Little's Academy

By LavenderFuzz

77.8K 1.2K 209

Alexander is classified as an age regressor and so he has to attend the Little's Academy where he is paired w... More

Cold arms and warm welcomes
Silence of the fearful
Giggles and tears
Frills and funny faces
Words of Honey
Cries to another
Conflicting feelings
Uh ohs.
Who says?
A/N -not an update (explanation)

Bitter beginnings

5.4K 101 20
By LavenderFuzz

"I'm a what?"
"Toddler range, honey. 2-4 is completely normal. It's the most common, if that makes you feel any better."
Alex didn't know how to feel. At least he wasn't some baby- but he was still considered a toddler of all things. There was no way 2-4 was normal- that just seemed so small- Too small.
He shoved his face into his caregiver's shirt.
"It's alright, you're alright." Samuel soothed, petting the boy's hair gently.
The classification itself was already a lot on the boy, but the age range had been even more. At this rate, he wasn't going to like what would be on the suggested supply list.
Typically, Samuel would do his best to make sure the little was happy. Whether that meant absolute babying of lack thereof. Alex may have to be an exception to that. Alex seemed to refuse age accurate treatment, but also seemed like that was what he needed, and craved. He'd try his best to make sure the little was comfortable, but some new rules would have to be put in place. For the safety of the little he was in charge of. He cared for the boy, truly, but he was worried that perhaps there was someone telling him that being a regressor was abnormal. Caregivers of the toddler or baby space range were typically told and encouraged to try their best to keep the regressor in headspace. Doing this to both a willing and unwilling regressor would be known as "full timed", as in full time regression. Samuel wasn't sure if the full regressed route was a good idea or not in this case. It may help Alex feel more comfortable with his regression if he just dove into the babying, but he may feel more comfortable in general if they eased into it.
Samuel sighed, putting Alex on the floor, despite his (very audible)protests. Alex immediately tried his best to climb back onto the caregiver's lap.
"Alright, Alright. You don't want to go play with some other littles?" He asked as he scooped up the boy, to which Alex frantically shook his head.
"Okay, well you'll have to hold on then. When the class is over, we'll get going, okay?" Samuel said, adjusting the boy before continuing with reading emails.
He didn't want Alex to see, but he had gotten a different email. Caregivers are given a more in depth email, which includes projected behaviors the little may present.
He skipped past all of the fancy wording to see

Bathroom status recommendation: protection 24/7 until training is completed, if decided by caregiver

