Bungou Stray Dogs Season lll

Bởi Blackbutler12367

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Following the conclusion of the three-way war organizational war, government bureaucrat Ango Sakaguchi recall... Xem Thêm

Dazai, Chuuya, Ema, 15 years old
God of Fire

Only a Diamond Can Polish

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Bởi Blackbutler12367

I only have memories. Only part of my life. Unlike you, I didn't loose it from trauma. My life only started eight years ago. Before that, everything was just... darkness. Somewhere in that darkness, I was floating aimlessly. Eventually, someone's hand came in the outer edges of it, and dragged me to the outside world. That hand was yours, wasn't it?" said Chuuya. Rando was smiling and didn't respond to him. " Where did you find me? To find the answer, I decided to follow this case. Now, I want to know everything you know." said Chuuya. " Very well then. If anyone, you have the right to know." said Rando. Ema gasps seeing Rando activating his ability " Chuuya, move!" she said as she grabs him by his hoodie from behind and attempted to push him to the side, but Rando was quick and sent them both flying backwards. They grunted as they crashed. " Why didn't his gravity power work?" said Dazai. " Unlike a bullet, space doesn't abide to the laws of physics. It is of another world entirely. Closed off from an entire world. Am I alone key." he said creating a dome around Dazai and the warehouse, shielding them off from the outside world. " As such, if I allow you to enter and if only I let you leave." said Rando. " You left us outside with the subspace you deployed. Meaning you must know what my ability is." said Dazai. " Son of a—!" said Chuuya as he lifts himself into the air " That blast didn't kill you both? Nothing less from Arahabaki." said Rando. " You're gonna have to try a whole lot harder to kill me, bastard!" she yells as she tries to kick him but he moves away and Chuuya moves away as he launches forward but Rando holds him back with his ability " Nice try, but it is no use. You cannot harm me while I'm in this space. I, on the other hand, can do whatever I will." he said. She grunts in fright as he sends them both flying and crashing into the floor he sends more blocks. Chuuya and Ema emerge as they ran around the dome while dodging the incoming blasts. They hid behind the dome and looks " Any kind ability that kid touches gets nullified, if you tried and quarantined him in your sub space, it'd make a good opening for me." said Chuuya. " His existence is truly heretical. The ultimate anti-gifted. A rival back in the West." said Rando. " The West?" said Dazai. " What does the West have to do with anything?" said Ema. " But that's fine." said Rando. Dazai turns seeing the former boss as he was carrying a death scythe and cut him right across his chest. He falls onto the ground on his butt " Dazai!" yells Ema in worry. The former boss chuckles as he lifts his scythe and places it on his shoulder " It's been a while. Hasn't it?" said the former boss. " You look good for someone who's been dead, boss. Ughh... we'll, former boss." said Dazai. " There's no way he could've hurt that idiot with that ability." said Chuuya. " You're wrong. That death scythe isn't a part of a gifted ability. That's the real deal." said Ema. " She's right. It's as real as you two or me." said Dazai. " So, in other words, there's a possibility it could really kill you then." said Chuuya. " The former boss is dead. What exactly did you do, Rando?" said Dazai. " My ability can turn corpses that reside in my mind into supernatural beings which I command. The only draw back is that I can only control one at a time." said Rando. " Quite impressive. You've been hiding that ability from the organization this whole time? Just who are you, really? " said Dazai. " Before I joined the Port Mafia, I was a gifted spy from the West. I traveled to this country to obtain a being one with incredible power the government of Japan offered. Or so they say." said Rando. " And that being was Arahabaki. Meaning you were after Chuuya." she said. " Exactly. The sole purpose of my plan from the very beginning was to Jill you, Chuuya. Lose my powers to control you and Arahabaki. From beyond the grave. Dazai, Ema, what you just learned about me I will attempt to have me assassinated. Because of that, die here along with Ema and Chuuya. " Its nothing serious. You won't be in any danger. No big deal." said Mori. " Danger is fine with me. Hey. I say we kill them both. Together." said Dazai. " Huh? You actually wanna live now?" said Chuuya. " Believe it or not, I'm starting to like working for the Port Mafia. In the outside world, death is kept away from everyday life. But, in the Mafia world, death and mention of it, is of everyday life. I personally find more truly interesting in