Arrow: The Legacy of Barry Al...

By JohnDelsinWaters832

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Barry Allen, the adopted son of Robert and Moira Queen, after the events with his adopted father's boat The Q... More

Chapter 2: Honor Thy Father
Chapter 3: Lone Gunmen
Chapter 4: An Innocent Man
Chapter 5: Damaged
Chapter 6: Legacies
Chapter 7: Muse of Fire
Chapter 8: Vendetta
Chapter 9: Year's End
Chapter 10: Burned
Chapter 11: Trust but Verify
Chapter 12: Vertigo
Chapter 13: Betrayal
Chapter 14: The Odyssey
Chapter 15: Dodger
Chapter 16: Dead to Rights
Chapter 17: The Huntress Returns
Chapter 18: Salvation
Bonus Chapter: It's My Party And I'll Die If I Want To

Chapter 1: Returning Home

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By JohnDelsinWaters832

{{I ADDED ALL THE CHAPTERS INTO ONE. So now I know it takes 4 chapter to write one episode of Arrow}} 

Barry was running through a forest.

And swinging on trees and climbing up mountains

Once he reached the top, he saw a boat. He was panting and he ran to the left side.

He found where he hid his equipment and put his knife in the rock and rolled it out to reveal his bow and arrows. 

He lit the arrow by rubbing it against the rock and he aimed for a bonfire wood and let go and it lit on fire and there was a big explosion.

The guys on the boat saw and they drove over to the island

Barry narrates "The Island they found me on is Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for purgatory."

They found Barry as he fell on his knees with his stuff.

With a black and orange mask with an arrow through it.

Barry narrates "I've been stranded here for five years. I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then. For five years, I have had only one thought, one goal... survive."

Barry took his hood off

Barry narrates "Survive and one day return home."

On the boat

Barry had his gear and they gave him a blanket and they gave him something to drink.

Barry narrates "The island held many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was... to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning, not the boy who was shipwrecked... but the man who will bring to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Barry Allen-Queen. Or Barry Queen."

With the news

A man says "Barry Queen is alive. The Starling City resident was found by fishermen... in the North China Sea five days ago.  Five years after he was presumed dead... following the accident at sea which claimed The Queen's Gambit. Queen was a tabloid presence... and a fixture on the club scene, with his brother Oliver Queen."

The man says "Before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault that was hassling his brother... stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi. Queen is the adopted son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen... who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased."

At the Hospital

Barry was looking out the window

Doctor Lamb told Moira and Oliver "Twenty percent of his body's covered in scar tissue. Second-degree burns on his back and arms. X-rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed."

Moira asks "Has he said anything about what happened?"

Lamb says "No. He's barely said anything. Moira, I'd like you to prepare yourself, you too, Oliver. The Barry you guys lost might not be the one they found."

Moira and Oliver walk in and walk close to Barry. 

Moira says "Barry?" with tears forming in her eyes

Barry turns around with a small smile forming and says "Hi, Mom."

Moira smiles and they walk forward and meet halfway.

Oliver says "Barr?"

Barry says "Hey, Ollie."

Oliver was the first one to hug him crying on his shoulder. 

Oliver says "I thought you were dead. I'm sorry, I didn't come with you. You must have been scared."

Barry nods and says "But I'm glad you didn't come."

Oliver asks "Why?" pulling away from his shoulder

Barry says "So you didn't have to go through what I did."

Oliver says "Okay."

Moira says "Oh. My beautiful boys." hugging them both.

Barry says "I missed you, Mom."

Moira says "I missed you every day for the last five years." kissing Barry's head.

At the Queen Manor

They pulled up to the front door and stopped.

They all got out and someone opened the trunk.

A butler goes to grab Barry's box and he stops him and says "I've got it."

They went inside as Moira opened the doors and says "Your room is exactly as you left it. I never had the heart to change a thing."

Then Walter walked up and says "Barry. It's damn good to see you."

Barry looks at him front top to bottom and back up

Walter says "It's Walter. Walter Steele."

Barry looks at Moira and she says "You remember Walter. Your father's friend from the company."

Barry says "Sorry, Mom. I don't. I didn't meet him."

Walter says "I've met you before though."

Barry says "I don't remember. Sorry."

He walks forward and looks around and saw Raisa and walks to her and says "It's good to see you, Raisa."

She says "Welcome home, Mr. Barry. Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner."

Moira says "Wonderful."

Barry heard a door and walks close to the stairs.

Moira says "Barry? Did you hear that?"

He stops at the stairs and sees Thea.

Barry ran up the stairs and hugs her tight and says "Hey, sis." tears started to form as he says "I missed you."

Thea cries into his shoulder and says "I knew you it. I knew you were alive. Oliver hoped, but I knew it. I missed you so much"

Barry kissed her forehead and says "I'm never leaving again. Never."

Thea smiles and hugs him tighter.

Moira and Oliver smiled from downstairs.

Barry says "You and Ollie were with me the whole time. I always thought about everyone."

Later with Barry

He had just gotten out of the shower.

He walks to the window

Barry narrates "After five years... everything that was once familiar is now unrecognizable."

He walks to the mirror

Barry narrates "The face I see in the mirror is a stranger."

He looks at his scars and looks up and it flashes from his self to a hooded figure and back to himself.

He turns to the right and begins to relive his tragedy.


