Bride Of War - Kumudini

By Ankita18499

69.5K 3.1K 124

Looking at herself in mirror a lone tear fall from her eyes now she is a bride, a wife to a king, war bride w... More

kumudini princess of Mahisar
kumud return Mahisar
Omkar is king
He steal glances at me
princess get harassed
He agreed to help her
King's pet
Family reunion
He threatened her
His gift to her
Their first kiss
The Marraige proposal
Naina and omkar getting married
Their special Moments
Disguise as princess
The king was attacked
His change behaviour
She felt insulted
His true face
War arises
she asked to dance like courtesian
Treaty that made her war bride
The king is raged
princess got injured
Kumud meet her father
The harsh reality
She became a war bride
Their first night
Naina is poisoned
kumud felt guilty
Their Argument
You're my Queen
Ranimas weird demand
His second marriage
Their crazy Romance
Confused Thoughts
His Engagment
The truth reveal
King Thrown Out
Raaz Revealed

princess is a traitor

1.7K 95 2
By Ankita18499

Kumud's pov

I was in a kings chamber and infront of me was a king half naked, hair diaheaveld, water dropping from his hair i got rooted on my place, he was looking at me with so much much intensity in his eyes that made me look down.

"I am sorry, i will come back later"i told him and run out of his chamber my heart was beating faster before turning back i saw him smirked at me when he understand why i am behaving that way.

I was running towards my chamber when i heard sniffing sound from garden i got curious and walk towards the plants to see small rabbit injured inside the bushesh whimpering, there was blood on his legs.

I took him in my arms and he shiver his silky long white hairs stood up due to fear, i ruffle his hair slightly and he became confortable in my touch.

I look around to see why he got injured but nothing particular come to my sight, i decided to take him with me and treat him, when one of the guard come to me telling kings has asked for me.

Not wishing to lay that bundle of joy there when he was wounded i took him with me.

This time i knock on his door and waited for his permission,"get in"i heard and i walk inside with injured animal in my hands.

"He look at me then my arms ".

"What happened to him", he asked and i saw him panicking, a king who is ruthless and dominant as far as i heard about him from others maids here, he is worried for a animal.

"I don't know i just heard him sniffing and then he was in blood"i explained as he took that rabbit from me and laid him on comfortable couch then he called his guard "get the physician fast "he ordered and i just look at them.

He took a soft cloth and wash that rabbit's body and that bundle also look comfortable with him his orbs fix on kings face.

After few moment physician come and check on him.

"Maharaj he was bitten by some wild animal that's why the blood didn't stop due to poison".

"Will he be ok"i asked out of concerned and everyones eyes on me there were mahesh, physician, king and two guards all saw me with wide eyes and king was red in anger was that wrong question.

"Don't say something like that again "king warned me and i just nodded not wanting to be victim of his anger.

"He is fine now your Highness, this medicine and rest will make him better". The physician complete his word.

"Mahesh send someone who can take better care of him and i want him cured as soon as possible"he ordered.

"Dont worry your highness, i will look after that".saying that he went with physician and guards now we were alone with silence.

"I wants to talk about your father"he said after a pause and i look at him curious.

"You said, you were send to ashram few years back but why a princess has to go away"he asked i know what he wants to know.

"I was interested in dance since childhood so my father send me there as rishi wife is famous for kathak, she dance for god"i told him.

"Your father was king he can ask them to come here, this is not the answer of my question be sincere to me"he said gritted tone.

"I cant tell you the reason its personal"i said, how can i tell him he is outsuder an enemy, he can take advantage of that.

"There is nothing personal here you're under my care and i can kill you at any instance so dont "he yelled at me.

Why he has to yelled i got scared and my memories come back when he treat me like that.

"I am sorry but i cant tell you anything but its true that i came here because my father asked me "i said he started laughing like mocking me.

"You gonna be kidding, you're saying that your father ask you to come here when he knows they lost war " he said and thats true though.

"I was being nice to you but you know nothing more than lying, you're saying prasenjit will send his daughter here "he said.

"You're just like you're father deceiving, manipulative "

"No, i am not and neither my baba you're mistaken" i said.

"What you think i will believe your any nonsense you fool us enough now its time to punishment "he said smirking.

"What punishment, i have done nothing "

"So you're innocent hmm"he asked as he walk towards me and i was taking steps back he come close to me and slide his hands on my waist and pulked me close i was shocked and scared by his action.

He put his hand on my chin and make me saw in his eyes that dazing brows make me lost in them.

"Then told me why are you here did your father send you to seduced me "his one word and i move back from him, jerking his hand away.

What does he think of me, how can he say like this about my baba.

"I am a princess Maharaj, maybe my father lost the war but as a war princess i am still a princess and princess doesnt seduced anyone people fall for them and kill for them".

"Ohh so you're here to kill people"he ask with gritted teeth.

"What no i dont even know you till your mother introduced us, i thought you as my fathers man before"i said.

"I think you should saw this that will make you drop your act"he gave a letter and what i saw inside the letter was enough to let me know his sudden hatred.

"This is the letter you write to your father, right"he asked.

"No, i dont know anything about this".

"But can't believe you now as a treator you will get punishment ". He said and i look at him horrified.

"Guards took her to dungeons "he said.

The guards come and try to held my hand but i stop them with hand gesture and told i will come on my own.

I look at him one last time hurt evident in my eyes and i saw him slightly taken back.

I walk with guards surrounding me when dhami come running towards me and ask me what happend.

"Kumud what happened, where are they taking you"she asked.

"Your new king declare me traitor and punished me to put in dungeon"i told her feeling deceived, i thought them to be good people helping me in those situation.

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