Crazy Not Zany

By TheKingOfMean

232 39 2

The studio has hidden secrets before and the Warner brothers are no stranger to secrets. But some secrets don... More

Chapter 1: Tame
Chapter 2: Dinner and Tv
Chapter 3: It's a Date!
Chapter 4: Wakko's Reflection
Chapter 5: The Letter
Chapter 6: Keys, Mr. Reflection, and Vents
Chapter 7: The Visit
Chapter 8: Cousins
Chapter 9: Lessons
Chapter 10: Doctors
Chapter 11: Hiding Out
Chapter 12: Cheshire Grin
Chapter 13: Fun and Games
Chapter 14: The Others
Chapter 16: Issac's Lie
Chapter 17: The Spotlight
Chapter 18: Little Secret
Chapter 19: Big Brother
Chapter 20: Into The Night
Chapter 21: Meeting Plotz
Chapter 22: Rescuing Issac

Chapter 15: Behind the Scenes

4 1 0
By TheKingOfMean

"Yakko! Look!"

Issac waited for the eldest of his cousins to turn and the second he had, Issac continued jumping up and down from the diving board he stood upon. He grinned down at Yakko.

"WHOO-HOO!" Issac cried as he jumped off, flinging himself towards a piece of rope that hung from the ceiling. He grasped it and swung across the room. At the last moment he let go and twirls into the air and into an open ball pit. With a crash he sends balls everywhere with a dive. He becomes blinded by a sea of colors. Issac crawls his way back up and breaks through the surface.

Issac hollers out, throwing a fist into the air. He laughs, and looks around for Yakko who was walking over.

"Mitt me kid, you don't see a stunt like that play everyday!" Issac cheers. He smiles when Yakko claps.

"Indeed." Yakko says, lending out a hand which Issac grabs. Yakko pulls him out of the ball pit and onto solid ground.

Issac smiles before making a face as he feels something run down his jacket. He reaches inside and pulls out one of those plastic balls from the pit. Shrugging, he tosses it behind him. He grins real wide at Yakko.

"I haven't pulled a stunt like that since the year of 1930." Issac giggles. "Aces, what a keen day it's been."

"It's nice being off that page, huh?" Yakko asks.

"Oh most definitely!" Issac says, putting his hands on his hips. "It ain't no rag when you got only yourself to entertain. A man can only play so much solitaire too."

Yakko chuckles, which brings another big smile out of Issac. Issac eyes past Yakko and notices Wakko and Dot over by a patio table with a tea set out. Wakko somehow managed to get himself stuck in a ball gown while Dot was happily pouring him a pot of air.

"Say," Issac perks. "What do you folks do when you're not on the run?"

"Cause chaos." Yakko quirks. "It's something to do while me and the sibs are waiting for the approval of the next season for our show."

"Well that sounds-" Issac stopped short and gave his cousin an odd look. Did he just hear him right? "Show? What show?"

"Animaniacs." Yakko said simply.

Issac opened his mouth to speak, and then just as quickly his jaw slacked. "Say what now?"

"Well, yeah-Ah, right, you don't know." Yakko shook his head. "Animaniacs. That's our show. We recently just rebooted it."

"Re-booted?" Issac said slowly. He gave his head a quick hit and he could feel the gears moving once again, but the little monkey in his brain definitely wasn't running on its hamster wheel.

"You know, we made a comeback." Yakko continued. "The original show played back in the 90's, but today we have a remade version of the show."

"Wait-hold on, remade?" Issac shrieks, the reality of the situation dawning on him. He backs away before pointing at himself. "You folks made the show without me? Without cousin Issac?"

"Well to be fair." Issac hears Dot perk up. "We never knew we had a cousin Issac."

"But I was your co-star!" Issac argues, slamming a fist into his hand. "How could they continue the show without the co-star?"

The Warners looked at each other and Issac ignored this. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact they had continued Animaniacs without him. He had been told he was a prime member of the show. How could they have made it without him? He deflates on the spot, falling to his knees.

Had they simply thrown his character out the door?

"Easy there, Issac."

Issac looks up and sees Yakko trying to pull him up to his feet, but Issac drops like a dead weight in his arms. He could feel heavy tears filling up his eyes.

"But I was gonna be a star!" Issac wails. He whimpers and plants his face into Yakko's chest as sobs make their way out and he begins taking in short breaths through the tears that streamed down his face.

"Issac..." He could hear Yakko, but he wasn't paying attention. He was too busy crying into Yakko's chest. He felt lightheaded and angry at the same time.

"B-b-but, I was go-nna be part of the show!" Issac gasps through hiccups. "How c-could they continue without me?"

"I'm really sorry Issac." Yakko says. Issac feels his cousin wrap his arms around him and pull him into a gentle hug. Issac sniffs and lays his head against Yakko. He couldn't help but let more tears fall from his eyes.

"We were all supposed to do the show together." Issac sniffs. "Me, you, and the sibs."

"You know," Yakko begins. "There were a lot of scandals when the show first began. I'm sure it was some sleaze bag that cut you off from the show."

Issac tearfully looked into Yakko's eyes. "You think so?"

"Totally." Wakko, who had come over in his giant dress, says. Dot was with him. Wakko tilts his head at Issac. "Say, what were you supposed to be in the show?"

