𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔒-𝔰𝔭𝔒𝔩𝔩𝔰 ⁽ᡗᡃᡉᡏᡒᡒ...

By moonsghostie

4K 244 47

"π”šπ”₯𝔦𝔩𝔰𝔱 π”₯𝔒 π”΄π”žπ”° π”ž 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔒-𝔰𝔭𝔒𝔩𝔩, ... More

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628 35 12
By moonsghostie


The museum was bustling with viewers, even artists coming in to stare at the pictures, of the famous photographer, Kim Taehyung who had recently released his works. 

His works ranged from daily life to people in general. 

Anything and everything, that he captured with his camera, was almost as if, a single painting with a thousand meanings, except the paintings were pictures here, put on a huge display. 

His family members, friends, and viewers from all over the world, were spread out over the museum, people walking around staring at the display, admiring and making out their notes,

It was truly worth it for the capturer, who, having masked his face, was walking around, watching people with a smile hidden behind the black fabric, who admired his work and made their own fantabulous comments. 

He stopped in front of that one picture, that had the most viewers, 

A picture of a boy, 

In a white striped shirt with the cutest smile ever, crinkled edges of his eyes, button nose scrunched up, a pure smile in that candid picture, 

The picture was a black and white version as if taken from one of those old cameras, and yet the quality, even though grained, 

People admired the picture, in particular, below which settled the title- 

'Broken hearts and the cutest smiles.' 

Taehyung smiled, reminiscing the time and the moments the picture had been taken by his first-ever camera, the only one he was able to save and bring out, 

He turned over to glance at the people admiring it, one by one, looking at their faces, and it was when his eyes caught the sight of a covered-up male, 

Someone who wore a hoodie, in this hot weather, and even though the air conditioners were on, Taehyung himself felt stuffed, wearing that mask. 

He stared with squinted eyes, at the male who wore a mask like him, hood up, covering his hair, only his eyes visible as he stared almost keenly at the picture, 

Taehyung found himself almost wishing to get a view of who it really was. 

And it seemed the lords were on his side when the male turned around and their eyes, even in that huge crowd, met for seconds, 

It was enough for his to widen, once he saw the glossiness those eyes held, weak- 

The darkness under those windows to the soul- 

He started as the boy turned around, rushing away, far away- 

And even within that heavy crowd, Taehyung made sure to keep an eye over the black hooded male surrounded by people of varied colors, 

He followed. 

Feeling the fresh air of France hit his face, he took off his mask, looking around where the male had vanished, 

He did a 360, eyes gazing at every single person in black until he caught the sight- 

'What the actual fuck-' -he whispered in pure Korean, surrounded by those French people who couldn't understand him either way, and yet a few turned to look at him, 

His feet took him to the alley, in which he saw the particular hooded male being taken to, and there he turned the corner- 


'Hey-what the hell are you-' 

The woman looks up, and he almost took a step back seeing the psychotic glint in her eyes, 

She seemed crazy, to him, with that wretched smile over her lips painted in maroon, as she pushed back her hair, 

'You are?'-she asked, her voice filled with an unknown attitude, almost making Taehyung scowl, 

He hated people like that. 

And yet his eyes landed on the hooded male, who is crouched against the wall, holding his arms, covering his face, 

His gaze turned to one filled with worry, as he looked up to see the woman kiss her teeth, 

He didn't wait for a second longer, swinging his arm to bring out his phone, 

'Doesn't matter who I am, what matters is the cops are on their way.' 

He lied of course, but not about the cops, for he dialed the number of his guards, letting them know of his location and he saw the woman glare, 

'Go away for it doesn't concern you!'-she spoke in fine French, and he almost smirked, 

'And you think I'd let you have your way troubling someone innocent, yeah?'-he retorts back, a satisfying smirk tugging up at his lips as he stares at the horrified look on her face. 

She seemed French to him and yet he didn't care for he knew the language and the people pretty well, having resided in the same country for over a good five years. 

He stared as the woman pushed back her hair, and seethed looking down at the hooded male, 

'Now you listen to me, if you're not back to the mansion soon enough, I'll fucking kill you.'-she spoke, her tone harsh enough that it left Taehyung to wince and feel bad for the male whoever it was, 

But what was really going on? 

First, seeing the hooded person at his picture display, later seeing him running out only to see him held by a woman and pushed to the alley, and now this- 

He stared with wide eyes as the woman kicked at the male's torso and it wasn't long before he ran up close, 

'How fucking dare you, bitch?' 

The woman was about to retort when they heard footsteps and surely, it was Taehyung's guards, who dashed towards them, and the woman ran in the opposite direction. 

Judging by her outfit, those luxurious heels, and that overcoat, he knew she wasn't someone simple. She was rich. 

And probably a bitch. 

His gaze dropped to the hooded male who still had his face covered by his hands, and being as much care as he could be, he smiled, 

His words soft-spoken, he asked in French, 

'Are you alright, sir?' 

No reply. 

'Can you...um...stand up?' 

No reply. 

It was only when the boy winced when his guards came back, speaking in Korean that he realized the boy probably didn't understand French. 

'Um, hello, can I help you, sir? Can you please stand up?'-Taehyung asked, this once in Korean, and only then did the boy look up, 

The mask still covered his face and yet something about those eyes felt familiar to Taehyung, 

But he shrugged it off, 

'Are you alright?' 

The boy nodded, and Taehyung just smiled, 

'Fetch the car, we're heading back home.'-he said to his guard, before standing up and motioning his hand to the boy to fetch. 

The boy's shaky palm was kept over his own and he felt an unknown current-like tinge pass up, directly to his spine. 

He bit his lip, 

'Umm, can you come with me? Like we can treat your...wounds?' 

The male in front of him looked up, and shook his head, backing off slowly, 

He didn't say anything as the hooded male bowed and turned his back on him, slowly beginning to walk away, 

But it wasn't long before he saw the male's steps falter, as he stumbled, and as if in a slow motion, fell to the ground, collapsing unconscious. 

Taehyung sighed. 

'I wonder why he wouldn't accept help.' 

'Do we need to pick him up, sir?'- his bodyguard asked but Taehyung just shook his head, 

'I'll do it.'

He walked further, crouching in front of the unconscious male before picking him up, with an arm below his nap, another under his legs, 

He felt the feathery light weight of the male and was quite surprised considering the height. 

He shrugged it off, walking out of the alley, towards his car with his guards following and covering him from the sides.

The night dawned almost quickly, ever since he had returned to his wooden cabin near the edge of the forest, it had been quite a while, and yet the doctor hadn't come out of the room where the boy was. 

He hadn't yet seen his face, but somehow he felt like he knew the male. 

Having met thousands of fans already, maybe he was yet another fan as well. 

Taehyung sniffed at the tea, taking yet another sip as he stood on the balcony, staring outside, loving the peace and quiet. 

Their dream. 

To have a wooden cabin beside or in the woods and live away from the usual hustle and bustle of the cities. 

