destiny (Bill X Male!oc)

By Thewrathof_zeus

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'a car suddenly rushes into me....' this story follows a guy named Jake that dies and gets sent to gravity f... More

bill! what did you do!?

the beginning (what ive already wrote)

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By Thewrathof_zeus

as I was driving a car swooshed in and hit me, hard. My heart skipped a beat. Then the pain kicked in, a wave of agony crashing down upon my body, it felt like everything broke in half, there was this big crack right across my spine that had me gasping in pain. I started to feel faint although the inscrutiatng pain.  The pain spread throughout my entire body from head to toe. My vision blurred, I could barely see anything. I wanted to fall asleep so bad but I couldn’t close my eyes because the blackness of unconsciousness was terrifying. The pain was just too much for me. It didn't seem real. The only way I knew I wasn't dead was from being able to hear my own ragged breathing. I tried to talk myself out of the fact that I was about to pass out. But it didn't work, the pain grew worse with each passing second I stayed awake.
  “Come on,” I whispered to myself.
"im not dying. Don't die now." With that, I let go and the darkness consumed me. When I next woke up, I was in a giant void, i felt confused and disorented,
'wait... my pain is gone. am i dead?' as i was pondering the thought of where i was, i spotted something, a pink blur, it came closer and closer untill i could fully see it when it stood right infront of me. a giant axolotl,
'heh, kinda like in that choose you own adventure book about dipper and mabel.'
"Jake, your here at last." The axolotls thundering voice brought me out of my thoughts. I stared at them dumbfounded. The axolotl's green eye glowed in the gloom and they looked at me sternly.
'how did they know my name?' i should ask them some questions.
" where am I?" their eyes lit up and they circled around me at a leisurely pace.
"That is a great question jake, and i shall answer it. your in the gate between life and death, you would have gone if i had not kept you here." they stopped and looked down at me. their voice sounded so familiar, i think i heard them before.
"i suppose what i'm about to say won't be easy, jake. but i need you to listen closely." their look in their eyes so intense it felt like their eyes were digging into my soul.
" i cannot keep you from leaving unless you do as i ask. i promise this will hurt at first, but i promise you it'll get better." They paused again for dramatic affect.
"you are the last hope for humanity as i know it, jake." they said solemnly.
"you are the control the fate of all worlds." my eyes shot wide open. WAIT WHAT? as I processed that information my eyes grew wider and wider.
"I don't think I should be the last hope,  i don't even want to be the last hope, i just wanna go back home.
"tear started flowing down my cheeks."no one else can do this but you, jake." my eyes flashed brightly, my  face twisted in anger.
" so out of all the people in the world it HAS to be me!" I couldn't help but start to laugh. Thier eyes started to fill with confusion, and uncertainty.
"this is you dream though, you have always wished to go to gravity falls." a smile sneaked its way to my lips.
" you didn't say anything about gravity falls!" I could meet bill if I did what they wanted, and then start weirdmaggedon.
"I thought I told you..." The axolotl  looked lost. i shook my head,
"you didn't tell me," i sighed exasperatedly, and rubbed my forehead my smile leaving my face and frustration seeping into my features, wait why am I frustrated? as the axolotl said this is my dream. ever since I watched the TV show I was wishing I could go there, but alas it was just a work of fiction.but this was my chance to go! to meet bill, and dipper, and ford.  and start weirdmaggedon along with bill! how much fun! 
"so what do we gotta do?" the axolotl smiled and gestured for me to follow them.
"you have to jump off the gate."
"what?!" my eyebrows shot up,
"and then what happens?" my mind was whizzing with all the possibilities of what could happen.
" you'll wake up at the mystery shack, they wound know who you are of course, but you could easily befriend the pines and the town, I know it" I nodded and started to climb, wait.
" anything I should know?" I tilted my head to show even more question.
" yes... you'll have to stay there forever. but in your world, you are dead.." my eyes bulged as the words hit my ears, im dead?!
"eh, not like I had anything going on there." it's true, my dad abandoned me when I was a child and left my mom to take care of me, my life was good for a while untill she died, it was a sad day for me, and I was sent to my aunts house, where she  took custody of me until i turned 18. I lived there for two years before getting into collage. when i was not studying and taking tests. I was working at a cafe and made enough money so that i wouldn't have to worry about anything for awhile. but now I was homeless, and no collage because i dropped out..... before I was hit, I was driving to the cemetery to visit my mom, it was my 21st birthday. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and I nodded. i climbed the rest of the way, then took a leap of faith. I heard the axolotl say
"farewell my great son."
but before I could prosses what they had said,  A small gasp escaped my lips as i plummeted towards the ground. I saw the light. Then I landed. My arms went limp as i fell to the ground. I lay there for a moment, then opened my eyes and I started to cough. The pain came rushing back to me and i groaned. my arms moved of their own accord, and my hands grabbed my head.  I felt a hot feeling coming from inside my head, my mouth and nostrils filled with blood. I tried to hold it in, but it was too much. I screamed, I cried and I tried to control the pain somehow. It only seemed to get worse. then I blacked out.

