Fox Ensnared

By FrancesSkinner

560 33 0

Payton, a fox shifter Haunted by the memory of his family's demise, finds herself at a prestigious Academy fo... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Book 2
part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 1

67 3 0
By FrancesSkinner

It begins with blood and despair.

This feeling is a very nefarious thing. It comes mostly when I am alone, when my thoughts wander to the relentless dark corners of my mind.

I try to keep these parts hidden and buried deep. Sometimes, I let my guard down, and they leak out of their cages. Then, I am forced to look at them.

    It's never pleasant these feelings and thoughts. They are never obedient or well-behaved. They show no respect for my current fragile state of mind.

Chapter One

He looks small and insignificant, lying there with his neck bent at an odd angle. The blood runs down the wall and pools at my feet. Soaking my trainers, the white leather slowly bleeds into pink. It's pretty if you like pink.

I should dispose of the body, but I just can't muster the energy enough to give a fuck. Jordan Fox was number three on my list. Only seven more to go until I have my revenge.

This kill doesn't feel as satisfying as the others, probably because the fall killed him. I didn't get to watch the life leak out of his body as I stood over him. Very anticlimactic the whole thing was.

I leave the body at the bottom of the stairs where it landed—twisted and warped as my soul. I skip down the stairs, pausing long enough to give the meat sack a swift kick. To make sure he is dead. Sometimes, you think they're dead, but they fool you. This bastard is fully dead.

Storm clouds are rolling in, bringing a chill to the air. I inhale a deep breath. I always found the smell of rain to be agreeable. I tilt my face up to the sky as the first raindrop falls. I pull my black hood up and begin the two-mile walk back into town. I am sure to stay in the shadows and avoid populated areas, which isn't hard. This town is practically deserted at night. If I were to stumble across anyone, they would be up to unsavory things as well.

I make a quick stop at the covered bridge. The water is rushing from all the rain of late. Everyone at the academy has been complaining, but I don't mind. I love the rain; it's my favorite weather.

I slip off my once-white, now pink, trainers and toss them in the river. The muddy water carries them away. If only it could carry my memories away as well.

I make it back to the academy. The tall building looks calm and peaceful at night. I scale the wall by the dorms. The red brick is wet and slippery, causing me to tap into my shifter strength. Being a fox shifter in a school full of wolves is difficult. My reputation has kept me unharmed for the most part. That and the fact my uncle is the headmaster helps as well, but I like to think it's mostly my badass self.

I run across the roof undetected, thanks to my small size and speed. I jump back through my open window, landing louder than I would have liked. I go straight to my desk, where I pull out my leather-bound journal. It was his before he was murdered. It smells like cigars and scotch.

Memories try to surface, but I push them down. That is one floodgate that, once open, can't be closed.

The first page is a list of ten names.

Timothy Wells

Nancy Wells

Jordan Fox

Nathan Block

Thomas Porterhouse

Jason Smith

Val Smith

Laura Macks

Robert Price

Head of the Snake

I scratch off number three and take a moment to look at my kill list. I still have a lot of monsters to find, and when I do, I will send them to meet death. But for now, I take solace from the three names that or no longer living. They will never be able to take anything from me again.

I put my journal on the desk and head to the bathroom. Sleep is calling to me, but not before a hot shower. I strip the clothes I wear for night work off. Leaving them lying on the floor. I catch my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I enter. Long red hair that sways around my curves. Bright green eyes that hide all the pain set atop a button nose dusted with freckles. My eyes lower on their own. The white lines of old scars travel from my chest down my abdomen, stopping just above my pelvis bone. I can't not see them no matter how hard I try to ignore the raised ugly lines.

I turn away from my haunted reflection; no use ruminating about the past.

I turn the water on. The old pipes groan their displeasure and take their time to warm up. I step in, letting the hot water wash away the dirt and blood from a successful hunt. The water starts to cool all too soon, so I begrudgingly leave the comfort of the warm water and step into the cool air—Goosebumps pebble across my naked body. I don't bother brushing my hair or drying off; I wrap a towel around myself and open the door.

