Total drama all Stars

By karateunicornalc

3.7K 77 287

Is this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another seaso... More

Heroes VS Villains
Evil Dread
Saving private leech-ball
Food fright
Moon madness
No one egg-spects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punched
Zeek and Ye shall Find
Obsta-kill course
Sundae muddy Sundae
The bold and the booty-full
The final wreck-ening
ending one, Mike wins!
Ending two, Zoe wins
Ending three *Canonical ending* Alex wins
Author's note!

You regatta be kidding me!

219 3 16
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV

I was sitting in my bed, reading Coraline.

Gwen woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"I just dreamed I was riding a fluffy unicorn across clouds made of marshmallows!" she said blissfully.

"How many drugs did you take before bed?" I asked jokingly.

Courtney walked over and sat on her bed.

"Yeah, there's soft beds all right." she smiled.

"A couple days ago, I was ready to quit. Now that we're friends again, I never wanted to end!" Gwen smiled.

"I hope we make it to the finale together!" Courtney exclaimed.

"What about Scott?" Gwen asked in surprise.

"He's cool and all, but like you said, you gotta put friends first." Courtney smiled.

"Awwwww" Gwen awed.

"If I don't win the million bucks, I hope you do!" they synced.

"Aw, how cute. You two should date." I smirked.

"Speaking of dating" Courtney said "We saw you and Alex kissing last night."

"Spill." Gwen smirked.

I blushed lightly.

"We... are together." I admitted.

"Yessssssssss! My ship!" Gwen cheered.

"Good for you." Courtney smiled.

"Thanks." I said, without thinking.

Wait a second... am I... finding her tolerable?


"SPEAK UP!" Scott yelled through the wall.

"Leave them alone. They're having girl talk." Alex told him.

"Thanks babe!" I called.

"Attention campers! Please gather upfront! Right where Duncan's being all sweet!" Chris said over the intercom.

We all got dressed and ran out front, where Duncan was fixing Chef's jeep.

"Duncan! You fixed my jeep! You're a good kid!" Chef smiled, getting in his jeep and driving off.

Alejandro returned from Boney island.

"Wow! You survived a night on Boney Island without so much as a scratch? How'd you do it?" Cameron asked him in surprise.

"It is all about the attitude." Alejandro said arrogantly "Survival was easy. and I have a special way with animals."

Arrogant piece of shit.

Chris pulled out a megaphone and yelled in Alejandro's face.


Wow. Chris is useful sometimes. Never would have thought.

"I have an announcement!" Chris said "Today, the teams are being merged!"

Everyone gasped.

"That's right! From now on challenges are for individual winners only, and everyone is at risk of taking the not so royal flush!" Chris said. His phone rang. He read the caller ID "I have to take this. It's my stylist." He picked up the phone "Yeah, how come my socks don't match my shirt?" he yelled.

"Alliance 3.O?" I asked Alex.

"Third time's the charm!" he smiled.

Courtney and Gwen walked over.

"Hey, do you guys wanna team up?" gwen asked.

"Um..." Alex said, glancing at me.


Scarlett: Ok, it's a known fact that Courtney and I don't really get along. But... I should be able to deal with her long enough to get to the finale.


"Sure. Why not." I nodded.

Chris ended his phone call and walked back over.

"Guy thinks I'm colourblind. As if!" he scoffed.

"Anywho, today's challenge is a regatta around the island!" he explained.

"A re-what-a?" Duncan asked in confusion.

"it's a boat race." I explained.

"Then why didn't he just say that?" Duncan asked.

"Because he's under the illusion that he has any sort of sophistication." Alex explained.

"Shut up Alex." Chris said.

"No." Alex said.


Alex: Quoting Heathers, I'm never gonna shut up again.


"Back to the show." Chris said "First person to successfully circumnavigate around the island wins immunity and a night at the spa hotel. But don't worry. Chef will keep things interesting by providing some 'obstacles' for you."

A few people gasped and Chris laughed.

"Some of the boats are sea worthy. Some are sink-errific. And, they're all first come first serve starting... now!"

"Come on, let's go!" Courtney yelled to Gwen, Alex and I.

Duncan ran behind us.

"Hey. Can I be part of your alliance?" he asked.

"umm, why?" Gwen asked.

"I could use some allies and I can protect you from people like Mike." Duncan said.

"Like he's a threat." Courtney scoffed.

He beat up freaking Izzy. He is definitely a threat.

"I'm telling you, he's dangerous! I knew him back in juvie when his name was Mal!" Duncan argued.

Ok, that's just ridiculous.

Alex, Gwen, Courtney and I laughed.


Alex: He thinks Mike is a threat? That's like... a million on the lame scale! Poor Duncan. So sad. *Bursts out laughing again*


"Listen Dumb-can, we don't need you. Courtney can wrestle sharks, Gwen is strong enough to push several people through an obstacle course, Alex took down aa psycho killer, and I've been doing boxing since I was nine. I think we'll be fine without you. Now fuck off." i snapped.

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." he said, before leaving.

We got to the boats and jumped into a speedboat.

"Hold on." Alex said, before starting to drive.


"Courtney, Alex, Scarlett and Gwen have reached Coconut Alley!" Chris called as we got to a section.

"coco-what now?" I said in confusion, before a bunch of coconuts rained down on us.


Scarlett: Where did they get that many coconuts? We're in Muskoka!

Courtney yelling from outside: Thank you!


Courtney almost fell off the boat.

