Reign Soma

By seren_dipityyy

23.2K 476 11

Reign: The fox spirit, known to be sly, cunning, and short-tempered. The one who baited the god into having t... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22

Ch. 18

560 16 0
By seren_dipityyy

"Was I tipsy or something?" Reign asked, rubbing her forehead. "Why did I say I'd cook for our parents?"

Hatori chuckled as he drank his coffee. "You weren't tipsy or anything. You said that with a clear conscious."

"Why didn't you stop me?" she whined. "Now we have to cook!"

"Calm down. Just decide a menu. My family should be fine with anything as long as it's tasty and not too heavy."

Reign fiddled with her hair and let out a sigh. "Do they like to drink? My family keeps soju and other alcohols on hand."

He nodded. "My parents like to drink but not in large amounts."

"So what I'm hearing is a meal that goes well with alcohol?" she smiled, sounding a bit happier.

"No, that's not-"

Reign clasped her hands together and looked in her fridge. "I have a few menu ideas in mind but I'll need to go to the store to get ingredients."

He sat down his coffee and sighed. "Want to go today?"

Reign closed the fridge and turned to face him. "Yeah, but we also need to talk about the house situation that we talked about, remember?"

"I was wondering about that. Where do you want it exactly?" he asked, taking his glasses off.

"In the mountains maybe? Or in a neighborhood that has a decent amount of privacy." she said randomly.

Hatori raised a brow before chuckling softly. "Really? I didn't expect you to say something like that."

Reign smiled and walked around the island to hug him. "What's your idea then?"

"Go visit some houses that fit our criteria of community, surroundings, and what we want in a house."

"Do you have a location in mind?"

"I don't." he said honestly. "I also don't want to rush this process so let's take our time and weigh out our options."

Reign sat on his lap and hugged him. "We won't rush since I said we'll wait a year or so."

Hatori hugged her back and played with her hair. "We can start after we have our parents have dinner together."

"Alright. Regardless," Reign sighed. "Let's just have fun."

"Well before that, let's go to the store to get food."

Reign got up and grabbed his hand. "Let's go."


The next day, Reign was walking to Akito's residence to clear something up. As she walked, she saw Momiji who had grown taller and looked more mature than she'd ever seen him but he also looked a bit sad. He had his school uniform on and his bunny backpack.

Reign wanted to call out to him but thought it better to just tap him softly. She walked over to him and tapped his shoulder which made him turn his head to see who touched him. When he saw it was Reign his demeanor relaxed.

"You startled me there." he said, his voice deep with maturity.

Reign smiled. "You looked a bit sad so I wanted to see what was going on with you. Anything I can do to help?"

Momiji linked his arm with Reign and sighed. "Lend an ear and keep a secret?"

She nodded. "Where do you want to talk?"

"The bridge maybe? It's always somewhat peaceful there."

"Then the bridge we'll go."

The two walked in silence to the bridge that wasn't too far of a walk away from where they were. The silence was comfortable and they felt no need to even try to make conversation. Soon, the two reached the bridge and Momiji let go of Reign's arm to let her sit down first. Reign got comfortable and turned her body to face him.

"Now, what do you need me to lend an ear about? I won't press if you don't want to go into detail." she said, trying to relieve Momiji of some pressure he might be feeling.

He gave a sad smile and nodded his head. "I know you won't but even this may come shocking to you."

Reign raised a brow. "What could be so shocking?"

"My curse breaking." he said, his voice flat.

Reign sat up and reached out for his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It happened?"

He looked at Reign with squinted eyes, like he was trying to see if she was hiding something. Her reaction wasn't what he expected and that threw him for a loop.

"Why aren't you surprised? Is yours broke?"

She shook her head no. "Mine isn't broken but I do know someone who's curse has broken."

"Who?" he asked aggressively. "Tell me, please!"

Reign let go of his hand and rubbed her hands together anxiously. "Kureno. His curse broke when we were kids."

Momiji sat back down and lowered his head. "So you all have been lying to the rest of zodiacs?"

"Not lying, protecting. You kids never once asked and it's also not our place to say. But you also are going through the same thing he once went through so you should be understanding."

"Did you see his reaction?" Momiji asked quietly.

Reign cleared her throat. "If I remember correctly, he cried when it happened and looked behind him anxiously as if someone had just said the most hurtful thing to him and walked away right after. Did you experience that?"

Momiji nodded and began to cry. Reign gave him a side hug and kissed the top of his head. Momiji grabbed her free hand and held it tightly.