He remembered it all, and he wished the other person was here with him. 

At least he achieved their dream, even though it was meant to be done together, he hoped the other was happy. 

With her. 

The male returned back inside, looking up when he found the doctor waiting for him, 

He bowed, and waited for the doctor's words, 

'We've checked him, and he seems no older than you, Mr. Kim. Except his condition is really worse, he's weak, malnutrition, his weight is almost half of what is supposed to be at his age, and his body is filled with bruises which seemed to have turned blue-to-black with time.' 

Taehyung felt his lips part with surprise, 

He wasn't shocked, considering he knew it was something like that, but to this extent- 

'We didn't take off his mask, considering you hadn't either, are you perhaps sensitive-' 

'Ani ani-I forgot to actually, umm, can you please tell me what should be done to bring him back to health?' 

'Ah ne, we've connected him to the IV, that'll do for now, also we've applied a bandage to the wounds which needed urgent care, and here is the medicine you need to apply on them. Also, make sure he eats three square meals per day and takes the required hydration.' 

Taehyung nodded, smiling with another bow as his guard led the doctor out. 

He stared at the ointment in his palm, before sighing and rubbing at the bridge of his nose,

What was he even supposed to do at this point? Care for someone unknown. 

"You should, no matter what, treat the ones in pain, kindly. Treat the ones who need it, patiently, with a smile. And I promise the lords above will show you the right path and protect your happiness."

He smiled, at the words that still echoed through his head and walked up the stairs, to the room where the boy was supposed to be. 

Entering inside with soft steps, Taehyung stared at the male that lay with his back against the mattress, covered with the beige duvet. 

He walked closer, 

'Oh, hello?'-he said, once he saw the boy was blinking his eyes open, slowly waking up. 

'Um, you're connected to the IV, please don't be rough.'-he added, seeing the boy try to rub at his eyes. 

The boy nodded slowly, sitting up and Taehyung was quick to help, 

It was only when the male looked up at him did he push him away with wide eyes, surprising Taehyung to the core, 

Taehyung held the bedside, trying to balance for the push was rather hard, and stared with a dropped look at his face, 

Those eyes- 

That hair- 

Raven head, doe-eyed-

'Can you t-take off the mask?'-Taehyung asked, trying to stay calm while his insides were spasming with odd sorts of palpitations, 

The boy held his hands over his face, but Taehyung didn't hold on to himself, 

Rather he sat at the edge, holding out his arm, to pull at the boy's hands, wrists fitting in his palm, as he brought it down, only with a little bit of strength, 

He held at the edge of the mask, pulling at it, as the boy squeezed his eyes close, 

And Taehyung gasped- 


Not in a million years could he believe it- 

Not at all- 


He was probably just hallucinating-


The person sitting in front of him couldn't be the one he was seeing- 


He was seeing things. 

Probably mistaken. 

'I'm sorry-I am seeing things right now, haha-'-he weakly chuckled, trying to blink away the glossiness that blurred his vision. 

But the male in front of him broke down crying, hiding his face, shaking his head. 

Taehyung sat there, eyes wide, lips parted, still not hearing anything except for the buzzing in his head and the name that was flashing through his brain again and again- 


He looked up when he saw the boy heaving deep breathers, choking on his sobs and yet not removing his hands from his face- 

His trembling hands reached over to hold the boy's shoulders who flinched, 

His lips quivered as he reached out, pulling the boy in his arms, letting his tears soak at his t-shirt, and he felt his own eyes getting teary, 

The ache at the back of his throat- 

No matter how much he tried to control, a tear cascaded down his cheek, followed by a couple of others, until he too, was crying, holding on to the boy, who didn't seem to stop shaking. 

It was when Taehyung found himself getting back to his senses that he backed off, trying to calm down the shaking boy who seemed to be hyperventilating. 

He whispered sweet nothings, letting the boy know he was alright, and it was only after a few minutes of continuous pampering that the boy looked up, 

Taehyung's eyes grew teary again, 

There was a mark on his cheek, almost pricked at, again and again, now that it seemed like a scar, 

He had several scratches up to his neck, indicating nail marks and- 

And the corner of his lip was busted- 

'Oh, baby.'-the nickname slipped off his tongue as it used to years ago, and he found the boy looking at him with a yearning look, 

Jungkook didn't say anything, and yet Taehyung found his silence to his turn to stand up, 

He hurried over to the bathroom, hurrying back with the first-aid kit as he took a seat in front of Jungkook, who had closed his eyes, leaning against the headboard, 

Taehyung wished to have those eyes on, and Jungkook blinked them open, staring at him with those doe eyes and that pain-filled look, 

For once Taehyung regretted his wish, the eyes he found a galaxy within years ago, seemed to be now empty, only darkness residing behind them. 

He found his hands shaking and yet he carefully treated all the scratches, as well as the corner of the younger's lip, being outmost gently, and yet every time the boy winced, Taehyung found an arrow hitting directly at his aching heart. 

How did it turn out to be like this?! 

Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, are boyfriends at their finest, in love and blooming. 

Both the males were in a relationship ever since Jungkook entered the university premises and met a fellow second-year who helped him find out his classes. 

As cliche, as it sounded, both the males were good friends in a short span of time and totally over each other within two years. 

The yearning for the other's love continued, until Jungkook confessed, breaking down about how Taehyung's presence made him feel and how he was just tired of hiding his feelings. 

Even though he hadn't known, Taehyung had been waiting for his confession and once he found the words flashing in front of his eyes, 'I love you, Taehyung hyung', he made sure to express his love towards the bunny-looking boy, finding it adorable the way the younger blinked his wet lashes and looked at him ever-so-prettily. 

During the last year when Taehyung was gifted his first-ever camera by Jungkook, he found photography suddenly seemingly interesting, and he went on to make it his profession, only when he accidentally and yet unmistakenly captured the pretty bunny smile of his love, the first picture by his first-ever camera, 

Alas, if only he knew it was going to be the last one of the boy. 

They had been living together, sharing a dorm until Jungkook's parents rounded up wanting to see their son and saw the couple sharing pecks and words in between a movie. 

Whilst the pair had been waiting for the friends, for a movie night together, they had left the door open not knowing it was a big mistake. 

And yet, once the adults found out about the ongoing relationship, they remained quiet. Taehyung thought they had accepted him and Jungkook being together, but oh boy-

Jungkook's parents left not so long after, leaving behind the younger hoping to hear from them, about their views someday, 

Their relationship continued to grow stronger until the day of Jungkook's invitation to his family's dinner arrived. He asked whether he could bring Taehyung with him but the elder received his first-ever chance to promote his photography the same day. 

And so they separated their pathways, with kisses promising to be back in the night to cuddle and bask in each other's arms looking for that loving comfort, they parted their ways, Jungkook traveling to his family's place, Taehyung to the famous photographer's who wished to give him a chance, see his works and suggest him new techniques.

It was when Taehyung was returning, ever-so-smiley, all too happy, that he collided with a male and his camera dropped to the ground. 