thinking of things that way. After all, dying is the same as living if people think it is. If the experience is of itself. By observing death, one can't capture the picture of." said Dazai. " Really? The suicidal maniac actually wanna lives? You serious?" said Chuuya. " It's worth giving it a shot. I can't promise more than that." said Dazai. " You don't have too. Time to die, children." said the former boss. " Oh, really?" said Dazai as he dodged the former boss blows and causes Rando to push him back as he digs his feet into the ground. " You see it now, right? You know what you need to do?" said Dazai. " Don't you dare give me orders." said Chuuya. He launches into the air along with Ema as he dodged the blasts as he tries to kick him. He grunts " Eight years ago, I attempted to take Arahabaki as my supernatural being. But the moment that Arahabaki emerged, it obliterated its surroundings in a blink of an eye. I won't make the same mistake twice. This time, I'll make certain to end your life and then subsume you!" he said. He clenched his fist twisting his ankle. Chuuya yells in agony as he grabs him and throws him onto the floor. He laughs manically as he threw a cube at him and crashed into the ground, but Ema blocks the attack with her ability standing right in front of Chuuya. His ability glows bright red " What? She was able to absorb the impact by increasing the density. Using your ability?" said Rando. " Hey." said Chuuya. " Hmm?" said Rando. " Wanna know why I've been keeping my hands tucked away this whole time? It's a simple way for me to keep my cool. It's to help me keep me rooted when I'm afraid I'm gonna loose." he said lifting his head " But the gloves are coming off now." said Chuuya. " Marvelous! Once I've supsumed you, this cold feeling I feel will disappear!" said Rando. " Let's go, Ema and Chuuya!" said Dazai. Chuuya used his gravity to keep his foot cemented onto the ground " Better move your ass. Dazai, you piece of shit." said Chuuya. He smirks and ducks " This is the end of you!" said the former boss strikes his arm with the tip of the scythe. Chuuya and Ema's eyes widen in fear " Dazai!" they said. Rando smirks widely chuckles. But, the cast shattered and shows a metal guard around his arm. " What?!" said the former boss. Dazai holds his hands out for them. " You both ready?!" said Dazai. " Yeah! Let's go!" said Chuuya and Ema. " You can't!" said Rando pulls back as he shatters the area " Impossible!" said Rando. Dazai yells as he grabs" both their hands and interlocks it. Dazai activates his ability and nullify the dome area " It's over, Rando. Not even someone despicable as you can escape gravity." said Ema she grunts and punches him into the ground. The former boss growling " If Rando's sup space vanishes, so do you. Anyway." said Dazai. The former boss yells and went to deliver one final blow only for Dazai to slam his fist into his throat " I won't get another chance to say this, but thank you." said Dazai. His subspace disappears along the former boss. The sun was setting at the port. The metal cast slips down his sleeve and clanks onto the floor. Chuuya and Ema slowly lowers themselves down onto the ground. Dazai walks up to the two of them " Are you some kind of shitty magician or something?" said Chuuya. " Really Chuuya? I wasn't wearing a cast for no good reason. You tell us what we want to know, won't you Rando? said Dazai " It was on that day eight years ago, when I infiltrated this country with my colleague. And that is when it all happened." said Rando " What did?" said Dazai. " We came here in order to steal a remarkable power, housed in a secret facility. But upon reaching our target, I was able to obtain it. But my partner betrayed both me and our country. He and I fought over it, in a struggle, we were apprehended by the Japanese government. In order to escape with my life, I had no choice but to release the being I had stolen in your dark prison and I used my ability to control. But, before I could react, the facility in an instant were destroyed and the records were lost and along with my memories. My name isn't Rando. Someone I met simply mistook me the hat I wore as I was and that became my name." said Rando. " What happened to your partner?" said Dazai. " I killed him. With my own hands. Chuuya. I suspect you're, in fact, Arahabaki, but a human vessel meant to keep it restrain. You are very strong with Arahabaki it is simply your strength being." said Rando. " Sure." said Chuuya. " Regardless of that side of you, you will always be yourself. Solid's is enough. Every human being, every living creature, they go about their lives on Earth without knowing what they truly are. How strange. For the first time, my body feels warm." said Rando before dying right then and there. Chuuya turns his body away from Rando as a ship horn blares in the distance.


