The Conniving Crow

By FictionByMJ

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The Conniving Crow is a Haikyuu reader insert fanfiction that follows the story of Ukai Keishin's younger sis... More

Chapter 1: How Dare He?!
Chapter 2: Meeting The Karasuno Boys
Chapter 3: Against Nekoma
Chapter 4: Early Morning
Chapter 5: Morning Practice
Chapter 6: First Class
Chapter 7: Lunch Time
Chapter 8: Pleasant Lesson
Chapter 10: After School Practice
Chapter 11: Heading Home
Chapter 12: Golden Week
Chapter 13: Late Night Adventures
Chapter 14: Meeting Nekoma
Chapter 15: Karasuno VS Nekoma
Chapter 16: After The Match
Chapter 17: See You Soon Nekoma
Chapter 18: Let's Go To Tokyo
Chapter 19: Exploring Tokyo
Chapter 20: Training With Nekoma
Chapter 21: End Of The First Day In Tokyo
Chapter 22: Second Day In Tokyo
Chapter 23: Cute Puppies
Chapter 24: Back With Karasuno
Chapter 25: Interhigh
Chapter 26: The Start of the Competition
Chapter 27: Meeting Seijoh
Chapter 28: Observing From The Stands
Chapter 29: The Assistant Coach in Action
Chapter 30: Karasuno VS Date Tech
Chapter 31: After The Match
Chapter 32: Strategizing
Chapter 33: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The First Set
Chapter 34: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Second Set
Chapter 35: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Final Set
Chapter 36: The Victors
Chapter 37: The Bitter Taste of Defeat
Chapter 38: Resilience and Reflection
Chapter 39: Training Camp Announcement
Chapter 40: Tutoring
Chapter 41: Dog Sitter
Chapter 42: New Manager
Chapter 43: Another Surprise
Chapter 44: Shiratorizawa
Chapter 45: To Tokyo Again
Chapter 46: New Faces
Chapter 47: Fatigue
Chapter 48: Evening Stroll
Chapter 49: The Boys R Back
Chapter 50: Manager Dinner Date
Chapter 51: Midnight Adventure
Chapter 52: Accident
Chapter 53: Worry
Chapter 54: Hospital
Chapter 55: Boredom
Chapter 56: Discharged
Chapter 57: Back And Better Than Ever
Chapter 58: Nasty Medicine
Chapter 59: Former Coach Ukai
Chapter 60: A Walk In The Park
Chapter 61: Heading Home
Chapter 62: Chaos Part 1
Chapter 63: Chaos Part 2
Chapter 64: Another Training Camp
Chapter 65: Cute Booping
Chapter 66: Reflections over Dinner
Chapter 67: Kenta's Parents
Chapter 68: Late Night Practice
Chapter 69: Motivation
Chapter 70: Progress
Chapter 71: Sleepover
Chapter 72: Connecting Gears
Chapter 73: Barbeque
Chapter 74: Jacket Returning
Chapter 75: Seeking Shelter
Chapter 76: Final Training For Spring High
Chapter 77: Pre-Match Jitters
Chapter 78: Spring High Preliminaries
Chapter 79: Post-Match Encounter
Chapter 80: Spying
Chapter 81: Blue Castle Grounds
Chapter 82: Newfound Motivation
Chapter 83: Long Time No See
Chapter 84: Blocking Practice
Chapter 85: Bonds Strengthened
Chapter 86: Dog Park Adventures
Chapter 87: Road to Recovery
Chapter 88: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 89: Chasing Dreams
Bonus Chapter: 'Noya-san is so cool! Why isn't he more popular?!'
Chapter 90: Let The Qualifier Rounds Begin
Chapter 91: Bathroom Break Adventures
Chapter 92: Pre-Match Excitement
Chapter 93: Karasuno VS Johzenji Part 1
Chapter 94: Karasuno VS Johzenji Part 2
Chapter 95: After The Match
Chapter 96: Karasuno VS Wakunan Part 1
Chapter 97: Infirmary Time
Chapter 98: Karasuno VS Wakunan Part 2
Chapter 99: The Next Opponent
SPECIAL Chapter 100: What Does Karasuno Think Of (y/n)?
Chapter 101: Rematch Preperations
Chapter 102: Let The Rematch Begin
Chapter 103: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The First Set
Chapter 104: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Second Set
Chapter 105: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Third And Final Set
Chapter 106: Winners And Losers
Chapter 107: The Most Incomplete Team
Chapter 108: Before The Match
Chapter 109: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The First Set
SPECIAL Chapter 110: What Does Nekoma Think of (y/n)?
Chapter 111: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The Second Set
Chapter 112: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The Third Set
Chapter 113: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The Fourth Set
Chapter 114: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The Fifth and Final Set
Chapter 115: Karasuno Is Going To Nationals
Chapter 116: Back To Normal
Bonus Chapter: Crow's Angels
Chapter 117: Tokyo Representatives Selection
Bonus Chapter: 'Tanaka-san is so cool!! Why isn't he more popular?!'
Bonus Chapter: Karasuno Sport Festival
Chapter 118: Tournament Preperation
Chapter 119: Training Camps
SPECIAL Chapter 120: What Does Aoba Johsai Think Of (y/n)?
Chapter 121: Let The Training Camp Begin
Chapter 122: First Training Session
Chapter 123: Lecture Morning
Chapter 124: Day 2 of the Rookie Training Camp
Chapter 125: Extra Practice
Chapter 126: Salty Breakfast
Chapter 127: Day 3 of the Rookie Training Camp
Chapter 128: Making More Friends
Chapter 129: Final Day of the Rookie Training Camp
SPECIAL Chapter 130: What does Fukurodani think of (y/n)?
Chapter 131: Back to Normality
Chapter 132: Karasuno Training
Chapter 133: Jumping Practice
Chapter 134: Date Tech Rematch
SPECIAL Chapter 135: What Does Date Tech Think Of (y/n)?
Bonus Chapter: 'The Silent Court'
Chapter 136: Spring Tournament Starting Soon
Chapter 137: New Year's Day
Chapter 138: The Night Before
Chapter 139: Let The Tournament Begin
SPECIAL Chapter 140: What Does Shiratorizawa Think Of (y/n)?
Chapter 141: Pre Match Antics
Chapter 142: Karasuno VS Tsubakihara Academy - The First Set
Chapter 143: Karasuno VS Tsubakihara Academy - The Second and Final Set
Chapter 144: Post Match Antics
SPECIAL Chapter 145: What Do Others From The Miyagi Prefecture Think Of (y/n)?
Chapter 146: Spring Tournament - End of Day 1
Chapter 147: Seeded Teams Join In
Chapter 148: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The First Set
Double Bonus Chapter
Chapter 149: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The Second Set
SPECIAL Chapter 150: What Do Others Think Of (y/n)?
Chapter 151: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The Third And Final Set
Bonus Chapter: 'Armageddon Day'
Chapter 152: Victory Aftermath
Chapter 153: The Battle Of The Garbage Dump
Chapter 154: The Quarterfinals Coming Up
Chapter 155: Karasuno VS Kamodai - The End