He saw the steam, the film has dropped in the water puddle and he could no longer hear the apologies except for the fact that his first-ever camera, gifted by his first and only love lay there destroyed, and the pictures- 

Picking up the film, Taehyung ran, hard and fast to the nearby shop which could restore it- 

He did manage to restore the pictures, 

Just one- 

The others were destroyed and even though it hurt, he carried the new film holding onto Jungkook's sole picture, close to his chest, back to their dorm, hoping to find some comfort in his love's arms, 

Once back home, he entered inside, seeing no Jungkook. 

He checked his phone, finding the boy's texts telling him he won't be returning just today. 

It hurt, but Taehyung understood. Jungkook was probably feeling homesick, who wouldn't?! Except not for him, his family was in the States and they video-called every night.

He relaxed on their couch, eyes drifting back and forth between the scenery from the window as the sun dusked below the horizon giving a view to the moon taking its place, up in the sky, shining solely. 

He smiled and drifted off to dreamland, one last longing gaze at the film that carried the black and white version, the adorable smile of his love. 

The next day, it was during the evening when Jungkook returned, the male seemingly looking out of it. Taehyung wasn't sure what it was until he saw the way Jungkook walked away, ignoring his words, not looking him in the eye, and avoiding his hugs. 

He thought the younger was emotional, returning from his house, and continued to procure up something to eat for them until he saw Jungkook leaving, once again, this once wearing a black hoodie. 

He followed, doing what a worried lover would have done until he saw Jungkook dashing off the opposite street and disappearing just like that from within the crowds. 

Taehyung halted, feeling the uneasiness, the pain- 

But he didn't overthink. He couldn't. 

He waited. 

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months and it was when Taehyung dropped by Jungkook's place, finally having the courage to knock and smile at the woman who opened the door, introducing himself once again and asking for his boyfriend did he receive the card- 

And a letter. 

The card- a wedding invitation, 'Jeon Jungkook weds Kim Ara'. 

Something inside him broke but his heart didn't wish to believe it, 

He stared at the letter, 

'Hey Taehyung, 

Jungkook this side. Didn't know how to say it in person, so here I am, writing a letter. It was really nice to meet you and be with you all those years, I truly cherished the moments we spent and I thought I was in love- 

Except I saw my childhood best friend, she was here the day I returned back home and whilst talking late at night, we accidently kissed. 

Slowly, I realized I had feelings, true ones for her. And the wish to have a family, with her- 

I'm sorry, but I had to leave. Leaving behind everything, I wished to start a new life and here I am, marrying her. 

It might not make sense, but she's different. She's a woman and she can actually make a family for me.

I hope you find someone for you. 

I hope to see you someday, take care. 

I love her, please join our wedding. 

Goodbye, Taehyung.  



And that was when the photographer knew just what people, poets, and artists felt while talking about heartbreaks. 

He had his first ever, the only one. 

'Broken hearts and the cutest smiles'

Taehyung left the city after watching Jungkook getting married to one of the top businessman's daughters, in the news. He left the country and continued to shift to France where he was given a chance to study photography and follow the only remaining hope he had, now with his broken heart. 

Guess he did wish Jungkook a happy life but the fact that the younger disappeared from his, all too easily, 

He never really could cope with it. 

What about their shared dreams and hopes for a future together- 

'When we get older and are earning, let's shift to some cabin in the woods, probably around the woods, but away from all the hustle and bustle of the city right? Taehyungie hyungie! We'll live together, away from people and we'll love and have our own family, let's adopt two dogs, I'll name mine Miri or Bammie! What about you-' 

Taehyung did complete their dream, alone as he must, but he did. 

And now that he had seen his first and only love once again, back in his arms, in a condition like he was- 

He had no idea how to react. 

Taehyung put the bowl on the table, passing it over to the raven head's side who held it in between his palms, 

The male hadn't looked up ever since their crying session earlier and Taehyung wasn't sure whether he could see the blankness in those doe-eyes which once sparkled- 

He wished to ask what had happened but he simply couldn't, couldn't muster up the courage or speak out a word except for, 

'Eat, you must be hungry.' 

Hungry, it seemed, Jungkook was, by the way, he emptied the bowl of ramen within a couple of minutes before pushing away the bowl, 

Taehyung smiled a small smile, putting away the crockery in the dishes meant to be washed later, 

He looked back at the boy, who shuffled in his spot before standing up with a limp, 


And that was when Taehyung saw just how bad his condition was, 

Rushing behind Jungkook after telling him the direction to the washroom, the male heard the younger retch his gut out in the toilet bowl, 

He could hear him coughing, choking- 

He opened the door, carefully sliding inside and rubbing at Jungkook's back who heaved heavily, 

'T-That's it, wash your face.'-he murmured, helping the boy stand up and over the sink, 

Right when Jungkook got over with rinsing his mouth and washing his face, Taehyung stared at the male's reflection, looking so small, almost broken in front of him, 

His heart felt like breaking apart as well, that physical ache- 

He stared, holding on to the boy who stumbled and fell in his arms, tired, blinking eyes slowly as if fighting away unconscious. 

He picked him up, for another time, feeling his feathery weight and bones pressing onto his arms, Taehyung led him to the bed, before laying him down and covering him up with the sheets, 

He felt for the temperature, finding it higher than normal, and hurried to get a flannel, wetting it up and putting it over the boy's head as he saw him whimper and cry in his sleep. 

And it hurt. 

It hurt Taehyung to the core. 

He wished to know. 

What happened that made everything turn out like this- just what happened?

Jungkook shook up, sitting up, as he held onto his head, trembling still from the haunting memory- 

He felt tears stream down his cheeks, 

Wiping them off, he stood up, 

He couldn't stay here- 

Not anymore- 

Not in anyone else's but Taehyung's house,

His eyes teared up once again as he slowly slid down the edge of the bed, onto the ground, having no strength to get up with the ache in his heart, 

'You'll miss me when you'll lose me.' 

He shook with the silent sobs raking out of his parted lips, 

It was still dark, it seemed, and he could hear the faintness of crickets humming outside, 

With shaky steps and tearing vision, he stood up, trying his best as he walked closer to the curtains, 

He pushed them aside, heart-breaking with the view of seeing forest scapes surrounding him, 

'When we get older and are earning, let's shift to some cabin in the woods, probably around the woods, but away from all the hustle and bustle of the city right? Taehyungie Hyungie! We'll live together, away from people and we'll love and have our own family, let's adopt two dogs, I'll name mine Miri or Bammie! What about you-'

Jungkook squeezed his eyes close, putting a hand on the foggy glass in front of him, he felt the chill down to his bones, 

Why did he have to leave that day- 

Just why- 

He wished he didn't, he'd been here living with the one he loved to the core, having a happy life, 

But it was all a faint memory, 

A dream is not meant to be true in reality. 

He wiped off his tears for the nth time, staring as he saw the silence peaceful, the crickets making their buzzing noises, and birds leaving nests considering the sun was slowly coming up, dawning over the horizon, 

He leaned his forehead against the cold mirror, 

In this life they couldn't be together, but in another...