On a seaside cliff, Ema was sitting on the edge of the cliff with her legs dangling over the edge as she listens to the waves softly crashing against the cliff and rocks and the sound of sea gulls crying. She hears soft footsteps approaching her as she looks over her shoulder and sees Chuuya walking up to her. He sits on the gravestone and she turns back looking out the ocean " Aren't you scared?" he asked. She hums and looks over her shoulder " You're sitting on the edge of a cliff. Aren't you afraid of heights or falling?" he asked she smiles softly " No. It takes a whole lot more for something to scare me. Besides, even if I do fall, I can use my ability to protect myself from the rocks." she said. He hums in acknowledgment. They continue to sit in awkward silence before Ema lifts her legs over the edge and moves off the edge of the cliff and sits on the grass. He inhaled through his nose and exhales through his mouth dramatically " Even in death, you're a pain in the ass." said Chuuya. Ema looks at him slightly before frowns and turns away " I'm sorry, Chuuya." she said. " Huh? Sorry for what?" said Chuuya. She turns around and faces him " Well, the Port Mafia already confiscated all of the files about Arahabaki. And I know how much it meant to you to learn about your past." she said. He blinks before smiles softly he got off of the gravestone and sits right next to her " And now you're back to square one." said Ema. He softly placed a hand on her shoulder " Well... even if Rando was alive now, he probably wouldn't have told me about the stuff anyways." he said. She blinks owlishly before smiles softly " Thanks Chuuya." she said. He blushes softly " Sure, no problem." he said " We should probably be getting back." she said getting up onto her feet. She turns to leave " You coming?" she said. He softly grabs her wrist " Don't leave me." he mutters under his breath. She hums softly hearing but not enough to hear what he said. " What was that?" she said. He looks up at her " I said don't leave me." he said as he stood up and continues holding her wrist. She blushes softly " W-What do you mean by that?" she said. He hums softly and cups her cheek and leans forward, she blushes even deeper seeing him leaning close to her face. But she couldn't nor didn't want to move her head away from his and she let him lean in and softly kiss her on her lips. She froze for a minute in complete shock. His lips were surprisingly soft for someone so harsh and vulgar speaking. She found herself melting into the kiss. The camera spun around them as they kissed on the cliff. She hesitantly moves her hands around his neck before placing them there and he wraps his arms around her waist softly. He parts from the kiss and he blushes bright beet red feeling steam rising from his head. " D-Don't punch me. T- The kiss was consul-mmph." he begin before Ema's soft lips interrupted him and softly but briefly. She looks into his blue eyes and smiles softly " I know. Why else would I kiss back if I didn't want it?" she said. He chuckles sheepishly " Right... uh... that makes sense." he said before leans his forehead against hers " I love you, Ema. I know it's wrong for me to love someone like you but I can't help but be drawn towards you." he said. She softly nods her head " The feeling is returned, Chuuya." said Ema as she looks out to the sea " How romantic. You confessed your feelings to me on a cliff side." she said before laughs softly seeing the gravestones before turned back to him " Well, minus the gravestones." she said. He laughs softly " Yeah, that is true. We... probably should be leaving now." he said. She hums in agreement " Yeah. We should." she said before they left together. Chuuya and Ema walks down the steps but stops when Shirase finds him and Ema. " There you are, Chuuya." said Shirase. " Shirase. What are you doing here?" said Chuuya. "I wanted to come and apologize. We did some soul searching and we have a good hand on the sheep's problems now. We all talked it over and agreed on what it was." said Shirase. Chuuya blinks owlishly " If you decided it, I won't—" said Chuuya. Ema grunts in pain as Shirase bumps into her. His eyes widen in horror seeing blood dripping from her stomach area. He went to confront him but he stabs him as well. He shoved him away " You..." said Chuuya as he stumbles onto his butt and Ema falls over onto her back clutching her stomach in pain. Shirase smirking evilly " We waited till you let your guard down and then move in first. That way, you wouldn't have to use your ability. Isn't that right, Chuuya?" said Shirase. Chuuya grunting in pain as he looks at them " What are you doing?" said Chuuya. " It's no use. I rubbed rat poison on the blade. You'll be numb soon and you won't be able to move. It's only because you're so damn powerful. We didn't have to do it this way!" said Shirase. The GSS appears along with the rest of the sheep members. " All of you?!" said Chuuya in shock. " The answer was right in front of us the whole time. We're teaming up with the GSS. We all came to realize that if you were really going to fall into the hands of the Port Mafia, it'd ended up each and everyone of us killed!" said Shirase. " I would never betray the organization! Ugh.." he said. " The GSS agents don't change their alliance on a whim like you do as long