Home | Doctor Who¹ *slow upda...

By grimesdaylight

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Samantha Mills and Amelia Pond have been best friends. They always go to each other when they need or want an... More

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âž¼ ONE
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âž¼ NINE
âž¼ TEN


311 13 0
By grimesdaylight


THE DOCTOR AND SAM ENTER JEFF'S BEDROOM where Jeff is lying on his bed using his laptop. "Hello. Laptop, give me!" The Doctor says as he grabs it.

"Do you know how to use the words please and thank you?" Sam asks the alien.

"Yes, I do." The Doctor responds. "But this important." He adds.

"No, no, no, no, wait, hang on!" Jeff complains refusing to let go.

"It's fine, give it here." He says taking the laptop and sits at the bottom of the bed. "Blimey! Get a girlfriend, Jeff." The Doctor states.

The door opens and Jeff's Gran enters. "I told you to delete your history." Sam glares at him. "You know Alfie likes to use your computer for doing his homework." She adds.

"I always delete my internet history." Jeff glares at her as she glares at him. "Gran." Jeff complains.

"What are you doing?" The old woman questions the man.

"The sun's gone wibbly, so right now, somewhere out there, there's going to be a big video conference call." The Doctor says as he keeps typing. "All the experts in the world panicking at once, and do you know what they need? Me. Ah, and here they all are. All the big boys. NASA, Jodrell Bank, Tokyo Space Centre, Patrick Moore." He tells them.

"Ooh, I like Patrick Moore." The old woman smiles.

"I'll get you his number, but watch him, he's a devil." The Doctor beams at the older woman.

"You can't just hack in on a call like that." Jeff states.

"Can't I?" The Doctor says holding some paper to the webcam.

"Who are you? This is a secure call. What are you doing?" A male voice sounds.

"Hello. I know, you should switch me off. But before you do, watch this." The Doctor informs them.

"It's here too, I'm getting it." Another male voice sounds.

"Fermat's Theorem, the proof, and I mean the real one, never seen before. Poor old Fermat, got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault, I slept in." The Doctor mumbles as Jeff and Sam share a look. "Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie - why electrons have mass. And a personal favourite of mine, faster-than-light travel with two diagrams and a joke. Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I'm a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas, pay attention." The Doctor instructs.

The Doctor is typing something on the mobile. "Sir, what are you doing?" An expert questions.

"I'm writing a computer virus. Very clever, super-fast, and a tiny bit alive, but don't let on. Why am I writing it on a phone? Never mind, you'll find out." The Doctor responds. "OK, I'm sending this to all your computers. Get everyone who works for you sending this everywhere. Email, text, Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, radar dish - whatever you've got. Any questions?" The Doctor rants.

"Who was your lady friend?" Sam hears the voice of Patrick Moore say.

"Patrick, behave!" The Doctor chimes in.

"What does this virus do?" An expert asks.

"It's a reset command, that's all. It resets counters, it gets in the wifi and resets every counter it can find. Clocks, calendars, anything with a chip will default at zero at exactly the same time. But, yeah, I could be lying, why should you trust me? I'll let my best man explain." He pauses. "Jeff, you're my best man." The Doctor whispers.

"Your what?" Jeff exclaims.

Sam watches as the Doctor closes the laptop partway. "Listen to me. In ten minutes, you're going to be a legend. In ten minutes, everyone on that screen is going to be offering you any job you want. But first, you have to be magnificent. You have to make them trust you and get them working. This is it, Jeff. Right here, right now. This is when you fly. Today's the day you save the world." The Doctor rants.

"Why me?" Jeff wonders.

"It's your bedroom. Now go, go, go." The Doctor says throwing Sam out of the room and leaves.

The Doctor quickly re-enters the room. "Oh, and delete your internet history." The Doctor says as he leaves again.

The Doctor runs out of Jeff's house, Sam stands beside him. She watches as he looks around then runs off. She groans as she notices what he's looking at.

"Are you serious?" She questions him as they reach where he was going. "Are we about to nick off with a fire engine?" She whines.

"Yes I am." The Doctor responds. "Now get in." He orders.

Sam grumbles but gets inside the fire engine. The alien watche Sam closely before starting up the engine. "What happened with you during the 12 years?" He asks as they speed towards the hospital.

"Not much." She responds as she fiddles with her hands.

"Why did you say you went through 10 psychiatrists?" He questions.