He wished to be with the male, no one but Kim Taehyung. 

A faint smile rose at his lips once he remembered yesterday's picture, 'Broken hearts and cutest smiles.' 

It was him, he knew. 

He knew what was written in the letter, telling Taehyung to move on...

But thinking of the male actually moving on, 

Jungkook felt so selfish. 

He couldn't. 

Absolutely not. 

And so he knew what he had to do,


Once and for all, 

Like he did, all those years ago,

This once, forever. 

'What is that heart, one that has never been broken?'

He made his way out, quickly, footsteps bare over the wooden flooring, his eyes teared up every second he found pictures and frames decorating surfaces, decoration that they wished to have, 

He smiled in tears, holding onto the knob of the door, 

He twisted it open, 

I'm sorry, Taehyungie.

'Leaving me once again, after all this time?'

The broken voice reached his ears and he didn't dare turn around, 

He couldn't, not when he closed his eyes, a lone tear trickling down his cheek, 

'Am I still not enough?' 

Jungkook's heart broke with each word, each word slicing through his heart like a spade, 

'Was it all fake? All the love, all the moments?' 

'If you had to go this way, why did you come into my life all those years ago, in the first place? Why again, now? To see me break? To see me delve into heartbreak as if my pain already isn't enough?' 

Jungkook's grip on the doorknob tightened, as he stared down, slow breathing and a waterfall of tears, 

'Why did you have to make me fall for you so hard, in the first place? Why?' 

The last question ended up as a whisper, and yet Jungkook felt it run down his body, igniting the fire that he had kept controlled, 

The voice is so close and yet so far, 

'Why keep me so happy all those years when you had to leave me empty, betrayed in the end, just why, Jungkook?' 

His name-something he yearned to listen from that voice and yet this once, he wished to disappear, break into a thousand pieces never to put up again, 

It hurt. 

It hurt so bad. 

Jungkook shook his head, denying everything, everything, 

He shook his head crying- 

Why couldn't Taehyung understand? 

'Breaking my heart all those years, why not kill me already?'

'SHUT UP-SHUT UP-shut up-' 

Crouching down in his place, he cried, shaking his head, 

'J-Just shut up-' 

Taehyung was broken too, feeling the hurt the whole night which he spent drinking and drowning in his sorrows, it hurt so much, 

Just why show love and affection when it isn't genuine in the first place? Why leave without a valid reason? Just why? 

He was already bleeding, this once, the wounds deepened and yet he couldn't bring himself to hate the boy in front of him, 

Not then. Now now. Not ever. 

He slowly walked forward, crouching in front of the crying figure, 

'P-Please just tell me w-why-' 

Jungkook cried more, looking at the face of his beloved whom he missed all those years, whom he watched in secret, whom he wished all the happiness for, whom he left- 

The red puffy eyes and that broken look, 

An emotion, a feeling so raw and yet so pure, 



Broken love. 

The thorns of his past seemed to coming back, restricting him more than ever, he felt himself bleeding in despair, and yet, as Taehyung held him, 

The thorns didn't hurt no more, the ache was there, but settled, 

He felt he was alive, and he despised it all the way through. 

'L-Let me g-go, Taehyung.'-he whispered, a broken look in his eyes once he stared up at the hazel ones, who teared up, 

'I d-don't want to-' 

'I-It's best for b-both of us...l-let go and l-live...happily.' 

Jungkook couldn't be selfish anymore, no- 

He couldn't. 

'L-Love someone e-else-' 

'Shh-'-Taehyung held his finger over his lips, 

'Please don't say that, I c-can't-' 

Jungkook breathed in, shaking his head, 'I c-can't-' 

'W-Why? Just why?' 

'I-I'm m-married.' 

Taehyung's grip around him loosened, arms falling back to his sides as he stared at him, 

Jungkook bit his already busted lip, looking up at the male's face, finding the feeling he despised seeing on Taehyung, 

The vulnerability, the fragile look- 

He stood back up, staring at the male one last time, trying to keep it all inside, knowing this was his payment for agreeing to the contract all those years ago, 

He deserved it, he knew, 

He turned his back on his beloved, 

Twisting the knob, he looked outside as the door opened, 

Winds rising, the sky thundering, 

The heavens seemed to know what it was doing, 

Jungkook took a step forward, feeling a drop at his palm, 

He looked up, 

The sky stared back down at him, crying- 

He closed his eyes, shaking with the sob that broke out his lips, 

He wished to look back but he knew he won't be able to go otherwise, 

He took a step forward, the sky thundered and he heard footsteps, 

A grip at his waist, a chin at his shoulders, a head in his neck, sniffing, 

'D-don't leave, I'll d-die, p-please d-don't leave, K-Koo.' 

And Jungkook turned around, holding onto the male, 

The lovers held on to each other, crying as the sky cried along with them, 

A moment so pure, so heartbreaking, so raw- 

'K-Kill me this once, but d-don't leave K-Koo-' 

Jungkook felt for the male, not wanting to let go ever, the grip of Taehyung's arms around him tightened and he couldn't help but hold onto the male, 

He couldn't. 

He couldn't step away. 

'P-Please say what's in your heart, but don't leave. If you've ever loved me, just speak to me, Koo, just d-don't go-don't go.' 

Taehyung backed off, staring at the boy, 

'If you never loved me, just go then. I-I'll live somehow b-but...will it really be living?'

After hours of crying and standing getting wet under the rain, the males had later walked inside after a silent affirmation to Taehyung from Jungkook that he wasn't leaving anywhere. 

No words were exchanged as they made their way to the room where Jungkook was previously staying and Taehyung brought out clothes for their changing, 

Except he saw the raven-haired standing, silent, looking at him with longing and he found the same in his eyes, being reflected in the younger's vision, 

Taking hold of his hand, Taehyung brought it up, his wobbling lips pressing a soft kiss onto both palms, 

The raven head seemed to breathe in the softness of the kiss, the gentleness, 

It was no surprise as Taehyung took off his t-shirt, which was wet and sticking to his frame, 

Water trickled down his hair to his chest, and he held onto Jungkook, leaning in, waiting, 

Except the boy tip-toed, connecting their lips together- 

A feeling like never before, 

Longing, disappointment, relative sadness, and despair poured in, along with the love, that had been ripening for years in the end, separated hearts connected by the memories, 

They felt each other up close, the touches leaving burn marks on their skin, the intensity and the spark with which they kissed, oh-so-gentle, 

Made to lay down on his back against the mattress, Jungkook stared at the male whose eyes showed nothing but love, concern, care- 

He couldn't look into those eyes without realizing the pain he had caused, the tears he had caused them, 

He breathed out shakily, 

'P-Please, Taehyungie...' 