On the boat

Barry and Oliver were in the boat

Robert turns and looks at the wall when someone walks in

A crew member says "Storm's a category two. Captain's recommending we head back."

Robert says "All right. Inform the crew."

Barry walks around the corner and asks "Are we in trouble?"

Robert says "One of us is."

Then a girl says "Barr?"

Barry turns around and sees Sara

She covers up and asks "Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing?"

Barry says "I'll be there in a minute, Sara."

Robert says "You know, son... that is not going to finish well, for either of them or for you."

Barry says "I'm not dating Laurel. I like her, but I'm with Sara. She doesn't even know."

Robert says "I know. Oliver would be dating both of them knowing him."

Barry chuckles

Robert says "I love you, son."

Barry smiles and says "I love you too, Dad."

End of Flashback

Barry was dressed and looking at a picture downstairs of Robert and him as he kid.

The door opens and Barry's eyes widen as someone says "What did I tell you? Yachts suck."

Barry smiles and puts the picture down and sees Tommy when he turns.

Barry says "Tommy Merlyn."

They shared a hug and Tommy says "I missed you, buddy."

Later at dinner, Tommy was talking "Okay, what else did you miss? Super Bowl winners: Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and Lost. They were all dead."

Barry viewed Moira and Walter.

Tommy says "I think."

Thea asks "What was it like there?"

Barry looks at Thea and says "Cold. Lonely."

Tommy says "Tomorrow, you, Oliver, and I do the city. You've got a lot to catch up on."

Moira says "That sounds like a great idea."

Oliver says "Barry and I were hoping to swing by the office."

Moira says "Mmm."

Walter says "There's plenty of time for all that. Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere." 

Raisa trips and Barry catches the bowl

She says "I am so sorry, Mr. Barry."

Barry speaks Russian to her catching her off guard.

Tommy says "Dude, you speak Russian?"

Walter says "Didn't know you took Russian at college."

Barry says "I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my adopted mother, Walter."

Moira lost her smile and looks at Thea.

She says "I didn't say anything."

Moira looks at Oliver and he says "I didn't either."

Barry says "You guys didn't need to. With them acting all lovey-dovey is all the evidence I need."

Moira and Walter hold hands as she says "Barry, Walter, and I are married and I don't want you to think that... either one of us, did anything to disrespect your father."

Walter says "We both believed that Robert, like you, was, uh... well. gone."

Barry says "He is. And you aren't the one who watched him die in front of you."

Moira says "Barry."

Barry says "I'm not mad. It's fine. I'm happy you're happy. I've already lost three parents. My mom and Dad. Dad."

Oliver says "Barr."

Barry says "What?"

Oliver says "With the way you're responding you are acting mad."

Barry says "You try surviving on an island for five years... see if your attitude doesn't change. And I'm not mad. It just seems that way. And it's just another parent for me to watch die as all of them do."

He throws a napkin on the table

Moira says "Barry."

Barry says "May I be excused?"

Moira gave a look for him to stay, but he shakes his head no.

Moira says "You may."

He begins to walk away

Tommy says "Hey, don't forget about tomorrow, buddy."

Barry pats him on the shoulder and says "I won't. I look forward to it." He winks at Thea and he walks away.

Later in Bed

Barry was sleeping on the floor with the window open with it thundering and raining.


Sara says "One, two, three. It's getting closer."

Barry smiles and says "That's not very scientific. And I'm the Scientist."

Sara smiles and says "What would you know about science, Mr. Ivy League dropout?"

Barry says "Yeah, your right, but I did go to Central City Community College and studied science and forensics."

Sara says "I keep forgetting that you went to a different school."

Barry says "I also know biology." walking to the bed and sitting down close to her

Sara smiles like a kid as they kiss and she says "Laurel's gonna kill me."

Barry asks "Why. I'm not dating her. At least last time I checked."

Sara says "She said that she called dibs, so she's so gonna kill me."

Barry says "Your sister will never know. Unless we tell her we're getting married. Which likely will not happen."

Sara laughs and says "Oh, stop. Come here you."

Barry was on top of her kissing her and then a loud thunder was heard and Sara said, "Okay, that one was really close."

Barry says "Sara, we're gonna be fine."

He kisses her and the boat tips over stuff knocking the drinks and bed tossed around and them to the other side of the room.

Sara screams at the top of her lungs.

Barry got up and saw Her head bleed and says "Sara?"

Then she slid down the floor into the water and Barry yells "Sara!"

She yells "Aah!" as sliding.

Barry raises from the water breathing again and yells "Sara!"

Gus says "Barry! Barry!"

Barry yells "Sara!"

Gus and Robert pulled him into the raft

Barry says "No! No! No, Dad, she's out there!"

Robert says "She's not there."

Barry yells "Sara!"

Robert says "She's gone."

End of Flashback

Moira was yelling "Barry! Wake up. Barry!"

He gasps and flips his mother over and holds a hand against her neck choking her

Walter yells "Barry!" bending down to his level to show he's not on the island

He looks down as his mother coughs and he stops and backs up with his knees bent against the wall with the window open.

Barry says "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

Moira comes closer and says "No, it's okay, Barry. It's all right, sweetheart. You're home. You're home."

As Barry was near the window afraid of hurting her.

With Barry

Barry was in his room and bends down and pulls his box out and opens it and lifts the blanket to reveal a small book. He looks up.

With Thea

Thea asks "Where did you get these?"

