Curses (Owl House Hunter AU)

Por sushi_ghost69

2.5K 60 55

Hunter was Cursed as an orphan child. He ran away from the orphange and found himself in possession of a way... Mais



115 4 0
Por sushi_ghost69

"And this," Boscha held up a paper clip, "Is a paper clorp, a true testament of human ingenuity! It heads in holding printed paper, scratching the gunk from under your nails, and my favorite, it even mimics the sound of the human ocean!" She pricked the Paper Clip so it made a springy sound. 

"Any questions?" She asked. Everyone was asleep except one. "Ah yes! our newest club member, Matholomule?" She asked as she pointed at the brown-haired boy. "Boscha. Are you sure these can pass off as 'Human Artifacts?'" He air quoted. "At my school, we had real artifacts!" He threw all of the artifacts off the table and placed down some obviously fake objects. 

Everyone else in the club admired the objects "So real!" One of them said. "I wanna touch them!" The other said. "Go ahead! At my old school, we didn't have any stupid rules..." He lead on and Boscha looked offended. "Don't listen to him..." She reassured the rules. "Well, too bad we aren't at YOUR school!" She shouted and picked up all the real artifacts. 

"Yes, it is a shame. Who thinks I should run for president?" Matholomue The club cheered, and Boscha inspected the objects. "These are fake!" She yelled and the boy looked scared "You Can't prove that!" He lost his cool the quickly regained it. "How do you have more qualifications than the rest of us?!" He accused.

Boscha looked at the bored with a picture of Luz. "Fine then I'll bring in a real Human!" She stated proudly. Mattholomule's face went pale. "Oh sure!! Like you can bring a real human." He teased. "I can! And I'll do it tomorrow! She'll prove your artifacts are fake!" She stated. "Sure." He walked out of class. "See you tomorrow Boscha." He teased. 

"So... Can you come?" Boscha asked Luz as she sorted through some of Hunter's junk. "Boscha, I'd love to but I'm banned remember?" She pointed at a poster hung up right underneath a Wanted Poster for Hunter. "And plus, why would you want to go back to that coven-infested school," Hunter stated. "It's better than staying here sorting through Junk!" Luz yelled. "Yeah! Well..." Hunter tried to think about a comeback "I don't want to hear about Hexside! Unless it's 'Hexside is on fire!' and 'Let's grab front-row seats!' Hunter stormed out of the house, and King looked upset "Look you made him mad!" The look left and a mischievous one took its place. "I'm gonna go rub it in." 

King ran out of the house and after Hunter. "I'm sorry I couldn't help Boscha," Luz said sadly Boscha bit her lip and thought about lying or not, "Well... I pulled some strings and used my H.A.S. presidency to pull some strings, and got the ban lifted!!" Boscha nervously celebrated. Luz's eyes lit up and she jumped up "Really?! Then count me in! I can wait to save 'The President of the Human Appreciation Society'" she said in a funny voice. "Ok, Well I'll come pick you up tomorrow!" Boscha left and when she got out the door she started celebrating. "This is a great idea!" she yelled out.

"This is a terrible idea!" Gus stated as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "What about all the posters around school?!" Boscha smiled and opened her bag revealing all the posters that were previously hung around the school, "What about them?" Boscha smiled. Gus massaged the bridge of his nose again. "What if someone sees her?" Gus asked, Boscha held out a cowl and then proudly stated, "Her, new  Hexside cowl will protect her from being recognized!" 

"By Who?" Luz asked as she walked over. Boscha quickly put the hood on her and smiled nervously. "Oh hey, Luz!  Welcome to Hexside that's your new cowl!" Luz smelled the cowl, "In the demon realm new things smell old!" She smiled.

Then the bell rang and Boscha looked at her watch,  "Whelp gotta go don't wanna miss that meeting!" Boscha grabbed Luz's hand and ran off while Gus gave her a dirty look.

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"I'm trying to protect her. Hexside homes nothing but trouble and evil people." Hunter pouted. Hooty interrupted "I Home you and the rest of the Owl Family!!" Hoty said as he tried to eat some flies. "But that's my beef maybe.. she should be allowed to draw her own conclusions..." Hooty interrupted Hunter's pity party once more, "Insects are my beef their what I eat!" Hooty squawked. 

"You're just gonna be unhelpful huh?" Hunter mocked. "All I know is you raised me and I turned out juuuust fine!" Hooty screeched and then tried to eat some flies. Hunter watched in disgust then whispered "I've got to get that girl into school.

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

A kid's backpack got stolen, and he chased after it. Two older kids were teasing him with it and throwing it around. Then, one of the kids got hooked by something. The creature had its eyes sewn shut. The creature sniffed the kid and then spoke in a hoarse voice "Trouble..." then the other kid had the same fate and was dragged off. 

