By killingcunt

515 16 5

JUKAI || "I tried, but my feet kept touchin' the ground. If I died, would it even make a sound in the sea... More



160 7 3
By killingcunt

clark's narration.

... I remember when my first child came into our lives- much like i did to my parents she was a surprise, one i couldn't be more thankful for.

two years before the birth of the twins, the people of krypton surprised earth once more when my daughter crash landed in smallville.

c h a p t e r  o n e

The wind continued to blow through her hair as Korry moved faster than a bullet ahead of her father, she could hear chatter— the sound of helicopters and alarms as they sped closer to the nuclear plant.

She could hear the voice of her grandfather as he barked orders at people. Her father was behind her, his face stern as it always was when they were here. Because right now he was the man of steel and she was the girl of stars.

the people of metropolis weren't very creative.

Not even seconds before they had gotten the signal from General Lane, and they were barreling to their destination.

She sped up, as more alarms sounded.

"Wait, Nova!" her fathers voice was a mere mutter. The sound caused her to pause, she let him go in first as she hovered and waited for her signal, like she always did.

She watched as he dropped down into the cooling tower.

"His cold breath isn't going to fix it!" the sound of a nearby scientist could be heard amongst the panic, and it caused her to move fast "I got it, Superman." She spoke as she moved towards the water and used her cooling breath to make a solid ice berg, She continued making it big enough until her father arrived behind her.

He dropped down into the water grabbing the base of the berg and lifting it out of the water. she let him carry it towards the tower.

"It's cooling down." relief could be heard and it caused Korry to smile.

but the smile was gone once her ears zoned in on the voice of the person she was supposed to be with right now. Her girlfriend, the girls voice sounding angry as Korry had stood her up once again.

"Shit." She spoke, watching her father exit the tower and she followed behind him as he landed by her grandfather, though she took her time.

People cheered, and like always Korry gave them bashful smiles, she really didn't do much— she began to wonder why she came in the first place.

She gave a small wave and smile to her grandfather, he merely nodded at her.

Their relationship was a strained one, he had a hard time accepting her as his granddaughter and she was sure her alien DNA didn't help, but he was working on it.

She turned to her father with raised eyebrows as she pointed behind her, "Dad, can i?" she asked and she received a shake of the head.

"We're almost finished, just a moment." he said before he and General lane spoke about the previous plants Korry and he had saved.

"Just like Oyster Creek." he said as Korry trailed behind them, she just wanted to get home, call Casey and beg the girl for her forgiveness. She had this sinking feeling and she didn't want to listen to have her paranoia confirmed so she instead listened to the sound of her dads voice.

"Same kind of crack in the cooling tower." He continued, and her grandfather shook his head "How is it no one at either plant saw anything?" he spoke in disbelief.

it was odd, it was now a pattern. once was an incident- twice was a coincidence- and three times? someone was doing this on purpose.

"I don't know yet." Superman answered
"But you can't get equipment in here unnoticed." He continued, blinking in surprise as Korry began to hover upside down infront of him, he gave his daughter a smile before she righted herself and landed softly on the ground. "Both cracks were man-made."

"That's what concerns me." Her grandfather shook his head once again, whoever this was was good, he was successfully entering heavily armed places and leaving undetected.

"You two have been putting in a lot of OT lately." He started as he looked the two of them over "My daughter okay with that." he asked, and Korry gave a shrug when he turned to her "She hasn't grounded me yet, so I guess so." she answered.

"She's not the one I have to worry about." He was referring to the twins, because like Korry he had missed something important yet again. like Jordan's therapy today. His words caused her to wince.

"Bass are gonna start biting again soon. I was thinking i'd take Jonathan fishing." he said, and it caused Korry to roll her eyes. "Maybe you can get Jordan to come this time?" He asked, no one mentioned how he didn't invite Korry and it was probably for the better.

"I'll talk to Lois about some dates." was her fathers answer. clearing her throat she gave her grandfather a sarcastic wave "Night, General." She spat before she
she lifted herself into the air before zooming off, She heard her father behind her as they bounded through the sky.

Soon they were back in metropolis, the busy streets and the lively city made her feel comfort she knew that feeling was going to be short lived, though.

"Um, you go in first I'm gonna wait." She said, and her dad turned to her as the approached their home. "You sure? Because that means i have to ground you." He said and she nodded with a shrug as they dropped into the alley.

"Yeah, it won't really matter after tonight anyway." She said, she was sure that Casey was going to dump her and considering thats who she spent her free time with it wouldn't matter if she was grounded.