I heard I faint beeping and light was coming through my eyelids. my eyes flew open as I tried to get up only to collapse back down, I took a moment to look around at my surroundings, I was in the hospital. i checked my self out and noticed i was smaller.. i look like 12 year old me
"what the-" the doctors  noticed I was awake and talking so they rushed to my aid and asked me what felt like a bajilion questions.  The doctor examined me and gave an update of what happened. They said i'd received major head trauma from a supposed large truck crash which caused a fracture and damage along my lower neck. The bones in my neck might have been fractured. I had a broken pelvis, a few fractured ribs, multiple bruises on my stomach, a sprained wrist, hip, knee, and I have a concussion, they said, and a mild concussion, my head, I was fine. As they were saying this, the hospital room door slid open and a man walked in, I immediately recognized him as Stanly, but I feigned ignorance. Stanly probably have not seen me at all before..
"who... are you?"
he was looked at me with a worried expression. He walked over to my bedside table and put his hand on my forehead, I pulled away as fast as I could. His gaze softened and I looked away, trying to hide the blush that was coming to my cheeks.
"Don't worry kid, you're okay now. your at the hospital." my eyes widened, oh no. I probably didn't exist here so they will find out that I don't exist here by my name (cuz there is a record of everyone)... what do i do?
'that has been taken care of.' the axolotls familiar voice filled my head.  my breath caught in my throat as I gasped loudly. Stanly and the doctor looked at me confused, then my breathing calmed again, my heart beating quickly. The doctor then turned to Stanly,
"your gonna have to step out, there's someone who wants to meet her." Stanly slowly stepped away and closed the door behind him. then a man with a pink sweater and jeans walked in.
"Hello, jake. you may not remember me but I'm Tyrone." his voice was the same as... the axolotl. heh, he chose dippers dream name, hilarious.that must be him.
"Hello, Tyrone." we did some small talk while we talked telepathically.
'why are you here? AND WHY AM I TWELVE F****** YEARS OLD' I laughted at a comment he said while we were talking.
' to guide you, I'll be here and there. I'll come when you are in trouble. and i made your form twelve years old so you could get closer to dipper and mable' I stopped in the middle of my sentence.
'why are you doing this for me?' then I recalled what I heard before I arrived here.
' are you my father?' I tilted my head as I asked a question.
"yes." he looked at his watch,
"I better go, bye jake." then he walked out, what question did he answer? the one I said aloud, or the one I said telepathically? or did he answer both.... stan and a doctor walked in.
"who was that?" stan asked inquisitively.
"the person who carried me to the shack, why?"
"no reason..." yeah there is definitely a reason.


it has been a while since the axolotl had brought me to gravity falls, and I've become accustomed  to life here, I got a job at the mystery shack, and im living there. the only reason that I'm living there is because stan found out I'm kinda homeless here, and i still look like im twelve years old, im still very p***ed about that.... I found out that i have enough time to recover from the multiple injuries i have before the twins arrive.. so I'm going to have to wait a while untill they are here, and along with that, bill and weirmaggedon... unless I find a way to summon bill.... I may have to steal journal number one. eh, not like Gideon is doing any good with it, but I would have to return it so the twins can find bill....  I hope they don't kill him. wait what? I hope they don't kill him because he is a part of my plans. well, they won't..  I'm sure of it.

