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By herstruley

6.3M 135K 108K

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107K 2.6K 1.6K
By herstruley

"Have you seen my wallet?" I ask from the kitchen, frantically searching around. I've checked under the table, behind the counter, and even inside the cabinets, and with no help from Vivienne, I just can't find it.

I'm leaving for my business trip today, and as much as I'm dreading leaving her alone, It's too important to miss. "No," she responds from the couch as she scrolls through her phone, not looking up for even a second.

She's been like this all morning, I can't get her to even have the smallest conversation with me. I don't know what her problem is, but I don't have time to deal with it, I'm already running late as is.

I heavily sigh in frustration, walking back down the hallway and into my study. I haven't checked in here yet, but I don't see why it would be in here. I scan the room and my eyes eventually fall on my wallet sitting on the desk.

With a sigh of relief, I reached out and grabbed it before heading back out into the kitchen. "I found it, it was in my study." I tell her while grabbing the rest of my things, in hopes that she'll at least look at me.

She doesn't.

I take a deep breath, "I'm leaving." I announce, my voice echoing through the empty room. "Okay, Have fun." She barely looked up from her phone, muttering a half-hearted response, her eyes still on her phone. I stare at her in silence, hesitant to leave.

I drew in another deep breath, "Alright," I murmured, my voice low and hesitant from the front door. "I'll see you in a few days," I say, trying to sound optimistic.

Whether or not she cares that I'm leaving, it's still hard for me. I hoist my bags over my shoulder and make my way closer towards the door before walking out, and closing it behind me.

I pause outside once I heard the door shut, contemplating If I should actually leave. I exhale heavily, shaking my head and walking towards the elevator.

As I approached it, I pressed the button and waited impatiently for the doors to open. But as every second passed, it only made my mind urge me to say fuck it and turn back around. Until the bell dings and the doors slide open, I step inside. turning around, I watch as the doors slid shut, sealing me in.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

I thought about her the whole time I made my way to the airport. Even as I boarded the plane and settled into his seat, my thoughts remained fixated on her. The four-hour flight seemed to drag on endlessly, not having reception to receive any calls in case of an emergency made it worse.

I couldn't help but notice the way she didn't seem interested, or maybe mad. But I can't recall anything that I've done to make her pissed off with me. I've racked my brain, trying to remember if I've done anything to upset her, But no matter how hard I've tried, I can't recall a single thing.

I've struggled to concentrate in a couple of conference meetings I've had today. My mind was only consumed by her.

It's been hours since I landed and I'm now I'm sat at this office desk, fiddling with my wedding band between my fingertips as I stare absentmindedly at my computer screen. Anxious that something could go wrong with her, and despite having protection over her already, it's not enough to soothe my anxiety.

The sudden vibrating on the office desk brings me back to reality, except I can't move. My heart instantly goes to my throat. Either it's the protection saying that somethings wrong, it's Vito calling me to tell me bad news, or it's Vivienne, and since she hasn't rung this whole time, something must be wrong.

When I finally get enough courage to look at my phone, Vivienne's name sits displayed on my lock screen. I anxiously reach for it, answering it before bringing the phone to my ear. "Vivienne?" I break the silence in the call, eagerly waiting to hear her voice.

"Hi," she responds, sounding perfectly normal, a little quiet if anything. but knowing that she's okay, I can breathe a little easier. I smile. I didn't realise how much I missed her voice until now. "Hi," I reply with a gentle tone, mirroring her soft-spoken greeting. "Is everything okay?" I ask, the concern still lingering.

Her voice was barely audible as she whispered softly, "Yes, I'm just so bored." I can't help but smile as I listen intently to her complaints. "And it's too quiet here," she added, her words echoing through the quiet room around her.

A small chuckle escaped my lips, a feeling flooding me that there was more to her phone call. I lean further back on my chair with a grin on my face, "Is that the only reason you called me Vivienne?" I ask, my voice laced with playful curiosity and a hint of accusation.

The silence stretched on for a moment, until I finally heard a faint rustling noise "I'm not going to tell you I miss you," she whispers.

I wish you would.

"I can always cut the trip short, you know," I tease, "if you find yourself missing me too much." As I playfully taunt her, my attention was abruptly diverted by the sound of footsteps entering the room.

Looking up, I see a man in a sharp, well-tailored suit standing before me. It was a fellow business associate, someone I had worked with on numerous occasions.

He quietly raises his hand apologetically as I point to my phone, "It's my wife, I won't be long" I tell him, suddenly catching Vivienne's attention. "I can go if you're busy." she offers, not sounding so fond of the idea. The man gave a subtle nod before turning around and striding out of the room as I turn my attention back to her. "No it's alright," I reassure her, "they can wait."

We talk for a while until she eventually goes quiet, and unresponsive. I notice the time in the corner of the computer, it's late. She must've fallen asleep. I smile, straining my ears just to be sure, but it's quiet, the only sound being her distant breathing through the phone. "Goodnight Vivienne." I say before bringing the phone down and ending the call.

Just as I slid my phone onto the desk, the man reappeared at my door just in time. "Sorry about that." I apologise, pulling myself closer to my desk as he approaches me with a file. "No worries, wives always come first." His tone laced with sarcasm, making it clear that he didn't mean what he said. I was serious when I nodded in agreement. Vivienne always comes first.

I give him an awkward chuckle in response as he slides down the document beside my phone, I pick it up. "Who's that?" he questions, gesturing to my phone. I lift my head, looking at my home screen, a picture of Vivienne displayed. "that would be my wife." I say with a hint of pride in my voice, my eyes back on the paper.

"Lucky man." He comments, I smile in agreement. However, as I looked back up at him, a sudden realisation dawned on me. As his eyes lingered a little too long on the picture of my wife, a deep frown etched on my face, before I slowly reach for my phone lying on the desk and slipped it into my pocket.

"How's your wife?" I question — not genuinely — more so reminding him that he has one. He lets out a little awkward chuckle, "She's alright." he breathes out in response, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Alright, Cheers mate." I raise the file up in my hand, ending the conversation, not bothering to look back up at him.

Dirty prick.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

AN/word count - 1322. -

So, Some people have asked for longer chapters, while others have asked for shorter ones. I'm stuck. I usually write in between 1k and 2k words, should I just stick to these?
Let me know what you want, I'm happy to make changes! <3

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