as they make money. This is the hardest thing we could do, wipe out the Port Mafia!" said Shirase. " It looks like, I was just a fool." he said using his ability to create a cave in on the cliff. " Get them! Fire!" yells Shirase as the GSS shoves the kids back and fires but only to find a deep slope within the cliff and both of them were gone. Shirase looks down and sees nothing. " Go find them right now! They may be weakened by the poison, but it won't be enough to kill them!" yells Shirase. " Finish the job!" said Shirase. Chuuya sitting down on a rock while he held Ema in his arms. He slowly looks down at her seeing her lifeless in his arms. " Hey, wake up..." said Chuuya. She didn't answer. He exhaled in pain as he lifts his weakens arm and softly strokes her cheek " C'mon, princess. Open your eyes." he said voice cracking. She didn't answer. He bites through his tears as he leans his forehead against hers as a single tear drop touches her cheek. Ema softly moans causing Chuuya to look down at her seeing her slowly open her eyes. She slowly turns her head looking at him " Chuuya..." she said. He exhaled in relief " You dumbass. Don't you ever scare me like that ever again." he said. She tried to sit up but her legs and her entire body was numb and just stumbled back over. " Take it easy, the poison is still in your bloodstream. But, I don't think it's enough to kill you." he said as he grunts softly and grabs the knife handle " But, that being said, I need to remove the blade from your stomach." he said. She tenses up in fright " Will it hurt?" she asks. He hums " You can squeeze my hand if you want." he said holding his weak hand out for her. She manages to slowly lift her hand and grabs his. " Ready?" he said. She nods weakly and with that " One, two, three!" he yells on three and tries to be as gentle as possible to take the knife out. She whimpered loudly in pain and clenched his hand. He shushed her softly and kisses her forehead before looks at her blood drenched shirt " Crap, I just made it worse." he said. She softly touches his shoulder " No, it's okay. I'll be fine." she said as she tried to remove the knife from his stomach but he stopped her " Rest now. I've got it." he said. He grunts as he pulls the knife out and throws it to the side. He exhaled shakingly in pain. " Their leader" my ass. All I was doing was holding the organization back. I'm so sorry, Ema. This is all my fault. I never meant to drag you into this whole pile of shit." he said she reaches her hand out and weakly slaps his cheek. He frowns " What was that supposed to be? A slap?" he said as she pulls him down into a passionate kiss. He grunts quietly in muffled shock before hums softly and kisses her back. Their lips softly moving in sync with each others before she parts from his lips. She softly hits her forehead against his " You idiot. Why the hell are you apologizing? I would rather die now than live without ever knowing you." she said. He smiled weakly " Wow. That was the cheesiest pick up line I've ever heard anyone say to me before, but cute." he said. She laughs weakly " Says the guy who kept calling me " sweetheart" and " baby." she said, mocking the terms he called her when they first met. He was about to say something when " Hey there, Chuuya and Ema. You look like your both in a bind." said Dazai. " Duh, you think?!" snaps Ema. " Why are you here, you piece of shit? You wanna join the festivities and kill me too?" said Chuuya. " Mori sent me with a message. He wants me to officially invite you as a member of the Port Mafia." said Dazai. " In return for saving my life? Is that it?" said Chuuya. " Uh... I don't really care which you choose. I'm just here for the bloodbath. Mori is a pretty depending employer. The moment I joined the Port Mafia, he put me in charge of the army. Two of our enemies, the Sheep have made an alliance with the GSS. We have to shut them down before they become completely coordinated. If I do my job, A, they'll all be dead." said Dazai. Chuuya growls his ability glowing " Don't you dare hurt those kids." said Chuuya. " Policies never change. That said, there is another possibility. If someone who was familiar with the enemy has to go through with it, it'd take that under advisement." said Dazai. He deactivated his ability " Someone on your team you mean? said Chuuya. " Right. A colleague in the Port Mafia. I could trust the suggestions of my own." he said. " So, you wanna make a deal. You really are the devil." said Chuuya. Dazai smiles maliciously " Don't forget those games we won back at the arcade. Together, I would make it mean to this organization to have intentions of you working to the bone." said Dazai. Chuuya had a murderous glare on his face " I'm gonna tear you to shreds. One day." he said. " I love that expression in your eyes. Looks like a wild beast." said Dazai. " Just don't kill the children." said Chuuya. " Very well. Listen up, everyone! As we discussed earlier, none of the children should be harmed!" said Dazai. The sound of muffled gunfire was heard from above. " He knew this was going to happen. Accordingly. But it all started when he made that phone call back at the arcade. He purposefully did that in front of my people to spread the word. That damn son of a bitch. If that's how you wanna play it, I'm in." said Chuuya.