Afew months after, i had recovered enough to walk.i was walking across the road when I spotted something red and glittering in the bushes, it wasn't really a thing i would call clothing per say, but I knew what it was.. I slowly crept forward to see what it was... I bent down to pick it up. it wasn't a price of clothing! it was a small dog drenched in blood. I thought it was dead because it was so statuesque, but when I put an ear next to it I felt a slight breath coming out of it. I gently picked it up and brought it to the local vet... I hope it makes it. the veterinarian that was  tending to the dogs was kind to me, even though i didn't say very much. she gave me a bandage to cover the injury, and told me that if I could keep the dog alive, she would try her best to heal its injuries, and also give me a reward. i was glad it wasn't dead.. I payed for the treatment with the last of the money I had and went to the pet store to get the basic needs for a dog. I  bought food, toys, clothes, etc. and then I went home, after a quick shower, I changed into a new outfit. since the one I was wearing was covered in the poor dogs blood. I sighed heavily as I sat at the edge of my bed and stared at the floor. I'm going on a heist, today. and i trust that the universe is on my side today, I stood and stretched. and I started getting ready to steal journal number 1. more like borrow.. because it is necessary that Gideon summons bill. well... it isn't but I like dream scaperers... so yeah. I also told stan what I was doing because knew he would be fine with it. he sent me with all the things I needed and a pat on the back. my dog rosie.. who later I found out was a mix of Saint Bernard and corgi, which is a strange yet adorable mix. pawed at me,   begging to leave with me, but i refused.
"hey rosie, i know, i know.. we'll have fun when I get back, okay?" I  stroked her soft fur and petted her head softly. She nuzzled my hand in affection and then wagged her tail. I smiled, happy that I was giving her a treat. I left the house and headed to where i thought Gideon house was, and I was correct, I snuck up to the window and climbed in because it was open. once inside, i closed and locked the window and then set myself down on his floor. my eyes scanned the walls for a place where i could take the book, and it wasn't that hard.. i grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote the summoning spell down on the paper, when I stuffed it in my pocket and put the book down I heard a door creek open and  shut.. my breathing hitched as i held my breath.. Gideon appeared, his hair slicked back in his usual style, wearing black pants and a grey sweater with a white v neck and black dress shoes. he walked towards his desk to grab a book and flipped through it for a moment before he placed it back and continued walking towards my direction untill he stopped, and turned away from   me and headed towards the bathroom, his back towards me. I relaxed and let go of the breath I was holding, and I quickly snuck out and headed home.. it was getting quite dark. Once I got to my room I jumped into bed and fell asleep, thinking to myself about how much fun im going to have tomorrow...