"One it's none of your business." Sam snaps. "Many of the reasons are personal which is nothing to do with you." She tells him.

Before the Doctor could response Rory's phone starts ringing. "Could you answer it for me?" He asks her.

Answering it, Sam puts the phone up to the Doctor's ear. "Look in the mirror." He says into the phone. "Don't worry. I've commandeered a vehicle." He turns on fire engine siren as he drives.

Sam puts the phone down but keeps ahold of it and watches the scenery. Seeing Amy's name on the phone again, she puts the phone up to the Doctor's ear.

"Are you in?" He questions her.

"Yep." Amy answers. "But so's Prisoner Zero." She adds.

"You need to get out of there." The Doctor orders. "Amy? Amy, what's happening? Amy, talk to me!" He bellows into the phone.

"What's happening?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." He answers.

"We're in the coma ward. But it's here, it's getting in." Amy responds.

"Which window are you?" The Doctor asks.

"What, sorry?" Amy questions.

"Which window?" The Doctor repeats.

"First floor on the left, fourth from the end." She answers.

"Hold on." The Doctor instructs.

Sam holds onto the seat as the Doctor drives up to the hospital. She lets out a squeal as hears glass shattering. Getting out of the truck, the Doctor helps Sam up to where the ladder is.

The Doctor climbs up the ladder followed by Sam. The alien helps Sam into the window. "Right! Hello! Am I late? No, three minutes to go. So still time.

"Time for what, Time Lord?" Prisoner Zero asks.

"Take the disguise off. They'll find you in a heartbeat. Nobody dies." The Doctor smiles.

"The Atraxi will kill me this time. If I am to die, let there be fire." Prisoner Zero exclaims.

"OK. You came to this world by opening a crack in space and time. Do it again - just leave." The Doctor orders.

"I did not open the crack." The alien states.

"Somebody did." The Doctor says.

"The cracks in the skin of the universe - don't you know where they came from? You don't, do you? The Doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know. Doesn't know, doesn't know!" The Alien takes the voice of a little girl. "The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall." Prisoner Zero says in the woman's voice.

There is a clicking sound. The Doctor looks up at wall. "And we're off! Look at that." He says pointing at the clock which now reads '0:00.' "Look at that! Yeah, I know, just a clock, whatever. But do you know what's happening right now? In one little bedroom, my team are working. Jeff and the world. And do you know what they're doing? The word is out. And do you know what the word is? The word is zero. Now, me, if I was up in the sky in a battleship, monitoring all Earth communications, I'd take that as a hint. And if I had a whole battle fleet surrounding the planet, I'd be able track a simple old computer virus to its source in, what, under a minute?" He rambles.

Amy, Rory and Sam watch as he takes out Rory's mobile from his pocket. "The source, by the way, is right here." He says as a bright light shines through the windows. "Oh! And I think they just found us!" The Doctor chuckles.

"The Atraxi are limited. While I'm in this form, they'll still be unable to detect me. They've tracked a phone, not me." Prisoner Zero smirks.
"Yeah, but this is the good bit. I mean, this is my favourite bit. Do you know what this phone is full of? Pictures of you. Every form you've learned to take, right here. Oh, and being uploaded about now. And the final score is - no TARDIS, no screwdriver - two minutes to spare." The Doctor says holding his arms out, successful. "Who da man?" He's greeted by silence.

"Just no." Sam mutters.

"Oh, I'm never saying that again! Fine." The Doctor grumbles.

"Then I shall take a new form." The alien states.

"Oh, stop it, you know you can't. Takes months to form that kind of psychic link." The Doctor informs Prisoner Zero.

"And I've had years." The alien says as it's form glows.

Amy falls to the floor and the Doctor rushes over to her. "No! Amy?" The Doctor exclaims, puts his hands to her face "You've got to hold on. Amy! Don't sleep! You've got to stay awake, please." The Doctor says.

"Doctor?" Rory and Sam say.

The Doctor looks up to see that Prisoner Zero has taken his form. "Well, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?" He questions.

"It's you." Sam responds.

"Me? Is that what I look like?" The Doctor questions them.

"You don't know?" Rory asks him.

"Busy day. Why me, though?" He asks standing up and facing Prisoner Zero. "You're linked with her. Why are you copying me?" The Doctor questions.