Luz and Boascha walked into the school, Luz asked, "Those are new?" Boscha scratched the back of her neck " Yeah... They kinda showed up after your last visit..." Then the creature turned around and looked Luzz straight in the eyes and whispered. "Trouble..." The Boscha quickly grabbed Luz's hand and ran through the school.

They both ran through the building and Boscha crashed into Mattholomue "Oh.  Boscha. And...  is this your human? She looks like a witch to me." Mattholomue scoffed. Boscha motioned for Luz to take the hood off, Luz made a trumpet noise and then took her hood off, revealing her Human ears. Mattholomue immediately looked d panicked "She is a bonified Human!" Boascha bragged as she showed off Luz. "Yeah! I've been doing this for years!" Luz stated proudly. 

"She is here to prove your artifacts to be fake!" Boscha stated as she grabbed the crown that she had dropped earlier out of Mattholomue's hands. Boscha and Luz walked off as Boscha stated "See you at the meeting ~" He said in a teasing tone. 

Mattholomue slides to the floor panicking. "No no no They can't know I lied.." Then he spotted something on the ground. It was one of the banned posters Boscha dropped. Mattholomue chuckled then whispered, "Oh Boscha.. your days are numbered." 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

Hunter stood outside of Hexide and stared at the school. He took a deep breath and then walked inside.

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"As president of the H.A.S, I should feel bad for exposing a fellow Human lover... But as Boscha... I feel like doing this!" She danced a little and Luz walked off. She walked over to a trophy case and looked inside. "OO! Who won the trophy for most bones?" Luzz asked and one of the nose creatures appeared by her and started sniffing her "Come on Luz! We are going to miss the meeting!!" Boscha yelled as she grabbed her hand. 

"Ok, but you have to give me a tour of the school next time!" Boscha chuckled awkwardly the whispered "Yeah... next time..." Then they stopped in front of the abominations professor. 

"Oh hey, it's the abomination professor! I should go say Hi!" She approached him and Boscha started panicking. "Hey Mr. Abominations professor! The abominominator! Remember me?" Then she made the face of an abomination, and he just looked confused. Boscha ran up to Luz, "Oh what do you know we suddenly have a time for  full tour of Hexside!" Boscha quickly said. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"Hey, Bump..." Hunter said awkwardly as he sat in the chair before him, avoiding eye contact. "What do you need Hunter?" Hunter made eye contact, "I would like to enroll my apprentice Luz at Hexside." Hunter stated and then went back to being nervous. "I think that's a wonderful idea!" Principle Bump stated. "R- Really?" Hunter looked hopeful "I think it would be nice to have such an exchange student, but before we do any of that. I wanted to ask, how is everything with you know who..." Bump said as he leaned in "We uhm, We talked recently and had a witches duel. They aren't my teachers anymore. I refuse to listen to either of them" Hunetr stated with anger. Bump nodded agreeing "I'm sorry to hear that. We loved having you as a student here, I was wondering if for a day you could teach one of the classes?" 

Hunter's eyes widened "What? Why me?" Principle Bump went through his files and pulled out Hunter's grades. "Your grades were phenomenal! Having a Teacher like you for even a day would help!" Bump smiled. Hunter groaned, then sighed. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"And this is the grudgeby field! this is where we play the classic game of grudgeby!" Boscha said as he showed off the field. 

A nose guy came over and started sniffing around. Boscha quickly grabbed Luz's hand and dragged get off. They walked in front of the illusionist's homeroom. Luz saw Gus inside and waved at him. Boscha also waved but Gus just gave her an angry look.

They finally came up to the HAS meeting room. They walked inside and everyone looked at Luz. "Everyone meet Luz the human!" Blscha proudly announced. Luz walked over to the fake human artifacts on the table and looked at them closely. "As a human, I can safely say that-" she was cut off by Mattholomue jumping on the table and sliding his objects off.

"Stop! Look I have something to confess... these aren't real human artifacts. I'm the new kid around and no one pays much attention to me. I guess I just wanted some friends..." Mattholomue sadly stated, the HAS members all felt sad and comforted him. "Thank you guys, it means a lot to have friends like you..." he smiled and everyone left. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"So this is the classroom you'll be teaching at, it's a potions class since that's what you specialized in when you went to school here." Hunter nodded and walked into the classroom. All the students were there eagerly waiting. 

"Uhm Hi. I'm Hunter. Call me Mr. Hunter" Hunter nervously said. The whole class cheered and Hunter started to feel better about all this. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"Hey, that was big of you... and I'll always be here for you...  ok?" Boscha told Mattholomue when they were alone in the room.

