The switch

By ynxxstoriesss

20.8K 229 106

Your best friend who's the biggest Adele fan had bought tickets for her concert. You told yourself not to dri... More

Characters + a/n
' did you hear that'
The talk
Girls dateee
Old friends
Friends again
The match #1
The match #2
Break up
Stupid bitch
The end

Drunk 2#

937 11 6
By ynxxstoriesss

A/N: HERE'S A NEW PARTTT, but first I have some things to say:
1. I won't be writing smut now bc I think it's to early, if you don't agree with that please let me know!
2. I'm sorry I didn't posted yesterday but I had a champion match and WE WON!! So we had to celebrate after the match ofc!!
3. I'm so sorry if some of you finds the dancing part in the chapter before this one cringe but i didn't knew what to put there elseee!😭
Anyways let's get started with this chapterrr!!

Sophia and I said our goodbyes to everyone and I called an Uber because I was to drunk to drive. The Uber came pretty fast so Sophia and I walked into it and as soon as we sat I closed the curtains so the drivers couldn't see us. Then Sophia started getting on my lap and giving me a kind of lap dance. That turned me so on I've never been like this before, but I told myself I have to behave until we get home. The minute we got home I closed the door and trapped Sophia between the wall and myself. I pressed my lips on hers and she had some kind of skirt on, I slipped my hand under it and kind of 'messaged' her ass. She moaned and I took that as a opportunity to let my tongue in the kiss, and she did that to. We were now making out against the wall. I lifted her up and tilled her upstairs. We came into my bedroom and I ' trew' her on the bed. I laid on top of her and she took of her shirt. And then I saw her beautiful body and I think you know what we did after that....

Everyone had already left and only YN and I were still here to clean some things up. ' don't you think it's unfair we're the one cleaning while gavi and Sophia are at home probably fucking or smt' I said while laughing ' i totally agree, but I got to say they are a good couple' she said. ' we could be one too' that was probably the most risky thing I've ever said but I always say these weird things when I'm drunk, but I did mean it though . She laughed and started getting closer to me , I know she's drunk so anything she's about to say isn't real but at this point I don't care. ' if you think so why don't you prove it' she said and that turned me on so I started getting closer and closer. We started at each other's eyes and after a minute or 2 I looked at her lips and I just kissed her. Luckily she kissed me back and one of my hands was on her waist pulling her closer and the other one was cupping her cheek. Her hands were in my hair and it was the most perfect kiss I've ever had, but of course someone had to interrupt by calling me. It was the police??
' I'm so sorry YN but I have to take this, it's the police.'
' yeah of course don't worry!'

I picked up the phone and they immediately started talking
' hello sir, is this Pedro González'
' yes, hello'
'I'm so sorry to tell you but there's been an accident with a girl which looks a lot like you're sister'
' what no t-that's not possible!! please tell me she's alive'
' she is but we don't know if she'll make it.. but there's still hope'

I just hang up and started crying. I fell to my knees and cried even more.
'Pedri what happend!?' YN asked
' it's my sister.... She's been in an accident and they don't know if she'll make it!'
' Pedri I'm so sorry, she did not deserve this but it'll be alright, I just know that!'
She hugged me and we sat there for a time with me crying on her shoulder until I started talking again.

' I'm going to visit her right now' I said while getting up
'  yeah yeah of course Uhm I'll just walk home'
' absolutely not I'll call gavi to come pick you up'
' ok thank you Pedri' she hugged me again and I gave her a kiss on her for head and started running to my car to get to my sister as soon as possible

Pedri just had heard the most terrible news of his life and he had to leave immediately. I feel so sorry for him, they both didn't deserve this. I'm just waiting for gavi to arrive while staring at the sea. It always sobers me down, that's why I love the sea.

After a while gavi arrived and I say him walking over to me almost tripping multiple times. He's drunk,  like very drunk. I just walked over to him instead and right before he was about to fall I sort of caught him just in time.

'Easy there big boy' I said while helping him up
' thank you YN' he said and we started at each other

Then out of nowhere he kissed me and I pulled back within a second. I slapped him because I was so mad

' why would you do that, you're talking to my best friend and you know I kind of have something with Pedri to!' I yelled to him

' I know I know but I want you not Sophia'
' you're such a jerk , I'll just walk home instead'
I started walking of until someone picked me up and trew me over his shoulder.

' I swear to god if you don't put me down right now I'll scream'
' then scream, I don't care your not walking home, I'm taking you'
I tried to get of but he was to strong ( this sounds really pick me I'm so sorry)
And with that we were home and I lay down on pedri's bed. I actually got up right away because I had a bikini on and I couldn't sleep in only that. I walked over to pedri's closet and chose one of his shirts to sleep in. I walked over to the bathroom and toke of my make up with a washcloth and water. I couldn't brush my teeth because I didn't have a toothbrush here so I just skipped that and drank some mouth freshener. After that I just climb under the sheets and stared thinking some uninteresting things. Then I remembered I kissed Pedri today and I started smiling like a happy little kiss. But that smile went away when I remembered where he is right now, again I feel so sorry for him, not only for him but for his whole family...
What a weird day today


A/N: sooo what do we think, I actually really liked this one! Let me know what you think!!

Te amo Guyssss❤️
X ynsxxstoriesss

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