Chapter 9: Homework Made Easy

2.1K 63 26
By FictionByMJ

(Y/n)'s first day of school had come to an end, the bustling hallways gradually emptying as students dispersed to their various activities. As the noise subsided, (y/n) found herself craving a moment of solitude, a chance to catch her breath and reflect on the day's events.

She navigated through the remaining clusters of friends, the laughter and excited chatter fading into the background. Determined to find a peaceful spot, she made her way outside, eager to bask in the tranquility of the late afternoon. The sun cast a warm golden glow over the campus, its rays gently embracing (y/n) as she stepped into the outdoor haven.

A soft breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it a faint scent of blooming flowers. (Y/n) took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the crisp air, and felt her tense muscles begin to relax. With a grateful sigh, she spotted an inviting bench nestled beneath a sprawling cherry blossom tree. It seemed to beckon her, promising a moment of respite from the hectic school day.

She quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing in the stillness. As she reached the bench, she lowered herself onto its weathered wooden surface, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The bench offered a comforting stability amidst the ebb and flow of school life, and (y/n) welcomed its embrace.

Leaning back against the cool backrest, (y/n) closed her eyes, allowing the serenity of the surroundings to envelop her. The gentle swaying of the cherry blossom branches above her created a soothing rhythm, like nature's lullaby. With each passing moment, the worries and pressures of the day melted away, replaced by a quiet sense of calm.

Lost in her thoughts, (y/n) reflected on the interactions she had experienced throughout the day. From her playful banter with Tsukishima to the camaraderie shared with Yamaguchi and the pleasant chat with Yachi during lunch, she realized that she was slowly weaving herself into the fabric of Karasuno High School.

However, (y/n)'s state of calmness didn't last long as two figures made their way towards her, their presence impossible to ignore. The boisterous calls and bright orange hair coming from her left made it clear who one of them was.

'Ah, that's Hinata,' (y/n) thought with a smile. 'And the other one must be Kageyama... Yep, he just smacked Hinata, so it's definitely him.'

Chuckling to herself, (y/n) sat up, her gaze fixated on the approaching duo. As Hinata bounded over, his energy practically radiating from every pore, (y/n)'s eyes sparkled with amusement and anticipation.

"Hey! What's up?" (Y/n)'s voice chimed happily, a warm welcome extended to her volleyball teammates.

Kageyama, on the other hand, found himself becoming a delightful shade of red. He averted his gaze, mumbling something unintelligible to himself. Clearly flustered by the friendly encounter, he excused himself hastily, muttering about needing to buy some milk.

