By SadistWhore

876K 32.1K 13.1K

Little Vixen is the only omega in his pack and is determined to make the tiger shifter his friend. His curios... More

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7.2K 306 113
By SadistWhore

Love story.


| Vixen's POV

It has been a few weeks since Tiberias was last seen. He was gone when I woke up and I haven't heard a word from him. The first day was hard. I cried silently in my bed for hours, hugging my pillow until I grew a headache and fell back asleep just so I was able to withstand the pain in my chest.

Most days I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I had to in order to stay healthy for my baby. I was due any day now and Mercy offered to give me a c-section today. I didn't know what I wanted at the time so I just agreed but a part of me hoped to see Tiberias back for the birth of our baby.

I would occasionally ask Thierno if he knew anything of his whereabouts and he'd reply the same thing; that he hasn't heard anything from his brother as well. I just wanted to know if he was safe or not. I didn't mind if he felt the need to stay away for our safety.

Today I was going to have my baby once Mercy arrived. I gave everyone the due date since they so badly wanted to be there for my firstborn.

Nowadays, I would just remain in my garden and plant new seeds. It helped me remain calm whenever I grew needy. I found myself wearing Tiberias' clothes often just to smell him but it was never enough.

But that's not all that has been on my mind. My pack has been mourning the loss of their warrior. They wanted me to return for questioning but I couldn't find myself to. I didn't want to because it would just remind me of that day where Tiberias left my life and never returned.

I dreaded that day. I found myself wishing I never went there to begin with and we'd probably still be together right now.

I wanted Tiberias back.

I needed him.

But I couldn't have him...

I lie there in bed while staring up at the ceiling, resting my head on this fluffy pillow. This entire bed smelled like my missing mate and it allowed me to sleep comfortably at night but I hated waking up.

Thierno tried his best to be there for me but he was never the comforting type. I felt like I was missing a piece of my soul.

And I was.

If only Tiberias understood that I would've helped him through this hard moment in his life. I would've stood by his side and helped him find the correct treatment for his mental illness.

For he was always perfect in my eyes. He didn't have to put on a facade because I would've loved him regardless. I would've showed him great love if I had known he was suffering in silence.

But the only person keeping me together was Thierno. He kept me sane and I will always be grateful. He remained by my side during those nights where I couldn't stop crying and I would shake from the intense wails.

There has been countless nights where I would beg whoever was listening to send my mate back to me but I still felt him through the mate bond which allowed me some type of closure.

I would try to force the link open but nothing would ever be on the receding end. Not even Nitro would respond to me.

I needed to stop thinking about him before I cried again but I couldn't help myself. I wanted him to hold me and comfort me once more.

My heart yearned for a man who was afraid to hurt me and fled in order to protect his baby. I couldn't be selfish in this matter. I knew it had to be a hard decision to leave but I found myself begging him to stay even if it meant that I would be in danger.

I was confident that he would remain sane for me. I was confident that he would move mountains for me. I was confident that he was capable of prevailing.

We could've fought this together.

Thierno entered the bedroom with a solemn expression and his curly obsidian hair was damp. "How are you feeling?" He asked with caution.

"I'm feeling okay," I nod my head at my handsome mate who offered a grin and I couldn't help but smile back. "Everyone should be arriving soon." I gently pat my huge belly. "I know I look like a hot air balloon."

Thierno shook his head; curly hair bouncing in the movement. "You look wonderful."

"You're just saying that," I uttered.

"Mercy is already here but he's setting up everything in preparation for your surgery. You'll be put under anesthesia so you won't feel any pain," Thierno informed me.

"I'm glad because I don't think I could do it while feeling the pain," I admit. I didn't have a high pain tolerance and I wanted to make that known. "My breast feel so lumpy."

"It's because you're ready to feed your baby," he chuckled and held his hand out for me to exit the bed without struggle. I mumbled a soft 'thank you' before standing on my tippy toes to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Have you heard anything?"

"Not yet," the playfulness in his eyes disappeared as soon as it came. "I've even visited the Moon Kingdom. No one would tell me anything."