    When I emerge from the steamy bathroom, I see the silhouette of a man sitting on my bed, legs crossed, holding my journal—looking way too comfortable in my space.

"Uncle Jasper, you should learn to knock. What if I was naked?" I raise my eyebrows and smirk.

"Payton, I assume you went out tonight?" he looks up from my journal and casts a disapproving look my way.

"It's best you don't know. That way, you won't have to lie if anyone should ask about my whereabouts." I grab some clothes and duck back into the bathroom to change. Standard academy sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with the school logo across the front.

Uncle Jasper looks unmoored when I return. I walk over and sit beside him on the bed; the springs squeak from the extra weight.

"it's rude to read a girl's journal," I say as I take it from his hands, closing it and wrapping the leather string around it. He turned those sad amber eyes my way.

" I know why you do it, Payton, and I don't blame you, but I promised to keep you safe and look after you."

I take his hand and mine. They are soft, the fingernails filed and neatly trimmed. One would never guess what these hands have done. The carnage they have left behind. "You have. You are the reason I am safe in school. Well, as safe as a fox surrounded by wolves can be." His eyes jump up to meet mine.

"Has anyone been bothering you?" His voice is more wolf than man.

"No, I was only kidding. No need to let the big bad wolf out." I smile, hoping he lets it go. I can take care of myself. The last thing I need is my Uncle, the headmaster, to make a scene.

"I know you can." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then stood up and walked to the door. His long legs ate up the distance in two strides. He pauses at the door and looks back. "Good night paypay." I smile at the nickname and whisper. "Goodnight, uncle."

As soon as the door closes, I burrow under the blankets. Exhausted from my night, I fall right to sleep.

Chapter Two

I wake up just as the sun chases the shadows from my room. It's still early. I could go back to sleep, but my stomach rumbles, reminding me I didn't eat dinner last night. I can never eat before a hunt. Too nervous.

I crawl out of my den of blankets. My toes sank into the plush carpet as I stood, lifting my arms above my head for a big stretch. My muscles are sore from last night's escapades. I walk over to the standard wardrobe. Dark mahogany wood that matches the rest of the furniture. Very masculine. Differently not picked out by a female.

I dress in my hideous uniform. A green plaid skirt that falls just above my knees. A white blouse that fits snugly over my chest, showcasing my curves. I grab the green tie, slipping it over my head. I leave it loose because I don't care to be choked. I pull up my knee-high socks and stuff my feet into a pair of black loafers with little tassels on them. After a stop by the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth, I am out the door. My legs take me to the cafeteria. The smell of bacon has my mouth watering and my stomach talking.

To my dismay, a line has already formed. I grab my tray and wait my turn. No one is rude to me, but no one is nice, either. The wolves mostly just ignore me, which is fine by me, except for my best friend, Owen. He is an omega, so basically an outcast like me. We hit it off on my first day here. I was sitting alone in the courtyard reading when a shadow blocked out the sun. I look up to see a smiling Owen holding two coffees. We have been glued together ever since.

After filling my plate full of bacon and eggs, I sat at the back table. Waiting for Owen. He is always running late because the omega dorms are the furthest away from the academy.

The rumors have already started to circulate. Jordon Fox was found dead last night. Some say he was killed by his scorned lover; others think a rival pack killed him.

I smile around a spoon full of eggs. The chair beside me is pulled back, scraping across the floor. I already know it is Owen. I slide my tray over and hand him the other fork. We always share our meals. I get extra just for him.

"Morning Payton. Did you hear the news? His voice is still thick with sleep.

I smile and shake my head. I should feel guilty lying and keeping secrets from Owen. But he would just try to stop me from seeking my revenge.

And if I am being honest, he might just succeed. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for Owen Mcgregory.

