My fairy tail family || Natsu...

By Galaxtic_reads

1.7K 108 6

I do not own this story or characters. Apart from violet! Please keep this aware, the main story and characte... More

-ˏˋ Quick noteˊˎ
BOOK 1- main characters
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter one ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter two ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter three ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter four ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter five ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter seven ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter eight ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter nine ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter ten୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter eleven ୧ ⎯⎯

⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter six ୧ ⎯⎯

94 9 0
By Galaxtic_reads


While natsu's is close to a edge shouting for macao. The monster came up attacking natsu. Snow flew everywhere. Once the monster knocked natsu off his feet, he turned and went running towards Lucy. Lucy didn't notice it was a monster until the monster started shaking Horologium furiously.

"Me like human woman" the monster spoke toward Lucy, sticking his toung out when speaking.

Natsu got up, smashing his fists together looking at the monster ready to attack. Although he held back, allowing the monster to run off with Lucy screaming from Horologium for natsu's help.


Lucy is in the cave, with the monster dancing around. "What is with this monster?! Why is he so excited!? She asks, tearfully" Horologium said, for Lucy, who was hiding inside him.

Violet, who was still exploring the cave, stumbles upon the monster dancing around the clock and Lucy.

"What the heck?" Violet snickered at the sight.

"Violet! Help me this monsters crazy! She said, fearfully" Horologium said.

"Huh? Oh, i thought you was having a party and forgot to invite me" violet said, laughing with tears on her eyes. This was the best scene she's ever seen.

Suddenly, Horologium disappeared. Which made violet laugh even more.

"HOROLOGIUM HEY GET BACK HERE" Lucy screamed realising her spirit went back to the spirit realm.

The monster looked towards Lucy, excitingly. Violet noticed this and stated running towards Lucy. Standing between her, and the monster.

"Two women's" the monster stated, hearts popping out of his eyes.

Seeing this, violet stepped back slightly hitting Lucy. Before the girls said anything, a fermilia pyro manic comes running through the cave.

"HEY, YOU BIG APE, WHERES MACAO??!" Natsu said, running towards the monster. Violet shouted to natsu "YOU IDIOT, DONT RUN YOULL SLIP"

Natsu, didn't listen and continued running. But he ended up doing exactly what violet said, and ended up slipping, landing on his back into a wall.

Violet face palmed, at this sight thinking of how much of a idiot natsu could be Laughing.

Lucy looked at natsu wide eyes, and mouth gaping. "Oh no" she said before hearing violet snickering

"That wasn't cool" Violet said, Lucy nodding in agreement. "Why does he feel like he has to make a entrance all the time" Lucy sighed holding the blanket around her shoulders.

"Spill it monkey. Where's my friend?" Natsu said, upside down groaning in pain. The monster looked at natsu as he started to stand.

Lucy, leaving violets side and started running behind natsu while Violet stayed stood in the middle of the monster and natsu.

"You understand me right? He's a human man. Now tell me where he is!" Natsu said, arms crossed at the monster.

"Seriously natsu? Crossing your arms at the monster? Yes that will definitely make him awnser you" violet said looking at natsu smiling shaking her head.

"Shut up violet. Wait when did you get here?!?" Natsu said, only now realising violet was Infront of him.

Violet sighed, and turned her back to natsu facing the monster.

"" The monster said, almost like he was thinking.

"That's right! NOW WHERE ARE YOU HIDING HIM!" Natsu shouted, pointing towards the monster.

"Don't you think your jumping to conclusions?!" Lucy said, looking fo natsu frantically feeling slightly bad for the monster.

The monster started pointing towards a hall waving his hand up and down. "Man!!" The monster spoke excitedly.

"Hey! I think he's going to tell me something!" Natsu said, running to where the monster was standing. Suddenly the monster kicked him out of a hole and started dancing.

"Me no like human man! Me like woman!" He said, waving his arms in the air like a maniac. Violet ran to where natsu got pushed out, trying to pear over to see if she can see natsu.

Suddenly, while pearing over Lucy screamed. Turning around, violet saw the monster right behind her. The monster grabbed violet from behind, picking her up.

"HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" Violet spoke, angerly trying to get out of the monsters grasps.

"Me like woman" the monster repeated, looking at violet creepily. Normally, violet would snicker or say a sarcastic comeback. But she couldn't. She was to busy trying to understand what the monster would do.

Suddenly, she heard Lucy speaking
"OPEN, GATE OF THE BULL. TAURUS" Lucy shouts, pointing the key Infront of her.

