Black Swan (J.J.K x Malereade...

By Jungsoo_hae_758

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The Bora Soop, also known as the Purple Forest. Jeon Jungkook was a normal boy who ends up wandering into the... More

1:The Fairies
2:Bora Soop
3:The folk of the Soop
4:The Centaur's cave
5:Exploring the Forest
6:Hard Feelings
7:The Prince of Vampires
8:Gods and Queens
9:The Party
10:The morning after the Party
12: The Twin's story
13: The childhood
14: Training
15: Diwali confession
16: Banished
17: New Life
18 First meet?
19- Honeymoon!
20- Kids
21- Jaehyun and Jungwon
22: Young talents
23: Jungkook's secret

11: The Werewolf

46 2 8
By Jungsoo_hae_758

A/n I forgot to mention but the Centaur's cave is not like a normal cave, it feels more like a house with electricity, rooms, furnitures and windows.

3rd person P.O.V

"Hojin, don't cry, don't cry it's okay" Jackson Wang was consoling Hojin.

"Yeah Hojin, don't cry so much" Jimin put his arms around Ho-Jin.

" W...w...why??" Ho-Jin cried. "HOW COULD IT HAPPEN??" He was in tears.

"Ho-Jin Hyung calm down" Jungkook said. He hugged him and pecked his lips. "Winning and Losing are just parts of a game!"

"B... B... But this was probably Neymar's last W... World Cup" Ho-Jin cried. "H... How... How can Brazil loose!!" He leaned onto Jungkook's shoulder and cried.

Hoseok happily put the coins he won in his pocket. "I'm glad I trusted Livaković!" He smirked.

"And we're glad we trusted you!!" Taehyung hugged Hoseok. Bogum also hugged him.

"They were the finalists last World Cup, so yeah they won!" Yeonjun and Soobin celebrated.

"Team Croatia yayyyy" Taehyun jumped on the table and started dancing.

"Don't jump on the table you'll fall!" Jonghyun pulled Taehyun back down.

"Dang!! I can't believe Brazil lost!!" Kai banged the table.

"I know right, how can they!!" Taemin said.

"You know what? I really want some blood now" Kai said. "It's a pity Ho-Jin won't allow us to drink his boyfriend's blood"

"I think some animal blood should do" Taemin said.

"Wanna go out and look for some?" Kai said.


"We'll be back" Kai said, as he stood up holding Taemin's hands.

"I think it's better not to" Hyunjin said, playing with Felix's hair who was seated on his lap. Due to lack of space, obviously.

"Why? It's night time, we should be fine."

"Ummm... isn't it a full moon night?" Hyunjin said, pointing to the window.

"IT'S A WHAT??" The duo looked outside the high window to see a full moon shining.

"Full moon ni-" Hyunjin froze.

"Hold on, does that mean-" Felix said.


Everyone turned to them. Ho-Jin was standing a bit away from Jackson, who was curled up and had already begun to grow in size, and was growing fangs and long claws.He was growling.

Ho-Jin started panicking and looked around.

Kai pointed towards the window, showing the full moon. "We didn't know either" He said.

"Owwwwwwww" The werewolf howled, now completely transformed.

He ran randomly towards the nearest person, Jimin.

"Aieeeeee" Jimin flapped his wings very violently, creating a strong wind, and took off.

"My plants!!!" Taehyung shouted, seeing his plants ruined.

The werewolf, now unable to reach Jimin, turned to the next victim- Hojin and Jungkook.

Hojin immediately grabbed Jungkook by his arms and flew. The werewolf almost grabbed Jungkook's legs.

Jungkook gave a strong kick and the wolf fell, landing near Yeonjun and Soobin.

As quick as lightning, they ran to a bed and hid under it, making the werewolf confused.

Felix and Bangchan took advantage of it and flew upwards, Felix carrying Hyunjin. Both of them were flapping their wings vigorously. That's how they ended up breaking the lightbulb.

"Noooo... You know it's almost impossible to get a lightbulb in the forest!!!" Taehyung whisper-shouted.

The werewolf ran towards Kai and Taemin, who were looking here and there.

