A competition that Changed my...

By Kathy_Holmes97

14.9K 187 1

A normal school girl living her life as being a Janoskian fan. Her life had changed when she wins a competiti... More

Chapter one,
Chapter two
Chapter three...We're on our way!
Chapter four
Chapter five...Don't get Embarrassed
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.. This is getting hard!
Chapter Eight.. I love you
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten...S**t we didn't use one
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen... I shouldn't of done that
Chapter fourteen... We're having a baby!!!
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Nineteen

377 5 0
By Kathy_Holmes97

Emily's mum came to pick her up to take her home, as Milly, Jai, Luke and Beau are all not talking to her. When she got home she found that she has to leave home as her parents aren’t keen on her having a baby.

“This is great just great. Beau leaves me. He wants nothing to do with me or the baby, I’ve found out I’m getting kicked out of home because mum don’t like me having a baby!” Emily cried. As Emily stepped foot in her bedroom she realises she’s got no home, no boyfriend and no friends, she’s not even sure if she wants the baby anymore.

Beau walks into his hotel room thinking ‘What have I done, I was deeply in love with her’ Milly “Everything will be ok Beau, I promise” Beau, Milly, Luke and Jai all goes downstairs to a little party the hotel are holding. Milly “Emily would love to be here!” Beau “She is hot!” Jai “Who?” Beau “Her, Long blonde hair” Beau runs up to the Blonde and starts dancing with her.

Emily's friend Tasmin goes over Emily's for a chat “Hey” Tasmin said as she walked up to Emily and gave her a big hug as she bursts out in tears “I’ve got no home, and Beau left me! I’m not even sure if I want this baby now!” Emily cried. Tasmin “Hey! Don’t think like that!” Emily “Milly’s stopped being my friend because she’s moving in with Beau, Luke and Jai” Tasmin “How could she do that to you?” Emily “She is in a relationship with Luke and she’s pregnant with his baby” Tasmin “But you should always put friends first” Emily “exactly”


Emily and Tasmin walks round town, Emily slowly cheering up as Tasmin has brought some other friends of Emily's out. She starts to cheer up until they bump into Luke, Jai and Beau. As Emily walked over to talk to them, they all walked off, leaving tears falling from Emily's eyes” Tasmin “Remember Emily, you’re not alone” Sasha “Yeah, you’ve got us” Emily text’ Beau saying ‘I won’t give up on you’ She looked at Beau as she sent it, she watched him read it and then put his phone away, with no reply, Emily hugs Tasmin. “I’ve had enough of this!” Sasha said as she walked off. Sasha walked over to Beau and said “You don’t get it do you?” Beau “Get what?” Sasha “Why Emily was like that! She’s been Cheated on, Played and lied to so many times. She loves you so much, when she’s with you I’ve never seen her this happy! She loves you, she wants to be with you, this is the hardest thing for her, she’s even been saying she don’t know if she wants the baby anymore. And as for you Milly, your supposed to be her best friend. Best friends don’t stop talking because of a break up. Best friends are meant to stick together. So go on, move to Australia, Emily will be fine with us. Beau move on, Emily will be fine on her own with out you. Relationships comes and goes but Beau, a kid is for life! So you’re a dick for saying you want nothing to do with her or the baby! All she has ever done is love you. She’s like this because of her past, she finds it hard to let go. But when she’s with you, nothing even matters, so this is for breaking her heart!” Sasha slapped Beau and walked off.

Tasmin “Hey Emily! Me and Ryan has a spare bedroom, you can come and stay with us for while if you like?” Emily “You sure?” Tasmin “Yeah! It’s what friends are for!” Emily “Thank you!”

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