A girl says "Roxies. Thank you, Daddy's ACL tear."

A knock was at the door.

Barry opened the door and Thea says "Barr."

Barry smiles and says "No one's called me that in a while, Speedy."

Thea says "Worst nickname ever."

Barry says "What, always chasing after me and Ollie as a kid? I thought it fit pretty well. Maybe it still does?"

The girl says "See you at school, Speedy."

Thea says "Sorry about her."

Barry says "I have something for you."

Thea says "You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir."

Barry says "It's a Hozen and in Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting. I would give it to Ollie, but we both know he'll just lose it."

Thea chuckles and hugs Barry.

Barry says "I kept it, in hopes that one day it would reconnect me with you and Ollie."

Thea smiles at him

Tommy says "A rock. That is sweet. I want one of those T-shirts that says... 'My friend was a castaway and all I got was this crappy shirt'." chuckling.

Barry smiles and shakes his head.

Oliver walks in and says "What is wrong with a rock?"

Barry says "It's not a rock. It's a Hozen."

Oliver says "It's that thing that does the thing right."

Barry and Thea smile

Barry says "You mean it symbolizes reconnecting in Buddhism?"

Oliver says "Yeah, that."

Barry laughs and says "God, I missed your sarcastic ass mouth."

Oliver says "Well, You're never leaving again, now."

Barry chuckles.

Thea says "Don't let them get you into too much trouble. You just got back. Take it slow."

He kissed her cheek and they shared a hug.

Tommy says "Ahem. The city awaits."

Barry says "Do you still have the same car?"

Tommy says "No, you know me. A buy a new car open her up and get speeding tickets and then get a new car eventually."

Barry says "And when I hoped I would see something recognizable."

Barry, Oliver, and Tommy leave as Thea crosses her arms together.

Tommy asks "Have you noticed how hot your sister's gotten, Barr?"

Barry looks at him and Tommy regrets saying that and says "Because I have not."

Oliver says "He thinks she is."

Barry says "She looks fine."

After a while in the car

Tommy says "You're funeral blew."

Barry asks "You get lucky?"

Tommy says "Fish in a barrel. They were so sad and huggy--"

Barry smiles and says "No."

Tommy says "And I'm counting on... another target-rich environment for your welcome home bash."

Barry asks "At my what?"

Oliver says "You came back from the dead. This calls for a party. You tell us where and when. I'll take care of everything."

They stop at the Glades

Tommy says "This city's gone to crap. Your dad sold his factory just in time."

Tommy and Oliver ask in unison "Why'd you wanna drive through this neighborhood anyway?

Barry says "No reason."

Tommy asks "So what'd you miss the most? Steaks at The Palm? Drinks at The Station? Meaningless sex?"

Barry says "I was never like you and Ollie. And I missed Laurel."

Tommy says "I know. But everyone is happy you're alive. You wanna see the one person who isn't?"

Barry says "I got to talk to her."

Oliver says "All right. Tommy, take us to Laurel." he smiles from the backseat.

Tommy says "All right." he drives off to Laurel's work.


Barry was waiting for Laurel and heard Laurel's friend say "No. He's just richer and willing to commit felonies."

Laurel says "We don't need to go outside the law--"

She says "To find justice. Your dad's favorite jingle."

Barry stops looking at the paper and sets it down as Laurel turns to him with a smile and loses it.

Barry says "Hello, Laurel." He smiles

Laurel was shocked to see him standing there.

They went for a walk and Barry started to talk "You went to law school. You said you would."

Laurel says "Yeah. Everyone's proud."

Barry says "Including me."

Laurel says "Yeah."

Barry nods and says "Adam Hunt's a heavy hitter. You sure you wanna get in the ring with him?"

Laurel says "Five years and you wanna talk about Adam Hunt?"

Barry says "No. Not really."

Laurel asks "Why are you here, Barr?"

Barry says "To apologize. It was my fault. I wanted to ask you not to blame her."

Laurel says "For what? Falling under your spell? How could I blame her for doing the same things that I did?"

Barry says "But you never wanted to be together. And you knew Sara liked me. She wanted to give us a try. So I let her. All she talked about was you were gonna kill her. Cause you called dibs. Really?"

Laurel says "What?"

Barry says "I get that, I messed up bring her with me. And I know that you both liked me. But I never wanted to hurt either of you. But there is something you... should know."

Laurel says "What?"

Barry says "She's alive. I just don't know where she is."

Laurel says "She's alive?"

Barry nods and says "I just don't know where. I told her to leave. We had a chance to leave and she took it. I never got the chance due to everything happening over there.

Laurel says "Why?"

Barry says "I'll tell you at another time. And I know it's too late to say this but I'm sorry."

Laurel says "Barr, I don't blame you or her. Why didn't you guys tell me?"

Barry says "Cause she wanted to keep it a secret. I followed her wishes. I didn't think that we'd be lost at sea... I didn't know that I would lose everything on that damn island. Then she comes and I was happy to see her. Then I thought she died again, but I know she escaped."

Laurel says "The chance to leave... You thought she died, but you know she escaped?"

Barry says "It's complicated."

Laurel asks "When isn't it?"

Barry says "Everything is hard to talk about. I don't know how to say it, Laurel, but I know she's alive."

Laurel says "Thank you for telling me, but why didn't you..."

Barry says "Cause she wasn't with me. I would have said if she was."

