Memoria Cordis (Nino x OC)

Par keishirogane08

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Memories are special, especially to us humans. It contains the events that we experienced all throughout our... Plus

OC Backgrounds
Chapter 1: A One-sided Reunion
Chapter 3: A Nightmare
Chapter 4: Monday Once Again
Chapter 5: Scattered Memories
Chapter 6: The Fireworks I won't forget

Chapter 2: Long-lost Friend

595 34 4
Par keishirogane08

3rd POV. Asahiyama High School.

Fuutarou Uesugi, 17 years old, a second-year high school student.

He is the top scorer of the 2nd years, yet despite that reputation, he doesn't have that many friends.

Or rather, he doesn't have any.

It is because to Fuutarou, it is just a waste of time.


One day.....he met two people.

First was Itsuki, and their first meeting didn't go well as Fuutarou called Itsuki fat.

Not to mention, he got information from his little sister, Raiha, that their father got Fuutarou a job.

That job is becoming a tutor to a rich family......

And Fuutarou had the sudden revelation that Itsuki was the one who he is supposed to tutor.

When he found out that Itsuki was in his class and his client, he tried to get along, only to be met with a cold shoulder.

The second person that he met.....

Is someone he never expected to see after a very long time.

The moment he saw the boy's signature brown hair and deep brown eyes.....

He was shocked....

He had his doubts at first but when he revealed his name.....Fuutarou's doubts were cleared.

Tanaka Aoto, his classmate and best friend ever since primary school. He never expected to see him ever since what happened five years ago.

However, when Fuutarou stood up to confirm Aoto's identity....

Aoto didn't know Fuutarou.

Fuutarou was even more shocked......yet he immediately knew something is wrong with Aoto.

And now.....

After classes......

He has a lot on his mind.

How to apologize to Itsuki as it could risk him his job.....

And Aoto himself.

Fuutarou: What is going on with Aoto?

Fuutarou: What happened to him? Five years......just what happened to him during those years?

As Fuutarou was walking along the corridors of the school.....he saw another familiar figure.

A girl with short dark brown hair and deep brown eyes.

Fuutarou: Wait......

Fuutarou: Kocho!?

The girl who is named Kocho, turns around to see Fuutarou.

Kocho: do you know my name?

Fuutarou: Don't you remember me? It's me, Uesugi Fuutarou!

Kocho: Uesugi Fuutarou.........

Kocho went silent for about 5 seconds before she figured it out.



Fuutarou: You really don't pull your punches, huh.

Fuutarou: Anyways, glad that you still remember me.

Kocho: Ah, wait, you and nii-chan are in the same class?

Fuutarou: Yes. He doesn't remember me. Even though I introduced my name to him.

Kocho: .....

Kocho: That's right, you didn't know the whole story.

Fuutarou: The whole story?

Kocho frowned as she continued.

Kocho: You know what happened to nii-chan.......

Kocho: What happened 5 years ago.

Fuutarou: Yes. I knew he.....

Kocho: There is more to it.

Fuutarou: Then tell me.

Kocho takes a deep breath.....before he revealed his brother's condition.

Kocho: Onii-chan is suffering from chronic amnesia.

Fuutarou: Chronic amnesia?

Kocho: Specifically anterograde amnesia.

Fuutarou: Anterograde amnesia?

Kocho: You know amnesia as the loss of memories, and it can be caused by many factors, such as alcohol or injury......

Kocho: Head injury to be precise.

Fuutarou: Yes. You mean.....

Fuutarou: Ever since that day....he lost all of his memories?

Kocho: Not all.

Kocho: I would say he remembers his family.....

Kocho: He remembers anything about me and our parents.

Kocho: But when it came to his friends he made back in the past......

Kocho: It vanished.

Fuutarou: So that's why.....

Kocho: However, Fuutarou-nii.....

Kocho: Here's the catch.

Kocho: Onii-chan will forget you.....

Kocho: When Monday comes.

Fuutarou: When Monday comes?

Kocho: That's his anterograde amnesia at work. It is his inability to store recent memories.

Fuutarou: What!? Then wouldn't that affect his academic performance!?

Kocho: Yes, it did....

Kocho: But he kept records....

Kocho: Then during exams....

Kocho: The teachers would allow him to have a last minute review even though the exam is underway.

Kocho: The teachers understood his situation, so...they did that for him.

Fuutarou: I see. mean....

Fuutarou: His memories within this week....

Fuutarou: They'll be wiped out from his mind?

Kocho: Exactly. That is why.....

Kocho: He was recommended to have a journal, to record his daily activities and interactions, especially when making friends.

Kocho: But my brother still insists to....try.....

Kocho: Yet.....

Kocho: It's the same all over again.

Fuutarou: No that's the reason why..........