The werewolf ran towards them, who also stumbled backwards, untill Kai banged onto a cupboard.

"Fast fast" Taemin opened the cupboard and emptied it's contents. They both got in and locked it.

"I got those plates all the way from China!!!" Hoseok whispered, who was hiding below a table along with Taehyung.

"Our house is RUINED today" Taehyung whispered back.

"Our life's at stake and you're concerned about the house??" Taehyung got startled hearing Ho-Jin near him.

"When did you come here??" He said.

"Just now, it was getting really crowded up there. It's not easy to fly indoors, especially not when there are four fairies!" Ho-Jin said, snuggling Jungkook.

"I know right, plus it gets tiring to keep flapping our wings" Bangchan whispered from under the bed.

"Bangchan when did you come here??"

"We're all here!" Jimin said, curling up with Felix and Hyunjin.

"Thank God the bed is big enough" Jonghyun said, keeping his brother behind him protectively.

Bogum handed Taehyung something.

Taehyung saw it was some kind of spray, but he couldn't read the label as it was small and the room was dark.

"Werewolf repellent spray??" Hojin read the label, he was sitting 3-4 people away from them. "This will reduce our scent so the werewolf won't be able to smell us" He said.

Taehyung took the spray and sprayed it on him. Thanks Bogum he signed.

Slowly everyone there sprayed the spray on themselves.

"Don't make noise though, he can still hear us" Jonghyun whispered.

"What do we do now? We can't just stay here all night" Yeonjun said.

"Yeah, he's destroying our house, we have to get him out of here somehow" Hoseok said.

"I know, I know what to do" Taehyun said.

"I'll go and open my scarf, you all have to close your eyes though, and he'll temporarily turn to a stone and we-"

"Werewolves can't get stoned you dumbo" Jonghyun smacked his head.

"We can't kill him either, cause it's Jackson Hyung!" Jimin said.

"Wait I have a plan, also keep your voices down or he'll hear us" Ho-Jin whispered.

"And the plan is?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeonjun, you can run fast right?"

"I can run pretty fast, so can Soobin, we're Satyrs afterall" he said.

"So can one of you go and lure him outside?"

Yeonjun looked at Hojin shocked. "How will we come inside?" He asked.

"I'll go with you outside, flying, then when the Werewolf runs out, I'll grab you and fly back here, what say?"

"Well I thi-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" They heard a scream from the most unexpected person. Bogum.

"Owwwwwww" the werewolf charged towards the table. With a single blow he pulled out the table.

The people hiding below the table panicked. Jungkook gave the werewolf a kick that sent him slightly back.

Taehyung got onto Hoseok's back and they ran, as quick as lightning, to the bathroom and locked the door.

Hojin quickly got to his wings and flew again, carrying Jungkook.

Bogum ran away from the wolf, but the wolf was chasing him.

He went and hid inside the bed, but the wolf saw him and lifted the bed.

Yeonjun and Soobin dashed to the store room and bolted the door.

"But Yeonjun Hyung, the rest? And what about the plan?" Soobin asked.

"At this point." Yeonjun said "it's every man for themself" He said.

Sure enough, it was every man for themself - and partner.

Kai and Taemin had locked themselves in a cupboard.

Yeonjun ran to the store room and so did Soobin.

Hoseok and Taehyung hid in the bathroom.

Ho-Jin took Jungkook and flew to a safe height. Felix did the same with Hyunjin.

Jimin and Bangchan flew too, without seeing anything or anyone else.

The werewolf dashed towards Taehyun.

"Taehyun noooo" Jonghyun came in between. The werewolf held him and almost had a first fight, leaving a long scar on Jonghyun's arm.

Before he got a chance to bite Jonghyun, he was pushed away.

Ho-Jin stood beside the Gorgon brothers holding a Gada. (Gada is that round weapon Hanumanji uses)

As soon and he had gotten on a safe height, he had started muttering some mantras, and conjoured the weapon. He went back down. "Stay near me" He told Jungkook as he made him get off him.

And went and attacked the werewolf.

"Are you fine?" He asked Jonghyun. "Shit he scratched you" he said.

