Blossom took a few steps toward the door.

Buttercup: Wait just a second, Blossom. Don't tell me we're still going after the Yakuza, even after what just happened just a few minutes ago.

Blossom: Shhhh! You just said it out loud when they could be hearing us right now! Do you have a problem with that?

Buttercup: "Do We HaVe A pRoBlEm WiTh ThAt?" Yeah, we do! Did you not listen to any of what happened earlier?

Blossom: I did listen.

Buttercup: Then what are you thinkin' you can still get them?

Blossom: Because there is still a way we can do it. Brick has something but won't tell us unless I fight him.

Bubbles: (stands up) No. No, Blossom! There have to be limits. Even on us. Especially on us.

Blossom: What do you mean? We have fought against giant monsters, robots, and powerful supervillains, and we have always come out on top.

Buttercup: But we have never faced anyone like them, and we are way out of their league to mess with them. Man, talk about irony when it's coming out of my mouth, but that's how dangerous they are.

Bubbles: And I don't want to die, not like this. We're lucky they gave us a chance to return to our normal lives.

Blossom: Enough!

Buttercup: Blossom, for once in our lives, let's give up. Please, just this once!

Blossom: There is still a way to have the advantage over them, so we are going after them whether you like it or not.

Blossom took three more steps, but Buttercup and Bubbles blocked her way.

Buttercup: We can't let you do this, Blossom!

Blossom: Step aside.

Bubbles: No! If you want to go after the Yakuza, you'll have to go through us!

Blossom: Girls, do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now? Are you defending those criminals? You're my sisters.

Buttercup: And as your sisters, we're trying to save you from yourself.

Blossom closed her eyes while still frowning. She sighed and calmed down.

Blossom: You're right. I was thinking irrationally. I'm sorry to make you do this.

Bubbles was almost convinced as she let her guard down a bit, but Buttercup doubted Blossom and didn't move. Luckily, Blossom headed to the bed and lay on it, which fully convinced Buttercup and Bubbles as they moved away from the door and towards her.

Blossom: You know, I didn't expect what's been said from you, Buttercup. You usually are the reckless one, and here I was, switching places with you.

Buttercup: Heh, the irony. Look, I don't like givin' up, but with what happened, I'd rather do that than chew more than I can bite.

Blossom: (smiles) Hm. So about that cake.

The camera faded to black before it cut to nighttime; The girls were inside the room sleeping. After some seconds, Blossom woke up; she quietly got up from bed, not waking up Buttercup and Bubbles. She dressed herself from her pajamas to her regular clothes.

She exited the room, went to the professor's room quietly, took the lab key without waking the professor up, exited the room, went downstairs to the lab door, unlocked it, went inside, opened a door that had a black X mark, took a bottle of chemical X and drank it. Her powers were back; she closed the door, zipped out of the lab, locked it, flew upstairs to the professor's room, left the key where she had taken it, and finally left the house.

Blossom: I'm sorry, but I have to see what Brick has for us.

She went to Robin's house and had a thoughtful expression as she examined the house. She noticed the basement entrance, went over there, and opened the doors. Blossom went down the stairs and saw the Rowdyruff Boys sleeping.

Blossom: Hm. I thought so.

She floated across the room and went to Brick. Blossom tapped his shoulder three times, and Brick slowly woke up.

Blossom: (whispering) Pssst, Brick, wake up.

Brick: (snort) Heh, wha-?

He slightly opened his eyes to see a blurred Blossom figure standing before him.

Brick: (sleepy tone. closes eyes again) Eh, I'm just dreamin'.

Brick went back to sleep. Blossom had a grumpy look on her face.

Blossom: I said wake (kicks Brick in his side) UP!

Brick: Ow! (wakes up and sits) Motherfucker! Who did that? (notices Blossom) Huh?

The camera cut to Robin's backyard; Brick and Blossom were there.

Brick: So you girls had a rough day, huh? Explains why you didn't show up today.

Blossom: Yes. I promised Buttercup and Bubbles not to go after the Yakuza, but I want to make sure that what you have to say is even worth going after them.

Brick: You know how it goes, Blossom, right?

Blossom: I fight you; I get what I want.

Brick: Yeah, but now it's ten at night. Why do ya think I will just go along with fightin' you at this time?

