By tokiohotelll

233K 3.3K 1.6K

This story takes place when Tom and y/n are 19 years old Will he see you're not like the rest? Mature audien... More

Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Pt 6
Pt 7
Pt 8
Pt 9
Pt 10
Pt 11
Pt 12
Pt 13
Pt 14
Pt 15
Pt 16
Pt 17
Pt 18
Pt 19
Pt 20
Pt 21

Pt 22

10.2K 170 113
By tokiohotelll

Okay sorry for the delay I've had a really busy few days!! I can't believe this part of the story it closing out! I hope you enjoy this last part!
**btw sequel is out now (: love ya**

Tom and I just laid in bed together and just held each other close. He laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around him. We laid like this for a long time and I felt so safe with him.
    "I can hear your heartbeat y/n" Tom said
"What does it sound like?" I asked him
   He started tapping my arm to the rhythm of my heartbeat and it made me smile. He turned his head over and looked up at me and smiled. He got level with me and laid face to face with me. He looked at my lips and kissed me. When he pulled away we just looked in each other's eyes for a moment. Whenever he looks at me it feels like the world stops.
    "If you could go anywhere in the world y/n where would it be?" Tom asked me
"I'm not really sure maybe somewhere tropical." I tell him after thinking for a moment
   "When the tour is over I want to show you the world." Tom says smiling and then giving me a kiss
   After another moment Tom says he has to start getting ready for the show and he gets up off the bed. I just lay there for a little while longer thinking of what it would be like to travel to the places I've always wanted to go with him. The thought of it makes me feel so much happiness because I never imagined I would be able to do something like that. I eventually get up off the bed and go to my bags to grab something to wear. I change into some ripped jeans and a oversized off the shoulder shirt and some sneakers. Tom watches me change and smiles at me. We kind of match a bit and I think it's really cute. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror at myself for a second and then walk back out. Tom sits on a chair in the kitchen area and I stand in the doorframe looking at him. He has a black bandanna on and a big grey shirt with jeans. He looks up at me and stands up. He walks over to me grinning and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses me and pulls me in to hug him. He stretches away a bit and tells me that he loves me. I tell him I love him too and he kisses me again.
    "Are you ready to go y/n?" He asks me and I nod my head
   We walk out of the hotel room and down to the car. Everyone else was waiting on us. We get inside and start driving over. It's nice outside so we drive with the windows down. When we drive past the arena we hear a lot of screaming because the fans see the guys through the open windows but the car drives past quickly. We get to the back and walk inside. When we walk through the hallway to the green room and Tom grabs my hand tightly. We get into the green room and there is music playing. Tom spins me around and starts dancing with me which makes me laugh. He starts singing and spins me around and pulls me in close again. He kisses me and then pulls away and sits down on the couch. I go to the table and grab both of us a water. Tom puts his hand out and pulls me in to sit on his lap. Gustav sits down on the other side of the couch and starts banging his drum sticks on the table in front of us. I watch him do it and he's really good.
"Can I try?" I ask Gustav
"Sure y/n." He says smiling
He hands to the drum sticks and I turn my body towards the table still sitting on Toms lap. I start banging on the table with the drum sticks and it sounds no where near as good as him. Everyone including me starts laughing.
"Wait how do you do that it's so hard!" I say still trying to find some type of rhythm but I can't.
Tom reaches for my hands and wraps his hands around mine. I let him take the lead and he starts moving the drum sticks with me. Ive never seen Tom play the drums but he must be pretty good because immediately when he takes the lead it sounds so much better. He stops and looks at me and smiles and I smile back. I hand the sticks back to Gustav. We just hang out in the green room for awhile and then Tom, Gustav, and Georg get up to do a sound check of their instruments.
"Are you going to be okay being here with Bill for awhile while we are gone y/n?" Tom asks me quietly so only I hear
"Yeah it will be fine don't worry." I tell him smiling and he gives me a kiss
They all walk out and then it's just Bill and I. It's a little quiet for awhile but I decide to say something.
"What are you going to do with your makeup today?" I ask him smiling and he smiles back
"Hmm I'm not sure. Do you want to help me?" Bill asks
I smile again and get up to the mirror in front of him. I look at the makeup he has laid out and I grab a brush and some of the eyeshadow and he closes his eyes. I start putting the makeup on and we just laugh and talk about little things. He opens his eyes so I can check the eyeshadow and it looks really good! I grab the eyeliner and start lining his eyes.
"You know y/n I'm really glad you're doing this. I'm glad everything is okay I missed the friendship I had with you." Bill says
"I'm glad I'm doing this too. You're like my best friend on the road and I didn't want to loose you as a friend." I say still kind of focusing on the eyeliner
I pull away and look at his eyes from a distance. I tell him to look up and I line his eyes underneath. The other guys walk in right while I'm finishing. Bill looks in the mirror.
"Wow! I love it y/n!!" Bill says excitedly
I smile and start closing up and putting away the makeup and Tom walks up and wraps his arms around me from behind.
"Did you do Bills makeup y/n? Tom asks smiling
"Yeah do you like it?" I ask him