"About Jordan Fox? Yeah, it's all anyone is talking about." I glance over at him. His black hair is sticking up, and his eyes are red and puffy.

"NO, not that. Riven is back.' His voice is high-pitched.

I heard the story when I first came here six months ago. Sometimes, the wolf side is too strong, and the human side can become lost. When this happens, the wolf becomes unpredictable and more volatile than normal. I mean, wolf shifters aren't known for their cool heads. So when the wolf takes over, they always have to be put down.

Except for Riven Bloodmoon. He somehow managed to fight his way back. A feat no one has ever done. He is a legend.

I have yet to meet him. He was already gone by the time I arrived. I admit I am curious about this boy with the preservation to defy the odds.

Owen eats the last bite of bacon as the bell tolls, signaling it's time for classes to start. Owen returns the tray and waits at the double door. He keeps his eyes downcast as the other wolves walk past. I hate the hierarchy in the wolf shifter community. I am glad to be a fox shifter. I don't think I would do well in that kind of environment.

After all the wolves leave, Owen walks me to my first class. I stand up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Our normal routine before we part ways. People think we are a couple, but there is no sexual feeling between us, at least not on my part. Shifters have mates, but some still date until they find their other half. I doubt I will ever find mine. Fox shifters are rare.

I walk into class and take my usual seat in the back row. I am pulling out my notebook and just getting situated when a hush falls over the room. The tension in the air is thick. I glance up to see what is going on.

Riven Bloodmoon stands in the doorway. His posture is rigid as he looks around the room. Everyone drops their eyes. Everyone but me, that is.

To say Riven is good-looking would be the understatement of the year. The boy is hotter than the hinges on hell's gate. His tall frame fills the threshold. Dark hair falls artfully over his brow. Light blue eyes framed by long lashes complement his high cheekbones.


He sniffs the air and snaps his head toward me. Calculating eyes hold my gaze until I look away. Not because of some hierarchy but because everyone in the room was staring at him, staring at me.

That makes my fox uncomfortable. She is wary of everyone.

Riven walks to the back row and sits in the only other empty desk. Unfortunately, that is beside me. He smells like fresh rain and chocolate, my two favorite things. I lean as far away as I can without falling out of my desk. He makes me uncomfortable in so many ways. My fox is on high alert. I feel my canines lengthening in my gums. Great, I can't fox out in the middle of class. How embarrassing.

I glance over as the professor begins his lecture. Riven's white dress shirt is unbuttoned, showing off his tan, muscular chest. He has just enough chest hair to be sexy, not a walking carpet like so many male shifters. He chooses not to wear the tie. I don't blame him. Not only is it ugly, but it's constricting. I feel the eyes of a predator on me. And snap my gaze up to find him watching me. His eyes roam over my features one by one. Lingering on my chest and exposed thighs.

Owen once told me all the male wolves find me attractive. My small petite size appeals to them. I just laugh it off. If that were true, I wouldn't be such an outcast. But now I am not so sure.

I squirm in my seat under his attention. He notices and smirks, which pisses me off. I narrow my eyes and let my fox push to the front just enough to let him know I have claws too. My eyes flash, and a low rumble comes from my chest.

To loud.

The professor stops, and all the heads turn at once.

Silence jumps around the room.

"Is there a problem, Payton?" Professor Marks asks in a condescending tone.

"No, Sir." I make sure my voice is firm in my declaration.

"Eyes front students." Marks snaps.

The rest of the class goes by without incident. I keep my fox on a leash, and Riven keeps his eyes forward. I am super aware of his presence. Every breath, every movement. I notice.

As soon as class is over, I stand, my things already put away in preparation for a quick exit.

I hold my head high, winding my way through all the desks. The other students gave me a wide berth. The few times someone has given me shit, I came out all teeth and claws. I may be tiny, but I am dangerous.

Chapter 3

By the time lunch rolls around, I am famished. Owen waits for me at our table. He has a plate piled high with meat. I slip into the chair beside him. Grabbing the fork from his hands and stabbing a piece of steak. Bloody, just the way I like it.

