the strongest avenger (3)

By novariley

91 0 3

After taking down Hydra, Talia and Bucky settled down to start a family. But a few years down the line, an is... More



12 0 0
By novariley

"Run!" I yell at the same time as Sersi tells Dane to run.

Sersi speeds forward and slams her fist into the ground, changing the pavement into a substance that temporarily traps the Deviant.

"Tal, what the hell is going on?" Bucky rushes to my side.

"You and Dane need to run." He sends me an astonished look. "I'm serious, help him. He doesnt know this world."

"Let's go." Sersi calls us over and we start running away from the monster.

"What is that thing?" Dane asks.

"A Deviant!" Sprite responds

"You said you killed them all!" Dane yells, making me confused. I thought he didn't know about the Eternals.

"You told him that?!" Sersi yells at Sprite.

"You believed me?"

"I do now!"

"This is very much not good." I tell Bucky.

"I'm expecting a full explanation later, because I'm clearly missing something."

A loud growl causes me to turn and look over my shoulder.

"Guys, we need to move. That didn't hold it for long." I throw my hand out and pull roots from the ground, making them twist up and around the Deviant.

I stop and focus my attention on it.

"Tal come on!" Sprite calls out.

"Go, let me slow it down! Ill catch up!"

I raise my hands and tighten the roots around the Deviant, locking it in place as it releases a deafening roar.

"Okay, time to go." I mumble as I turn, seeing Bucky. "I told you to go!" I yell at him as we start running.

"Since when do I ever listen! Shut up and move your ass!"

We book it and come up behind the trio ahead of us. Another roar breaks through the quiet and I stagger to a stop as the Deviant breaks through the roots.

"Cant you just burn the damn thing?" Bucky asks me.

"She cant! Only our energy can kill them." Sprite explains as Sersi runs towards the monster and swiftly heads up to the main street.

"Keep Dane safe!" She calls out.

"Sersi! Wait...what?!"

Sersi gets the Deviant's attention and it swings up onto the street to follow her.

I look at Sprite, and then we look at the men next to us.

"They're fine."

"Yup," I agree. "Let's go."

Sprite follows after Sersi as I push up into the air and follow after her. We catch up to her and Sprite creates illusions of the three of us to distract the Deviant. I sense the real Sprite and trail after her, my hands out ready to do something.

I see Dane across the road urging people to safety, and I speed up as I meet the creature's eye.

"It knows where we are!" Sprite calls and I break into a sprint.

"How?" I ask.

"I don't know!"

I gasp as the long tentacle things hit Sprite, causing her to fall. Quickly, I form a ball of fire and send it at the Deviant.

It roars as the fire hits it and I reach out to pull Sprite back. I jerk back as something comes flying from the side and knocks the Deviant off its feet right into a tattoo shop.

"Sprite!" Dane yells as he runs over.

I pull the girl to her feet and look at the demolished shop. Looking to my right, I see Bucky with wide eyes, running a hand through his hair.

"You good?" He calls out.


I yelp as the Deviant is thrown out of the shop past us and a beam of yellow light hits it. My eyes narrow as I take in the man exiting the building.

His jaw is sharp and his hair is short with a white stripe through it. He's not unpleasant to look at, but there's no warmth in his gaze.

"Ikaris!" Sprite yells with my smile on her face.

Sersi looks shocked and I assume this is another Eternal.

"Evening ladies." He gives them a small smile as I just take in everything that has happened.

"Watch out!" Sersi suddenly yells as Ikaris is tackled by the Deviant.

I gasp as they tumble into a large truck. Ikaris maneuvers his way out and the truck flips over, Sersi reaching out and turning the truck to rose petals.

"Wizard." I look over at Dane, and then to Bucky as he makes his way to my side.

"I am so confused."

"I know, James." I jerk my head towards the building as someone screams, the Deviant jumping from where it was and growling as it lunges at Ikaris.

Ikaris uses his...laser try and sever its arm. But I grow even more confused as it starts to heal itself.

"Did it just heal itself?" Sprite voices my observation.

I'm frozen as Ikaris starts beaming it...and starts flying of all things, causing the Deviant to eventually end up in the water.

"There goes the happy ending to our vacation." Bucky mumbles and I reach out and squeeze his hand, also pulling him towards the others.

"Ikaris." Sprite runs towards the man and pulls him into a hug. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too Sprite." He has an accent as well, I'm not sure from where though.

We all converge together and I take in the sight of Dane and Ikaris staring down each other. Looking to Sersi, I quirk an eyebrow.

"I'm Dane."

"Hello, Dane." Ikaris nods

"Well, I guess you must be the pilot."

The sound of sirens draws our attentions, and my grip on Bucky's hand tightens as Sprite uses her powers to make us invisible.

"'re like Superman?" I ask as we enter Sersi and Sprite's apartment.

Ikaris turns his gaze to me and I meet his, refusing to back down.

"And you're like Snow White?"

"That's not remotely accurate at all." I roll my eyes and plop down onto a couch, while Bucky comes and rests against the side.

"Superman is like me. Not the other way around." He raises his eyebrow. "I've been on this planet for—"

"7,000 years."

His brows furrow. "How do you know that?"

"We're friends." Sprite chirps up.

"Wait—you said seven thousand?" Bucky asks from next to me.

"We're Eternals." Sprite explains. "We were sent here to protect humans from the Deviants. They are supposed to be extinct right now...but clearly they're back."

"So," Bucky rubs the spot above his eyebrow. "They're kinda like Carol?"

"Yeah, but a lot older." I explain.

"Where were they during the know...everything in the last 7 years?"

"They can't interfere."

"We're not allowed to." Sprite adds. "We need to let humans evolve on their own."

"And if you all stepped in too would upset the balance." Bucky concludes.

"Yep." Sprite turns on the TV and we watch as the news elaborates on the earthquake this morning.

I reach out to Bucky's mind.

You took this all very well. Good job, Bubs.

I mean...we've heard and seen worse. Some really old superheroes is practically normal.

I turn as Sersi enters the room.

"That Deviant healed itself. They could never do that before."

"And why did it come after us? Do they not usually go after humans?" I ask.

"They used to..." Sprite murmurs.

"What's going on?" Sersi asks.

"I came to check on you because of the Earthquake. That Deviant is news to me."

"Something's happening to Earth." Sersi states.

"That's not good." I mutter

"This can't be a coincidence."

"We need to find the others." Ikaris decides, drawing my attention.

"I haven't seen some of them for centuries."

"I doubt much has changed."

I look up at Bucky and find him already looking at me. He sees it in my eyes. My determination to protect Earth and to help others. He knows I'm going to go with them, going to help in any way I can.

"Let's go to Ajak first. She'll know what to do." Sersi walks away from Ikaris and comes over to me. "We'll need all the help we can get. Are you coming?"

It's probably not a good idea. Not in my...condition. When I was pregnant with Pete...I was weakened. A lot. My powers were erratic and less controlled, and I was tired. But maybe this time will be different. It's been a while, it might be good to get back into it.

"Yeah. Why the hell not?"

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