The name did things to Taehyung, taking away his breath for a moment as he leaned down to feel the boy up closer, 

Closer than ever, 

Morning still, with the sky crying outside, 

The sun shone from beneath the clouds, leaving behind sparkles that gave a view of a rainbow, 

The purple shone the brightest as Jungkook felt his beloved show him the love, the longing that had been kept away, locked for years, 

He felt every bit of it, he loved every bit of it, 

Love seemed a foreign emotion and yet so close to his heart, 

His lips parted, his lover's name pouring out in strings, a piece of music to Taehyung's ears whose eyes held glossiness, 

He didn't curse, but he felt, 

The pain and the echo of it basked the room around them, 

Slowly fondling their hearts, as if reminding them of the harsh reality, and yet it all blurred out when their lips found each other, 

Connecting like puzzle pieces, Jungkook threw his head back at one point, feeling his skin being marked, 

So close, finally, so close- 

The intimacy left them shaking, trembling hearts, along with their sweat-covered bodies, 

There was nothing disgusting about them as Taehyung took hold of the boy, pulling him in his arms, tightening his grip, never to let go, 

They lay there with eyes open, blinking slowly, scared to sleep, 

What if the other disappeared- 

Jungkook leaned upwards, 

'T-Take me...please Taehyungie, m-make me forget-'

Once again... he didn't say it, but his words did, his eyes did, 

The pain and fear settled in their hearts, Taehyung leaned down to press another feathery kiss, 

A couple of others followed over all the wounds, physical ones leaving behind traces of love at the emotional ones, 

When morning turned into evening, they didn't know, 

Tired to the core, they basked in each other's warmth, in each other's arms, 

Clutching onto the male's torso, Jungkook whispered, voice groggy, wounds healing, 

'I don't wanna l-leave...' 

'I'm never letting you leave, ever again.' 

The glow was natural, as Jungkook leaned against the headboard, 

Changed, freshened up his eyes lingered over the artist, who walked around, checking onto things, cleaning, before letting him know he was going to get something to eat, 

Jungkook panicked, and yet a promise to come back was made. 

He didn't want to believe, he couldn't...and so he was carried to the living room, where he sat alert, watching, gazing, not letting Taehyung get out of his sight, 

The elder male would have found it adorable except this once he found the insecurity, 

What he had flashed in his own eyes years ago, a feeling he related to...

He made sure to be quick, and they had a meal, not hungry despite their bodies yearning for rest, yearned for sleep,

They shuffled closer on the couch itself, as Jazz played in the background, Taehyung pulled the boy to his chest, letting him lay on him, before covering themselves with a thin sheet he had managed to get, 

Jungkook clutched onto his shirt, and so did his arms around the boy, 

They closed his eyes, breathing out each other's names, 

Another feathery kiss was exchanged before they were lulled into dreamland, 

No scary nightmares, no tremors, 

Jungkook slept, clutching still, curling over the male's chest, who basked in the warmth his body let, 

I love you still...lingered in their heads, as they searched for each other in their dreamlands. 

Waking up was quite a tedious task, considering Jungkook just won't let go and it reminded Taehyung of the past when the boy would be just too clingy every time they made love.

And so, focusing on treating the boy like a baby, he showered him with kisses and soft whispers of sweet nothings, 

They got off the bed, freshened up, changed, and Taehyung let Jungkook take his clothes which included his office-work shirt which the boy chose himself, and a pair of his old shorts which were smaller on him. 

Once dressed, they walked to the kitchen, more like Taehyung carrying the clingy male who said his body hurt, 

He helped him with painkillers, beginning with breakfast preparation, and was quick to make some waffles, fresh juice that he had delivered every now and then, except milk for Jungkook who chose on the latter, 

Chopped fruits and some soft-rice cakes seemed like good sides to go with and right when he put them on the table, the boy picked up the glass of milk, chugging it down, holding it with both hands and Taehyung reminisced his past once again. 

He smiled, a small smile as he sat down and began eating, with Jungkook helping himself to small portions as well, 

He wished to ask a lot of things from the boy, but he decided it wasn't the right time, 

They ate in silence, and yet it wasn't one that would be awkward, just pure silence in addition to noises from the outside and the occasional sound of slurping and clashing of spoons on the plate. 

Right once they were through, Taehyung talked about applying ointment to Jungkook's wounds and he saw how the boy visibly froze, 

He didn't react, wishing to get it out of Jungkook subtly, 

He led the boy back to the room, before taking out the ointment from the nightstand, 

It wasn't long before Jungkook lay on his back, bare torso out in the open for Taehyung to see, who rather than flinching or pitying the boy, silently rubbed in the ointment at the wounds, 

He sighed, grabbing hold of Jungkook's hand once he felt the boy spacing out, 

There were literally bruises littering his skin, every surface, every inch filled with scars, 

What really happened?! 

'Koo...can you-can you tell me what really happened? W-Why do you have these bruises all over? You know you can share with me, I won't judge, I promise but I n-need to know what is h-harming you or w-who...' 

He felt the boy shiver in his hold and he sighed, ready to get up to wash his hands, except Jungkook held onto his finger, 

'T-Taehyungie, please don't leave...' 

'I'm just going to wash my hands, baby.' 

'N-No...I w-wanna tell you, I n-need to tell you everything-' 

Taehyung nodded, taking a seat in front of the boy, 

'Tell me, I'm listening, I'm here with you, Koo.' 

Jungkook closed his eyes, knowing he couldn't speak about it without reminiscing about it, 

'It all started back when I left for home that day...it was normal, or so I thought, with Mom and Dad being nice to me...except I didn't see through their love and ended up being brainwashed, would you understand that? 

There was no best friend, no Kim Ara whom I kissed. 

In fact, she was the daughter of one of my father's partners and he wished to marry me to her but he stopped when I told them about you. Of course, they knew, except they reacted to it much worst than I'd have thought. 

D-Dad slapped me, but I thought, in the end, I was going to be with you, so it didn't matter. Except when he told me to break up with you and I denied it, he got really angry and told me how he'd cancel your future forever. I knew you wished to be a photographer and you'd be a great one at that, but he knew it as well, he had sent people behind you. 

The day I vanished, was the day he got to me, with his words. I was forced to write the letter, he had pictures, a real-live location with a real-live screening of people following you, they could kill you, anytime, and I freaked out. 

I thought you'd understand except I didn't know the wedding cards were published. 

Right before the wedding happened, I try to run up to you and that's when I met her, 

Kim Ara. 

She was anything but a mere girl, rather a businesswoman and that's when I realized why Dad actually decided to marry me to her, he knew she'd lead both the businesses of our families and she did, 

She caught me before I could run and she...she slapped me, telling me I was her slave from the moment my dad made a contract with hers. 

I thought it won't be possible, but then they forced me into the marriage, 

She drugged me...s-she forcefully kissed me on the altar and then they sent me to a hotel, 

I don't know-I woke up here, in France, and ever since t-then- 

S-She's b-been using me...hitting me...making me do most of the work...

She wishes to have all the orders on me, I stay by her limit, she rules me. I can't go out of the house except once a week and last week I decided to come to the artist's gallery to check out the pictures and found the most famous one of yours...and I saw you...

