Flowers of Remembrance - An O...

By SleepyBean_

443 2 17

Have you ever listened to the ragged rasp of your own breath, desperately clawing its way out of your chest... More

✿ ❀ Chapter 1 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 2 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 3 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 4 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 5 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 6 ❀ ✿
✿ ❀ Chapter 7 ❀ ✿
❀✿ Epilogue ✿❀

❀✿ Prologue ✿❀

95 1 4
By SleepyBean_

Kokichi had never admitted to having an easy childhood, the one he was given had certainly been merciless. But he also never denied that the way he had been brought up hadn't shaped him into the person he wanted to be—the person he had to be.

Kokichi was often described as a nuisance and only a nuisance. Just an annoyance to society as he and his 10 goons committed petty crimes such as shop lifting or spray-painting buildings. Although they never physically hurt anyone, it doesn't cancel out the undeniable facts that A. It was still a crime and B. it was still highly irritating. Little did people know how much more Kokichi was. Not that he could ever tell them anyway.

To DICE (His 10 friends or more commonly known to the public as goons) Kokichi was a powerful, kind leader. Never leading them into anything blindly that could hurt them, always having a backup plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan and so on. He was a person filled with curiosity and a desire to show the world how cruel it was and shove it in its face.

Despite the very two conflicting views of Kokichi, Kokichi simply thought himself as a liar. A compulsive liar at that. He had been making webs of lies ever since he could talk, masking whoever he was (God, how did he even know who he was with all his lies? He lost track of his identity long ago) behind these lies. Lying was the only thing he could do, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing at that time and situation. But it was what he had grown up needing to do. Lie or die was what the world taught him. Because of this, he had developed a nasty habit of being able to hide the true emotions he felt with ease. Or so he thought.

Kokichi was seated in a place he more or less called home, an old shack in the middle of nowhere with the bare necessities to live. It wasn't ideal but it made do. The question was, if he was so good at controlling his emotions, why all of a sudden had he found himself flooded with confusion as he stared at the envelope in his hands? His fingertips gently traced the sharp edge of the pristine paper. Reading his name in an oddly fancy font on the envelope over and over again as if it was a puzzle.

In a way, it was a puzzle. It definitely puzzled him how it got there, how whoever sent this got it delivered to him. He lived nowhere near the post lines. He had thought no one knew of his location expect the other occupants of the shack, DICE.

After a bit of debating against himself he finally decided it would be best to open the envelope. He held the envelope still with one hand as his fingers on the other picked at the sealed opening. At first, he was gentle with the envelope being careful not to rip it. Then the sealed opening proved to be too stubborn for his liking, he was too anxious and interested to learn the secrets the envelope held. Impatience crashed over him in waves, which had made a terrible mix with his confusion and curiosity. So, he found himself tearing the envelope open within a matter of seconds and quickly unfolding the letter in front of him.

To: Kokichi Ouma

From: Hope's Peak Academy

Dear Kokichi Ouma,

Hope's Peak Academy has recognised your extraordinary talent! We are pleased to congratulate you on your acceptance to our academy. Our academy is the most prestigious in the world, and that is no exaggeration. We are known for nurturing every teenager's special talent while they also resume their normal studies. If you chose to honour our generous offer you would go under the title of 'Super High School Level Supreme Leader' or 'Ultimate Supreme Leader' as a shorter title.

Once again, we are over-joyed to offer you admission into our academy and feel confident you should not turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity.


Makoto Naegi

And just like the name on the envelope he'd torn, he was reading the sickeningly formal letter repeatedly as if it had his date of death written on it. 'acceptance to our academy' 'the most  prestigious' 'lifetime offer.' were the phrases ringing and echoing in Kokichi's mind. You didn't need to be a genius to figure out this was no scam.

The emotion to replace Kokichi's curiosity and impatience was complete and utter disgust. Disgust that ran deep in his veins and rotted every muscle and bone in his body, taking over his brain like a parasite. Kokichi's first thought was to immediately crumple the note into a tight ball, throw it onto the ground and jump on it continuously until the note was torn, tattered and no longer decipherable. He probably would've done just that if the realisation he also had made within that moment hadn't slammed into him like a door. This may just be my shot at a semi-normal life. Even though it was just a selfish thought, it was a very alluring one at that. Yet disgust still plagued him, disgust of how Hopes Peak even thought that Kokichi was near to being what they labelled a "Supreme Leader" because Kokichi 'knew' he was nowhere near that. However, images of Kokichi making normal high school friends, going to normal high school parties, studying for tests in libraries and living a normal life were just too enticing. So, after making an unnecessarily long pros and cons list on every surface he could write on, weighing out every factor and scenario that might occur. Kokichi finally gave in.

He would attend Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Supreme Leader.

~ 980 words ~

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