"Bad day?" Owen curls a lock of my hair around his fingers. He has always loved the color.

"It's better now." I smile. We eat in comfortable silence. Until we start to squabble over the last roll. I stuff the whole thing in my mouth. My cheeks puff out victorious when I feel eyes watching me. I choke down the dough, my gaze scanning the room until my eyes stop on Riven. He is sitting with a group of Alphas. His pale blue eyes lock with mind, and he raises an eyebrow. Goating me into embarrassing myself again.

I smile sweetly and turn back toward Owen. He is looking at me expectedly.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He huffs before repeating.

"I said The SP (Supernatural Police) have a lead on who might have killed Jordan Fox." Alarm bells go off in my head.

"Really? Who do they think killed him?" I replay every step I took, racking my brain for anything that could lead them back to little old me.

"Not sure, but I overheard the lead SP thinks it's related to the Wells."

Timothy and Nancy Wells are the first two I crossed off my list. They weren't major players, but they were guilty enough.

Maybe I should lay low for a while. I planned on going out again this weekend to scout my next target, but now I'm thinking it's time for a hiatus, a little R&R with my best friend.

"Want to sleep over and watch old movies this weekend?" Owen loves old horror movies, especially the ones about werewolves. Humans are so clueless if they know what really lurks in the night. They would lose their minds.

"Sure thing. I will bring the snacks."

After lunch, Owen and I make our way to gym class. The only class we have together. We part ways, him going to the male locker room and me, the female, changing into our gym clothes.

When I come out, Owen and Riven are talking. This has my protective instincts pushing forward. Alphas like to push Owen around. They learned fast not to do that when I was near.

Owen sees me and grins. He doesn't look to be in trouble, but I still walk over, my hackles raised.

I grab Owen's hand, intertwining our fingers.

"What is going on?" My voice was sharp and to the point.

Riven zero-ins on our joined hands. Something flashes across his face, an emotion I don't recognize.

"Don't worry, little fox. I'm not bothering Owen. I don't want a rabid animal attacking me." He chuckles and walks away. My eyes drop to his perfect ass. I jerk my gaze up, hoping no one noticed.

"What did he want?" I snap.

"Nothing really; he was just making small talk."

I roll my eyes. "Like about the weather?" I deadpan.

"The whole thing was weird, I agree. You scared him off, you rabid little fox."

I punch Owen in the stomach. "I am not rabid, just protective of my best friend."

As we laugh and playfully tease each other, Mrs. Johns enters the room. Known for her serious demeanor, she places great emphasis on the significance of learning self-defense. Her classes have been particularly beneficial for me in my nocturnal endeavors. Although I already possess a tough exterior, additional training is always appreciated.

Her long hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. She stands in the middle of the gym with her hands behind her back.

As she glances around the room, her eyes eventually settle on Riven. Their gaze lingers for a moment before she averts her eyes. It's clear that there is a shared history between them, as evidenced by the slight pink hue on her cheeks. Suddenly, my fox emits a low growl, causing those nearby to cast a suspicious glance in my direction. In fact, one girl even takes a step back.

Someone chuckles, but I refrain from looking to see who. Afraid it will be Riven. I am mortified by my animal's reaction. Thankful Mrs. Johns saves me by announcing today's activities.

"Start with conditioning, and then we will move on to sparring in our human forms."

Seven miles into our run and Owen starts to slow; I adjust my pace to stay with him. What he lacks in strength, he makes up in being awesome in everything else. Amelie, a nasty piece of work, passes us and knocks into Owen in the process. "Move Omega trash." Her voice filled with aversion.

I see red!

Claws replace fingernails.

Red fur ripples down my arms.

Fangs shoot out, sharp and pointy!

I lunge, but a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist, halting me. Owen.

His touch calms my fox. She would do anything for him, even refrain from murder. I, on the other hand, still want blood, Amelie's blood.

