Bride Of War - Kumudini

By Ankita18499

69.5K 3.1K 124

Looking at herself in mirror a lone tear fall from her eyes now she is a bride, a wife to a king, war bride w... More

kumudini princess of Mahisar
kumud return Mahisar
Omkar is king
He steal glances at me
princess is a traitor
princess get harassed
He agreed to help her
Family reunion
He threatened her
His gift to her
Their first kiss
The Marraige proposal
Naina and omkar getting married
Their special Moments
Disguise as princess
The king was attacked
His change behaviour
She felt insulted
His true face
War arises
she asked to dance like courtesian
Treaty that made her war bride
The king is raged
princess got injured
Kumud meet her father
The harsh reality
She became a war bride
Their first night
Naina is poisoned
kumud felt guilty
Their Argument
You're my Queen
Ranimas weird demand
His second marriage
Their crazy Romance
Confused Thoughts
His Engagment
The truth reveal
King Thrown Out
Raaz Revealed

King's pet

1.6K 65 4
By Ankita18499

Kumud's pov

"You should ask someone to help with those clothes ranima" i told her, she look tired doing all this arrangement since morning.

"You dont know her kumud she is so particular about her things, she was always like this and now she is a Queen so she deserve that much"ranima said smiling.

She was telling me about her family that their kingdom is rule by her late husband's brother and omkars chacha virbhadra and his Queen sushila.

I wondered what must have happened that his father died so soon and why he attacked us, my father.

I hate him for this but this is his duty as a king even my father do that but there result are like this how i am today homeless.

But hearing that his father is no more made me feel pain for him.

"Omkar has a cousin brother kushal who will bethrone after his father". She said.

"You know he is such a naughty boy always pranking and joking around, i wandered how he will handle the throne".

"Ranima tell me about prachi "i really wanted to know about her as she was Ranimas daughter how she must be, she should be like Ranimaa not her grumpy brother i thought.

"Prachi is naughty but caring girl, she like to travel and spend times with people"ranima said.

"She is innocent, a flower, beautiful gudiya of mine, but she always got omkars attention ".

"She is the only person with omkar be his ownself or else always gloomy"she said and i giggle she look at me adoring my cheek.

"Always smile like this you look beautiful with smile"i nodded.

After finishing our work i decided to roam in garden for sometime.We decided to roam around Mahisar tommorrow.

I was strolling looking at the flowers and their beauty, my gaze went to other side of garden and i saw the king with mahesh he was talking something serious but his lips were moving i rythem.

My heart thundered at the thought, i saw his adam moving up and down, his brown orbs looking intense, he had wear white kurta which look so elegant on him.

Then i saw mahesh going away and he look towards me with a smirk on his face and i stumbled back.

"What are you doing here princess"he asked coming close to me his breath mixed with mine as he bent down on my level and pull out a leave from my hair.

"It was disturbing that silky hair"he told me as i look at that leave.

"I ask you something before never ignore my question "he ask again rudly.

"I was strolling in the garden, as i got bored"i told him.

"There is a library, you must know you can take any book, you want to read"he told me.

"I heard you have learned Sanskrit and politics and geography "he said and i nodded.

"I learned politics but know very less, but i know geo well like countries, continent, kingdom and Warfield "i told him.

"That's interesting, hope you get the book of your interest"he said.

"Thank you, your Highness "i said bowing down and again saw him fisting his hand.

What happened to him, why he react like this, he should happy that his enemy is saluting him.

Whenever i thought about him i was got stuck into the circles, what he did to me something really good, and sone are extremely bad.

He attract me, intimidate me but also protect me whenerever i need him and he is the one who push me into that problems.

First time in life i was feeling so much confused and helpless, like i am likeing and hating the same person for different reason and i am unable to understand his personality.

"What are you thinking so much"he asked.

"That how can you talk to me so casually when you consider me a treator"i asked.

"I am talking to you because you're normal girl not a treator"he said and i cant help but asked.

"So what makes you think that i am not treator"i asked.

"I got your information colleted."he said.

"Dont forget, i am a king and i have my sources "he told me.

"You could have use your source before"i mumbled.

"I know, but you don't have to feel prisoned".he said.

"I have written a letter to your mama, i am sure he is in contact with your father"he said and i nodded.

"Would you let me go if my father comes to take"i asked him and he just look at me for a long time then nodded.

"Remember you agreed to let me meet with your rabbit"i asked.

"Does he have any name"i asked

"Hmm, but don't laugh i like him to call that".

"Ok, Maharaj but what is his name?".

"I call him bhola "he said and i started laughing hysterically, he frown at me but then his eyes became amusing.

He start coming towards me and i take a step back, he was only a inch away from me our bodies glue together my heart start beating fastly.

Why is he behaving like that i put hands on my hairs "there is no leaf now"he said and i look at him confused.

"You look beautiful while smiling"he said and my heart skip a beat eyes became wide and he smirk seeing my reaction and turn away to go back.

"Hey, princess what are you doing here"naina's voice make me come out of the trance, i look at her giving a small smile.

"Just roaming around to pass time" i said.

"Then let's go with me i will show you something "she said but a attendi come there at same time.

"Princess, Maharaj wants to meet you, he is waiting in his chamber"he told and i look at him suprised we just met a moment ago he can tell me whatever he wants to tell.

Then i saw naina who was giving me teasing look, dont she like him the way she behave with him feels that she is possesive for him.

"Actually i have requested to contact with my family maybe the letter come"i told her to make the environment normal.

"You don't have to explain he is a king so he has to take care of everyone, he is like that protecting and caring others as well"she said casually but the way she mentioned me in others hurt me.

"I should go and check "i told her and run back from there.

I walk to his chamber and saw the guards outside they only stood that close when he is discussing something serious or secrative.

I ask them to get his permission to let me in, they come back after few moment.

"Princess, you can go in "the guard said and i nodded.

Opening the door i walk in and this is the first time i was witnessing how beautifully he has maintained and decorated this place.

I have seen the chamber but the furniture and other things like his sword, military uniform which makes him look more handsome and on the other side his turban and books with study table everything looks perfect on their position.

This is not the biggest chamber of this palace, the chamber Ranimaa is staying is biggest but this is not any less.

I was walking inside observing everything when i stumble with something but a hand come behind my back to hold on my waist.

The king was holding me looking into my eyes with so much intensity and that closeness makes me shy and timid infront of him.

I lower my eyelashes and move back when he spoke,

"Golu wanted to see you, he is playing now ".

We walk towards the small place outside his chamber and wall there is open space he put him there.

I look at golu, he is better now playing happily but his leg seems to be not cured yet.

I sit infront of him and took him in my arms and he saw me with big those orbs and a smile make on my face.

"You can spend time with him i am inside, have to read some books"he told me.

I just nodded and started playing with golu. He is such a bundle of joy.

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