Dragon Slayer- A Hobbit Fanfi...

By theironwolf26

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Gandalf is working on a quest. A quest to take back a homeland for the dwarves. He has travelers and even a b... More

Prologue: The Call
Chapter 1: Dwarves
Chapter 2: To Plan
Chapter 3: To Begin
Chapter 4: The Trouble Begins
Chapter 5: Troll, Elf and Hobbit
Chapter 6: Wizards and Elves
Chapter 7: The Last Homely House
Chapter 8: The Twisting Tales
Sneak Peek
Chapter 10: Into the Mountains
Chapter 11: Flickers of Ages

Chapter 9: A Song of Embers

290 11 1
By theironwolf26

Italics- Memories
TA 2941

     Velcanyxa stared at the paper in front of her, at the neat letters that seemed to whirl in front of her eyes.  She needed to sleep but her assignment wasn't going to do itself. That was the unfortunate fact about school. Her older brothers now worked with their father at the forge but she still had to go to school. She didn't enjoy it.

     Celebrimbor came marching into the room, paper in hand, looking worse than she did. "Does our teacher think we don't have other things to do? I though working with Da on his projects was bad, this is ten times worse!"

     She snickered, gesturing for him to sit by her at the desk. He plopped down in the chair next to her and, still grumbling, passed her the paper. Light from the silver tree filtered into her room, adding additional light besides the lamp set on her desk. Behind them, Celebrimbor had left the door open.

     "Go close the door first, you heathen," she said, rolling her eyes. He stood up and closed it partially. "I meant all the way, doofus." He closed it almost all the way. She threw a pencil at him and he ducked, finally shutting the door.

     Sighing, she turned her attention back to the homework. It took her a few minutes to even figure out what her nephew had been working on, she'd done it a couple of years ago after all. Then she had to figure out how she'd managed to do it. Not to mention it was math. Celebrimbor came back and sat down beside her.

     Dipping her quill into the ink jar, she carefully began to draw a diagram. "Well Atar always told me to draw it first so we can start there. And I think then you set the equation up like this..."


Only two days following their late night work, both Velcanyxa and Celebrimbor fell sick. Still being children in the eyes of elves, they were still susceptible to the illnesses of the world. However much the Valar helped block out, the youngest of their race felt Morgoth's darkness even deep inside Valinor.

When asked, both said that the other had caught the illness and spread it to them. Her older brothers found this highly amusing, especially when she and Celebrimbor bickered over it. Usually, their arguments ending with both of them coughing relentlessly.

One day both of them had curled up in Celebrimbor's room. She'd taken the spare bed, snatching one of his many blankets before burrowing underneath it. He stared across the gap between the two beds, also tucked under a blanket.

Neither said anything, preferring to just listen to the birds outside their window. The light of Laurelin, the Golden Tree, streamed in, warming the wood floor and casting rays of light across their faces. Overall, it was a beautiful day out and both wished they could be outside, playing some sort of game with their family. Instead they were stuck inside, resting.

"I hate being sick," Celebrimbor grumbled, breaking the silence of the room.

She sniffled, then grinned, "Agreed, Celley."

"Don't call me that, you know I hate it," he retorted, "unless you want me to call you Velly."

Velcanyxa let out a fake gasp, "You wouldn't!"

"I certainly would, dork," came the reply.

She laughed, Celebrimbor snickering across the gap between them. Then he started coughing, while still also laughing, creating a weird wheezing sound. It only made them laugh harder, trying to stay quiet as their brother Caranthir was sleeping nearby.

The door opened, causing them to freeze mid cough/laugh and Caranthir glanced in, "What are you two doing?"

She just glanced over at Celebrimbor and started laughing again. He tried to stifle his own laugh before bursting into giggles, nearly falling off the bed. Caranthir just rolled his eyes and left. They both laid there for a while yet, snickering, quietly grateful for each other's company.


     Bilbo trotted beside Ori as they headed to the Hall of Fire, curious as to exactly where they were going. Elrond had come into their makeshift camp just after noon following their tour, inviting them to the Hall. He'd also explained to them that it was an honor to even be invited. After, Gandalf mentioned Nyx would meet them there but that she had other matters to attend to at the time.

     At that, despite some grumbling, the dwarves accepted though Bilbo suspected not all of them would show up, even later into the night. Though Elrond had also said food would be there and Bilbo figured that would incentivize some of them. Up ahead, two great wooden doors loomed, patterns of fire dancing across the oak. The elf leading them pushed the doors open, revealing the Hall of Fire.