"Not now," his voice whispers in my ear. I beguiling obey. I know she would just take it out on Owen later when I'm not there to protect him. Fucking dogs.

I feel eyes on me. I know it's Riven without having to look. His gaze feels different than anyone else. I find myself peaking over Owen's shoulder. Pale blue eyes, so like the sky, pin me in place. I feel unnerved by those haunting, beautiful eyes, which Owen senses and starts to rub my arm and back. Riven's eyes follow Owen's hand up and down my arm. His face melts into a scowl.

"To the ring, everyone." Mrs. Johns's voice slices through the room, bringing me back. I step out of Owen's warm embrace and take my place with everyone else.

"Any volunteers to go first?"

I leap into the ring and walk to the center, light on my feet. I remember my first time in this ring. My peers all snicker thinking my small size ensured I would lose badly. I smile as I remember their shock as I took down opponent after opponent. Small but dangerous.

"Payton, not surprised. Pick your sparring partner." A sneer beams across my face as I turn and point to Amelia. To her credit, she holds her head high as she enters the ring. I have never sparred with her, but I know she has seen what I can do, and I have seen her pathetic attempts at fighting.

I feel those pale blue eyes on me again, but I am zeroing in on my prey. My fox pushes to the surface, wanting Amelie's blood for hurting our family. But I gently push her down, promising the blood she longs for.

I see a flash of fear in Amelie's eyes, and I attack. Fast and hard.

I rained down blow after blow. Amelie couldn't do anything but cover her face and cower. I back off, giving her a chance. It's no fun unless they fight back.

Every punch she throws, I dodge. Frustrated, she kicks out with her right foot. I swat it away like a bug. I smell her hatred and fear. My mouth waters at the sent. Desperately, she throws a jab at my chin. I dodge that too. My fox wants to hurt her. She is bored with my games.

Fine, I tell her.

I hit her with a combo that has her head snapping back and blood permeating the air. Smells divine. "That's enough, Payton." Mrs. John's voice is firm, but I ignore her. This is personal, this bitch needs to pay.

I am aware of shouts telling me to stop, but I block them out.


More blood is all I can think about. My fist is covered in red, but I keep going.


Uncle Jasper's voice is the only one that stops me. I freeze. It's like someone flips a switch. I stand and pivot toward my uncle. His face is red, and those hard eyes look at me with disappointment.

I won't lie. It doesn't feel good.

"Everyone out, NOW!"

The room is empty but for the two of us. He doesn't say anything; just looks at me.

"Are you hurt?" His voice softens as he sees all the blood.

"Of course not." I scoff. "None of this is mine."

He chuckles and touches his finger to his nose. "I know. Fox blood has a sharper smell than wolves."

I close the space between us. "Are you mad?"

"I should be." He reaches out and wipes the blood from my cheek with his thumb."But that Amelie is a nasty one." Uncle Jasper exhales, and I know what he is about to say.

"I'm sorry. I know this puts you in a bad spot. Her dad sits on the board and is just as nasty as his daughter Amelia."

His hands land on my shoulders. "Go on. You will be late for your next class. I will handle the fallout." I lean up on my toes and kiss his cheek. "Thanks," I call as I head to change clothes.

Chapter 4

Owen shows up at my dorm, hands full of snacks and wearing his favorite PJs. They happen to match mine. Both are yellow with little hearts on the cuffs. I grin, and he grins even wider.

We pile up on my bed. Surrounded by pillows and junk food.

"What movie did you pick PayPay?" Owen asks around a mouthful of chips, dropping crumbs all over my comforter.

"Just a classic horror movie, Children of the Corn."

Owen gives me the side-eye.

"What, you said I could pick this time?" I replied while wiping potato chips onto the floor.

"Before we start the movie, I have to ask, has that bitch Amelie caused you any grief?" I hold his gaze to ensure he doesn't try to lie.