*time skip*

I took the price of paper out of my pocket and placed it  on my bedside table, and then went into my closet to get the rest of the items i needed. I put them all in my backpack and head to the forest where I wouldn't be bothered... but I forgot the twins were coming to gravity falls today. I laid all the candles out and chanted the spell needed. I started to  feel cold and shivered violently as i squeezed my eyes shut to gaurd them from any harm, the air seemed to be sucked out of the room and into space. I opened my eyes and everything had lost color and seemed like time was frozen.. it worked! now where is bill?
"right here!" a voice behind me said and I knew right away it was bill. bill started to laugh maniacal I joined in with a devious chuckle.
"well well well, look what we have here! A Lad who knows his stuff!" I smiled smugly. if he had read my mind  or not I didn't know...  it would be more impressive if he didn't though.
"I want to make a deal... bill." I whipped around to face him, my smile gowing wider by the second..
" and what is your conditons, doll?" I scowled.
"IM NOT A DOLL! "I shouted.
"whatever you say. doll." I was seconds away from punching him but then decided its not worth it. now back to the point "I have three different deals. my first one, is that I want to be like a God..  be immortal and have powers, stuff like that. and because of that I'll have to use my powers to keep the pines from defeating you. the second, is that I want to have some control over weirdmaggedon, and I'll help you get the rift.. for my la- BILL!" bill took some teeth out of a deer and handed them to me.
" PUT THEM BACK THIS INSTANT! as I was saying.. for my last deal, I want the world to be spared an-" bill interrupted me.
" what will be good in exchange for a world?!?" ugh, he is getting on my nerves.
"I WAS ABOUT TO GET TO THAT! in exchange for the worlds safety, I'll get you the equation, and also i will rule it to keep it in check, any no good doers get sent to you for you to do whatever you want with." bills eye grew wide.
"why do I need a equation? I know them all!" he proved his point by showing me every single equation human kind knows. and it was ALOT.
"AHHH MATH NOOO!" I jokingly scratched the air then fell backwards and bill just watched giggling. GIGGLING!
"too much... information...." I faked taking my last breath, and then stated laughing. bill started laughing too 
"HAHAHAHA!!!" He laughed until  tears streamed down his face and then stopped. he wiped his face clean with a face cloth that appeared in thin air. his face turned serious.
" why do I need a equation? The other part seems good but... why an equation?" he said curiosity ebbing into his voice. oh! I forgot that he didn't know about it untill weirdmaggedon!
" it's take take down the weirdness barrier" he looked at me questionaly.
"what weirdness barrier?" I sighed, man even though he knows everything he is still clueless as h***. "the weirdness barrier will foil your plans by keeping you in gravity falls!" his eyes widened.
" how do  you know all this?!!?" I laughed at the irony of him asking such a dumb question and answered him.
"because I am not from this realm.  i was sent here from the axolotl. The realm i was in had a gravity falls show (which I watched so many times I can remember everything in it..) Bill's eyes went wide, he looked confused and then said
"you are joking!" I shook my head sadly.
" no. " I said.
"then... i guess I owe you, because you were sent by the axolotl. i owe him alot! and i mean ALOT!" I nodded, not surprised. i winked at him and smirked evilly.
"I'm not just a person he sent... I'm his son." his eyes widened.
"WHAT?!?!" and he screamed so loud that the whole neighborhood would have woke up if it were night, and it still would catch attention. I winced slightly at the noise, but kept smiling.
"i'm the only son, and he wants me to save the world. and he says i have to stop being a jerk to everyone i meet" Bill frowned
"that doesn't sound promising." He was silent for a minute. then his face changed to one of mischief which it seems like it would be impossible but he pulled it off.
"but i can think of something that might work..." he said.
"and what might that be?" I asked curiously.
"how about you come to my house tonight, and we can talk about it there?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"do you even have a house?"  I asked teasingly.
"no.. i don't."I thought his eye glinted with a sliver of sadness,  but it was probably just my imagination. his eye lit up.
"what if you stay at the mystery shack?"  I grinned mischievously.
"okay, but you have to make the deal."  He nodded enthusiastically. he stood up and stretched and then he put his hand out and it bursted into flames.
"deal?" he wiggled his outstretched hand. I smacked it away therfore puting the fire out.
"only If you hold up your end. that means no loopholes. but the deal can change if we both agree on it"  Bill nodded eagerly and put his hand out, it burned in to flames. and he waited for what probaly seemed like an eternity for him.
"times a ticking, doll." his impatience seeping into his features. I rolled my eyes and put my hand in his to shake on it. when my hand reached his we got covered in blue and red fire. mixing into a nice deep shade of purple. wait... where was the red fire coming from? I looked at myself and realized the red fire was only covering MY body. was it coming from me? I looked at bill to search for answers, but he looked as surprised as I was. finaly the fires dimmed and the deal was sealed.