Laurel says "Why can't I hate you."

Barry says "Cause you have a crush on me."

Laurel says "No!" blushing

Barry says "Right. Blushing is surely saying, 'No, I don't'!" while he laughs

Laurel says "Now your flirting with me."

Barry says "Come on. I'm just messing with you. I haven't laughed in five years. That was funny."

Laurel says "Yeah?"

Laurel whisper in his ear "I wanted to tell you, you are sexy, and that if you weren't with my sister I would pounce on you."

He smiled and his face turned red.

Laurel says "I hope that gives you some blue balls."

Barry smiles and says "I can come to you later to help with that, right?"

Laurel turns to him with her face flustered at what he said.

Barry chuckles and says "I can play this game too, you know."

Laurel says "We can't."

Barry says "I realized that I loved you on the island."

Laurel says "What? Does Sara know?"

Barry says "She knows. I told her. She told me she understood."

Laurel says "But if you were with her, it wouldn't be right."

Barry says "For us to be happy? She told me that it was fine. That's all I need to start a relationship with you."

Laurel says "Well, maybe, I'll help with those." pointing down to his pants.

Barry says "Maybe? I'll take it."

Laurel smiles and kisses his cheek and walks back to work

She saw Tommy and says "You knew this was gonna happen?"

Tommy says "Maybe."

The boys walk to Tommy's car.

Oliver says "Good call. Now let's make up for old times. Huh?"

Tommy says "Yeah."

Barry says "Okay."

Tommy says "If you're not too sick of fish let's find some leggy models... and eat sushi off them. What do you say?"

A van screeched behind them

Tommy says "What the hell?"

People come out from hiding and point guns at them and used tranq darts on them.

Barry almost caught his tranq but failed and fell to his with Oliver, and Tommy passed out.

Barry saw a guy come out and yelled "Hey!" and he was shot.

Barry then passed out


Robert says "Here, son. Drink."

Barry drinks the water he gave him.

Gus says "What the hell are you doing? That's all we've got."

Robert says "If anybody's making it out of here, it's gonna be him."

Robert turns to Barry and says "I'm so sorry, I thought I'd have more time. I'm not the man you think I am. I didn't build our city. I failed it. And I wasn't the only one."

End of Flashback

Someone says "Mr. Queen?"

Then the bag was taken off of Barry's head and he says "Mr. Queen?"

He showed a Taser and pushes the button twice

The guy in the mask asks "Did your father survive that accident?"

Barry saw Tommy and Oliver on the ground knocked out.

He says "I ask the questions. You give me the answers."

He closes his fists tight

They tase Barry and he screams in pain

He asks "Did he make it to the island? Did he tell you anything?"

Barry doesn't answer and he tases him again and he screams in pain

Barry was panting and starting to get pissed.

Barry slows down breathing after a while to calm down and says "Yes, he did."

He asks "What did he tell you, Mr. Queen?"

Barry was making sure that Tommy and Oliver were still knocked and started chuckling and said, "He... He told me I'm gonna kill you."

All the men start laughing

He says "You're delusional. You're zip-cuffed to that chair."

Barry showed his hands free and says "Not anymore."

A guy reaches for his gun

The guy interrogating throws a punch that Barry dodges by grabbing the chair from under him and blocking the punch with it

And he knocks the guy with the gun out with the chair.

He breaks a piece off and stabs the interrogated guy next to him on his right. Then he uses the Taser on him and then uses him as a shield to take bullets.

Barry threw the guy on the ground and the other guy ran.

Barry checked on Tommy and Oliver to see if they were alive.

Barry chased after the guy and dodged gunfire by going to the stairs and climbing up the floor above him.

The guy saw that and ran.

They were on the roof

Barry was doing some vault jumping and jumping over everything as the guy was running down the stairs.

Barry rolled on the roof and he slid down when gunfire was being shot at him and he jumped from the roof grabbing the ledge.

Then back to the other building's ledge and he let go to get down.

He ran after the guy.

The guy ditched the mask and saw Barry on something he fired at him and Barry ran crossed it to a chain and used it too.

When the guy ran out of bullets and he jumped down and then twirls himself around and holds him by the neck.

The guy says "No."

Barry says "You killed that man."

The guy says "You don't have to do this."

Barry says softly "Yes, I do. Nobody can know my secret." breaking the guy's neck.

At the Queen Manor

Quentin says "So, that's your story? A guy in a green hood flew in... and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers?"

Barry just looks at him.

Quentin asks "I mean, who is he? Why would he do that?"

Barry says "I don't know. Find him and you can ask."

Quentin says "Yeah? What about you two? Did you two see the hood guy?"

Tommy says "I saw just movement."

Oliver says "Me too. I didn't really see much. Everything blurry. I was kind of out of it."

Tommy says "Me too."

Quentin says "Yeah. It's funny, isn't it? One day back and already somebody's gunning for you, Barry. Aren't you popular?"

Moira asks "Were you able to identify the men?"

Quentin's partner says "Scrubbed identities. Untraceable weapons. These were pros."

Quentin says "Yeah. They figured you'd pay a king's ransom to get your boys back. Or a Queen's ransom, as it were. After all, a parent would do anything to keep their child safe."

Barry knew what he meant.

He was blaming him for Sara.

Moira says "I don't find your tone appropriate, Detective."