Issac rubs his eyes and nose. "The villain."

Silence overcomes the trio and a few chuckles spring out from the Warners. Issac blinks and stares at them.

"What? What's so funny?" Issac asks.

"You're joking right?" Yakko snickers.

"No." Issac says, standing up from Yakko's hug. "I was meant to play the villain in the show."

Yakko's smile falls. "You are not kidding, are you?"

Dot holds her hands out, gesturing at Issac. "But you're so..."

Issac deadpans and crosses his arms. "I'm so what?"

Wakko quickly interrupts. "Fun! Really fun!"

Dot frowns. "You don't seem like the villain type."

Issac huffs and Yakko puts a hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry, but I can't really see it either." Yakko confesses.

Issac swats Yakko's hand. He scowls at the trio. "Malarky! I may be an ecstatic sort of person, but I am an actor. Observe!"

Issac snaps his fingers and the soundstage dissolves in darkness. Before they know it the lights are back on and before Issac is on a small stage with a microphone. The Warners would look down and find themselves sitting at a table as the audience. Wakko is now in his normal clothes. Issac taps the microphone.

"Testing, 1, 2, and a 3." Issac says into the microphone, tapping it. "Everyone can hear me loud and clear?"

"Clearly!" Yakko says, holding up an okay gesture with his hand.

"Oh goodie!" Issac giggles. He then clears his throat. "Now I present a scene that was originally going to air in our show."

Issac grabs the microphone and dramatically steps backwards until the red curtains of the stage close in front of him. The Warners listen in as introductory music begins playing and the curtains open up to reveal a full mad scientist laboratory with beakers equipment and tools. Issac stood in the shadows upon a desk with his back turned to the audience and a full set of blueprints before him. He swoops around with a maniac grin on his features as he cackles into the air. Lightning flashing behind him and thunder roars as he laughs.

"I, Issac Warner, have done it once again!" Issac proudly claims. He then holds up a beaker of green liquid from behind him and greedily taps the bottle. "With this conduction, I shall rule the world! Mwahahaha!"

"Wait a minute." Yakko says. He bends over the table, head in hand with a curious gaze towards Issac. "Was your whole act just to take over the world?"

Issac stops and looks at Yakko. He shrugs. "Pretty much."

Yakko squinted his eyes at the toon. "Did it also include your plans being foiled every night?"


All three Warners looked at each other with knowing looks and Issac stood at his stage, looking confused. Issac put his hands on his hips, frowning.

"Am I missing something here?" Issac says bluntly.

"Ehhh," Yakko clears his throat. "Not much, but I wouldn't go asking who replaced you in the show."

"Replaced?" Issac shrieks, zooming over to the table and grabs Yakko by the front of his chest fur and pulls up the boy to his face. "Who replaced me? Who! Who!"

"Hey-Ow!" Yakko says, trying to undo the boy's grasp off him. "Knock it off, will ya?"

"But I must know!" Issac demands, letting Yakko go, making the cartoon crash into his chair, which breaks under his weight. Issac crosses his arms. "As a previous member of the show, I believe it is in my rights!"

Yakko grabs the table, helping himself up off the floor, giving Issac the stink eye. Issac notices Yakko on the floor and opens his mouth, but then the lights in the place go out, blanketing them in darkness.

"Hey! Who shut off the lights?" Issac demands, waving his hands in front of him, unable to see a foot in front of him.

Several yelps and a slam sound out and Issac snaps his head around. "Guys?"

There's silence. Issac gulps and pats himself down.

"I got to have a flashlight somewhere." Issac says, reaching into his pockets.

He pulls out a pencil.


A magician's hat.

"Not even close."

A pizza slice.

"No more dairy!"

Issac growls and feels something slip into his hand.

"Here." A voice says.

Issac feels the object over and flips on the switch. Immediately light shines through the darkness. He's holding a flashlight. Issac smiles.

"Why, thanks! That's exactly what I-" Issac stops cold and stiffens up. Teeth chattering, he slowly shines the light next to him. The light lands on a small form, about Wakko's height and wearing some sort of hood which hides their face entirely in this darkness.


Issac shrieks and turns to run. He's tackled down and his arms are pinned behind him. Issac cries out and struggles against his captor.

"Unhand me you fiend!" Issac shouts. He snaps his head backwards, making contact with something hard. He hears a grunt and the hands on him loosen. Quickly, Issac flips around and kicks his captor off him. Scrambling to his feet, the toon ran, jumping off the table and into the darkness. Footsteps are close behind him.

"Gotta hide, gotta hide." Issac mutters. Without the flashlight he knew he had as much luck as searching for a needle in a dozen haystacks. He squints into the darkness. There! Upahead! A way out! He can see it clearly, just under that bridge...that's an odd place for a bridge-


Issac runs full speed into a mural. He groans and slides down the wall, landing on his butt. Dizzily holding his head, he peers up at the wall and frowns realizing it was a set stage prop.

"Oh come on!" Issac groans.

His ears perk up at the sound of footsteps and he turns right around to find a bright light staring him down. Issac gasps when something grabs his ears. He's pulled up and staring right into the flashlight owner's face. Issac's eyes go wide recognizing that puppy cat face.


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