"Well, thank you for at least trying." I frowned, looking down as I tried to keep myself from crying again. I was under extreme stress and it wasn't healthy for the baby. Which is the main reason why I wanted to go ahead and give birth.

Thierno reached down and grabbed my hand. "You won't be alone, little mate." He assured with a small smile.

"I'm hurting," I softly said as I placed his hand on my swollen belly. "I sometimes feel like I'll wake up and this will all just be a dream."

"I hope not. I'd prefer to live in reality with you," he expressed then led me out of the bedroom that reeked of Tiberias' scent, leaving me whimpering and wanting more.

Mercy was currently running in and out of a room while holding equipment. Our relationship was not very great but I forgave him for the betrayal since he's offering to help me during labor. His hair was pinned up, swaying back and forth as he ran through the mansion.

I giggled, enjoying the sight while Thierno glared at the virtue. Mercy stops in his tracks and turns towards us, "Lord Vixen, it is tradition that all of the virtues are present during the birth of the next heir to the Moon Kingdom."

"Uhh, okay? Are they coming soon?" I ask but I was wondering why he referred to me as 'lord' when he has never done that before.

"Yes," Mercy nods while looking everywhere frantically. "I need to find the necessary tools and I'll be prepared and ready."

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked the virtue who had a look of confusion on his doll face. "Proceeding with the surgery, I mean."

He tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear before nodding, "Yes. You're past due so I can only assume it is because you're under extreme stress. Which is perfectly normal. It is a blessing that you've made it this far without going into a miscarriage since that is common for omegas." He smiles, "Your baby is a fighter."

I smiled at that comment because I was really praying that my baby would come out healthy and strong. The fact of the matter is that I will always love him and cherish him and I will show him that there's more to life than being afraid.

"One more thing.." the virtue drawls.

My attention that lingered on my stomach was now on Mercy who cleared his throat before bowing towards me which left me confused. "Why are you bowing at me? I'm not your king."

"Tiberias has requested that we serve you and his son," Mercy explained with a look of despair in his eyes. "He no longer wants us to cater to him."

I looked down at the bowing virtue with disbelief, releasing a breath that I hadn't realize that I was holding. "No. You need to make sure Tiberias is safe and well. I do not require your assistance."

"Apologies," Mercy grimaced. "But your word can not override-."

"Then what is the point of this?" I purposely cut him off, growing angry with him. "Am I to lead the kingdom too?"

"No, not until you are ready, of course." Mercy stood to his full height, pinning me with those piercing green orbs.

"What do you mean until I'm ready?" I huff then shook my head in disapproval. "Does that mean you know where he is?"


"Where is he, Mercy? Tell him that I just want to speak with him. Just once more," my voice lowers, full of desperation.

Thierno decides to exit from the conversation and sat on the couch that resides in the living room. He lifts his hips up, adjusting his pants to fit his position.

"He does not want to be found. He only communicated through Basim, not us." Mercy said while placing his hand over his heart, bowing his head. "I am sorry, Lord Vixen."

"Stop referring to me as that. I am not your lord." I demanded, growing quite infuriated with him and myself.

"Excuse my back talk but you are, our lord..now," the virtue dismissed my claim. I heaved a irritated sigh in his direction before rolling my eyes.

Basim appears and the rest of the virtues appeared behind him. All of the virtues stood side by side with their chins tilted up and one hand over their chest while the other hand remained behind them as if they were soldiers, awaiting command.

"Basim," I softly said. "Not you too." I frown at my friend who kept a straight face. "Lord Vixen," is all he says with a tilt of his head, acknowledging me.

"Where is your baby?" I ask him in which he replied, "With Wrath, my lord."

"I command all of you to act normal," I crossed my arms and they still stood there like statues. I nibbled on my lower lip while staring at each and every one of them.

Thierno released a low chuckle while watching me with those hawk eyes, observing quietly.

Well, that didn't go as planned.

"Don't..act like your normal selves?" I said in a much slower tone.

The virtues gave each other looks before returning to their statue-like selves until Sage kindly offered me a word, "Perhaps the lord would like a private moment with Basim?" He winked at me.