Kocho: His memories with making friends.....

Kocho: That's all that will be wiped out.

Fuutarou: I see. Then.....I'll see you tomorrow, Kocho.

Kocho: Mm. Nice meeting you again, Fuutarou-nii.

Kocho: I hope that, you can help nii-chan overcome his problem....

Fuutarou: I'll try.

Fuutarou left the school.....

Fuutarou: Now I have two problems to deal with. First is that girl. I really screwed up!

Fuutarou: But that can be settled right away!

Fuutarou: Aoto on the other hand.....he has a lot going on.

Fuutarou: What can I even do as his friend?


The Next Day. Cafeteria, Asahiyama High School.

Kocho: So, nii-chan, did you have fun yesterday?

Aoto: No, I'm exhausted.

Kocho: You're always exhausted.

Kocho: Then, do you remember what happened yesterday?

Aoto: Yes.

Aoto: I transferred here, I met a girl named Nakano Itsuki, a fellow transfer student.

Aoto: Then I met this Uesugi Fuutarou, he's in my class.

Kocho: So you don't remember....

Aoto: Why? Did I already meet him back in the past?

Kocho: Yes, in fact, you two are childhood friends!

Aoto: Really?

Kocho: *sigh*

Kocho: Here.

Kocho hands over a picture of a younger Aoto with a boy with blonde hair and gold eyes.

Aoto: This is me, right?

Kocho: Yeah.

Aoto: Hmmm.........

Aoto inspects the photo....until he realized the same gold eyes........

Aoto: Fuutarou.......!

Aoto: Of course....! How can I forget my own friend!?

Kocho: That seemed to work......

Aoto: Wait, Kocho....since I finally remembered Fuutarou....

Aoto: Does it mean, I'll forget him when Monday comes!?

Kocho: I think not. Remember, you met Fuutarou-nii BEFORE that incident took place.

Aoto: O-Oh.....right.........

Kocho: Still, your memories are fragmented as ever.

Kocho: So, something like a picture can trigger your memories.

Aoto: But still, I can't believe that Fuutarou looks so different now.

Kocho: I know, I met him yesterday, and I told him the whole story.

Kocho: Or rather, the part that he doesn't know.

Aoto: I see.

Kocho: So, how much do you remember Fuutarou-nii?

Aoto: Let's see.....

Aoto: Primary school.....

Aoto: His brash and wild personality back then.....

Aoto: His father, Isanari-san. His little sister, Raiha.

Aoto: ......

Aoto: That's all I far.....

Aoto: At very least, I have to apologize to him.

Kocho: It's not your fault, nii-chan. He understands, and he's willing to help you overcome your problem.

Aoto: But how? You're well aware that I always lose my memories of the people I considered as friends every Monday.

Kocho: Then use the journal, idiot.

Kocho: You were given that journal as a means of retaining your memories.

Aoto: But I want to know.....

Kocho: Fine. But if you lost those memories, not my fault.

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto: Did I even want all of this?

Aoto: Tell me, Kocho?

Kocho: .....

Kocho: Of course not.

Kocho: We never thought that you'll get caught up in—

Aoto: Please. No more.

Kocho: O-Okay.

The siblings continued eating their lunch, until Fuutarou approached their table.

Fuutarou: Hey, Kocho.

Kocho: Fuutarou-nii.

Kocho noticed that Fuutarou looked at Aoto with caution....

Kocho: Don't worry, Fuutarou-nii. He remembers you now.

Fuutarou: Really!?

Aoto: Yeah. Uesugi Fuutarou.

Aoto: It's been a long time, isn't it?

Fuutarou: So you just simply forgot me!?

Aoto: I mean, with your blonde hair and ear piercings—

Fuutarou: Ugh, shut up. I don't want to remember that.

Fuutarou takes the seat next to Aoto.

Fuutarou: But I'm glad that you came back, Aoto.

Aoto: Yeah. I believe Kocho told you about what happened to me, I mean, you knew about it.

Fuutarou: Yes. She even told me what you're going through right now.

Aoto: Mm. So, Fuutarou, why the sudden change?

Fuutarou: Ah, that's right. Did you forget about our trip in Kyoto?

Aoto: Kyoto, huh.....

Aoto: Was it before.....?

Fuutarou: Yes. Our trip to Kyoto, five years ago, it was a few months before that day.....

Aoto: Mm. I don't really remember that much. All I'm thinking during that time was what souvenirs should I bring to Kocho?

Kocho: Sorry about that, nii-chan. You spent the whole trip thinking about the souvenirs.

Aoto: I didn't really mind. Besides, I don't really know what to do during my time, I was bored.

Fuutarou: Right.

Aoto: So, Fuutarou....

Aoto: Mind telling me what happened? Your sudden change in appearance has something to do with what happened after our trip in Kyoto.

