Total drama all Stars

By karateunicornalc

3.7K 77 287

Is this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another seaso... More

Heroes VS Villains
Evil Dread
Saving private leech-ball
Food fright
Moon madness
No one egg-spects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punched
You regatta be kidding me!
Obsta-kill course
Sundae muddy Sundae
The bold and the booty-full
The final wreck-ening
ending one, Mike wins!
Ending two, Zoe wins
Ending three *Canonical ending* Alex wins
Author's note!

Zeek and Ye shall Find

161 4 9
By karateunicornalc

Alex's POV 

The first thing I saw when I exited my cabin was Courtney lying on top of Scott as they kissed. 

I need all of the bleach. 


Alex: *Sorta stutters as he looks slightly traumatized* ...No. Just... no. 


I immediately turned and went back into the cabin, before screaming into my pillow for a solid two minutes. 


"Challenge time! proceed to the McLean spa library, pronto!" Chris called. 

I just went where everyone else was going. 

"Hey, I heard you screaming. You ok?" Scarlett asked me. 

"Yeah, just saw Scott and Courtney locking lips." I said, still traumatized. 

"Ugh, what the heck?" she said, equally disgusted. 

"I know. Gwourtney all the way." I nodded. 

"Ok, I know nearly everything, but you might need you to teach me about 'ships'" she said. 

"Gladly." I smiled. 


We got to the 'McLean Spa Library' which was actually just a tiny room full of CDs. 

"Where's Chris?" Courtney asked. 

"Just hush up! You'll find out in a minute!" Chef barked, before sipping some coffee. 

A tv turned on, showing Chris in front of a table. He blew a party blower. 

"Welcome to episode 100 of Total Drama!" he cheered 

Ah yes. One hundred episodes of Total Trauma. 

"To celebrate, I have an extra special 100th episode challenge. I hope no one is allergic to rhinoceroses or fire or poison smallpox..." 

A shadowy, yet familiar figure started running around in the background. 

"Is that..." Gwen said, pointing at the screen. 

"Oh crap, it is!" I exclaimed. 

We all started yelling at Chris to run, or turn around, or accept his fate. 

"Please, don't interrupt. I-" Chris said, before feral Ezekiel put a bag over him and smashed the camera streaming it. 

Chef spat his coffee out all over the computer, making in fizzle and spark. 

"That can't- ah! NEW CHALLENGE! FIND CHRIS!" Chef yelled at us. 

wait, so what was the challenge going to be before this? 

"You want us to go looking for Zeke? No way! He's psycho crazy!" Gwen exclaimed. 

"Hey! If no one finds Chris, there ain't no show! Which means no winner and no million dollars!" Chef exclaimed. 

"What?" Mike exclaimed. 

"That's not fair!" Courtney exclaimed. 

"Hold on! We accept this challenge, on the condition that the winner gets immunity at the next vote" Scarlett demanded. 

"Plus, permanent residence in the spa hotel for as long as they're in the competition!" Courtney added. 

"With two people of their choice!" I quipped in. 

"And they get to send one person to Boney island." Cameron said, glaring at Gwen and I. 

What's his deal? 

"Fine! Deal! Just find Chris!" Chef yelled. 

"Last season Zeke was living in the mine. Maybe that's where he took Chris." Zoe suggested. 

"To the mine!" Chef yelled.


We went down to the mine, where the entrance was still sealed up. 

"Huh. Looks like it's still all sealed up" Mike noticed. 

"maybe there's another way in?" Cameron guessed. 

"Well find it!" Chef barked, tossing us flashlights "I'm heading back to the hotel to try and get the monitors working." 

He ran off in the direction of the hotel. 

"Let's do this!" Gwenn said to Alex, Gwen and I. 

"Yeah, sorry it's our one hour anniversery, soooooo." Scott said, before he and Courtney ran off. 

Gwen sighed. 

"Forget her. Let's win this challenge, win the million, then immediately drag Chris back here." Scarlett said. 

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled. 

We walked around the other side of the mine and saw a few holes in the ground. 

"I bet these lead down into the mine." I nodded. 

"There's another hole over here! And here too!" Cameron exclaimed. 

"Oh no, oh no no no, I can't go down a hole, I have this phobia of being buried alive and-" gwen said, before the ground opened up and she fell. 

"Gwen!" Zoe and I yelled, jumping in after her. 