I knew if you get to know it's me, you won't leave me and then she'll get to you...

She's been searching for who was the one I'm in love with for ages and...if she finds you...she's g-going to destroy you, T-Taehyungie-' 

'Jungkook, Koo, look at me...look at me-'-Taehyung stated worriedly once he found the boy dazing out, murmuring things, 

He didn't wish to see Jungkook going down the spiral of darkness and even though his blood was boiling, his heart hurting, he took no longer than a second to grab the boy and pull him into his arms, shushing him up, trying to bring him back-

He knew Jungkook was traumatized. 

And he feared it somehow. 

And about that wretched woman, he knew he had to do something quickly. 

Waking up to loud banging at the door, Taehyung felt the boy shaking in his hold, Jungkook who had woken up seconds ago, 

It was when he stood up to check, that Jungkook held on to him, looking up with glossy eyes, hands trembling, 

'P-Please don't go-Taehyungie.' 

'Koo, I'll just check okay? It might be my guards, hmm?' 

Taehyung reassured the boy before walking outside, as Jungkook gripped the male's shirt that he wore, 

He prayed mentally, joining his hands, hoping for the elder to come back quickly except he couldn't hear anything, 

It was silent for a while and that's when he heard it,

A loud bang, before he looked up, 

Voices-someone screaming-

And then the door to the room was pushed open,

There stood two men and he recognised them very well- 

S-She was here. 

Taehyung stared, trying to get rid of the thundering in his head, as he pressed onto the junction of his neck where the needle had been injected before he could react, 

He stared, his love being taken away, forcefully, 

He started as Jungkook convulsed, crying, shaking, begging- 

The woman stood in front of him, smirking, 

'I'll see to you later, but first, my dearest husband should learn some manners, shouldn't he?' 

She grinned, a wicked grin that looked evil in Taehyung's eyes who tried to stand up but got no courage, 

It was as if his body had given up and even though his head functioned, all he could do was crouch in his place, blurred vision fading as he stared at Jungkook who was looking his way, reaching out to him even though he was held by two bulky men who were pushing him outside, 

'T-Taehyung-Taehyung please be alright...please be h-happy-' 

Taehyung tried to call out for the boy, his eyes tearing up, 

He couldn't-

He couldn't make out a word, he couldn't speak, he was numb, 

There was a buzzing in his head, slowly replaced by a tingling sound which made him grip his hair, trying to stop it, 

He couldn't as he stared at Jungkook- 

Who was pulled outside, the woman sitting in her car, Jungkook being thrown into the one following behind, 

Their eyes met for one last time and he saw the hope fading from Jungkook's eyes, 

The boy seemed as if he knew this would happen...

As if, he was ready to let go- 

And that hurt Taehyung to the core, to the point where he saw black dots appearing in front of his vision, 

'K-Koo-'-he caught up a ragged breath, falling to his side, the last vision of seeing the cars drive by, and he was no longer conscious. 

When he blinked open his eyes, he found himself in a hospital. It wasn't anything great except his head thundered with a thousand thoughts at once and his eyes widened as he sat up, 


'Taehyung-Oh my god, I was so worried-what even happened?! The doctors said you were drugged, and it took me a while to explain to them how it was an attack. You've been out for a whole day, man.' 

Taehyung stared, horrified, at his best friend and assistant, Park Jimin who still had no idea of what really happened except he had found the male lying on the floor when he visited his house to get the details of why he had sent his guards away and why he left his show earlier than expected. 

'J-Jimin, contact Kim Namjoon. The chief of the cops here, contact him, quickly! Please.' 

Jimin didn't say anything except nod as he hurried to get his phone and look for the number, 

Taehyung rubbed his scalp, feeling the ache having settled in the roots, and yet he tried to remember anything and everything- 

'Give the phone to me!' 

Jimin did, and as the caller tune rang, the phone was picked up, Taehyung hollered out information, 

'I need your help, hyung!' 

Only an hour later, sitting in the car and following the cop van from behind, Taehyung drove fast than ever, with Jimin on the passenger's side who was still shaken after listening to everything earlier on the call and when they met Kim Namjoon at the hospital, 

'You mean to say, your lover who left you before didn't actually leave you but was drugged and forced and he's married to a girl who's been harassing him all this while?!'-Jimin asked, setting his thoughts straight as he looked at Taehyung who nodded, taking a turn. 

It had been quick, with him explaining everything to Namjoon who agreed to go along with his search team and free the boy. Namjoon trusted Taehyung to the core and treated him like his own small brother. 

It wasn't a big deal to search for the location either, since Kim Ara was known in the business world and owned her own French-style mansion in the sub-urban area. 

They were close to the place, with cops with them, Taehyung could only fear what happened to Jungkook, whether the boy was okay. 

More than 24 hours had passed and he didn't want to think what Kim Ara would have done to his love. 

He was scared, and at the same time enraged by the fact he couldn't protect Jungkook and the idea of having the woman's hands over his love- 

He clenched his jaw, finally pressing at the breaks as he got out, still in a shirt and trousers Jimin had managed to get him at the last moment, 

He picked at the front rack of the car, taking out the pistol, a personal weapon he had whenever in case of danger, 

He had gotten it licensed after a crazy stalker had tried to harm him and take over his identity, 

He made his way over to the cop van, where Namjoon was ordering his fellow team members, 

Jimin followed him as well, looking still slightly taken aback by the whole ordeal, except he was told to stay behind with the car ready just in case. 

Since they didn't have an official warrant, they knew they'd have to open attack, and considering Taehyung was with them, an eye-witness, Namjoon let him carry the weapon for personal defense even though he made sure he was right behind the male as they made their way inside. 

It took only a bit of persuasion from the guards, but they knew Kim Ara was probably informed about it right when they crossed the front gates. 

Jimin waited outside, holding out his phone and biting his lip nervously. 

He still wasn't really suited to the whole ordeal and with the way Taehyung was looking, he knew it was really important and personal as well. 

He had seen Taehyung weeping whenever he got too drunk during his celebrations, and he had seen the way he smiled sometimes, daydreaming, a smile that used to turn almost emotional every time he looked at a few particular pictures. 

The one on display in the national museum was the one Jimin had managed to make Taehyung put out since he could feel the special feeling from it, the emotions from it. 

He prayed, hoping everything would be alright with his best friend and boss. 

As soon as they crossed the gates, and got indoors, they were met by the girl, sitting on the couch, cross-legged, sipping on wine, looking almost unshaken. 

She didn't even look surprised, almost as if she was expecting them, 

She smiled, a wicked smile that even Namjoon recognized, 

He stared at her, before nodding his head as a way to greet them whilst she gracefully bowed, and spoke, 

'How may I entertain you, officer, that you've come to my humble abode, a strange visit, indeed.' 

Her words seemed to be filled with mockery, and it didn't go unnoticed by Namjoon who mentally was now sure that Taehyung was probably right and that she wasn't as innocent as one would perceive her on first meet. 