Walter says "If Barry can think of anything else, he'll be in touch. Thank you, gentlemen, for coming."

Quentin scoffs and gets up and takes the drawn picture

He looks at Barry and says "Your luck never seems to run out, does it?"

Barry says "Mr. Lance, I--"

Quentin says "Just don't."

Barry says "Let me say this."

Quentin sighs and says "What is it?"

Barry says "I know it's too late for this. But I'm sorry. I didn't know the boat was gonna go down. If I knew... I wouldn't have brought her on the boat. You know me, Quentin. I'm not like these rich snobs as you would call them. I was respecting your daughter's wishes. She wanted to keep our relationship a secret, cause she thought you wouldn't be approved, even if I'm adopted."

Quentin asks "Did you even try to save her?"

Barry says "I did. And I failed!"

Everyone in the room flinched.

Barry says "Your not the one who watched everyone on that goddamn boat die! I had to watch her slide into the water 'cause I couldn't get to her in time and I never saw her again, then my father shoots himself in the goddamn head!"

Everyone was shocked at hearing that.

Barry says "You... have no clue, what I've been through. I had to watch everyone I love die. And that included your daughter. Guess you were right, I was a bad influence on her. 'This is the workings of Barry' 'Barry, made her this way'. No, I didn't make her do anything she didn't want to do. Now... would you kindly get the fuck... out of my mother's house. I'm done telling people the truth and they still blame me."

He walks away saying "As, if I'm the fucking idiot who cause the fucking accident."

He went upstairs to his room.

He started to look into Adam Hunt.

He looked at a newspaper.

Barry saw a picture of him and Laurel.

Barry checked the list and saw Adam Hunt's name.

Raisa says "You are different. Not like you to read a book. Usually."

Barry smiles and leans back and says "I missed you, Raisa."

She says "No kitchen on the island."

Barry says "No. No friends, either."

He gets up and grabs the tray from her and says "Hey... thank you."

He sets it down and asks "Do I really seem different?"

Raisa said, "No. You're still a good boy."

Barry says "Oh, I think we both know recently I have not."

Raisa says "I know. But you're sticking up for yourself. And I couldn't be prouder of you. And also you have a good heart."

Barry says "I hope so. I wanna be the person you always told me I could be."


Barry left the house and he was walking away when a voice says "Barry... I wanna introduce you to someone, John Diggle. He'll be accompanying you from now on."

Barry says "Mom, I don't need a babysitter."

Walter says "Darling, Barry's a grown man. If he doesn't feel he needs armed protection--"

Moira says "You know, I understand but this is something I need."

Barry looks at Diggle who was just standing there.

Barry was in the backseat of the car

Barry says "So...what do I call you?"

Diggle says "Diggle's good. Dig, if you want."

Barry asks "You're ex-military?"

Diggle says "Yes, sir. 105th Airborne out of Kandahar, retired. Been in the private sector for a little more than four years now. I don't want there to be any confusion, Mr. Queen. My ability to keep you from harm will outweigh your comfort. Do we have an agreement? Sir?"

The door thuds and he looks back and says "Sir?" he stops and gets out and looks in the back.

He looks around for him.

Barry was walking down the street to the warehouse he drove by with Oliver and Tommy.

He tossed his bags over and does a vault jump across the fence.

He picks up his bags and looks behind him as he walks forward.

He looked inside the warehouse and stands there

Barry narrates "The abduction was unexpected. It forced me to move up my plans. But what I told the police was true. The man in the green hood was in that warehouse... And he's just beginning."

Barry makes a way to the lower floor by using a pickaxe and after getting the hole open he lowered his equipment into it to turn it into a base.

He knocks down a wall and he saw a room with beams.

After getting it set up with tables and lights and he turned on the electricity as it hums.

The lights turn on after a while he had a room full of devices and gadgets to work with.

He had computers, and after setting them up, and started to make his own arrows.

Then he did a workout with a pull bar.

Then he hangs upside down and starts to work out moving.

Then after that, he pulled his box up and unlocked it, and pulled out his bow.

He then had a quiver and his bow.

He set loose some tennis balls and fired arrows at them pinning them to the wall all six. with one arrow to spare.

In the Arrowcave

Barry was watching the news "The suit alleges Hunt committed acts of fraud... and theft against the city's underprivileged. Laurel Lance, attorney for the city..."

Barry looks through the book and sees the name 'Adam Hunt'

Barry narrates "Adam Hunt. His crimes go deeper than fraud and theft... but he's been able to bully, bribe, or kill anyone who's gotten into his way."

Barry puts the knife down next to the arrowheads.

He then walks to the box with his bow and hood

He looks at it and Barry narrates "He hasn't met me yet."

He picks up the green hood and gets ready.

With Hunt

Hunt says "Remind Grell I put him on the bench. I can take him off. I will turn him into a cautionary tale."

A guard says "Yes, Mr. Hunt."

Hunt says "And this attorney, Laurel Lance? You said she wasn't gonna be a problem anymore. I told you to fix that situation."

They stop and Hunt says "Why are you still here?"

The guy walks away

And arrows spark the light above them.

Then an arrow into one of the guards.

The other guard says "Get in the car!"

The second guard closes the door and points his gun the other way firing.

Arrow says "Hey, you missed."

The guard grunts when he was shot with an arrow.

Then an arrow went through the back window of Hunt's car.

Then he pulled out Hunt from the car from the roof of the car.