Amused by Kageyama's reaction, (y/n) couldn't help but chuckle softly. 'Well, that was interesting. Looks like Kageyama can't handle the friendly banter.'

Now, that left her with the ever-energetic Hinata, (y/n) turned her full attention to him. She found herself drawn to his infectious enthusiasm and genuine curiosity.

"How was your first day of class, (y/n)-san?" Hinata asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

A bright smile adorned (y/n)'s face as she responded, "It was pretty good! Tsukishima was a little annoying, but oh well. I managed to survive."

At the mention of the tall blonde, Hinata's expression shifted into a scowl, his brows furrowing in a mixture of annoyance and protectiveness. He clenched his fists and growled cutely, assuring (y/n) not to worry about the "scary tall jerk."

Chuckling at Hinata's adorable display of loyalty, (y/n) reached out and ruffled his orange locks affectionately. "Thank you, Hinata. It's good to know I have a teammate like you on my side. You make every day brighter."

Hinata's eyes widened, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. He couldn't quite comprehend why (y/n)'s simple gesture and kind words affected him so deeply. It was as if a wave of warmth and encouragement washed over him, fueling his determination to be the best teammate he could be.

As the conversation continued, (y/n) and Hinata exchanged stories and anecdotes, their laughter blending harmoniously with the sounds of the school surroundings. They shared their excitement for the upcoming volleyball practices and matches, discussing strategies and goals they hoped to achieve as a team.

In that fleeting moment, sitting on the bench beneath the cherry blossom tree, (y/n) felt an indescribable connection not just to the sport she loved, but also to her fellow teammates. The bonds of camaraderie were strengthening, weaving a tapestry of friendship and shared dreams.

Kageyama returned, his demeanor noticeably calmer now that the flush of embarrassment had faded from his cheeks. He took long, purposeful sips from his drink, trying to regain his composure. However, as he approached (y/n), his body language became fidgety once again, his gaze fixated anywhere but on her.

With both Hinata and Kageyama now back, (y/n) couldn't help but wonder why they had been so insistent on coming to talk to her. Curiosity sparked within her, prompting her to address the elephant in the room.

"So, is there anything I can help you guys with?" (y/n) inquired, her eyes flickering between the two.

Kageyama scrunched his eyebrows, his gaze fixed on a nearby tree as if searching for answers within its bark. The rosy hue returned to his cheeks, betraying his nervousness. Gulping down the last of his milk, he suddenly bowed deeply, his voice booming as he shouted his request.

"P-Please help us with our homework!" he exclaimed with fervor, his intensity as palpable as ever. 

'Does he always shout like that when making a request?' (Y/n) thought to herself, amused by Kageyama's unwavering determination.

Maintaining her sweet smile, (y/n) nodded in agreement, readily offering her assistance. Hinata, unable to contain his excitement, began bouncing on his feet, while Kageyama continued to bow and shout his thanks repeatedly.

'These two are quite the characters,' (y/n) mused, finding their dynamic both endearing and entertaining.

Giggling at their enthusiastic display, (y/n) calmed them down and retrieved her books, ready to guide them through their homework. As they worked through the problems together, (y/n) couldn't help but notice the charming quirks that surfaced in both boys.

Hinata, with his bright and determined eyes, mirrored the same look he wore when playing volleyball. His pink tongue peeked out adorably from the side of his mouth, and whenever he answered a question correctly, he couldn't resist making a little leap of celebration, his excitement contagious.

On the other hand, Kageyama maintained his intense focus, his gaze piercing through the paper as if trying to imprint the solutions into his mind. When he answered a question correctly, (y/n) praised him and gently patted his shoulder. This simple gesture always sent a jolt of nervous energy through him, causing him to become even more fidgety as he exclaimed his determination to continue doing his best.

After some time, the duo managed to tackle most of their questions and grasp the underlying concept of the lesson. Glancing at her watch, (y/n) realized it was getting close to practice time. With a wave, she excused herself to get changed, leaving Hinata and Kageyama to organize their belongings, their faces still flushed like roses.

"(Y/n)-san is truly amazing!" Hinata exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "She's like pow, kablaaam! Suddenly, our homework makes sense! And she's so pretty too! And she can play volleyball!"

Hinata's excitement was palpable, the image of stars swirling around his head as he became caught up in his own enthusiasm. Kageyama, feeling a mix of annoyance and agreement, retorted, "Hinata, you idiot! Don't talk about her like that! She's just talented, that's all."

Grumbling under his breath, Kageyama refused to admit the truth that lay beneath his brash denial. The way (y/n) had encouraged him with his work had made his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel nervous whenever she was around. The fact that she was not only a top-level volleyball player but also undeniably beautiful only made it even more challenging for him to handle his emotions.

'She's so amazing,' both boys silently concluded, their thoughts aligning in unspoken agreement. Little did they know that their admiration for (y/n) was mutual, and their shared experiences would forge an unbreakable bond that would shape their journey on and off the volleyball court.

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