'We have the orders to search your property, immediately.' 

'And where's the search warrant?' 

Taehyung turned to look at Namjoon, who smiled, 

'I'm the chief of police in the area and I have the right to search any property especially when we have CCTV footage from Mr. Kim's residence of you drugging him and taking away his boyfriend.' 

'Boyfriend, huh? That guy's my husband you're talking about and he's busy right now.' 

Taehyung scoffed, making his way up the stairs, and before the girl could follow him, Namjoon did, both of them listening to her shrill voice resounding the area, 


'Do as you please, bitch.' -Taehyung muttered, waving his gun in the air before turning off the safety.

Having sent his team-mates to get the CCTV recording, forcefully if they must, both the chief and the artist made their way up the stairs, finding several guards guiding the door at the end of the corridor, 

'Move aside or we'll shoot!'-Namjoon ordered and Taehyung made his way right in, trying to open the door only to glare at one of the guards, 

He cocked up his gun against his head, 'Unlock the door.'-he spoke, his voice deep and unwavering. 

The guard nodded, looking somehow fearful of the weapon whose safety lock was already undone, 

'NO! DON'T! IT'S PERSONAL-' -The girl's shrill voice entered their ears, but one look at Namjoon, Taehyung pushed open the door, looking around in the darkness. 

His hands made their way to turn on his phone's flashlight, as he took a step inside, feeling his heart nearly jump out of his throat when he felt his shoes coming across something wet on the floor. 

He directed the flashlight down to the floor, sighing when he found it was probably water, an uncolored substance. 

He sighed, before he motioned his flashlight over at the wall, finding the switch before turning it on, 

The light blinded him for a second as he tried to focus in the direction of- 

His heart plummeted at the sight. 

There lay his love, his one and only- 

Tied to the bed, with chains holding onto him, ankles and wrists bound against the headboard and the foot of the bed. 

But what was horrifying was the condition Jungkook was in- 

Taehyung made his way closer, finding his eyes tearing up at the sight of torn t-shirt and from underneath, whip-lash marks peeking out, 

Burning red, shades of blue- 

It hurt his heart, as Taehyung dropped the gun on the mattress, trying to gather himself back up, but how could he?! 

When there was blood staining the sheets, on top of everything, Jungkook's eyes were closed. 


Namjoon cocked his gun to his right, over at the girl who stood in her spot, knowing her secret was out, 

'You're arrested, Kim Ara, in the crime of forcing a guy to marry you, only to harass him all these years and drugging an infamous artist.' 

The rest of his words were a blur to Taehyung, who heard the clicking of hand-cuffs but it didn't matter, as he touched Jungkook's face, the boy who lay with him, cuddling in his bed just a few hours ago was right now- 

So cold. 

He touched his cheeks, tapping them but getting no answer. 

Checking his pulse Taehyung knew he was alive but- 

He stormed towards the woman who was trying to get rid of the grip of hand-cuffs, before choking her in his hands, and pushing her against the wall, 

'Where are the keys to the chains!?' 

She didn't answer, but Taehyung was far too gone to notice as he tightened his grip over her neck, wishing to just kill her and at the same time torture her as she did to his- 

She choked, coughing madly as she fell to her knees, Taehyung being held by Namjoon who tried to calm the boy down, 

One of the guards rushed inside, handing the keys after seeing the glint of psychotics in Taehyung's eyes, 

They were surely scared of the male. 

Namjoon could see the veins popping in the male's jaw, eyes turning red both because he was holding on to crying and because he was filled with rage, 

He watched as Taehyung hurried to open the chains, gracefully, carefully getting rid of the bounds that held onto his love, 

He looked at the scratches and the marks, traveling up to Jungkook's neck, his heart thrummed with the possibility of losing the boy, 

He didn't take any more seconds, rather picked the boy up in a swift motion, finding him as light as a feather as he led him outside, not waiting for Namjoon who held the girl's wrist, pulling her as well whilst she kept shrieking and wailing. 

Taehyung dashed outside the doors, making his way quick enough to where Jimin stood who gasped almost immediately, eyes widening at the sight of Jungkook's head lolling off Taehyung's arms, 

He opened the backdoor to the car, giving way to Taehyung who lay Jungkook down in an outmost gentle manner, 

Backing off, Taehyung was about to close the door when Jimin took off his blazer, handing it to the male who tried to smile, which ended up being a weak one, 

He covered Jungkook's torso with it, wincing himself because he found the condition all too unbearable. 

The next second the males were on the road, whilst Jimin communicated with Namjoon, sitting on the passenger's, Taehyung continued to drive to the nearby, infamous hospital, the city hospital. 

Jungkook had been taken to the Emergency as soon as they had informed the head doctors, and since people knew Taehyung for once, they were quick to help and give way. 

Jungkook's pulse was gradually weakening, as the doctor's said,

There's only as much torture as the body can handle. 

It ain't no movie. 

And so, Taehyung sat outside on the bench, staring into space, hoping, praying, wishing. 

Jimin had gone to get something to drink for his best friend, knowing the male looked as tired and dead as the one suffering inside. 

He proceeded to go back with a warm cup of tea for Taehyung only to find the male standing in front of the doctors, 

Guess, the queue was really long. 

Jimin walked ahead, listening to the words that made him halter in his place, 

'His body is badly damaged, had he gone through another night's worth of pain, we'd have lost him. We have made sure to clean all the wounds and treat the bad ones, however, we aren't sure when he'll gain consciousness because his body seems to be badly under-nourished, the reason why we'll have to maintain tubes to transfer the required nutrients to him. 

You can't see him, for now. It'll take a while, but we'll shift Mr. Jeon in the evening and then you can visit him.'

And Jimin had to put aside the tea to hold onto his best friend, who broke down, not feeling like carrying himself anymore. He couldn't when it took every inch of his strength, to just not cry until now. 

But he couldn't no more, when the fear, the what-ifs which had been troubling him for so long were finally proven true. 

He could only cry in grief as well as gratitude, contrasting feelings, one because he wished to have gotten earlier, save his love earlier, and right now, taken him in his arms and pepper him with kisses; second because he was gratified towards the heavens, for saving his love, sending him just on time. 

He simply couldn't gather up the courage to think of what would have happened otherwise. 

The evening rounded up all too slowly, nothing like for the outsiders because all Taehyung remembered was sitting in the same place, eating what Jimin brought him, drinking every now and then, 

He was, surely, absolutely thankful to Jimin, who had handled Namjoon in the present as well, 

He knew Jimin had seen him heartbroken and sullen for days when he had arrived here, the male had tried his best to be close enough with Taehyung and yet he had never really talked about Jungkook, ever, keeping his love and the past locked away, hidden beneath his sorrows. 

Taehyung looked up, finding the nurse calling him after hours of waiting, 

He stood up, looking at Jimin who smiled softly and patted his shoulder, 

'See you in a few.' 