"what was that?" I asked curiously. he shrugged and replied
" i guess you got some of your fathers powers." my eyes widened.
"WHAT!!!?!" i gave him a look of shock.
"whoa easy tiger... you must have gotten a lot more than just powers... you're kinda like a god now." I stared at him like he grew two heads.
"I AM NOT A GOD DAMN GOD!!" I shouted.
"you're not a God yet." he said as if he was stating the obvious.
"i'm not." I repeated more sternly. he rolled his eyes. I was mad.. 
"come on! i know i'm not the best example, but i think I can show you a way to make things a bit easier." I looked at the sky and noticed it was setting.
"SHOOT! the pines twins are coming today!" I quickly grabbed all the avidence that showed that I was here. bill looked at me with a confused look.
"disguise yourself and follow me!" and started running  thru the forest with him close behind me as a shadow. after a while of running, the ground shook underneath us and he held me tight to him for dear life. I started to hear thunderous footsteps coming our way, along with screaming. Is it the gnomes? no it's to early for that... then what is it? before I could wonder what it was a hideous beast burst through the underbrush. It charged at me and bill (although he was a shadow) and I quickly recognized it, it's a gremoblin! probaly the same one from when mable became the boss of the mystery shack. I quickly looked away but bill didn't , he turned into his triangle form and freezed time again exept for the gremoblin, me, and him. the area before me turning shades of grey. he looking directly at into its eyes.I guess he isnt scared of anything since he is a demon....he said something I couldn't quite hear and the beast came closer and I heard it roar in pain. I turned to see bill had slashed its side open. grey blood poured out like crazy and it roared again in pain then it lunged at him. he quickly dashed to the side. he summoned a katana and swept at its side.   It screeched as it fell on the ground and tried to stand up again, but it couldn't. It was knocked unconscious. i slowly walked towards it, the smell of blood made my stomach churn. I was disgusted but i didnt feel disgusted enough to look away. it would survive. barely though....
"Bill?" I turned towards the triangle that now stood behind me, he looked at me expectantly.
"can you heal it? its disgusting, all of it" I also don't want to leave it like that. he looked at me with a hurt expression, I realized that what I have said may have offended him.
" I didn't mean your disgusting! I ment the gremoblin is!" I smiled at him reassuringly and placed my right hand on the creatures neck. I concentrated on calming it down, I was able to calm it down almost instantly. It started breathing normally.
"it's going to die." He said calmly,
" and you can't heal it?" i questioned him.
"not unless someone else with powers comes in." He replied flatly, I felt my heart ach untill I realized I can help.
" I can help!" he shook his head in a way that said.'no' 
"But i can help it!!" He shook his head again.
"i cant let you help it. you don't know how, and your not strong enough to do it."   I glared at him,
"well I sure as hell can try!" 
"NO!" his outburst caused me to flinch.
"i cant let you risk your life just to prove a point! that wont be useful for me!" he pleaded with tearful eyes. I looked back at the creature.
"but I need to heal it!"
  "N-O! I said so!" I crossed my arms and looked at him with a sassy look.
"then help me! you can teach me, and when I do it you can lend me some of your power!" I exclaimed angrily. I saw something flashing across his face, but it went away too fast,
"i caint lend my powers to anyone." he muttered lowly.
"Then who will do it? Because clearly it has been helping you"
"it is not a good idea, Doll"
"Why not?? it wont do any harm" he finaly gave up and said.
"because I don't know how! I don't give others power! I take it!"
  "then we can learn how together! Come on Bill! Please!" I pleaded desperately.
"Okay... fine..." I smiled and he groaned in defeat. I giggled and hugged him happily, that realized what i have done, im acting like a girl! I'm not a girl!  I looked away blushing. wait why am I blushing? never-ending all that let's get this over with..
"where does your power come from?" he looked at me, confused.
" it's not really there, but it is there. it's more like a mind over matter kind of thing." I thought about what he had said for a bit, than I thought of a plan.
"that's it!" I snapped my fingers and accidently summoned a doll. I quickly snapped again and made it go away. wait what? I summoned something!
"so what do we need to do? do we need to sit here and mediate? clime a hill called mind over matter? fly to the moon?" a laughed at what he had said.
"you actualy guessed it! it is meditating, we are going to do a mind exercise!" He looked at me as if I had suddenly developed an extra pair of hands.
"why?"  I rolled my eyes, he wasn't going to like this, but at least i had made a plan for him. 
"we are going to sit here and meditate! we are going to think about the power inside of us. you are going to imagine that some of your power is floating like a river to me, or something else. and when I'm done with your powers, you can imagine something is blocking the river." he nods, then looks at the gremoblin, the beast now awake and looking at us fearfully.