The next day, at the Port Mafia's headquarters. Chuuya holding a hat " What is up with this hat?" said Chuuya. " Admission into the Port Mafia. That the person who recruits a new member is for their well being. To symbolize that, they hand down one of their belongings. In Dazai's and Ema's case, I gave them a coat and a necklace. For you, a hat." he said as he turns the hat upside down " It's seen better days." said Chuuya. " It actually belonged to Rando." said Mori. He turns the hat and sees the inside of it said Rimbaud. " It seems he's been investigating Arahabaki. Apparently, the military he infiltrated was responsible for an artificial human. By combining a gifted and humans." said Mori. " Gifted?" said Chuuya. " Those files are the ones who were on the subject. Not so fast. I regret to inform you, Chuuya, that Executives can look at those." said Mori. " What makes you think I won't beat the crap out of you and take the files?" said Chuuya. " I know you're not as foolish as that. Besides, you won't be able to answer the question that is pressing against your mind." said Mori. He frowns " It was that easy to see right through me, huh? Tell me then, what does it mean to be a leader of an organization?" said Chuuya. " An organization is exes both its king and servant. The group, put themselves in all manner of filth and grime. They hold subordinates and place them where they're best suited. Otherwise, if deemed necessary, they discard them. They must take on any act of violence without hesitation. That is a leader. It's all for the sake of the group and as well as the protection of the city we love." he said. " I see. That's what I was missing." said Chuuya. " I've made my decision. I'm dedicating my entire life to you, Boss. I will work as the protector of this organization and decimate those who are in our way. Soon, they will come to fear the crushing weight of my power of my gravity can conflict. They will think twice about opposing us." said Chuuya. " Welcome to the Port Mafia. Chuuya Nakahara." he said.