"I'm sorry Momiji." Reign whispered softly. "I wish I could help you with experience but I can't."

"It's just hard." he said through cries. "It's so lonely."

Reign felt her chest tighten at his words. It's true. It's very lonely. Being a zodiac is lonely and saying goodbye to being a zodiac is also very lonely. Reign couldn't do anything for him except be there for him physically and emotionally but she's not his parents. Her affection only goes so far on the level that he needs.

"Momiji," she said softly. "Please remember that you have many that are ready to welcome you with open arms. You just have to meet them halfway."

He nodded his head and his crying slowed as time went on. Reign rubbed his back softly and let him hold her free hand until he was ready to let it go. Once he was done crying, the two of them stared out into the estate in a peaceful silence. Reign didn't want to rush him into a conversation since she felt the next time he uttered a word, it'd be a goodbye or he'd act like nothing had happened at all.

"Thank you, for letting me cry." he said suddenly, his voice low. "I usually wouldn't do openly but you made it easy and comfortable."

Reign gave a tender look and squeezed his hand once more before letting it go and standing up. "We all need someone to help pick us back up every now and again in our lives. You're more the welcome to lean on me."

Momiji followed her suit and stood up, bowing as he did so. "I hope I can return the gesture one day."

She let out a soft chuckle and ruffled his hair a bit. "I look forward to that day."


"Do you know why he suddenly wants us to go to his house?" Reign asked Hatori as he drove.

He sighed and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "He wouldn't tell me but I suspect something with Honda."

"Him and his little secrets." Reign grumbled.

The two of them were on the way to Shigure's house. He had called Hatori and told the two of them that there's something he should tell them so they don't be surprised in advanced. The two didn't mind since they hadn't seen Shigure in a while and his house wasn't too far of a drive from the estate.

They got there fast and walked up the steps to his home. Reign knocked on the door and Shigure opened it to their surprise. Usually Tohru would open it and welcome them.

"Where are the kids at?" Reign asked, taking her shoes off as she entered.

Shigure walked away and sat down at the table. "Well, you know, doing teenage things I suppose." he teased.

Reign scoffed. "They aren't you or Ayame, come on now."

"Well of course they aren't." Ayame said behind her. "They are much too boring to even be compared to me."

Reign heard Hatori sigh and let out a giggle. She sat down beside Shigure while Ayame sat across the table from
her and Hatori sat next to her.

"Now, what did you call us over for dear Gure?" Ayame asked.

Shigure took one of the cups he prepared on the table that was filled with tea and sipped it. "Shall I just jump into it?"

"Of course. Let's not draw this meeting out longer than needed." Reign lamented.

Shigure let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Oh you're so nice. Well, let me just get straight to the point, Tohru knows of Akito's true gender and that Kureno isn't part of the zodiacs."

The moment those words left his lips, silence fell amongst them. Reign let out a scoff, Hatori simply furrowed his brows, and Ayame let out an exasperated sighed.

"Are you serious?" Reign asked, not wanting to believe his words. "When did you have time to tell her?"

"I didn't tell her." he followed up quickly. "She found out herself when Kureno called and said he wanted to meet her. Tohru took up the offer and met him. She didn't come home last night and I can assume why."

Hatori cleared his throat and rubbed his temple. "What else does she know?"

"She knows that Kyo will be locked up for the rest of his life after graduation and is trying to break the curse."

"Trying to break the curse?" Ayame questioned. "There's no way to break it."

Reign nodded. "The curse breaks when it breaks. That's what happened to Kureno."

"We shouldn't expect anything less from Honda. She's been with our family for over a year now and she was bound to find out many of our secrets. She's just one of the only ones actually trying to do anything about them." Hatori lamented.

Shigure chuckled. "Well said doc. Speaking of you, I was informed that you and Reign were seen close together at the gathering the other day. Care to explain?"

Reign eyed Shigure who smiled despite her glare. She sighed and looked at Hatori, his eyes were closed as he sipped his tea. She rolled her eyes and put her hands in her lap.

"We're together, happy?" she muttered.

Ayame gasped. "How long? Why didn't you two tell me?"

"The only people we told were my parents and then the night of the gathering we told his parents." Reign informed.

"Congratulations to the happy couple!" Ayame exclaimed. "I'll prepare something as a gift for you two!"

Reign smiled, pleased with his response. "Thank you Ayame."

"Is that why you were at Akito's residence that day?" asked Shigure.