"I'm not. Poor Amy Pond. Still such a child inside." Prisoner Zero states as little Amelia Pond. "Dreaming of the magic Doctor she knows will return to save her. What a disappointment you've been." Prisoner Zero says.

"No, she's dreaming about me cos she can hear me." The Doctor states as he runs back to Amy. "Amy, don't just hear me, listen. Remember the room, the room in your house you couldn't see? Remember you went inside. I tried to stop, but you did. You went in the room. You went inside. Amy...dream about what you saw." The Doctor calls out.

"No... no... No!" Prisoner Zero shouts as it's figure glows and transforms.

The Doctor faces it. "Well done, Prisoner Zero. A perfect impersonation of yourself." He smirks.

Prisoner Zero is caught in the light and writhes. "Prisoner Zero is located. Prisoner Zero is restrained." The voice from earlier calls out.

"Silence, Doctor. Silence will fall." The snake like alien says before it disappears.

There is a whoosh of air as the ship leaves. The Doctor runs to the window. Dials mobile. "The sun - it's back to normal, right? That's... That's good, yeah? That means it's over." Rory stutters as Amy wakes. "Amy? Are you OK? Are you with us?" He asked.

"What happened?" Amy looks up at Sam and Rory.

"He did it. The Doctor did it." Rory smiles at her.

"No, I didn't." The Doctor says.

"What are you doing?" Sam questions him.

"Tracking the signal back. Sorry, in advance." The Doctor informs Rory.

"About what?" Rory asks.

"The bill. Oi, I didn't say you could go! Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. This is a fully established, level 5 planet, and you were going to burn it? What...? Did you think no-one was watching? You lot, back here. Now!" He tosses phone back to Rory. "OK. Now I've done it." He states as he leaves ward.

Amy, Sam and Rory chase after the alien. "Did he just bring them back? Did he just save the world from aliens and then bring all the aliens back again?" Rory exclaims.

The Doctor strides down the corridor, determined. Amy, Sam and Rory follow him. "Where are you going?" Amy questions.

"The roof. No, hang on." The Doctor says as he enters a room.

"What's in here?" Sam questions.

"It's the changing room." Rory answers as they follow the alien into the room.

The Doctor begins to sift through clothes, tossing away what doesn't look appealing to him.

"I'm saving the world - I need a decent shirt. To hell with the raggedy. Time to put on a show!" The Doctor bellows.

"You just summoned aliens back to Earth. Actual aliens, deadly aliens, aliens of death, and now you're taking your clothes off..." Rory says as the Doctor strips off his old clothes. "Amy, he's taking his clothes off." Rory tells his girlfriend but Amy is watching appreciatively.

"Turn your back if it embarrasses you." The Doctor tells him.

"Are you stealing clothes now? Those clothes belong to people, you know." Rory rants "Are you not you going to turn your back?" Rory asks Amy as Sam turns around with him.

"Nope." Amy says with a smirk.

They all follow the Doctor up to the roof. The Doctor now wearing a long-sleeved shirt, trousers with braces and a number of ties are draped around his neck, strides to where the Atraxi ship is waiting. Amy, Rory and Sam stand back a bit.

"So this was a good idea, was it? They were leaving." Amy questions the Doctor.

"Leaving is good. Never coming back is better. Come on, then! The Doctor will see you now." The Doctor bellows.

The gigantic eye disconnects from the ship and scans the Doctor. "You are not of this world." The Atraxi notes.

"No, but I've put a lot of work into it." He says as he examines tie. "I don't know. What do you think?" He asks the alien before throwing the tie to Rory.

"Is this world important?" The Atraxi questions the alien.

"Important? What's that mean, important? 6 billion people live here - is that important? Here's a better question. Is this world a threat to the Atraxi?" He inquires as he throws another tie that lands on Amy's shoulder, she gives it to Rory. "Well, come on. You're monitoring the whole planet. IS this world a threat?" He quizzes.

The Atraxi projects a hologram of the Earth with scenes from history. "No." The Atraxi bellows.

"Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?" The Doctor questions.

"No." The Atraxi states.

"OK. One more. Just one. Is this world protected? Because you're not the first lot to come here." As the Doctor speaks, the projection shows loads and loads of aliens, making Sam gasp. "Oh, there have been so many! And what you've got to ask is... what happened to them?" The Doctor states.

The projection now goes from the first incarnation through the tenth before he walks through it. "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically... run!" He tells the gigantic eye.