Ema was fixing her brand new outfit the boss had given her. She wore a button up white long sleeved blouse with ruffled cuff links and a small silk bow tie around the neckline of the shirt. She brushes wrinkles out of her shirt before tucks it in to her knee length black flappy skirt. She slips on her black high heels and slips on her black waistcoat with golden buttons on it. She then grabs her necklace and tries to put it on but her fingers kept slipping from the hook of the necklace. " Here, allow me." said Chuuya as she lets go and pulls her hair up and out of the way as he helps her put the necklace on. She adjusts the necklace so it was resting it on her bosom. " You look gorgeous, by the way." he said. She turns around on her heels and smiles softly " Hmm. Nice hat, by the way. It suits you." she said. He smiles smugly " Does it make me 10 x more handsome that before?" he said. She hums in thought before smiles " Yes." she said before frowns playfully " But... I think it'll look better on me." she said. She takes his hat off and placed it on her head and poses " How do I look?" she asks. He chuckles " Cute. But, it doesn't suit you." he said as he takes his hat back. She frowns playfully before realizes something " We gotta go." she said. He hums and looks at her " Go? Where?" he said. She turns " I'll explain on the way." she said. Chuuya and Ema walking down along the painted glass way. " So, in short,we're going to a meeting but why are you taking me?" he said. " Because you need to be better informed. The group I'm meeting with is a front organization for the Port Mafia. In such course of this meeting, all everyone's actions will effect the future of this organization." said Ema. " You sure you want me in on something like this? What happens if I piss them off or something?" said Chuuya. She hums softly as she stops him and turns him around and fixes his cross over tie " Relax. You won't piss anyone off. You'll be just fine." she said before she pecks his cheek and moved away. He smiles softly as the continue to walk together " We will cross that bridge if we need too. And besides, if the boat gets tipped over, then it would be best if we do it now in a humongous explosion of glory, wouldn't you agree?" she said smiling softly. He blinks owlishly before smiles softly " I am the luckiest guy to have a woman like you." he said holding her hand before softly kisses the back of it causing her to blush a little and rest her head on his shoulder " And I am the luckiest woman to have a man like you." she said. They hum hearing a child giggle. " Hi, I'm Q! Hey, can we play a game.  Pretty Please?" said Q. " Now, now. Maybe a little later, alright?" said Dazai. He yells spotting Chuuya " You!" said Chuuya. " Hey! What do you think you're doing, Chuuya?! You're my dog! That means if my leg is itchy, you scratch it! If I want noodles, you'd bring them and order them to make the best noodles in the world! So what are you doing working under Ema?! You think you're just gonna climb up the ladder?! You gotta pay for that!" said Dazai. " Shut the hell up, you scheming bastard! I joined the Port Mafia on my own accord! You're a snake or..." said Dazai. " Boss, do you really think it was wise to let those two idiots work under the same roof? What happens next?" said Ema. " Only a diamond can polish another diamond. Master Natsuki. Those words you imparted to both me and Fukuzawa. I'm going to find out if you were right on that." Mori.

Seven Years Later (Present Day)
Somewhere, Tokyo

Ango was typing up the report in the library's archives. " This concludes the summary of the recruitment of Port Mafia members Chuuya Nakahara and Osamu Dazai and Sakio Ema. The Port Mafia's influence slowly spread under Mori's command. Another year later, Chuuya Nakahara and Ema Sakio will learn the truth of his own origins and confronted the gifted spy who had befriended and betrayed Rando. It turns out, he was not dead. I will report on that matter on a separate document. I49 History of the Port Mafia and their role in the Arahabaki incident. By Ministry of Internal Special Operations Division Assistant Console, Ango Sakaguchi." said Ango. 

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