A bright light shined, when the light disappeared stood a bull with a huge axe almost the same size of the monster.

"WOAH! THAT BULL HAS A AXE!" Violet said, still being held by the monster.

The bull, moo'd while Lucy was standing behind him. "I Should warn you monkey! Taurus is one of the most powerful celestial spirits I have acquired!" Lucy said, confidently.

Suddenly, the bull turned towards Lucy "oh wow miss Lucy! I almost forgot what a nice figure you have, why don't you come over here and give me a smooch!" He said, hearts also in his eyes.

"What." Violet said, confused on what she just heard

Lucy sighed "oh yeah. And he's a big perv too."

"No touch my woman!!!" The monster suddenly said anger lacing his voice.

Taurus looked towards the monster. "Your woman?!? Those fighting words you moookey!" Taurus said, gathering his weapon at the ready.

"Get him!" Lucy shouted at Taurus pointing towards the monster.

The monster threw violet to the side, making her smash her back against the ice wall before charging towards Taurus.

Violet screamed in pain, making Lucy run towards her.

"Ouch, that hurts." Violet cracked out. Her back, feeling if it was to be tapped. It would snap inhalf.

Taurus slashes his axe to the ground, making ice fly everywhere while the monster dodged the attacks.

Lucy looked towards the fight "he's fast!" She said  highly surprised. Suddenly out of no where natsu comes back, but kicks Taurus in the face!?

"Natsu!" Both violet and Lucy said. Supprised.

Taurus went flying back, groaning "I'm sorry miss Lucy" he said before being knocked out completely.

Violet stood up, groaning before hitting natsu across the back of the head. "You idiot. That was one of Lucy's spirits!!" Violet said, annoyed but smiling.

Natsu rubbed his back of his head. "Hey! How was I meant to know that!" Natsu said, slightly irritated.

Lucy went serious "wait a minute how did you survive that fall?!" Lucy asked the boy.

"Oh, that? Happy caught me." Natsu said, looking towards Lucy. Violet looked up to notice happy floating above them.

"Happy!" Violet said smiling at him

"Aye sir!" Happy said, looking at natsu

"So you can't handle other transportation, but happys alright?" Lucy said, rather annoyed.

"Woah! How could you say that! Happys not transport! He's a friend!" Natsu said shocked.

"Aye!" Happy said sadly, floating down to behind violet trying to hug her.

Violet flintched at happys attempt. "Woah! You okay violet?" Natsu said, noticing.

"Yeah fine" violet said smiling. Happy flew Abit father away from violet, but stayed close enough.

"Natsu! Watch out!" Violet shouted. "My woman!!" The monster spoke, attacking natsu.

Natsu blocked his attack. "You listen up, I consider everyone in the fairy tail guild my friend" before smashing the monster to the wall. Ice started falling, from above.

"Wind dome!" Violet shouted casting a light pearly dome above the ground protecting them from ice hitting them.

The monster groaned. While natsu had to get himself stable once more.

Looking at the monster, natsu spoke "weather it's gramps or marja! Or even those annoying jerks grey and Elfman! Happy, Lucy and violet too. They're all my friends." Natsu said, fire sparks flying around him. While the monster was running towards him.

Lucy blushed hearing this. While violet stood watching natsu smiling.

The sparks around natsu, became not just sparks. But bright orange flames.

"Which is why" natsu said, looking towards the monster that was about to punch him. Suddenly, natsu was in the air, with the monster hittting him with a bright flame making contact with the monster.

"I'm not leaving without macao!" Natsu finished, pushing the monster into a wall once more. Before landing on the floor. The monster threw ice towards Lucy and natsu, violet protected Lucy. While natsu melted away the ice.

"Your ice has no use against fire!!" Natsu said, smugly. Suddenly the monster picks up Taurus axe that was left laughing.

Lucy looked terrified. "Well that's not good" natsu mumbled. Violet ran towards the monster, suprising Lucy.

"Wind swirl" violet shouted, trying to disharm the monster. The monster started swinging the axe towards natsu. Natsu trying his best to dodge before slipping on the ice once again.

The monster goes to strike down natsu, but was stopped when natsu started floating.

"Anemo current!" Violet shouted, casting a spell allowing a gush of wind to pick up natsu. The monster still  pushes down the axe towards natsu but natsu caught it before it made contact with his face.  The monster growling at natsu while Lucy is panicking.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouts afraid for her friend.

Suddenly, the axe started glowing bright red. Natsu stated to use his magic on the axe. The axe started melting and natsu was eating the liquid.

"Is he melting the blade? With just his body!" Lucy said to happy, watching the scene unfold. Violet watches smiling.