He pulls back on his bow with an arrow in the slot.

Hunt says "What? What? Look, just-- Just tell me what you want."

He jumps off the car and picks up Hunt and says holding an arrow to his neck"You're gonna transfer $40 million into Starling City Bank account... 1141 by 10 pm tomorrow night."

Hunt asks "Or what?"

Arrow says "Or I'm gonna take it. And you won't like how."

He lets go and starts to walk away

Hunt yells "If I see you again, you're dead."

Then he quickly pulled an arrow and shot it at the back window of the car.

Hunt looked at the car and then back where he was and he was gone.

At the Queen Manor

Barry had gotten all dressed up and opened the door to the back of the car.

He saw Diggle and he says "Put on your seatbelt, sir. Wouldn't want you to miss your party."

Barry smiles and gets in.

Later at the party

Music was being blared.

Everyone was dancing.

Barry was walking down the stairs to see the time. It was 9:07.

He got downstairs to see Tommy looking at him with Oliver.

Tommy runs up the stairs to Barry and says "Everybody, hey! Man of the hour!"

The crowd cheers for Barry

Tommy says "And, ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming."

The song from the Queen's 'We Are The Champions' starts to play on the speakers as he walks to the DJ walking through the crowd.

Barry says "Thank you very much, Everybody!"

Tommy says "Barr, Barr, Barr." handing him a drink

He clinks it with Tommy's and Oliver's and he drinks it and yells "I missed tequila."

Everyone cheers as a different song plays.

And they go back to dancing.

With Hunt

He was drinking whiskey and walked over to the guard and Hunt asks "What the hell's going on out there?"

He says "Across the street. Party for the guy they rescued off that island. Barry Queen."

Hunt says "It's Allen-Queen. But they do just call him Queen and he doesn't correct them." He drinks and walks away from the window.

With Barry

Barry was at the bar with a blonde smiling at him.

She was talking to him and said, "Bye."

Tommy and Oliver saw Diggle and ask in unison "Hey, does he wipe for you too?"

They laugh

Tommy says "Now, by my rough estimate, you would not have sex in 1839 days. As your wingman, I highly recommend Carmen Golden."

Barry asks "Which one is she?"

Oliver says "She looks like the chick from Twilight."

Barry asks "What's Twilight?"

Tommy and Oliver say in unison "You're so better off not knowing."

Barry looks to his left and saw Thea getting something from a drug dealer

Barry asks "What the hell is Thea, doing here?"

Oliver looks over and sees her and says "She's partying."

Barry says "You know I don't want her here."

Oliver says "Barr, come on, she came for you."

Barry says "Yeah, well, I'm gonna be back in a minute."

He walks over to Thea.

Tommy says "So... Why didn't you tell me, he didn't want her here?"

Oliver says "Cause, she's his sister. She should be here."

Tommy says "Not in his eyes."

With Barry, he had just walked up and Thea says "Barr!" hugging him.

Thea says "Hey! This party is sick."

Barry asks "Who let you in here?"

Thea says "I believe it was somebody who said, 'Right this way, Miss Queen'."

Barry says "Well, you shouldn't be here."

Thea says "Barr, I'm not 12 anymore."

Barry says "Nope, you're 17. And as your older brother I have to look out for cause that's what I promised Dad."

Thea says "Dad never made you promise that."

Barry says "He did. Right before he died."

Thea says "Barr."

Barry says "Look, I get that you want to be here to support me or happy that I'm back. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna look out for you. Ollie should be doing the same thing. If the party has alcohol, I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to until you are 21. Now, please. Don't be mad. I love you." he kisses her head, secretly taking her stash in her purse.

Thea says "Fine, I understand."

Barry says "Thank you. Next time, I throw a party without alcohol. Then you'd get to spike the punch." smiling at her.

Thea chuckles and says "Okay."

She begins to walk to her friends and they leave.

Barry walks back over to Tommy and Oliver and Oliver asks "What did you say to her?"

Barry says "I told her the truth. Of a promise, I made to Dad. That I would look out for her and you. And the next time one of you idiots lets a minor in one of these parties, I'm gonna kick your guys' asses... Understand?"

Tommy immediately says "You got it. I understand."

Barry looks at Oliver and he sighs and says "I understand. But we do have non-alcoholic drinks here."

Barry says "I don't care. She's grabbed the alcohol anyway before and you know it."

Oliver says "Okay. Okay."

Barry says "And you need to start acting more like a brother than letting her do whatever she wants."

Oliver says "Oh, come on."

Barry says "I swear to god, Ollie, If I let down, Dad, cause you won't start to look out for her too, I'm gonna kick your ass."

He downed a drink and walks away.

Barry walks to a trash can and throws away the drugs Thea had gotten.

Oliver saw that and was confused.

Barry saw Diggle looking at him throwing away the drugs smiling.

Barry walks away and pumps into someone

Barry says "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean--"

He saw it was Laurel

Barry says "Laurel? You're here. I didn't think you'd show."

Laurel says "You invited me, right?"

Barry looks back at Tommy and Oliver smiling and giving thumbs up.

Barry turns to her and says "Yeah. And it's good to see you."

Laurel says "Is there someplace quieter that we could go?"

Barry smiles and says "Yeah." walking them to a place to talk.

Upstairs away from the party.

Laurel says "I'm sorry about saying the stuff that I did. I know you didn't mean to hurt either of us. You're not Ollie."