"it's time." bill nods and starts the prosses. a blue line connects to me from his head, and it's going into my heart. intresting... I kneel down next to the gremoblin but then remembered something. shoot! I don't know how to heal it. when I was about to announce this problem, something clicked inside of me. I started to channel my powers in to the gremoblins body. stitching together his tendons, muscles, and bones. I looked at the gremoblin and noticed that the wounds were healing faster than before.  Its healed, the gremoblin is finally healed, and i'm still sitting here! I looked at Bill and said
"okay!" He nodded in response and sat next to me. we both closed our eyes. I felt my body relax and my energy start returning to normal.
"that was amazing" I heard Bill say. We opened our eyes simultaneously and grinned at eachother. The gremoblins eyes slowly opened and looked around confused. I stood up slowly.
"you okay?" I asked hesitantly, afraid I may be hurting it. its eye darted towards me and the gremoblin started moving. It slowly got up, and It looked at us in awe. then rushed back into the forest. then I realized we still had a gigantic walk ahead of us. bill slurred back into the shadows. and I rushed back to the shack... Stan's gonna kill me for this, isn't he? when me and bill got back to the shack, and opened the door. my dog came tumbling out and tackled bill to the ground and started to lick all over his triangular body. I left them to do their thing when I went inside. a second after, the vending machine popped open and stan came tumbling out. when he realized I was there and the dog was licking the ground, he turned a pale sort of white. he opened his mouth like he was going to talk, but words never came out. he took a second then finaly spoke
"This never happend" then  left the room, slamming the door. bill himself from rosie and floating to an upright position. rosie charged at me and knocked me  onto my back and began attacking my face.
"hey!" I shouted annoyed.  bill pulled her off me and held her in his  hand and threw her against the wall. her body floped against the wall and grew still.
"BILL!!!" i screamed in anger.
"Bill! what the hell are you doing?! i cried trying to understand why he would throw poor rosie
,"I'm teaching her!" Bill said proudly. "No!!!"  Bill started to laugh but stopped as soon as he saw my furious expression.
  "You aren't teaching her!! she's a dog" I continued to scream at him and Bill's eye widened at my anger and sadness. I grabbed rosie and ran upstairs and sat on my bed. I should be able to heal her because she doesn't have as bad as the injuries that the gremoblin had. I used my powers to heal her, and I felt some of my power seeping from me and soon grew tired. rosie sat up and started doing circles around me. and then I remembered the deal me and bill made. deal one was kind of a rip off for me now, since I already had powers... before I could think about it more I heard a knock at the door.
"go away!" I yelled. 
"Doll, are you okay?" I heard Bill's voice through the door.
"Go Away! You hurt poor rosie!  she didnt do anything wrong!"
He seemed surprised by my tone and stayed quiet for a moment.  I was angry, but also sad, i wanted someone to comfort me... bill stepped into the room He came in to my room and gave me a large bag filled with candy, chocolate and some other things like that.
"im pretty sure humans like candy. want some?" he offered as he shook the bag.
"uh fine, I want some. but if this is an apology, this will only buy  today before I get mad again."  Bill nodded and went to get a couple of  small plates that were full of the cookies and chocolate covered strawberries.
" i got some more sweets!" he said walking towards me and sat next to me on my bed.
"thank you, I love strawberries." I grinned. He looked at me with big eyes . He looked like a puppy dog but than I realized something...
"bill.... where did you get this?" I motioned toward the bag full of candy that he gave me, than the plates with strawberries and cookies on them
"oh uh, well you see, I borrowed it"
"from where?"  I glared at him and crossed my arms waiting for his answer.
"uh... uhhhhmm, i can't tell you" he said sheepishly as he stared at the floor. I sighed and got up.
"if you dont tell me ima strangle you." bill looked at me questionaly.
"how will you do that? I'm a triangle!"
"I'll find a way." bill started to look visibly nervous. he started to sweat and looked side to side over and over again...
"well???" I pressed. I watched as he gulped, then swallowed hard, he looked at me and started talking.
"well, um... i may or may not have stolen these..." he paused as if expecting me to yell at him.
"WHAT!" he winced and looked at me apologetic
"i didn't mean too, i promise." I rubbed my temples.
"you're lucky i'm so forgiving or else you would've been punished very severely by me. you should know better than to steal!" oh wait where did he steal it from?
"where did you get it?" he started to look nervous again.....
"uhhhh.... from the store." he answered quickly with an innocent face. I growled at him in frustration. he looked away and I felt sorry that I yelled at him...
"did anyone see you?"  i asked calmly. he shook his head quickly. I sighed in relief. I knew he was good at being sneaky but I couldn't believe he would be dumb enough to steal from a store. i guess it makes sense if you consider the fact that he's a demon.