Blossom: Because if you won't, I'll force you to say it to me.

Brick: (a bit surprised) Huh. Never knew you had a rowdy side in ya. Guess we're gonna fight whether I want to or not. But we're not gonna do it here; I don't wanna wake up my bros.

Blossom: Agreed. But where to?

Brick: Follow me.

Brick and Blossom flew to the sky and went off in a direction. They arrived at a field in the grasslands of an unknown location and landed on the ground with only the moon lighting the area. The wind was blowing their hair as they faced each other.

Brick: This should do it, don't you think? An open playground with nothin' to stop us from goin' all in.

Blossom: You mean going all out.

Brick: Right, thanks.

Blossom: (smiles) Well, this is a shocker. You learned to say thank you to the most basic form of helping. You're gonna tell me a lot of stuff, Brick.

Brick: If you can beat me, that is.

They got in their fighting stances, and this music started to play:

Brick: You ready for this, Blossom?

Blossom: Yeah, come at me.

Brick: Then, LET'S DO THIS! (charges toward Blossom) Rrrrraaaaggghhhhh!

Blossom: (charges toward Brick) Hhhhhaaaaaaaaa!

They jumped in the air, and at the 0:17 mark, they clashed.

Thus the fight has begun. It was a fight in which Brick and Blossom held their own but didn't fight in their full power in action. Additionally, the fight was 50/50 between the air and on the land.

Ultimately, however, the fight ended in a tie, and so did the music. Brick and Blossom had some bruises and scars, but their clothes weren't damaged. They also weren't tired from the fight.

Brick: Heh, not bad, Blossom. You were better than I expected.

Blossom: I could say the same to you; no wonder Buttercup lost to you.

Brick: Well, I'm satisfied. I'll give ya what you want.

Blossom: Wait? Just like this?

Brick: Yeah, I know I've said, but I know you wanna get this done quickly before your daddy or the other girls find out about this. That ain't the main reason I ended this fight, but it's one of them.

Blossom: That's (pause) awfully considerate of you. So what information do you have?

Brick: Well, (takes off his hat and grabs the case file) let's start with this.

Blossom: What? That was under your hat the whole time?

Brick: Kinda.

Blossom went over, and Brick gave her the case file. She opened it.

Blossom: Mister Morbucks? (turns pages) Arson... Money laundering? Brick, where did you find a criminal records case file? And on Mister Morbucks too.

Brick: We found it in Robin's daddy's room.

Blossom: Andrew? You found it in Andrew Snyder's room?

Brick: Yeah. Some guy on the phone told us to get it for him, and I think he was that Damien guy you told me about. Plus, he's workin' with them Yakuza pals we encountered too. So are we done here?

Blossom: Hold on. What's this? (reading out loud the text) "Robbery of the unicorns land, and I'm doing the cha-cha like a sissy girl."

Brick: (tries not to laugh) Wh-What?

Blossom: (turns a page) "Responsible for the burning house of a twelve-year-old kid because of how much I roasted him sucking at Counter-Strike. (Brick struggles to hold his laughter) PS: I also fucked his mom."


Blossom: What is this?! Did you bring me a fake one just so you could prank me?!

Brick: Hahahaha... N-N-No. I swea-hehe-r I didn't know that this was written there.

Blossom: Hm... (reads the text again) Unless it was fake.

Brick: Say again?

Blossom: I'm saying that what if the document itself is fake. On a second look, the text doesn't appear like it was deleted or edited but written manually by someone. Additionally, some parts describe criminal activities, not big ones, but ones that aren't fake. The document looks official, but parts of the content are fake. Why would a fake criminal records case file be inside Andrew Snyder's room? Unless...

Brick: Unless Andy's workin' with them Yakuza pals too, which they tried to kidnap Robin and-.

Brick and Blossom suddenly had a realization. This music started to play:

Brick and Blossom in unison: (gasps) ROBIN!

The two quickly flew in the direction of where they came from. Blossom was still holding the case file.

Brick: (while flying) I should've known! Andy's a FUCKING snake!

Blossom: (while flying) Let's not jump to conclusions yet! First, let's find Townsville and get to the bottom of this!

They arrived in a different city.

Brick: Hey! This ain't Townsville!