Barry smiles and says "I know. But I used to be. You and Sara changed that real fast."

Laurel chuckles and says "Yeah, we did."

Barry says "You here to help with, uh, you know." smiling

Laurel says "No, I'm not he to help with that." pushing him playfully.

Barry asks "And why not?"

Laurel chuckles and says "You stop, Mister."

Barry says "Fine. You're the one who said Maybe."

Laurel kisses him.

Barry immediately kisses her grabbing her cheeks to deepen the kiss.

They were both feeling butterflies in their stomachs.

Barry was happy being with her.

Kissing her.

And she was happy.

They pull away and Laurel says "I don't think we should do this."

Barry says "And why?"

Laurel says "I love you, Barr. But you were with Sara."

Barry says "We've been through this."

Laurel says "I know. You told her that you had feelings for me. And that she understood. But I'd rather hear that from her."

Barry says "So... then why did you kiss me, if this isn't what you wanted?"

Laurel sees she's hurting him and says "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just... I would rather hear from her that it's okay. And I know you wouldn't lie, but... It just feels right."

Barry says "How are you gonna hear it from her? She's not here. And we don't know where she is. Hell, I haven't even told your Dad."

Laurel says "Let's not tell him yet about Sara."

Barry nods and says "Okay."

Laurel kisses him and says "Forget it. I love you." kissing him again.

Barry kisses her and says "I love you, Laurel."

They were kissing and they pulled away

She says "If you ever need someone to talk to about what happened to you? I'm always here."

Barry says "I will. When I get the courage to talk about it."

His phone begins to vibrate.

It was 10:00 and no money was transferred.

Barry sighs and puts his phone away.

Laurel asks "Is something wrong?"

Barry says "I asked somebody to do something. They didn't do it. Laurel... you always saw the best in me."

She smiles

Barry says "And that's many of the reasons why I love you. But I'll be right back, okay? I got to use the restroom."

He kisses her cheek

She says "You sure I can't help you?" blushing

Barry says "Next time."

She kisses him and he walks away.

Barry was in a hallway rubbing his forehead and he hears "Something I can help help you with, sir?"

Barry says "I just wanted a second to myself. I'm tired."

Diggle asks "And why's that, Mr. Queen?"

Barry says "I was never a person to party. At least not when I left on that boat. I had stopped partying, I had stopped being a playboy. I changed. I stopped being the Billionaire playboy everyone knew. So partying... Isn't something I do. Not anymore."

Diggle asks "Would you like to leave, sir?"

Barry says "No, I just need a little bit to myself."

Diggle says "Okay. I'll let be alone. But you better not disappear again."

Barry says "I'm going to the bathroom. Where else would I go?"

Diggle leaves.

Barry smiles and walks away.

He got to the roof and fired a grapple arrow

He tugged on it and it was stable.

Barry saw the cops and he cut the power to the building.

The elevator dings and a dart was thrown into a guard and he shoots the gun at the ceiling falling to the ground.

Arrow hits the guy to his left with his bow to his leg and the guy in the face with his bow to his right and back to the left to the face and grabs the guy to the right and throws him down on the ground and throws his bow at a guy in the face.

He ran up to a pillar and pushed his leg up when his leg was on it and jumped over the guy pulling him down with him as some shoots.

He grabbed his bow and hid behind a pillar.

Then after they ran out of bullets he pushed the guy through the door and he was shot.

Then after he realized that he shot a guard Arrow comes around the corner and shot the guard that shot the other one.

Then he hit the guard near the door in the face and they hit him with the bow and knocked him out.

Arrow pointed an arrow at Hunt.

He shot near him and it passes him.

Hunt said, "You missed."

Arrow says "Really?"

Arrow then starts fighting Drakon, which gives Hunt the chance to run out.

Hunt pulls out his phone and calls Lance then says "He's here!"

As Lance and the rest of the police were rushing to get to Hunt's office. Arrow and Darkon were still fighting. Arrow looked like he was starting to lose the fight as Drakon was about to him when a figure in a blue hoodie with a mask crashes through the window.

Arrow saw it was a man when he lands perfectly on the floor. Drakon gets distracted, which caused the man to throw a dagger at him, hitting Drakon in the neck. Which caused him to accidentally pull the trigger on his gun. It goes off, and Arrow and the mystery man take cover. He and Arrow go flying over the desk, hitting the floor hard... kind of knocking him out.

The man takes his dagger back from Drakon then rushes to Arrrow, kneels next to him, and pulls the bullet that he got hit with then starts to shake up.

"Okay... Now's not the time to rest. The police are coming... Barr!" he said,

Barry wakes up and looks at him and recognized him... It's Oliver.

He says "We got to go. Now."

Just then Lance and the police rush in.

An officer yells "Lay down your weapon, or we will open fire! I repeat, lay down your weapon."

Oliver pulls up his hood and Barry quickly grabs his bow then grabs Oliver as they jump out the window together as they are being shot at by Lance and the police.

And they land on the roof.

Minutes later a Barry's Welcome Home party

Lance and the police walk in and Lance says "Cut it. Search the building roof to the basement. Find them!:

The officer gets the DJ to stop the music as Lance addresses the partygoers.

Lance yells "Starling City Police! The party's over, kids."