"wait.... I have nowhere to sleep... can I sleep with you?" I knew what he ment but he just said it in a weird way.
"are you serious? you're kidding right?" I said flatly and he nodded in reply.
"nope, not kidding." I thought about it for a second and then decided
"fine. you can bunk with me.."
"THANK YOU!!" and hugged me.
"but if you wake up in the middle of the night, I'm blaming you." I said sternly.  He nodded and smiled brightly. and climbed under the covers, I quickly followed. I soon fell asleep. I'm not sure about bill though . i was woken up the next morning by the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. i stretched slightly before I realized bill was cuddled against me. I blushed furiously  and pushed him off. he woke up and rubbed his eyes.
"morning, doll." he yawned. i ignored him and rolled out of bed and looked at him. he was looking at me all child like.
"can you please come back? you took all the heat." I scoffed.
"aren't you an all powerful demon?" I teasingly said.
please?" he looked at me with puppy eyes I just couldn't say no to
"fine...." I mumbled and sat down on the bed.
He quickly jumped up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him tightly.
"thanks, baby." he mumbled into my hair. i froze.
'baby?' wait.. what?
"what did you just call me?" i squeaked and tried pushing him off me, but he wouldn't budge.
"well.. you kinda act like a baby, so i'm calling you baby. don't worry, i wont tell the others." he chuckled. I could feel myself getting hot and red. wait why am I? I'm not gay.. am I? confusion settles down on me and I feel the need to go on a walk.
"Bill, please let go of me." i whispered, my voice breaking. he quickly released me and blushed deeply. he was a cute guy and i loved it... i was so confused and I wasnt sure if i liked him or not. so, with a shaky breath, i walked to the door and opened it. I stepped into the living room. dipper and mable was in it. mable was chasing him.  he looked scared and kept running and jumping around but mable just laughed.  
"stop chasing me! i told you i won't give you my heart." he screamed and darted away from her.
"that won't stop me!" she giggled.
"what are you guys doing?" I asked out loud. the twins looked startled that i was there and Dipper almost tripped and fell on the floor.
"well we were playing truth or dare but mabel was daring me to ask a random girl out and when i refused she said she'll do it herself and asked me for my heart, and when I said no.. she started running at me, but i got up quickly and she chased after me, and then you appeared" dipper explained.  I nodded.
"I assume your jake?"  dipper  asked me.
"yeah" i replied as they both looked at me.
"cool!" mable ran up and hugged me. typical mable... while dipper stayed back and was what looked like anylizing the situation.
"want me to guess your personalities?" sure I kinda sounded like bill but I wanted to leave a good impression.
"sure!" mable called out.
"ok so mable, from what I see, your bold at heart and not afraid to show your true self to others because your wearing a quite a peculiar outfit, which i love and you are quick to speak, and also you are obsessed with romance, due to your dare with dipper, and the heart on your sweater. whi-"
"so trueee!"mable interrupted with a look of awe. I cleared my throat
" as I was saying, while for you, dipper, you don't trust anyone at first, and you analyze everything before entering the situaltion. you are also horrible with talking to girls that is not mable." dipper squeaked.
"the last parts not true!" but than he gained some cool and look at me questionaly. "how did you know?"  he asked in shock. I smiled and shrugged.
" I could just tell by the way you guys acted."  They both smiled widely
"so like Sherlock." dipper said thoughtfully.
"I guess so!" I said enthusiastically.
"why weren't you here to greet us?" mable asked spinning on a globe of the world.
" because I had to go  do something and was intrupted by something on the way back."  they looked at me suspiciously.
"you had something important to do?" dipper asked as we left the house. I nodded.
"and who was it that caught your attention?" he added, trying to read my mind.
"nothing important." I lied but dipper didn't seem to believe the lie i told, but mable sure did
"is that so~?" she said as she turned away from the twins. she probaly said it because there may have been boys involved.
"yeah, nothing really." I tried to make light of the topic and we continued walking home. But dipper knew that something more was going on. he is probably, one of my biggest threats, aside from ford, but ford is not here. He was silent. I think he was thinking about it. I looked at him and noticed that he was staring ahead, deep in thought. I looked away from him and sighed. I hope he won't do anything bad.
"hey, uhm"
"whats it?" I looked at him.
"do you maybe want to join us tomorrow? we can go exploring." he suggested hopefully.
"well actually.." i sighed. "i don't even know if i'm ready to do this yet." i looked at him sadly.  he frowned at me.
"okay well, you know where to find us whenever you decide to join us. bye, jake." he waved goodbye.
and left. i decided I didn't need a walk anymore and went back to my room. when I got in the room was a mess! and bill was in the middle of it...

*Wow I just realized this is alot! Art ontop is not mine!*

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