Blossom: Yeah! Where did you take me?!

Brick: I don't know! I just went in a direction and chose a spot! I didn't expect this all of a sudden!

Blossom: Well, it's better that we know that Robin is in danger than not knowing that at all!

(looks in a couple of directions) Nrgh! Which way?!

Blossom: Let's see... Uh... Let's try East!

They flew east. Unfortunately, they arrived at a different city.

Blossom: Damn it! That's not it either!

Brick: (grabs and shakes Blossom violently) WOULD YOU STOP MESSIN' AROUND ALREADY?!

Blossom: (lets go of Brick's grip) NGH! I'M NOT! Let's try to stay calm so we won't think irrationally! Uh...! Oh! I got it! (zips in a direction and appears back in the same spot holding a compass) Let's see...

Brick: What's that?

Blossom: A compass. It'll help us get where we want to go. (the compass' red arrow was locked in the northern direction) There! (points in a direction) Let's go this way!

They zipped in the direction Blossom pointed at. The camera cut to her and Brick flying in the air.

Blossom: There! There's Townsville!

They arrived at the outskirts of Townsville, approaching the city. They spotted smoke in the suburban area of the city. The music faded away.

Blossom: Smoke! That can't be good!

They arrived at the neighborhood, which, unfortunately, was where the Powerpuff Girls were. They stopped midair and saw a horrific sight: Robin's house was burning and collapsing. There were firefighters and other people on site.

Blossom and Brick in unison: NO!

They flew straight toward the house and entered it through Robin's room window. The room was burning, and some parts of it were already destroyed.


They coughed as they looked around the room; No sign of Robin or Alice. They broke through the debris to look further into the house.

Blossom: ROBIN! ALICE!

No response or any sign of life from the rest of the house. The ceiling was going to collapse.

Blossom: There's no time, Brick! It's going to collapse any second!

Brick: Even if Robin and Alice aren't here, at least let me get my bros and get out!

More debris falls from the ceiling.

Blossom: THERE'S NO TIME, BRICK! LET'S GET OUT NOW! (looks and points to a broken glass door that leads to the backyard) THERE!

Even more, debris falls from the ceiling.

Blossom: GO! NOW!

Brick: NRGH...! FINE!

They flew through the glass door and landed on their stomachs on the ground as the house behind them exploded with flames and collapsed. They struggled to get up, looked behind them, and saw the collapsed house. Blossom and Brick were in shock and grief, especially Brick.

Brick: (falls to his knees) N-No... Boomer... Butch...

Blossom patted Brick on his shoulder, identifying with his pain. However, it was short-lived as they heard a familiar voice.

Butch: (from a distance) Brick?!

Blossom and Brick were alarmed. Brick got up, and he and Blossom looked behind them and saw Butch and Boomer.

Butch: Is that you, dude?!

Boomer: And is that Blossom too?!

Brick: (happy) Butch! Boomer!

He flew to them and hugged them.

Brick: I thought you wouldn't make it!

Butch: C'mon, dude, even a little fire can't stop us.

Blossom went up to Brick.

Boomer: And again, what's with Blossom over there?

Brick looked at Blossom and then back at Butch and Boomer.

Brick: I'll explain later. What happened here?

Butch: It was those guys again. We held our own, but they got Robin and Alice.

Blossom: You mean the Yakuza? Tall guys with suits that look different?

Butch: Yeah, them.

Blossom: Nrgh! (throws the case file on the floor out of anger) DAMN IT! (grabs the case file) I need to go back to our house. See you guys later.

Blossom flew to the girls' house entrance, opened the door, and entered. She went to the girls' room and saw Buttercup, Bubbles, and the professor looking at her. However, they were seemingly not angry at her.

Professor Utonium: Blossom. First, I want you to clean yourself and then go to bed. Tomorrow we will talk.

Blossom: About what?

Professor Utonium: This whole situation and what happened now. Now go to the shower.

The professor left the room. The camera zoomed out to show the girls' house and Robin's collapsed house.

Narrator: Oh no! Did Damien lie to the girls so that he could kidnap our beloved Robin and her mother?! I don't want to imagine it happening... And so the day and night were ruined thanks to (pause) the Yakuza. This is getting really bad...

End of Episode 13!

To be continued...!

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