     It was a circular room, surrounding a pit in which a fire roared, sending sparks up into the skylight above them. Pillars stood around the center, by which elves stood and spoke. Along the walls, paintings had been hung and the pillars had been carved into intricate patterns and forms. Overall, it was a hall of history and beauty. Bilbo loved it.

     The Company sat down upon the comfortable floor on their left, none of them going to interact with the elves who stood nearby. Bilbo felt the tension between the groups, felt it fill the air like a disease. The elves seemed standoffish he supposed but the dwarves made no attempt to hide their disgust. Bilbo stepped forward nearer to a pair of elves in an attempt to ease the tension.

They were both far taller than him, taller than even the majority of elves. One had golden hair that had been braided up and away from his face, the other had dark brown, almost black hair framing green eyes. The latter looked down at him and smiled softly, causing Bilbo to notice the keenness in his gaze.

"Hello Master Hobbit, is there something you need?" the blonde haired one said, tilting his head.

Bilbo paused, surprised at how they knew he was a hobbit, not a halfling, not a dwarf. He thought no others outside of his little home knew much about hobbits. Clearly these two knew however and he had to wonder how they knew.

"I'm just trying to ease the tension," he blurted out. "So, can I ask you your names?"

The darker haired elf sat down, "I am Aironsír, and this is my friend, Glorfindel. If you wonder why we know you are a hobbit, it is because we are also friends with Nyx and she has told us much of your journeys."

Bilbo glanced between them, gazing at them in a new light. When he'd spotted Nyx speaking with other elves or really just other people, she seemed stiff and ill at ease. She rarely spoke of her own life yet she must have felt comfortable around these two to tell them about their journey.

"I'm Bilbo Baggins of the Shire," he replied to the two elves. "Can I ask you something? While all elves are taller than me, you both seem to be to the extreme. Why is that?"

     Glorfindel let out a clear laugh, like bells ringing in the morning. "That, my dear hobbit friend, is because we have bathed in the light of Valinor. Such a light strengthens an elf, both physically and mentally. Nyx is as tall as she is for the same reason and that reason is why we three are taller than the other elves here."

     Bilbo nodded, still a bit confused but grateful for the information. At that, the two elves continued their conversation while Bilbo listened. Admittedly, he didn't understand much of it, the tales of lands he knew nothing of and of heroes long since gone. It amazed him just to listen and hear their stories.

     He also realized others were listening to the two elves, pausing their own conversations to hear the tales from the two ancient elves. And those who did not listen told other tales, making him realize why Elrond called the Hall a hall of lore. Stories had been told here over centuries and if there was anywhere in the world truth could be found, Bilbo would place his bet on the Hall of Fire.

     The doors opened again and two figures entered. One he recognized as Elrond, the other Nyx. Upon their entrance, Bilbo saw many bow their heads briefly before returning to their conversations. He suspected it was because of Lord Elrond though he also thought it may be because of Nyx.

     Since they had arrived, elves seemed to be especially courteous around Nyx, respectful in a way Bilbo couldn't quite understand. Yes she led the Battalion but something more was at work. The elves didn't just treat her like a respected commander but also as a source of wisdom and strength. Despite it all, Nyx seemed uneasy around other elves, like she didn't feel she deserved their treatment. It just added to his confusion.

     She came over to him and the pair of elves, taking a seat beside Aironsír. "It is good to see you, Bilbo. I trust you've enjoyed the Hall thus far?"

     He nodded, "I can't speak for the dwarves but I certainly like it." She gave him a small smile before gazing around the room. Bilbo suddenly realized two of the beads in her hair matched two beads in Airon's hair. He stared at them, confused, trying to figure out if it meant something.

"Are you wondering at the beads?" Airon said, evidently having noticed him staring. The elf smiled, "While most elves exchange rings, we exchanged beads. It's a symbol of marriage."

     Bilbo's mouth widened into an "o" shape and Airon laughed at his expression. He flushed red and the elf just chuckled, "It is quite alright, my friend. Nyx is rather reserved, I'm not surprised she didn't tell you."