I blushed while I rapidly nodded my head. "Yea, I would like that very much.."

All of the virtues bowed before leaving my presence. Basim remained statue-like until we were alone and then his face slowly broke out in a grin, "Hello, Vixen."

I smiled at him then ran and gave him a hug, making sure not to crush my baby. He returns the smile as I asked, "Why couldn't you talk to me with them here?"

"It's Ace," he rests his hand on my head then added, "He's very serious and we could get punished if we don't follow word of command."

"I understand," I nod my head. "But I'm more concerned about my mate contacting you to put all of you at my beckoning call."

Basim's demeanor changed as he ran his fingers through his baby-blue hair. "He contacted me one night and told me that all of the virtues were to serve you and his child. That is all that I know. I didn't question it but I assume since he's not here right now, something has happened?" His brow quirked.

"I can't say," I mumble. I didn't know if Tiberias was comfortable with me disclosing that type of information to his servants.

"Understandable," he nods as his eyes fell on my mate who calmly watched us with squint eyes. "Soooo, any names?"

"Uhh, many actually. I can't decide though," I shrugged at my friend who watches me with a gleam in his eye. "Where is Wrath and Deimos?"

"I left them. They are both sound asleep in the bed. It was so adorable that I just stood there and watched them," Basim places his hands on his chest while aweing away. "Deimos will only sleep if he's with Wrath now and he has to be steaming hot. It has been a journey but I plan to have one more baby soon so he isn't alone."

"He won't be alone. He'll have us," I wink at the virtue who boops my nose. "Vixen, you're right but I still want one more."

I lowered my voice after I glanced over my shoulder to see Thierno's attention was no longer on us, "I plan to give him pups. I want my babies close in age so I will be getting pregnant as soon as I'm able."

"Damn, those pussy popping skills must be top tier," a voice behind me says and I turn around to find Envy with a devilish smirk.

I blushed at his comment then walked up to him and swatted his arm, "S-Stop with the jokes!"

Apollo peeks his head from behind his mate and gave me a dashing smile, "Hey there kitty."

"You haven't called me that in centuries," I joke and walked up to him, embracing him in a tight hug. "I'm so happy that you're here. I really need it."

Apollo wrapped his strong arms around me, embracing me in a bear hug. "I know. We're here for you." He said with a gentle sigh.

"Let me know when the baby is popped out," Envy tells his mate before disappearing. Apollo chuckled before his eyes flickered up towards the virtue who stood quietly, watching the encounter.

"Hey there Apollo," Basim flirtatiously says with a wink of the eye. My friend's cheeks tinted as he coughed into his fist, "What's up with you and teasing me every chance you get?"

"I like your reactions," the virtue admits before chuckling and harboring a victorious expression. "When are you going to get pregnant, sir?"

"Me? Pregnant? Noooo," he chuckled. "Envy got that."

"I'd like to see that honestly," Basim bursts out laughing with a few droplets of tears present in his eyes. "By the generations of all moon gods and goddesses, I would LOVE to see that! I would never let it down."

Apollo smirked at his reaction before turning his focus towards me. "You gonna use that anesthesia shit? I can't hold you down like I did Basim. I might hurt you."

"I told Mercy that I wanted to be completely asleep and feel no pain. I can't handle it. My pain tolerance is too low." I admit with a slight shrug of the shoulders before turning to Basim. "Are we still doing our plan?"

"What plan?" Apollo's eyes danced back and forth between us, wondering what was going on.

"Yes." The virtue says to me before turning to Apollo to explain, "Our children will be living amongst other shapeshifters. Deimos may be a nephalem but I'm sure he will survive amongst them. We will be living like normal people."

"What is a neph-," I began to ask but Basim beat me to it. "A nephalem is a hybrid; they're half angel and half demon."


Apollo chuckled. "What? Are they going to go to a shapeshifter school?"

"Yes." I nod. "We want our children to be able to grow and not live in a life full of misery."

"Just imagine Deimos' mate is a human. I would squeal in delight," Basim grabs my shoulders and screams with joy.