Reign nodded. "I basically set both the family head and her head maid off all within five minutes. They aren't too happy with me at the moment I'd assume."

"How fitting, she isn't too happy with me either!" Shigure beamed.

Reign chuckled. "So you're not upset at the fact that I made your lover cry?"

"Oh no! I was happy to go and pick those pieces up." he said happily. "Thanks to you two, she has been wanting me more than Kureno lately."

"Is that a thanks?" Ayame asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Of course!"

Hatori scowled. "I don't want a congratulations because of that."

Shigure clicked his tongue. "Aww come on Hatori. Don't be a grouch. You're gonna make poor Reign run off."

"And he talks about my little moods. His are worse than mine." Reign teased.

"I know what you mean." Shigure whispered, loud enough to so Hatori could hear.

Ayame saw her Hatori's scowl had increasingly got worse and tried to ease the tension.

"Tori isn't too happy to be teased by you two right now." he said alarmed.

Reign laughed and held his hand, squeezing it. The moment she did so, the scowl left his face and a relaxed expression was displayed.

"Tis the power of a man whipped for the one he loves." Ayame commented with a smile.

Shigure agreed. "And now we're stuck with them."


"Hatori," Reign called. "Can you come down here, now?"

Hatori came down quickly, hair wet from a shower and nothing but pajama bottoms on. Reign got up from the couch and walked towards him, an anxious expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Kazuma said he hasn't seen Rin in days and Kagura said the same. Do you think Akito got hold of her?"

"If she did so where would she hold her?"

Reign thought it over and couldn't exactly piece it together. Where could one hide an outspoken teenager so that no one could find her? The estate was too big but too many people would also notice. It suddenly hit Reign, the only place one could hide, not be found, and have people avoid is where the car is confined.

"Hatori, she's where the car is confined! We have to get her! We have to get her out of there!" Reign cried.

Hatori lifted her chin and held her hand. "Calm down first. We'll get dressed and then go look for her."

Reign took a deep breath and let it out. "Sorry. I just want to find her quickly. I feel responsible for her."

"No need to be sorry. You'll search better with a clear head. As for the responsibility you feel, embrace it and learn from your mistakes." he soothed.

"Thank you. Now can we hurry and go to her?"

He kissed her forehead. "Yes, let's go."

The two got dressed quickly and tried to look as presentable as they usually would look. Hatori grabbed his doctors bag and they left her house. Reign tried to walk as calmly as she could but she felt bad for Rin. Akito always had it out for Rin and would treat her the worst.

When the two of them got there no one was surrounding it as usual. Reign opened the door and saw Rin laid out on the floor. She wasn't moving and that scared Reign. Reign dropped to the ground and made sure that Rin had a pulse. When she finally found it and realized she was breathing, she felt better but she still needed to get her out of there. Rin's pulse was weak and she looked like she hadn't eaten in days, let alone had some water.

"Hatori, call the hospital. Better yet just get the car so we can take her to the hospital." Reign ordered.

"Ok, I'll be right back." he called.

Reign pulled Rin into her arms and and held her like that of a baby. Reign felt tears well in her eyes as she looked at Rin; unmoving, barely breathing, her long hair cut short. Reign knew why Akito didn't like Rin but she never expected her to take such a petty reason out on innocent Rin.

Soon, Hatori came with the car and helped Reign get Rin into it. Reign sat in the backseat with Rin to protect her head as Hatori drove them to the hospital. As he drove, Reign called Haru, Kazuma, and the hospital to let them know they were bringing her to the hospital and that they had found her.

Many thoughts ran through Reign's mind as to how Rin's imprisonment happened and how she ended up tattered and such but she only wanted to hear the story from Rin herself. She would have to wait patiently for that day to come but she couldn't help but wonder if Hatori even knew a bit of what happened.

"Do you know what happened?" Reign asked, her voice shaky.

He shook his head no and turned into the hospital parking lot. "No one told me anything. One can only assume with Akito."

Reign felt irritation creep into her slowly but suppressed it so she didn't take it out on Hatori. No good would come from arguing with him over something he had no idea about. Hatori pulled into the area where the paramedics would drop off a person. Reign put Rin's head down carefully on seat and let the hospital staff take over as they walked into the hospital.

"Do you know what happened?" asked the nurse on standby.

"When I found her she had a weak pulse and she still isn't responsive." Reign told him.

"Ok, Dr. Soma," he said, looking back between her and Hatori. "Do you want to-"

"No!" Reign refused with aggression. "Please take her to another doctor."