Mattholomue had an evil grin on his face. "Too bad you'll get sent to detention u finally started to like you," Mattholomue stated coldly; then held out one of Luz's banned posters. Luz looked confused, "But Boscha got the ban lifted... right?" Boscha started panicking, then the nose creatures appeared at the doors and grabbed Luz. "Wait what?! Boscha tell them you got the ban lifted!!" Luz pleaded as she got dragged out of the classroom. She was dragged passed the Illusions room and Gus saw her. 

"What the Heck man!!" Boscha yelled at him. "I can't believe you two fell for that!" He scoffed with a smile. Boscha looked furious "What did you do." Boscha angrily, "Oh boo hoo I'm the new kid, I just want friends! HAhah! NO! I want Power!!" Mattholomue approaches Boscha. "So what are you gonna do? Ms. President?" Boscha raised her fist to punch him, then she pulled the fire extinguisher and water splashed them both.

"It was Boscha! Not me! I'm innocent!" Mattholomue pleaded as he got carried off to the detention room. The creatures dumped all three of them in the room, in the middle a giant hole remained. The hole inside was full of pods with troublemaker students inside.

"What kind of detention is this?!" Luz asked panicked when she saw Boscha dn Mattholomue. 3 worm-looking demons emerged from the pit. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"So you see, you have to mix the eyes of the eyeball bats, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers' hair, slowly. Or else the potion will react horribly." Hunter said as he slowly stirred the pot, showing the kids how to do it. There was one girl who was particularly confused, He went over and showed her how to stir. After he helped her she immediately got it and the potion turned a gold color. 

"Thank you, Mr. Hunter!" Hunter smiled and went back to his desk. He watched as other students helped each other with the potions and eventually, everyone had gotten the potion. 

Hunter smiled "Luz is gonna love it here..."

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"This is all your fault boscha!" Mattholomue scoffed "What?! You were so power-hungry that you were willing to let me get eaten!" Boscha yelled back. "Well, maybe you should've thought of that before sneaking a human into the school!" They continued to banter back and forth until Luz stopped them. "Guys! Look!" One of the worm demons was headed straight for Mattholomue. It grabbed him and sucked him down into the hole.

Luz and Boscha stared in horror. "What did he mean, 'sneak a human into the school'... you got the ban lifted right?" Boscha nervously looked around and then took a deep breath. "I was scared that my HAS presidential crown would be taken away... So I lied that the ban was lifted. I'm sorry..." Boscha said as she looked to the side. Lu placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "Hey it's ok. I understand." Boscha smiled and then noticed the worm's things coming straight for her. "what do we do!" Luz yelled. Boscha grabbed her hand "Do you trust me?" Boscha asked, Luz smiled and then nodded. 

Boscha jumped into the hole and landed at the bottom. They grabbed Mattholomule and cut him free. Luz picked him up, "Aw he's so small!" Boscha grabbed a giant bone and used it to fend the worms off. They escaped from the hole and Boscha ran bone first for the door. 

~🥀 Meanwhile 🥀 ~

"Thank you, everyone! Don't forget to mix slowly and measure once and pour twice!" Hunter said as the bell rang. Principal Bump met Hunetr outside of the classroom. "How was the day?" Bump asked. Hunter smiled widely and explained everything that happened as they walked through the hallways. 

"Oh and then she asked me 'Isn't it toad's saliva first?'" He started laughing and Bump smiled. "Seems like you did a great job today Hunter. We'll be lucky to have any apprentice of yours at our school." 

Then Luz and Boscha burst through detention doors and stared at Bump and Hunter in fear. "What is this?!!?!" Bump Yells, "Hunter I am extremely furious and disappointed that a student of yours would be able to cause so much destruction!! Hunter you and your student may leave!!" Bump yelled and Huner sighed. "Come on kid let's go," Hunter and Lu started walking out of the school when Boscha yelled "Stop! It was my fault." She said nervously to bump, "I was the one that snuck her into the school, I deserve to be punished not her." Boscah stated and Bump slowly approached her. "So you'd be willing to take her punishment as your own?" Boscha Nodded. 

"Very well. Luz, you are no longer banned from Hexside, as for you... You'll be helping clean this mess of a detention room up." He looked at Boscha "And you're no longer the president of the Human Appreciation Society." He stated. Boscha nodded and walked off with Luz. Mattholomue lay on the ground and then asked, "Does that mean I'm president?" He asked Bump shrugged then threw the crown at him, "Sure.." Mattholomue had a sad little celebration. 

(2618 Words)

A/n: Im so sorry for getting this out so late its been super hard to focus lately and Ive had a ton fo stuff come up since the start of summer for me was last week.

-Coraline <3

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