"Nope, she won't even look in my direction. Thanks to my rabid little fox."

I relax back into his chest. "Good. Let me know if that changes."

"Okay, I will. Now, Start the movie already."

The movie is halfway over when I realize I haven't been paying attention. My mind running through the last couple of days' events.

Uncle Jasper, true to his word, handled the fallout of my sparring session. He managed to smooth things over with Amelie's dad. I received no punishment, which is always a plus. All the wolves have been going easier on Owen. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Owen deserves so much better. He is a kind and beautiful soul.

The rumors surrounding Jordan's death have died down. I have yet to be dragged off to the Supernatural detention center. Let's hope it stays that way. I wouldn't look good in their grey. Uniforms. A shudder runs through my body just thinking about it.

My few interactions with Riven have been awkward. I feel his eyes on me consistently in class or just walking down the hall. I have taken to eating my lunch outside to avoid him. Owen has been complaining about it all week. To be a wolf, he sure prefers indoors. I glance over at him. His fingers twisted around a lock of my hair. I don't think he ever realizes he does it. I snuggle deeper into his warm body and try to concentrate on the movie and not think about Riven Bloodmoon. It appears to be a hard task. My mind always gravitates back to him.

I wake covered in sweat and push Owens's arm off me. Our legs are still tangled together. So I can't get up without waking him. He looks so peaceful. Dark hair hangs over his brow. A lite snore escapes his slightly opened mouth, causing me to giggle.

My fox pushes to the surface. She is restless, wanting to go into the woods. I haven't had the time for a proper frolic in days. I untangle myself from Owen, trying my best not to wake him. He mumbles something incoherent and rolls over. I stand up and raise my arms above my head in a stretch. I glance out the window at the plum-colored sky. It's early on the weekend. I don't think I will run into many wolves in the forest.

The fresh air hits me in the face as soon as I am outside. The dorm rooms are so stuffy. I look around and inhale a deep breath. I was correct; the forest is wolf free. I quickly shed my clothes, leaving them in a neat pile. I stand naked, letting the cool breeze blow over my exposed flesh. I exhale and let the change come over me.

Red fur replaces pale skin. I feel the wet grass under my paws. I Raise my nose up to smell all the tasty varmints. A rabbit came through not long ago, the trail still fresh. I give my fox the reigns, and she doesn't waste any time. Nose to the ground, she's off.

She chases the rabbit under logs and through a stream. She has it cornered. Her Belly was low to the ground, ready to pounce when a rustling sound coming from behind had her pivoting, gums pulled back, white teeth gleaming and sharp. Hackles raised.

A wolf!

A huge black wolf steps out from behind a tree. His demeanor appears friendly, curious, maybe. Pale blue eyes stare, and then he yelps. Butt in the air, wanting to play. Surprisingly, my fox mimics the pose. Her red bushy tail flicks back in forth, and her triangle-shaped ears perk up.

The only wolves she will play with or Owens and Uncle Jaspers. I am shocked. They chase each other, taking turns nipping at each other. It's cute!

I relax and just watch through her eyes, letting her enjoy her time. They stop for a drink from the stream. She nuzzles up against his side, and he licks her muzzle before he darts off back toward the campus. Strange, I wonder who it was. There are a lot of black wolves running around, but I haven't seen one so big before. I will have to ask Owen when I get back.

I trot back to my clothes, taking my time soaking up the sun and fresh air as long as possible. I won't be able to let her out for a few days. The full moon is approaching, and the wolves get feisty during that time.

I let the change wash over me. I don't grab my clothes right away. I like the way the breeze feels on my naked skin. I feel a tingle start at the base of my neck and work its way down. Goosebumps break out over my arms. I look around on high alert, there in the distance is the black wolf. Sitting back on his haunches, just watching me, those eyes seem too human for my liking. So I reach down and grab my clothes, holding them to my chest. The wolf is gone when I glance back. Shifters do not care much about nudity, but the way he watched me was unnerving.

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