Oh. Alex would not be happy about that.
Samuel felt guilty in a way, being that he submitted a bathroom form without having much knowledge about the boy's history of accidents. But the person who filled in for him that one day had also make a comment about Alex being wet when he arrived. That had really said enough about the boy's need of protection.
He felt Alex let out a big sigh, before he pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket.
"What'cha doin there, bud?" Samuel asked gently, startling the boy slightly.
"Um. Dunno." He mumbled, holding his phone close to his body.
"Yeah? Did you want to watch cartoons or play games?"
A soft "mmm" was all he got in response.
"Can I see your phone, honey?" Samuel asked, closing his computer screen.
Alex shook his head, shoving his phone into his pocket.
They looked at each other for a moment.
"I hope you know how suspicious that was."
Alex looked away, kicking his feet.
"Want Bunny." He mumbled, moving his sleeve to his mouth.
Samuel sighed. If he had wanted his bunny, he should've brought it up when they were at the dorms. Now, if he wanted the bunny, they'd have to make a trip back before going to the store.
"Bunny's sleeping, honey. He's at your dorm."
"Bunny?" The boy asked
"I don't have your bunny. He's still at your dorm." Samuel repeated, pulling the boy's sleeve from his mouth.
Alex huffed, trying his best to slip off the caregiver's lap.
"And where might you be going at this time of day?" Samuel asked sarcastically
"I wan' my own" Alex said, moving to a nearby chair.
"Okay, but you better stay where I can see you." Samuel said, opening his computer again.
He continued his use of his computer for a while, until he glanced over to Alex. Alex who immediately shoved his phone in his pocket again.
"Alexander, I think we both know you're looking at something you're not supposed to." Samuel sighed, crossing his arms and turning his full attention to the little. Alex turned forward, looking down and kicking his legs.
"I don't want you seeing something that you shouldn't be when you're little."
"Im not little!"
"I didnt say you were-"
"Yeah you did!"
"I did not-"
"Did so!"
Samuel sighed.
"Alex, just let me see what you were doing. Show me the screen."
Alex shook his head.
"Hand me the phone."
Alex pouted, crossing his arms.
"Alex, im not kidding." Samuel said, tone now stern and serious.
Alex practically deflated, handing his phone over slowly to the caregiver.
He couldn't handle that tone of voice. He felt so tiny and weak. So helpless.
"Thank you." He said, putting the phone in his inner jacket pocket.
"Wait but-"
"No buts. You are showing me that you can't be trusted with unsupervised screen time. You can use my phone if you ask nicely, but you're not getting yours back today."
"That's not fair."
"What's not fair is you acting suspicious with a device and refusing to provide proof of said device not containing any incriminating materials and then getting upset that I would rather you not be looking at things that you shouldn't be, while in headspace."
Alex blinked.
That was a very long run on sentence that came spouting out of the caregivers mouth.
"I wanna leave." He went with, standing up.
Samuel sighed, putting a hand on his own forehead.
"We're going to the store after this, remember?"
Alex bit his lip, looking unsure of himself. He didn't want to be here. He just felt so uncomfortable. He wanted to sleep. With his bunny. He wanted to go home. Not to his dorm, to his home. To someone who loved him.
He began backing up before he quickly scurried out of the classroom, not without being questioned by the teacher.
"Hey! Where are you going!" The teacher said, standing up now.
"It's okay, I got it." Samuel called out, rushing out after the boy.
How was this little so much more work than his last?
Alex was constantly fighting. Both inwardly and outwardly.
Any other little would be embarrassed, sure, but would welcome the childishness they were allowed to partake in. Some older aged littles even begged to be treated as a younger age. His last little was willing to try anything- His last little- No. This wasn't about him. This was about Alex now. He was the only one that mattered now. Samuel was comparing his current little to someone completely different.
Alex was now running back to his dorm, trying his best to get there before Samuel reached him. Alex locking himself in his dorm was not an unsolvable task, as he could easily call the dorm security to unlock it for him. People will do anything if a caregiver asks. Alex locking himself in his dorm would just make things more complicated for everyone.
With Alex picking up his pace, Samuel was forced to do the same.
Alex had reached his dorm, frantically shoving his keycard into the reader.  The door had barely clicked open when the caregiver caught up to him.
Samuel took the opportunity to scoop him up from behind, wrapping an arm around the boy's waist and managing to pull him up and hold him bridal style.
Alex was sent immediately into a fit of whines and frantic movement. He was sent into a panic as Samuel only sighed, opening the door to the dorm and going in. Calmly, he picked up the boy's bunny and held on tightly as Alex tried his best to push away.
Samuel made his way back to his own dorm with Alex in his arms, crying and kicking to get away. Passing by the desk, Lucas looked on with growing concern on his face. He wanted so desperately to help, but he knew he couldn't do anything. Caregivers are the only ones with a say over what happens with their assigned little. Lucas's interference could cause more harm than good, especially to his own care certification. It was best to let both sides cool down, and then text Alex about it later.
What he didn't know was that this day was going to get more complicated.

"Alexander, corner, now." Samuel said quietly, setting Alex down on the bed.
"No! You can't make me do anything!" Alex cried, hitting his fists against the the bed.
"Is that a challenge, little boy?" Samuel asked, voice stern and body language stiff.
Alex paused. This was not happening. There was no way he was going to let this- this asshole tell him what to do. Who did he think he was?
"Well?" Samuel asked, not tapping his foot impatiently.
Alex had only one line prepared.
"Fuck you."
Samuel stared back in shock, and suddenly, Alex had a feeling that wasn't the best course of action.

A/n: sorry for the (very) late update. I'm lowkey losing motivation but seeing the requests in the comments for an update made me want to finish this chapter at least. If you have any suggestions/requests/ideas, please let me know! Until next time <33

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