Fuutarou: You could say that. Though I don't want to talk about it now.

Fuutarou: Aoto, I knew your condition. Is there anything I can do to help?

Aoto: Unfortunately, there is no cure.

Fuutarou: No cure.....

Fuutarou: So you mean, your memories are going to be reset every Monday?

Aoto: I know it sounds straight out of a fairytale, but that is what is happening to me.

Aoto: My memories about the friends I made.....they vanish.

Aoto: I don't know why that happens to me.

Aoto: So, Fuutarou, I'll definitely forget you when Monday comes.

Fuutarou: Wait, you mean even your old friends whom you just reunited!?

Aoto: Yes. It's strange, isn't it?

Fuutarou: Then, keep a diary, a notebook, or anything that can record your—

Kocho: He does have a journal.

Fuutarou: I-Is that so.....?

Fuutarou: If that's the case.....then—

Kocho: But nii-chan is not using it for this week.

Fuutarou: Why!? Aoto, are you an idiot!?

Aoto: I want to try to remember things, okay!? I want to remember my friends without relying on written records....

Aoto: I just want to try and regain my normal life.

Aoto: That's why every now and then, I'm doing that....

Fuutarou: I see. I understand. It must've been tough for you, huh.

Aoto: Mm. Now, what about you, Fuutarou?

Aoto: How's your Dad?

Fuutarou: He's doing fine.

Kocho: And Raiha-chan?

Fuutarou: She's hardworking. She's already at elementary school, and she's about to go to middle school the next year.

Fuutarou: She's the one who's been doing the household chores....

Kocho: What!? You're seriously letting Raiha-chan do all the work!?

Aoto: Kocho, knock it off. Probably that is how Raiha wants to help. I think you're also aware of their situation.

Aoto: Not to mention.....Fuutarou's mom.....

Kocho: Oh.....right...

Kocho: I'm sorry, Fuutarou-nii.

Fuutarou: It's fine.

Fuutarou: Actually, Dad found a way for us to settle our debts.

Aoto: Really? What is it?

Fuutarou: Dad was somehow got me a job of tutoring a daughter from a rich family.

Fuutarou: The rate is high, and with that.....we can totally pay off our debts.

Kocho: The salary of a tutor, huh. Wait, what qualifications did you have?

Fuutarou: I'm the top-scorer of the 2nd years.

Aoto: I see. You really changed, Fuutarou.

Aoto: Back then you hate studying and you have horrible grades.

Aoto: But now....

Aoto: The top-scorer of the second years.

Aoto: I don't know what happened back then....but I'm glad that you somehow grew up, Fuutarou.

Fuutarou: Shut it. I don't want to hear that from someone who has memory issues.

Kocho: But the way you banter is still the same.

Kocho smiled as she took a sip of her drink while watching her two young men whom she looked up to as her elder brothers.

Kocho: Anyways, Fuutarou-nii, I'm curious about this tutoring job that you got.

Fuutarou: Hm? Yeah, actually.....I think I have a bit of a problem.

Kocho: Eh? Why?

And Fuutarou told the Tanaka Siblings of Fuutarou's unpleasant first meeting with Itsuki.

Aoto: I see.

Fuutarou: You knew?

Aoto: No, but I think that's the reason why you are somehow tensed yesterday?

Fuutarou: Mm. You're kinda part of the reason why I was tense.

Aoto: Sorry. I didn't really mean to.

Fuutarou: It's alright. I understand.

Kocho: But still, Fuutarou-nii, you shouldn't have said that, especially to a girl. We're sensitive about our looks and weight.

Fuutarou: I know, I know.

Kocho: Maybe you should totally fix that habit of talking without thinking. How come did you even become the top-scorer of the second years?

Fuutarou: Aoto.

Aoto: Yeah?

Fuutarou: Your little sister doesn't really pull her punches, does she?

Aoto: Yeah.

Fuutarou: And even with your constant memory loss, you're still pretty much the same, Aoto.

Aoto: Me? Really?

Fuutarou: Yes. Pretty much the same. Although, with your condition, I guess you're much more distant than anyone else.

Aoto: ......

Fuutarou: But I'm not judging you, man. I guess it's only natural for you to do that, I would've also done the same if I was in your shoes.

Fuutarou: After all, you hate hurting people.

Fuutarou: "I hate hurting people, because if I hurt someone, it hurts my heart."

Aoto: I said that?

Fuutarou: Of course, back in fourth grade.

Fuutarou: Anyways, Aoto, if you really forgot about me, then I'll remind you again.

Fuutarou: And next time, I guess you should really bring your journal.

Aoto smiled that even with Fuutarou's change in appearance and in academics.....

Aoto: Still the same good old Fuutarou that I know.

Continuer la Lecture

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