He nodded and called upon some more nurses, leaving the two of them alone. Reign felt a tear roll down her cheek and she wiped it away instantly. She turned around and hugged Hatori tightly.

"Don't worry," he said softly as he hugged her back. "She'll be fine."

Reign sniffled and tried to restrain her tears. "I know but it doesn't mean it doesn't feel any better. When can we all finally be free of Akito?"

"That's a question none of us know the answer to."


Rin remained sleep for the next two days before waking up. Reign finally found out that Rin was in the Cats house because of Akito's mom Ren. Ren had Isuzu do a task to 'break' the curse that was futile. Akito found Rin and got upset, cut her hair, injured her, and locked her up. Reign was beyond upset but couldn't do anything about it except be there for Rin.

Reign stayed with Rin for an entire day after she woke up to cater to her before finally letting Kazuma take her home while Reign finally went home to Hatori. The two hadn't had a day to just themselves in three days because of everything Rin and Reign felt it was her fault for leaving him high and dry.

When she returned to her house he was in her office going through her charts. Reign wanted nothing more than to be in his arms but he looked so content just doing work that she found him cute and didn't want to disrupt him so she went upstairs, took a shower, got into a plain black kimono, and prepared a light snack for the two of them. The snack wasn't anything special but it was enough to be considered a nice gesture; milk bread with whipped cream and strawberries.

Reign entered the office with a knock on the door to let him know she was home and he turned around instantly. When he realized it was her, he smiled and tried to get up to greet her but Reign pushed him back down.

"I came home a little while ago but I don't think you heard so I took a shower and made you a snack." she informed him, setting the plate down on the desk.

Hatori let out a soft chuckle and pulled her into his lap to kiss her cheek. "Thank you. How have you been?"

"That should be my question to you but I've been fine. You?"

"Much better now that you're here. What's the occasion for the snack?"

Reign held the left side of his face with her hand and caressed it with her thumb. "Because you've been very patient with me and haven't asked much of me. I feel I owe it to you."

He smiled softly and gazed at her with soft eyes. "Why do you think you owe me anything?"

"Because I haven't been here with you and giving you my undivided attention for the past three days."

"You're unbelievable sometimes." he laughed. "This is just enough for me considering what all is going on."

Reign kissed him lightly on the lips and Hatori kissed her back with slight aggression. When the two pulled back, Reign wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him once more and played with his hair and stared into his eyes. Hatori used his right hand to wrap around her waist and didn't break eye contact with her. The two sat like that for a while, soundlessly staring at each other.

Reign couldn't hold it anymore and began to smirk which was turning into a laugh. Hatori followed her suit and his once intense gaze went into a slight smile on his face. Reign turned her head as she laughed and felt him laugh beneath her.

"I'm sorry." she apologized while laughing. "I'm sorry I broke our intimate moment."

He kissed her lips lightly before sitting back and staring at her. "These are the moments I cherish with you Reign. As long as we can have time like this every so often, I'm content."

"If you're so content then eat the milk bread sandwich I made for you after my shower." Reign said, picking the sandwich up.

Hatori laughed before taking a bite out of the sandwich. Reign watched him eat it and suddenly thought of an idea. Would it land her in trouble? Maybe. Did she care? No.

As Hatori went for another bite, Reign smashed the sandwich in his face and ran away from him laughing. As she watched his reaction, he didn't seem to find it so funny as was told in his body language as he got up and wiped the whipped cream off his face and took the bread and strawberries off of his pants.

"Dear," he said, anger rising in his voice. "Run."

She didn't hesitate when he told her to run. She ran into the one room in her house that Hatori had never entered and locked the door. Her heart was racing with excitement as she hid from him. She stayed in there until she didn't hear any movement around the house for a little ways past half an hour.

After waiting for a while, she finally came out and walked warily around the house to get something to drink. She must've let her guard down because right before she opened the fridge and walked past the island, Hatori came up behind her and snatched her up, carrying her over his shoulder. Reign screamed as he walked away from the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Where are we going?" she asked, excitement still lingering in her voice.


Reign's eyes widened. "Is this my punishment?"

"I think it's fitting, don't you? I've taken a shower and everything because of your lovely surprise." he spoke with a carefree attitude.

"Can I get water first?" she whined.

"Maybe after."

"Hatori!" Reign exclaimed.

He didn't say anything and entered her bedroom, putting her on the bed and taking his robe off.

"Now, let's not waste time shall we?"

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