"What is your obsession with humans?" Apollo asks.

"I dunno," Basim shrugged one shoulder before quickly stepping away from me and proceeded to keep his statue-like self, straight face returning as the other virtues walked in, one by one.

"Lord Vixen, are you ready for the surgery?" Mercy asks with a gentle smile and I nodded at him. "I suppose I am." Despite him calling me 'lord', I was ready to have my baby and too excited to meet him.

"Shall we?" Mercy leads me into another room where everything was set up just like a regular clinical room. It shocked me how easy it was for him to get this all together in such short notice.

I turn around to see Basim, Apollo and Thierno standing there. They all had smiles on their faces well, except for my mate who gave me a slight grin. "We'll be here the entire time," Apollo assured with a nod of his head.

"Okay," I whispered and entered the room with Mercy closing the door behind me.

As he began his preparation, I removed my clothing and changed into a hospital gown and somehow found myself hoisted up on the surgical bed.

The virtue was dressed in surgical clothing and slid on the blue medical gloves last. He held a breathing mask and placed it over my mouth. I forced my head back into the bed, giving him a weird look. "Relax. This is how I will administer the anesthesia. Count to eight."

I relaxed and the virtue placed the mask over my mouth and I began inhaling while closing my eyes and started counting to eight in my head. With each passing number, I started to become drowsy until the darkness consumed me.

The dream was.. heartbreaking.

Images of Tiberias flooded my consciousness and his smile hunted my memories. Those beautiful eyes, those perfect pink and plump lips, those eyes that were always so understanding kept staring back at me while I sat in this seat with him sitting across from me in his own. We were in a boxed room and the walls were painted a white background but there was no door to exit.

Tiberias was wearing different clothing compared to those bloodied clothes I last saw him in. I couldn't differentiate if this was real or not but I clung on to every second of this. We sat there and stared each other for what seemed like minutes until I decided to speak first; asking, "Is this real?"

"No," he replied but somehow I didn't believe him. Although I was in a dream state, he seemed almost too real. "You created me." He fixed his posture while dusting off his crisped clothing.

I clench my fist while they rests on my thighs, breathing a little heavier since my heart was pounding, "Come back to me."

"I can't," he immediately replied without hesitation. Those white curly strands I've missed so much and that melodic voice, I've starved for.

His head tilted while he observed me. "But I will always watch over you."

I fluttered my eyes open and blinked rapidly at the hanging light over me. I slowly raised my arm to cover my eyes while I sat up to see Thierno holding the baby.

Mercy gives me a genuine smile as he looks back and forth between my baby and I, "It's a boy." The pain in my abdomen was tolerable but I found myself caught in watching Thierno mesmerized with the baby as he slept soundly, cradled in his arms. My heart warmed at the sight.

I didn't want to interrupt the beautiful moment but I wanted to meet him so I reached my arms out and Thierno lifted his head and allowed me to hold my baby.

He was so small in my arms as I held him firmly to my chest. I practically cried because he has a full head of white curly hair with features that resembled Tiberias.

My friends began to enter with the other virtues remaining outside of the room which I was thankful for.

Basim was the first to comment, "He looks so adorable and he's so small. Awww."

"Yeah, he's just like his father," Envy's eyebrow quirked and I shot him a glare while sticking my tongue out at the demon before continuing to stare at my baby.

"So, what are you going to name him?" Apollo asks with eyes full of desire to know.

My baby yawned, exposing his pink teeth-less gums as he fluttered his eyes open for a millisecond before they shut, eliciting a soft gasp from my lips.

He has two different colored eyes; his right eye being a chestnut brown and the left a cloudy white.

I glance up to see Thierno watching us while he stood in the back of the room, behind everyone with a gentleness in his eyes that I've never seen before.

I mouthed 'I love you' to him with a soft blush on my cheeks and his dark eyes lit up with passion as he mouthed 'I love you' back.

While staring at my mate with widened eyes, I answered the question that everyone so desired to know with no doubt in my heart.

"Micah. His name will be Micah."


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