     Nyx elbowed him, earning another laugh of the man. It was then that he realized the shared glances between them, filled with simple, quiet love. Nyx, who never seemed at ease, relaxed around Airon, letting her guard down. In turn, Airon stood by her side, allowing her to open up to him. They seemed rather different, Nyx being fiery and fearsome, Airon more relaxed like a running river. Yet they paired together well, strengthening and trusting each other.

     After that, they fell in a comfortable conversation, Airon and Glorfindel telling them what had happened in Rivendell while Nyx and he told about their travels from the Shire. The elves seemed to particularly enjoy his stories about the Shire, something he hadn't expected.

     He thought people like them with tasks far more important than the fate of a tomato plant wouldn't much care but it wasn't true. They smiled as he told of the rolling, green hills of the Shire, of the little rivers running through towns of hobbit holes and bustling markets. Perhaps his everyday woes brought a sense of normalcy to them, though Bilbo couldn't be sure.

     Around them, elves told other stories, sometimes in song. Occasionally, he drifted off from the conversation, listening as elves raised their voices into melodies from years past. Even the dwarves, stubborn as they were, couldn't help but listen in to the tales, the music seeming to touch their very souls.

     The other elves fell silent as well as one elf sang of the Fall of Gondolin, of Ecthelion and Turgon, Tuor and Eärendil. Thorin glanced over upon hearing the name of his blade, Orcrist, the sword of Ecthelion when he fell slaying the King of Balrogs. Bilbo glanced at the expressions of his elven friends, seeing a dark look cross the faces of Glorfindel and Aironsír. He soon found out why.

     During the song, two names were mentioned he hadn't expected. Aironsír and Glorfindel of Gondolin, both of whom were supposedly lost during the flight from the city. Who had supposedly died protecting their people, gladly giving their lives for what they loved. Yet there they sat, having returned to the elves from their travels and even from death, in Glorfindel's case.

Bilbo stared at the three elves near him. He'd had no idea who he'd been talking to, the things they had done and the fame they had earned. In his mind, all elves had a certain mythical sense to them but in the case of the three, he felt he was sitting amongst gods. That legends from his childhood stories gazed down at him. A sense of awe fell over him.

The elf finished their song and quiet, polite applause answered them. For a while, the Hall was quiet before a younger boy ran up to Nyx. Bilbo noticed that they were no elf, but a child of Men, with grey eyes and brown hair. An emerald shone in his palm.

"Lady Nyx, will you give us a song tonight?" The boy asked, gazing up at the tall warrior. Some of the members of the Company glanced over, surprised at the formal address to their companion.

Nyx ruffled the boy's hair and smiled. "If you so wish, pityarau." (pityarau- Quenya for little lion, a nickname given to Elros by Velcanyxa)

     The boy laughed and raced off, going to stand by Elrond's son, Elrohir. Bilbo had to be surprised, he hadn't expected Nyx to respond in such a manner. Standing, she walked closer to the center, catching the eyes of the Company. An instrument was brought to her, simple with only two strings and not one that Bilbo had ever heard before. (Look up erhu if you want a picture)

     As Nyx took a seat to play, the Hall quieted, many eyes turning to her. Just as he had suspected, the elves had great respect for her and the few times she played for them, they learned more. Slowly, she began to play, plucking each note with expert skill. The music began to weave, steady and flowing. As he listened, a sense of sorrow began to seep into the music growing stronger as the music began to speed up.

     Taking the bow that had been brought to her, she wove the song into a more complex melody. The sorrow Bilbo had felt before increased, regret and guilt shining through in each note that she played. Bilbo had been told many years ago that music was the window to the soul of the musician. And now he saw the grief Nyx carried with her, the regret she felt. He didn't know why she felt such but he knew she did, every note proved that to him.

As the final note finished ringing through the air, the gathered elves clapped quietly, not wishing to disturb the peace of the moment. Nyx stood and an elf came to take the instrument and bow away. Her eyes flitted over to where he sat, before glancing over at Airon and giving him a small nod.

Without saying anything, the warrior left, leaving behind an audience left with more questions than answers. Bilbo noticed Thorin glance after her, seeming like he wanted to say something to their elven companion. Perhaps because, like Bilbo, he had realized there was far more to Nyx than they'd thought.

Word Count: 2520

A/N: So the two little excerpts I put at the top of this chapter are going to be a bit of a trend. I want to explore Nyx's relationship with her family and thought you guys might enjoy that too. Sometimes it might just be a few paragraphs in a chapter or I may make a new chapter for it. But otherwise I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think!

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