The Atraxi ship departs. Amy and Sam laugh watching the ship disappear. The Doctor feels something in his pocket. He reaches in and pulls out the TARDIS key and it's glowing.

"Is that it? Is that them gone for good? Who were they?" Amy asks as she and Sam look down from the sky to see the Doctor is gone.

"Did he leave us again?" Sam questions Amy.

"He isn't." Amy says grabbing her best friends hand.

The two of them with Rory rush down the stairs and towards Amy's house. Amy, Sam and Rory run up just as the TARDIS dematerializes. Amy closes her eyes, remembering when she and Sam were little, how they waited all night.

"You'll be here tomorrow, won't you?" Amy asks her best friend.

"Of course, I will." Sam answers her. "I'm not missing out on my best friends big day. And watching Rory make a fool out of himself on the dance floor." She giggles.

"Love you too, Sam." She hears Rory shout down the phone.

"Go and get ready for your stag do." Amy laughs. "Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow." Amy says.
"Bye." Sam giggles.

She places her phone into her bag and continues to pack her suitcase. The young woman grabs her toiletries and places them in suitcase. She grabs Amy and Rory's present and picks it up.

Her scrunches her face up as looks down at her drawing of the day she, Amy and Rory helped the Doctor save the Earth.

Picking up her suitcase she rushes out of her bedroom. The corners of her mouth turn up as she gets closer towards the train station. 

Fear cripples over her as a hand cover her eyes. "Guess who?" She hears a familiar voice say.

"What the hell, Amy?" Sam says turning around with a laugh. "Where the hell did you come from?" She says.

"The Doctor got me." Amy giggles.

"What do you mean?" Sam questions as she looks around.

"Come on." Amy says grabbing ahold of Sam's hand.

Sam gave the Doctor a dirty look as soon as she saw him. "You're 2 years late!" She exclaims. "Where the hell did you disappear to?" She quizzes him.

"I took the TARDIS for a spin." He tells her.

"For 2 years?" She raises an eyebrow at him.

"Oops." He gulps.

"Yeah oops." Sam glares at him.

The Doctor then snaps his fingers and the door to the TARDIS opens, Sam's face is then bathed in a warm orange glow. "What are you doing?" Sam asks him.

"Amy always said you've been fascinated with space and spaceships even when I crash landed in her garden." The Doctor says shoving the suitcase inside. "Unfortunately, she had a chance to look inside before you. So now it's you turn to be shocked." He smiles.

She lets out a gasp as she enters the box. The center column is on a floor that allows one to see underneath. There are also stairs leading to other levels and doors. She steps back out and rushes around the box.

Entering the box again, she stares at the entire place with wide eyes. "It's so big." Sam breathes. "How did you even get all of this inside of the box?" She turns to face the Doctor who stares at her with a soft smile.

"That's for another day." He answers. "So... all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will... Where do you want to start?" He asks her.

"I dunno." Sam breathes as she looks around in awe.

"Why us?" Amy then questions the alien.

"Why not?" The Doctor retorts.

"No, seriously. You are asking us to run away with you in the middle of the night. It's a fair question. Why us?" Amy asks him.

"I don't know. Fun. Do I have to have a reason?" The Doctor asks.

"People always have a reason." Amy states.

"Do I look like people?" The Doctor asks.

"Yes." Sam and Amy answer far too quickly for his liking.

"Been knocking around on my own for a while - my choice - but I've started talking to myself. It's giving me earache." The Doctor rambles.

"You're lonely. That's it? Just that?" Amy states.

"Just that. Promise." The Doctor says as he looks at a monitor behind him which has a line that seems to mimic the crack from Amy's bedroom.

"OK." Amy says.

The Doctor then switches off a monitor. "So, are you OK, then? Cos this place, sometimes it can make people feel a bit... you know." The Doctor asks both Sam and Amy.

"I'm fine. It's just... There's a whole world in here, just like you said. It's all true." Sam answers as she joins them up at the console.

"I thought...well, we started to think that maybe you were just like a madman with a box." Amy says.

"Amy Pond, Samantha Mills, there's something you'd better understand. It's important, and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box. Ha-ha! Yeah." Amy and Sam let out a laugh. "Goodbye, Leadworth. Hello, everything!" The Doctor says.

The Doctor hits the dematerialization switch and they hold onto the console. Sam let's a giggle as she holds on tightly to the console.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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