Alex: Yeah. Probably not the smartest move on my behalf. 

Scarlett: Ok, so now do I jump down the hole? *Sighs* 


Zoe and I landed on the ground. 

Scarlett fell after us and landed on me. 

"Sorry." she said, climbing off me. 

Gwen turned her flashlight on. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screeched "ZOE!? ALEX!? SCARLETT!??"

"Oh good. You're ok." I smiled. 

"YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" Gwen screamed "Thank you so much. DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! You're the best.! 

"Gwen, breathe slowly. Give the air time to reach your lungs." I said calmly. 

She breathed a few times. 

"Better?" I asked her. 

She nodded. 

"Good. Now let's move." Scarlett said. 


Alex: I've got a lot of experience with panic attacks, so I know how to deal with and prevent them. 


We started walking through the mine. 

There was a scream. It sounded pretty far away from us, so we'd probably be fine. 

"Did you hear that? I heard that! Did you hear me hearing it?!" Gwen asked, her voice quick and panicked. 

There were another, this one closer. 

Gwen, Scarlett and I turned. Zoe was gone

"Crap..." I said, feeling panic rising in my chest. 


Gwen: *In fetal position and she whimpers in terror* 

Alex: *Chews on his thumbnail nervously* 


"Ok, we need to get out of here, and get help." Scarlett reasoned. 

"Ok. ok ok ok..." Gwen said. 

We started walking. 

"Forget Chris, find a way out, forget Chris, find a way out..." Gwen repeated quietly. 

We walked through another tunnel, this one had a small river beside it. 

There was a scream, then Cameron fell into the river. 

"Cameron!?" Gwen and I exclaimed, before pulling him out of the river. 

"gwen? Alex? You... you saved me?" Cameron said in shock. 

"Well yeah. Why wouldn't we?" I asked. 

Cameron embraced Gwen and I. 

"I'm sorry I was so cold to you before! Mike had me going, but from now on I trust you guys completely!" he promised. 

"So, wanna find a way out of here, or stop hugging or something?" Gwen asked nervously. 

Cameron let go of us. 

"Come on! Let's find Chris together!" he smiled. 

"Yeah. Great idea." Scarlett said sarcastically. 

We started walking again. 

"How deep in the mine do you think Ezekiel brought Chris?" Scarlett wondered. 

"No idea, probably near the center-" I said, before the ground beneath me cracked open and I fell. 

"Woah!" I yelled, before I hit the floor. 


Scarlett fell down after me. She landed on me again. 

"You ok?" I asked her. 


Scarlett: He plummets through the air for a solid two meters then has me land on him and he's still concerned about my wellbeing? God, he's perfect. 


"Yeah. I'm fine. Are you?" she asked me. 

"Yeah." I said. 

She got off me and we both stood up. 

"Ok, let's get out of here." I said. 

We started walking again. 

"Ok, we just need to keep our eyes peeled for whatever took Zoe." Scarlett said. 

Something grabbed me. 


Scarlett: Some bitches dying tonight. 


i was tossed into a cage with Mike, Zoe, Alejandro, Courtney and Scott. 

"What the heck?" I exclaimed. 

"I guess it's all up to Gwen, Scarlett and Cameron now." Zoe said. 

"Just Gwen and Scarlett I predict. The last I saw Cameron will likely be the last time I saw Cameron will likely be the last time I saw Cameron." Alejandro said. 

"What did you do to him!?" Zoe exclaimed. 

"Nothing! I tried to help but he would not accept!" Alejandro said innocently. 

"So you just left him hanging there? Not cool!" Mike said in disapproval. 


Alejandro: Interesting... I never mentioned Cameron was 'hanging' anywhere... 


That's when i noticed two rats chewing through a rope holding Chris over a vat of toxic waste. 

"Hey! Little rodents! Let's make a deal here! I know a cheese artisan! Surely we can work something out!" Chris said. 

They're rats. They cannot understand you Chris. 

"Ok... getting scaredy... HEEEEEELP!" Chris yelled. 

Zeke ran back and shoved Scarlett in the cage. 

"Are you ok?!" I asked her. 

"As ok as someone who was just thrown into a cage by a mutated freak can be." she responded. 

"Glad to know that you've still got your sarcasm." I smiled. 


Chef ran in with the spaghetti bazooka from last season's cooking challenge. 

"Chef!" we all exclaimed. 