"Yeah it looks better than when he does it himself." Tom laughs and Bill gives him a look and then smiles
After a few minutes someone comes in and they all go and do sound check. I watch from the side where I usually do and they sound as great as always. After hearing these songs over and over again I start humming along to some of the songs. They go through the set list and then they walk back over to the side of the stage. Tom kisses me and we walk back. We only sit in the green room for a little bit before we can hear the fans coming in. They are really loud and all the guys quiet down and seem a bit nervous. Someone comes to the door and lets them know it's time to start the show. Tom gives me a kiss and holds on tightly to my hand as we walk our way over to the stage. Someone announces them on and Tom gives me one more kiss before walking out. When they all walk out the screams from the crowd get so loud. They start preforming their first song and the crowd sings along. Once the song is over Bill talks to the crowd for a bit and then sings the next few songs. Tom looks over at me and winks and I smile and wave at him. The show goes on as usual for awhile. Then Bill starts talking to the crowd again.
"How are you guys feeling tonight?" He asks and they scream
"We are all feeling really good too." He says
Every time he says something they scream.
"How do I look you guys? Do you like the look? He asks and again of course they scream
"Well I'd like to thank someone special tonight for this look. Y/n Tom's girlfriend did my makeup tonight. Everyone show some love to her!" He says
The crowd screams and I smile and Tom looks over to me and smiles. I wasn't expecting him to do that and it made me happy nonetheless. Bill talks to them a little longer and they continue on with the show until it's over. They thank the crowd and run back to the side of the stage. Tom runs over to me and gives me a hug and a kiss. He holds my hand and we walk back to the green room. Tom sits down and drinks his water. I give Bill a hug and thank him for the shout out. Then I sit back down next to Tom. It doesn't take long before the car is back for us and we all get up and head out together. We drive back to the hotel and we all decide to meet up again in a little bit. Tom and I go into our hotel room and he goes to take a shower. I sit at the table on my phone while I wait for him. After a little while Tom finally came out of the bathroom. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help myself but look. He saw me looking and smiled. He put on some new clothes and sat down next to me.
"Are you ready y/n?" He asked me
"Yeah where are we going?" I asked him
"We are going to the rooftop of the hotel people can rent it out for the night so we rented it. There is food and drinks up there and all kinds of things it will be really fun." Tom says smiling
"Ooh that sounds like so much fun I can't wait!" I tell him
Tom stands up and gives me a kiss and then we walk out of the room together. We go to the stairs and only have to walk up a little bit because our rooms are on the top floor. We walk through the door at the top of the stairs and it's so beautiful. There is a big screen that is playing a movie and a bar area with food and drinks as well as strip lights lining the top of the roof and a pool. I look up and see all the stars because it's a clear night. There is an area with a bunch of seats and Tom and I sit down together. One by one the rest of the guys come up and sit down around us. After a little while Tom gets up and grabs food and his plate is full of a bunch of different foods. I walk up to the table with the food and grab a few things. I walk back over to the guys and place my plate down and go over to the bar area and get a drink. I turn to walk back over to the seating area and Tom is watching me and I smile. The food was really good. We all sat down and chilled watching the movie together. Tom and I finished our food and I got up and threw away our plates. I got distracted and walked over to the pool and took my shoes off and put them next to me and sat down next to the pool and put my feet in. Tom got up to get a drink and then walked over to me. I looked over to him and he smiled and took his sneakers off and sat next to me. He rolled his pants up a bit and put his feet in the water next to me. We were basically shoulder to shoulder next to the pool. Tom kicked some water up and it splashed back over us a bit. I laughed and splashed back. He smiled and then looked over at me.
"I'm so happy I found you y/n. You make my life so much better." He said smiling
"I love you" I said smiling
"I love you too y/n." He said and he kissed me
"How many more cities left on the tour?" I asked him
"Four I think. What do you want to do once it's over?" He asked me
"I'm not really sure. I haven't thought about where I'll go." I said getting kind of stressed
"Well like I've said you always have a place with me y/n." He says looking out around and then back to me
"You want me to move in with you?" I ask him
"Of course I do! I know its not usually how fast people move in with each other but we've already spent all this time together y/n and I wouldn't want to go to sleep alone or start my days without you." He says smiling
"Okay Tom if it's not too much than of course I'll stay with you." I say smiling
He leans in and gives me a kiss. When he pulls away we both look up at the sky together. It feels like you can see everything from here. As we are looking up something in the sky catches both of our eyes. We turn our heads towards it and it's a shooting star.
"Oh wow make a wish y/n" Tom tells me
I tried to think of something quickly but everything I could've wished for has already come true. I have the love I've always wanted and deserved. I have someone who listens and cares about me. All that I've ever wanted it right next to me and I couldn't be more thankful.


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