As Taehyung entered inside, following the nurse, he could feel sweat covering his hands, 

He moved to stand around the curtain, blinking a couple of times to get rid of the glossiness that formed in his eyes except he couldn't, 

One by one, tears out of pure misery, and pure heartache continued to cascade down his face, leaving him breathing in sorrow as he inched closer, 

Holding onto Jungkook's hand, he caressed the boy's cheek, watching as Jungkook inhaled and exhaled into the pipe inserted in his nose, 

He looked so weak, so frail, nothing like his Jungkook- 

Taehyung sat down on the stool, staring at the boy, not wishing to blink, afraid that Jungkook would disappear. 

He couldn't remember the last time he was not hurt, 

It had been the case for years, 

And even now. 

But then, he knew it was a period of salvation and that soon, 

Soon he'd be happy again, with the love of his life, he'd be smiling again. 

He hoped, and he prayed. 

For Jungkook to wake up. 

It didn't matter if the boy took ages, Taehyung knew he'd be right by his side, 


Forever, if he must. 

Days turned to weeks and it was when a tired and sullen-looking Taehyung was traveling with Jimin, who insisted on dropping him back home, not trusting his numb brain with driving, that he received the call, 

It was the doctor, the one who was handling Jungkook's case, 

Taehyung put the phone on speaker, and before he could speak, he heard it, 

'The patient has woken up, sir. You told me to inform you, and here I am, however considering a few things that need to be discussed as well as about the patient's further well-being, it'd be really helpful if you can visit the hospital right now.' 

'I'm coming-I'll be t-there-' 

'Sure sir.' 

Taehyung looked at Jimin who smiled, nodding silently as the male took a U-turn. 

Taehyung sat in his seat, leg shaking with his foot constantly tapping against the car mat in anxiety, 

He hoped everything was going to change, 

For the better. 

As they reached, Taehyung didn't wait for Jimin to park except he walked outside, telling the male to take his time, and because he was just so anxious, he hurried to the elevator, pressing for the second level where Jungkook's room was. 

Upon arriving, he passed through the corridor, arriving in front of the door, 

His hand gripped at the cold doorknob and he twisted it, hearing the click, 

Breathing out, and closing his eyes for a moment, Taehyung entered inside, already finding the doctor standing in front of the one whom he wished to see, 

As the doctor shifted and Taehyung's eyes met with the doe-ones, he felt the time coming to a stop. 

He stared, eyes filling with tears, each footstep hard on the ground as he walked further, 

The doe-eyed male stared at him with a small smile, broken longing emancipating off his face, 


Taehyung brought him into a hug, clutching on for his life, feeling as if he'd disappear any moment leaving him alone in the darkness, 

He cried, emotions seeping out the corner of his eyes as he stared back into Jungkook's eyes, who was like him, crying profusely. 

Both of them wiped the tears off each other's faces, the doctor slowly making his way out with a small smile, 

It wasn't really common to see lovers this close, this much in love to the point they were almost like those fantasy-based soul-mates. 

'I m-missed you-' 

'I missed you so much, Koo-love, I'm so sorry I was late-I'm so sorry-' 

Jungkook shook his head, trembling still, whilst cupping the elder's cheeks, 

'D-Don't please-' 

'We're here together, promise to never let go-promise me-please I'll d-die-' 

Jungkook cried more, 'I w-won't-I promise, I w-won't Tae, never-' 

And that was just another chance, another beginning to their story, a story which was left in between years ago, given a chance to be written again, 

This once, by their intertwined hands. 

Time skip- 3 years later- 

The black-haired male watched with a smile, the photograph framed above all, the one gaining the attention of everyone in the room, 

A pause in time, a black-and-white picture in the world of modern art and bright colors, 

A pair, staring into each other's whilst smiling, 

Wide grins at their faces, ruffled hair, dressed in formal suits, rings on their fingers, and teary eyes- 

So pure, so reminiscing- 

The ravenette felt arms around his waist which made him chuckle, 

'How's it?' 

'I didn't know you had yet another surprise this once.' 

The ravenette focused on the title below the photograph, 'Mended Wounds and Beloved Love.' 

He chuckled, looking to the opposite side where the photograph title, 'Broken hearts and cutest smiles.' 

'That one's pretty old, eh?' 

'It's you, never old for me, love.' 

'Tae! Stop looking at me with those eyes!' 

Taehyung continued to stare at the boy in his hold who blushed, looking away, 

He chuckled, 

'Alright, alright, I won't. But I can't help it, you know? My love, in my arms, looking at my works, my beautiful husband.' 

Jungkook's eyes crinkled and Taehyung could almost make out the grin he had underneath the mask, which made him smile as well, 

'Uh, are you Mr. Kim? The infamous photographer?' 

Taehyung turned to face the girl who stood with a smile, holding out a pictured frame in her hands, official merchandise of his works, 

He nodded, taking off his mask for once, 

'Can you please sign this for me? I'm such a big fan of your work! The first picture-Broken hearts and the cutest smiles, it tore me up-' 

Jungkook who was standing right behind the male smiled staring at his feet, 

As Taehyung continued to sign the frame for her, he looked up at her next question, 

'Isn't it the same boy in the recent pictured work, is that your husband?' 

Taehyung nodded. His gaze went to Jungkook who was already looking at him, 

Bringing the male closer by his waist, Jungkook took off his mask as well, smiling at the girl who excitedly squealed in her place, 

'You're so pretty in real life-oh my god, your history definitely goes back in the past, doesn't it? I won't take a lot of your time but congratulations on your marriage, Mr. Kim! Looking forward to your next works!' 

Taehyung smiled and waved as the girl disappeared through the crowds and then looking at Jungkook, he grazed his thumb at the boy's cheek, 

The doe eyes he used to live in, the shine within them, the galaxy they carried were staring back at him, almost the way they used to- 

This once, his husband, his love, his only reason for being happy, 

'I love you so much, love.'

Jungkook smiled softly, tipping his chin upwards as he connected their lips, 

And they kissed, surrounded by the crowds who got the see the inspiration as well as the couple behind the picture, recreating the kiss from their wedding in the second place that seemed home to them, 

The place which brought them together, the place where broken hearts found mending, the place where the cutest smiles of his otherwise unrequited love suddenly turned to his beloved, one and only love. 

Then, together, surrounded by cheering and applause, it was all a blur as Jungkook backed off, 

'I'm never leaving again, even if death pulls me apart from you, Taehyung. I'll always be here.'-he placed his hand on the male's chest who smiled with teary eyes, nodding nevertheless. 

And no further words were exchanged, except their eyes wandered around, finding each other in the end, like it was meant to be like they were meant to be. 


It was after all, from Broken hearts and cutest smiles to Mended wounds and beloved love.


Jeez, I want honest views on this one. It killed me a bit emotionally, hehe. The mid especially! :D

So...how was it? Did you like it? Honest views, guys. 

Till the next time, will try to bring in some fluff after an emotional roller-coaster,

Moonsghostie says, 'Over n Out!' 


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