He scanned her face before he nodded, "Alright , if that's what you want, sweetheart." he gave her a smile and she returned it. She turned around and her father then turned into a mini tornado as he changed his clothes, now back into his civilian wear he approached her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She waited, as he entered the home, listened as he and her mother made a 'big deal' of her not being home before she changed back into her clothes herself, she then entered the house.

she could hear her dad congratulating Jonathan upstairs as she 'creeped' inside. listen as he asked him if seen his sister, and listened to Jonathan tell him no, she rolled her eyes at that. making a note to never cover for him again.

"Hey, Momma." she said as she entered the kitchen, the woman was still working as she spoke quickly on the phone. "Sorry, give me a second."

"Hello, my love." she gave the girl a smile, walking over she gave her a kiss on her forehead like her father did earlier. she motioned to the microwave. "Dinner is in the microwave." she spoke and Korry nodded.

Moving towards the microwave she removed the plastic off of both hers and her fathers plate before she heated them both up.

She paused as she listened in to her father entering 'emotopia' aka Jordan's room as music blasted she couldn't help but chuckle as the words "Superman's boring. I'm Raiden." came from the boys mouth. it caused her mother to nudge her.

"hey, what did we say about that?" she warned and Korry sighed, " Right, no spying." she said as she tuned out of the conversation.

turning to her mother she watched as she hung the phone up. "have you talked to casey?" she asked causing Korry to purse her lips before she shook her head.

her mother knew tonight was supposed to be a date, and Korry had blown it off yet another night to hangout to go help people.

"no, i haven't." she said with a sigh as the the microwave beeped and she grabbed her plate and left her fathers. "i know she's going to break up with me and i'd rather prolong the inevitable." she answered as she plopped down next to her mother at the kitchen island.

"you can't run from your problems, Korry." Lois said, watching as he daughter slouched in the seat. "i know." Korry said before she shook her head, "can we talk about something else?" she asked and her mother nodded. "sure, sweetie." she gave her a smile as she rubbed her shoulder.

"how about... what your punishment for breaking curfew is?" she asked and Korry let out a laugh "let's go with the basic, no computer and i have to come straight home after cheer?" she asked and her mother made a faux thinking face.

"i'll discuss it with your father." she laughed and Korry smiled at her.


Korry had decided to bite the bullet when she finally made it into her room last night.

Casey had in fact dumped her, the blonde made it abundantly clear she didn't want to speak to Korry ever again and had blocked the daughter of krypton on everything that morning.

it was going to be hard to avoid her in school given they ran in the same social circles and were on the cheer team together.

with a grumble Korry joined her family downstairs, dressed and ready she was having a hard time deciding on what to do with her hair, she had straightened it and was wondering if she should wear it pulled back or all down.

"Good morning." she spoke as she walked down the steps, her father was cooking and she could smell coffee in the air "Good morning, bug." her dad spoke as he kissed her temple.

her mother came towards her, "Morning, can you zip me up." she asked, and Korry nodded before she turned to her brother after doing so.

"John what do you think, hair up or down?" and jonathan made a face at her "Dont you usually plan ur outfits with Casey??" he asked confusion lacing his words and Korry pursed her lip and nodded.

"yeah, well she broke up with me, so." she spoke and a chorus of 'oh no' and 'what' sounded around the kitchen. Korry waved them off as she turned to Jonathan again "c'mon, up or down?" she spoke and he cleared his throat.

"i think up is good." he replied and Korry nodded, "ok, down it is." she spoke as she pushed her hair behind her ears and sat down at the table.

"you're mom called while you were in the showers about a visit." Her mother spoke to her dad as he handed her coffee.

"are we going to grandmas?" Jonathan asked And her Dad nodded"i think we're overdue."

"great. Smallville." Korry spoke with distaste though it was where she was 'adopted' from, Korry was Metropolis made. she found the town too country and too boring for her liking.

"The place you can spend a full year in one afternoon." Johnathan commented as their mother reached over and picked up a plate "it's not that bad." she muttered as she headed towards the sink.

looking up from her food, she watched as her brother entered the kitchen "wow, is that how you're going dressed today?" Johnathan asked, his voice laced with sarcasm and judgment. "somebody got the punch me in the face memo."

"yeah, i should dress like you?" Jordan started as he scanned Johnathan "like some sort of human participation trophy?" his question was rhetorical as he continued to stuff things into his bag.

"no, but you could watch a basic 'howto' video on style." was Johnathans clap back, Korry rolled her eyes as she rose from the table "Enough, the both of you, go." she spoke as she motioned towards the door as the sound of honking grabbed their attention.

"thanks." her mother spoke as she kissed the girl on the head and handed her book bag to her. "you're rides here."

"Love you." she said as she led her siblings towards the door, "Good luck today, guys." her father shouted after them.

"Bye, dad." she shouted back as she exited her home.

not edited

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