"Atleast he didn't bite me thanks to you" Jonghyun said.

Hojin was busy inspecting Jonghyun's wound that he didn't notice the Werewolf has come right behind him.

"Ho-Jin Hyung watch out!!" Jungkook came in between and gave a strong punch on the werewolf's face. It stumbled backward.

Jungkook realised what just happened.

A black belt in taekwondo sure came in handy.

He ran towards the werewolf and gave him another strong kick, sending him more backward.

Everyone looked at him shocked.

Ho-Jin came running near him and again pushed the wolf with his gada. Jungkook again gave a kick.

Now the wolf was just a few meters away from the door.

"Jai Bajrangbali!!" He gave a strong push to the Werewolf and it went out of the house. Jungkook ran and closed the door.

He heaved a sign of relief. Ho-Jin and Jungkook High-fived each other.

"We did it Hun!!" Jungkook said.

"I didn't know you could punch and kick like that babes" Ho-Jin hugged Jungkook and kissed his forehead.

"Damnnn... I can't believe a human just saved us" Jonghyun went to them.

"Aaahhhh finally we are safe" Kai said getting out of the cupboard.

"Our house is ruined but atleast we're safe" Hoseok said.

Slowly everyone came out of their hiding place.

"Thanks, Ho-Jin and Jungkook!" Taehyung said.

"Jungkook!! How can you be so good??" Jimin asked.

"I have a black belt in taekwondo" He replied, awkwardly.

"That's my boy" Ho-Jin ruffled Jungkook's hair and pecked his forehead. He then turned to Bogum.


"As if he can hear!" Yeonjun said.

"Shut up Betrayer" Hojin said Why did you shout. He sighed to Bogum.

Something crawled on my leg. Bogum signed

"We need to fix this mess though!" Taehyung said.

There were broken furnitures and ceramics everywhere.

"We can fix the plates and cups" Bangchan said and he, along with Jimin and Felix, started repairing the plates. They would put the broken pieces together, and do some magic, and the plates would get fixed, and the crack would be a beautiful golden colour.

Ho-Jin meanwhile inspected the wounds of the others and was healing them.

"Me and Bogum can do something about the broken furnitures, I guess" Taehyung said and signed Bogum to do the same.

"Teh rest of you, can y'all help me clean-up?" Hoseok instructed.

Everyone cleaned up the place. Ho-Jin helped the other fairies with the ceramics once he was done inspecting the wounds.

The elves used the wood elf magic to make the twigs and stems wrap on the furnitures to temporarily keep them in place. Ofcourse they would need a dwarf to make new furnitures now.

"Aishhhh I'm so gonna make Jackson Hyung pay for the furnitures!!" Taehyung said.

"He so has to!" Hoseok said. "HOW COULD HE FORGET IT'S A FULL MOON NIGHT!!"

"That's what!!" Hojin said. "We forget? Fine, BUT HE'S A FUCKING WEREWOLF!!! HE SHOULD REMEMBER OF ALL PEOPLE!!"

"And for the light bulb!!" Taehyung said. "I'll have to go to the town to get it!!" He said.

"It's a pity I can't go with you cause I can't pass as a human" Hoseok said, pointing to his Horse body.

"While you're going to the town, can you get us some Ramyeon?" Jimin said.

"Aaaaahhhhh Finally!!" Felix said as he fixed the last cup.

Finally they all were done with tidying up the place, and they all went to sleep.

"You fougt so well today" Ho-Jin said cuddling Jungkook in the make-shift bed.

"You were good too" Jungkook said. "I really wish I had super powers like you. But I'm just a human." He said.

"Who said Humans can't have super powers??" Hojin said.

"They can?" Jungkook asked.

"Anyone can have great powers, all you need is the three Ds"

"Three Ds?"

"Yeah Dedication: to the work you're doing, Determination: to be determined to reach your goals, and Devotion: Believe in yourself and the Gods, they will help you for sure"

"That's interesting" Jungkook said. "Like everything of this World..."

How was it guys?? Sorry for so late update!! It was very hard to write the werewolf scene!!

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