Scarlett: I never thought that I would be relieved to see that guy, but hey! I guess there's a first time for everything! 


Chef chased away the rats chewing through the rope holding Chris. 



Scarlett: Mint. The evilest of ice-cream flavors. 


Ezekiel snatched Chef's bazooka from him and shot spaghetti at him. 

Ezekiel turned his attention towards Chris. 

"Zeke! Zeke! Let's talk about this!" Chris pleaded desperately. 

Cameron ran out, waving his arms.

"Yoo hooooooooooooo! Looky looky! I'm a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig distraction!" he yelled, waving his arms above his head. 

Ezekiel spat what looked like acid in Cameron's general direction. 

"haha! You missed!" Cameron jeered. 

The ceiling started cracking. 

"CAMERON! LOOK OUT!" I yelled. 

Part of the ceiling collapsed on Cameron. 

Ezekiel hissed and started celebrating his victory. 

Gwen ran out and grabbed the bazooka from the ground. 

"Hey! This is for Cameron!" she yelled, blasting Ezekiel with spaghetti, making him get stuck to a wall. 

We cheered. 

Gwen quickly got Chris untied and let him fall onto the ground. 

"Could have been a little more gentle!" Chris snapped. 

"And we could have left you to die. Guess we're all making mistakes today." I scoffed. 

"Nice one." Scarlett smirked. 

Gwen pulled Cameron out of the rubble. "Cameron!" she exclaimed. 

He groaned weakly. 

"Do you think he's going to be ok?" Zoe asked Scarlett and I. 

"Hard to tell. But, regardless of whether he gets better, he probably will no longer be able to compete." Scarlett told her. 

"Sorry Zoe." I apologized. 

"Aw, darn." Mike said, snapping his fingers in disappointment. 


Mike: *As Mal* *Chuckles darkly* Perfect... 


"Come on, we gotta get out of here before Zeke-" Chris began, before noticing that Ezekiel had gotten unstuck. 

"Yeah, let's get out of here." I said nervously. 

Gwen got the cage unlocked and we all booked it out of there. 


Chris:  For the record, I would like to state that, I, Chris Mclean, am not afraid of that sad, misunderstood freak show named Ezekiel. Sure, it looked like I was scared, but I was faking it! I'd say that dramatic performance is worth at least five Gemmy awards! 

Something that sound like feral Ezekiel growls from outside. 


The camera cuts to outside where Chris is running out of the confessional. 

Mal pops up and chuckles darkly, revealing he had been making the growling noises. 


"Gwen wins our never to be repeated or spoken of again Challenge! She saved all of us. But, more importantly, she saved me. So, I'll honor the deal Chef made. The spa hotel is yours, Gwen. Who's heading for exile on Boney Island?" Chris asked. 

"Alejandro." gwen smirked. 

Alejandro sighed. 

"First my boot and now this?" he asked sadly. He had lost one of his boots between some rocks. during the challenge and was now all sad about it. 

He could have simply moved the rocks to get it back, but whatever. 

"And as for who goes home, no vote is required." chris said, before gesturing to Cameron. His broken body had been bandaged up, and he was back in his Bubble. 

"Cameron is too injured to continue. So, as my rules and my cruel streak dictate, he must be flushed!" Chris said. 

Zoe, gwen and Mike walked over to say goodbye to Cameron. 

"I'll miss you, Cam." Zoe said. 

"I'll miss you too!" Cameron said, his voice slightly muffled. 

"You get better, okay?" Gwen smiled. 

"Thanks Gwen!" Cameron said. 

Mike walked over. 

"Bye Mike." Cameron said. 

Mike whispered something, making Cameron scream. 

Chef took Cameron off to get flushed. 

"So Gwen, who's coming with you to the spa hotel?" Chris asked. 

Gwen thought about it for a moment. 

"Courtney and Alex." she decided. 


Scarlett: Are you kidding me!? Courtney ditched her for freaking Scott!!! 


We started walking back to camp. 

"Have fun in the spa hotel." Scarlett said to me. 

"I might be able to sneak you in." I smirked. 

"Really?" she asked, sounding slightly surprised. 

"Yeah, why not?" I smiled. 

"Thank you! You're the best!" she smiled, kissing my cheek. 

"No problem. Maybe we could watch some Squid Game?" I suggested. 

"Sounds perfect." she smiled. 

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