The guests start to boo at him

Lance sees Tommy and then walks over to him as he says "Oh, Mr. Merlyn. Imagine my shock at finding you here. Did you roofie anyone special tonight, huh?"

Tommy chuckles.

Laurel saw her Dad and walks over and says "What are you doing here?"

Lance says "I could ask you the same thing."

Then a voice says "I invited her."

Lance saw it was Barry and Oliver walking in their civilian clothes.

Oliver says "Detective! It's a private party."

Lance says "Yeah? Well, there was an incident at Adam Hunt's building tonight. You two know anything about that?"

Barry asks "Who's Adam Hunt?"

Laurel smiles

Lance says "He's a millionaire bottom feeder, and I'm kind of surprised you aren't friends."

Oliver says "Well, as you know, he's been out of town for a while."

Lance says "Yeah. WEll, he just got attacked by the guy with the hood, the guy that saved your brother's ass the other day with you two." pointing at Tommy and Oliver.

Lance says "And he wasn't alone. A man in a blue hood."

Barry says "The hood guy. You didn't find him? I'm gonna offer a reward."

Oliver says "Yeah, we should offer a reward for both hoods."

Barry looks at Oliver and says "You are so right." He turns to the crowd and yells "Hey, everybody. $2 million dollars to anybody that can find two nut bars in green and blue hoods."

the crowd cheers

Barry looks at Lance and he gets close and asks "Did you even try to save her?"

Barry says "You already know that answer, Detective. I told you the other day. Not my fault you can't take that."

Laurel says "Dad, go. You're getting emotional."

Lance sees the look in her eyes and says "You're with this piece of shit?"

Laurel says "I don't think it's any of your business who I'm with."

Barry says "Yeah."

Hilton pulls Lance away and they leave the party.

Barry takes center stage and shouts, "It's way too quiet in here! This is a party!"

The partygoers cheer as the music comes back on and everyone starts dancing again.

Oliver shakes his head and exhales and grabs a drink off one of the trays.

Barry walks off stage as Tommy approaches him.

Tommy said, "Some coincidence, I mean, you ask to have your party here, and Hunt getting robbed right next door and by the same guy who rescued us at the warehouse. And he has a partner."

Barry says "If I were you, Tommy, I'd just be glad you're alive."

Laurel heard that and she asks "What h-happened to you on that island."

Barry says "A lot, Laurel. A lot." as he downs a drink.

The Next day

Barry was in bed with Laurel.

He smiled and walked to the computer and saw the funds he took being transferred.

Barry then grabs his little book, opens it, and crosses out Hunt's name, and he puts the book up.

Then he looks over at a picture of his dad and remembers the last time he saw him.


Gus was holding a knife to a box and Barry was cuddled into his dad's side

Robert looks at Gus and says to Barry "There's not enough for all of us."

Barry says "Save your strength."

Robert says "You can survive this. Make it home, make it better. Right, my wrongs. But you gotta live through this first. You hear me, Barr? You hear me, son?"

Barry says "Just rest, Dad."

Robert says "No." He kisses Barry's head and says "Promise me that you will look out for Thea and Oliver."

Barry mutters "I promise."

Robert pushes him to the side and pulls out a gun from his vest and shoots Gus. And he follows overboard.

Barry wakes up and says "Dad."

Robert looks at him and says "Survive." he points a gun at his head.

Barry yells "No!" and Robert shot himself in front of Barry.

End of Flashback

Barry stops remembering what happened.

He looked at Laurel who was sleeping.

He smiled at her and then a knock on his door

He gets up and opens the door.

He sees Oliver.

Barry walks out and closes the door and says "Hey, Ollie."

Oliver says "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Barry says "Better. How'd you find me at Hunt's building?"

Oliver says "I followed you."

Barry says "And the dagger?"

Oliver says "I stopped partying when you went missing. I learned how to fight. It helped pass the time."

Barry says "Why'd you risk yourself for me?"

Oliver says "Barr. You're my brother. There is nothing I wouldn't risk for you."

Barry says "It's dangerous for you."

Oliver says "Same to you."

Barry was about to speak but Oliver says "No. I'm gonna help you, Barr."

Barry says "Fine. But if you're going out, I'm gonna train you. Not willing to risk losing you."

Oliver nods

Barry walks in and sees Laurel on the phone and says "If hypothetically $50,000 magically appeared in your bank account, it might be best for you not to speak about it... to anyone... ever. God bless you, too." she hangs up her phone and sees Barry.

Barry smiles and says "Good to see your up."

Laurel says "Yeah."

Barry asks "Who was on the phone?"

Laurel says "I just got a very grateful phone call from one of our clients against Adam Hunt."

Her phone vibrates and says "Joanna did too. She just texted me."

Barry says "Should you be at the office?"

Laurel says "I should, yes, but I'm gonna stay right here."

They share a kiss as they cuddle in the bed.

Laurel says "I think the island did change you, Barr. Your more... confident in yourself."

Barry smiles and says "Is that good?"

Laurel says "Yes, it is."

They cuddle for a while

Barry narrates "She says the island changed me. She has no idea how much. There are many more names on the list, those who rule my city through intimidation and fear. Every last one of them will wish I had died on that island."

Outside Queen Manor

A man says "The police failed to identify the men I hired to kidnap Barry, and they never will. Should we arrange another abduction?:

He walks over to the person, who hired him and that person was Moira Queen.

She says "No. There are other ways of finding out what my son knows."

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