"Oh yeah! Now I got some fire in my belly" natsu says, swollowing the boiling hot liquid. Before he stated shooting repeatedly attacks at the monster. Making the monster shriek before falling over.

Natsu took this opportunity and went in for a final blow.

"Eat this!" Natsu shouted, "fire dragon fist!" Natsu shouted hitting the monster for the final time. Ice started falling, but soon stopped. Lucy ran to violet and natsu while happy followed behind her.

"Well that's over, but where's Romeo's dad?" Violet sighed muttering.

"Look" Lucy said, noticing a man laying where the monkey was.

"It's macao!" Happy shouted.

"Are you telling me, that big perverted monkey was your friend this whole time!" Lucy shouted shocked.

"He must have been taken over by the Vulcan" violet said, thinking to herself.

"What do you mean taken over?" Lucy asked towards violet. But violet didn't awnser.

"It must have used a possession spell on him" happy responded instead before explaining how Vulcans work.

"Vulcans magic allows them to take controll and take over a person's body, they're evil body snatchers!" Happy spoke.

Violet walked over to macao, casting a spell to make him float.

Before speaking "natsu, put your blanket on the floor for him to lay on"

Natsu nodded at the girl, and done what he was told. Placing the blanket on the floor. Violet gently layed macaw down. Looking over all his wounds and applying bandages. While Lucy hands the bandages and any other equipment violet may need.

"Macao! Don't you die on me. Romeo's waiting for you! Open your eyes." natsu said, leaning over the injured man.

"Maybe if you kiss him on the lips, he'll wake up?" Violet said jokingly.

"Keep your lips To..yourself natsu." Macao said, exhausted but opening his eyes.

Everyone smiled at the sight.

"Your okay!" Natsu said, happily.

"Natsu..I'm so pathetic. I beat 19 of those guys, but the 20th got me." Macao explained.

"There was 20 of those things?!" Violet said shocked. Thinking of how strong they was.

"Im so angry with myself. Embarrassed to go home and face Romeo" macao said disappointed with himself.

"You shouldn't be. Romeo wants you home, that's all that matters. Besides, i think he'll be proud. You defeated 19 monsters! All by yourself!" Violet said, happily to macao in hopes of getting him to feel more proud of his accomplishment.

"Yeah! Don't be like that, common man! You beat 19 of those monsters!" Natsu said, encouragely.

Natsu reached his hand out towards macao who Glady excepted the help.

Violet smiled, before helping him as well. "Let's get you home to your boy" violet said to Macao.


Romeo, is sitting on his steps of his house. Waiting for his father crying. Suddenly he hears someone calling his name. Looking up, he notices it's natsu, Lucy happy and violet. With, his father. Romeo starts sprinting towards his father tears escaping his eyes

"I'm sorry dad! I'm sorry I pushed you to go on a mission." Romeo stated, embracing his father. "I can take it! I'm a wizard son, i can take the boys in school teasing me!" Romeo said hysterically.

Macao smiled at his son "next time those boys tease you, this is what I want you to say. 'my dad defeated 19 monsters by himself, can your old man do that?'" Romeo eyes widened before smiling and nodding. Glad to have his father back by his side.

Violet smiled at the sight, before sighing and heading off. Natsu notices and follows behind her with happy and Lucy quickly follows.

In the distance Romeo yelling "NATSU HAPPY THANKS FOR BRINGING MY DAD BACK" "LUCY, VIOLET THANK YOU FOR HELPING THEM!" Lucy smiled and turned around waving while violet stopped, looking at Romeo and put his thumbs up towards the kid before Macao and Romeo headed into they're house.

"So, violet, we know where Lucy's living. But where do you live?" Happy said, curious.

Violet looked towards the cat "In a house" she said plainly.

"Where?!" Happy said, annoyed with her sarcastic comeback.

"Happy, i know you both break into Lucy's house. I'm not going to tell you where I'm living" violet says stopping on he heals looking at the cat.

Natsu stopped and frowned while Lucy nodded her head "good idea, wish i thought of it Vi"

Violet turned towards Lucy. "Vi?" She questioned Lucy. Lucy smiled "your new nickname! Well I'm beat, cya guys tomorrow in the guild!" Lucy smiles before waving and walking towards her house.

"How's your back?" Natsu suddenly said.

"It's fine, don't worry you pyro manic. See you tomorrow" violet smiled before walking away as well for some much needed rest. Leaving natsu alone with happy in the street.

Violet arrived home, treating to her wounds before sitting down at he desk. Grabbing a pen, starting to write to her parents.

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