"Courtney!" Gwen exclaimed, grabbing into her and pulling her back onto the boat.

"Thanks, Gwen! I almost got my hair wet!" Courtney exclaimed.

When did she become Anne Maria?

"I'd be more worried about drowning, but hey. I'm funny like that." Alex muttered.

Gwen gasped "I would never let that happen. Your hair is fantastic!" she exclaimed.

"No your hair is. What's your secret?" Courtney asked.

"I double condition." Gwen responded with a smile.


Scarlett: These bitches are gay. Good for them.


Then some dynamite was dropped onto out boat.

It blew up our engine.

"FUCK!" Courtney and I cursed.

She started hitting the engine.

I stopped her.

"Stop. I'll fix this." I said, before starting to fix it.

Alejandro drove past.

"ladies." he said.

"hey!" Alex exclaimed.

Then Scott, Zoe, Duncan and Cameron went past. They had attached Fang to their boat and were using Scott like a carrot on a stick to make Fang drag them through the water.

That's surprisingly smart.

"This just in! Mike has the lead! And thanks to the Riff-rafter's new engine, guess who's in last?" Chris said.

"Last? Aw man!!" gwen sighed.

Alex grabbed some paddles. he handed one to her and kept one for himself. They started paddling, making the boat move slowly, but still move.


I fitted two wires together on the engine. It started.

"And we have an engine!" I said. the boat started driving through the water.

"Oh thank goodness!" Gwen smiled.

"Let's win this challenge!" Alex cheered, getting back in the driver's seat.


Alex: My girlfriend is a genius!

Scarlett: My boyfriend is adorable.


We kept driving, and soon passed Scott and Cameron, and Zoe and Mike. I don't know where Duncan is though, so don't ask.

We looked up at Alejandro just sitting there in his boat.

"What's Alejandro doing? His engine must've died!" gwen cheered.

"Guess he'll have to Ale-hand-Row-Row-Row his boat!" Courtney smirked, making us laugh.

A horn honked.

I looked behind us and saw Mike and Zoe.

"Hurry, they're gaining on us!" I yelled.

"Not on my yacht!" Courtney yelled.


Alex: Small speedboats like that are not yachts. That's all I came in here to say.


We were maybe a meter away from the finish line, but then Alejandro jumped onto the front of his boat, and literally won it by a nose.

"Ooh, and Alejandro wins it by a nose! Courtney, Scarlett, Alex and Gwen take second place! Not that it matters, Mike, and Zoey take third."

Cameron and Scott came over. Cameron was weakly paddling with his arm.

"And Cameron and Scott may have come in last, but they were definitely the funniest! 'A meal, not a snack!'" Chris said, before laughing hysterically.


Scott: Pht. It wasn't that funny Chris.


"Wait a minute, where's Duncan?" Chris asked.

There was an explosion.


Scarlett: *Holds up hands in the 'I surrender' way* I didn't do it!


"What the heck was that?" Zoe exclaimed.

Chris got some binoculars and looked through them.

"MY COTTAGE!" Chris yelled.

I took the binoculars from him and looked through them to see the rubble of a mansion.

"You call that a cottage?! It was a mansion!" I yelled.

I saw Duncan doing a stupid dance as he cheered.

"So many pictures! of me! Gone! All gone!" Chris said sadly.

"We'll build you another cottage." Chef said.

"It was not a cottage!!!!!" I exclaimed.

Chris got depression

"As winner of today's challenge, Alejandro gets immunity and a night at the spa hotel" he said sadly "...And, he can bring one person along with him..."

Everyone except me and Alex looked at him hopefully.

"As much as I would love to bring you all... I cannot play favorites and break all of your hearts." Alejandro said.

Wooooooow, never would have seen that coming.

"As for the rest of you, time to hit the voting booth..." Chris sighed sadly.

I saw Mike walk over to Alejandro.

"Hey, Alejandro! So, I was kinda wondering, since there aren't any teams anymore, um, maybe we could form an alliance, or something...? Uh, I mean, if you want..? Maybe..?" Mike said, before laughing awkwardly.

"Hmmm... Intriguing and unexpected... Just the way I like to play it. Deal." he shook Mike's hand.


Scarlett: Hmmm... since when would someone like Mike join an alliance with someone like Alejandro? Something doesn't add up...


We went to the ceremony.

"Good news... As a reward for making it to the merge, there will be no Boney Island for any of you tonight." Chris said, still depressed

We all cheered

"Do you know how many statues of me were lost in that explosion? Five!" Chris exclaimed.

"Can we just get on with this ceremony already?" Courtney said impatiently.

"Told ya! Told ya I was a villain!" Duncan gloated triumphantly.

"Before you vote for the first time as individuals, I have a special surprise for Boom-boom over here." Chris said, pointing at Duncan.

"Aww, Chris, you shouldn't have!" Duncan smirked.

Two police officers walked over to Duncan.

"You're under arrest for the destruction of a private cottage." One said.

"It was not a..." I started to say, before letting out a muffled scream.

"Babe, chill. they're just stupid." Alex said.

"Way to go, bad boy! I hope looking cool is worth getting locked up again!" gwen smirked.

"It is! I'm gonna rule Juvie!" Duncan cheered.

"Juvie? Um, you destroyed a MAJOR piece of property. It's a big boy jail for you, bro! And it's gonna be a real slammer!" Chris said.

The police started taking Duncan away.

"Wait, it was an accident! Come on guys, have a heart! I-I didn't know you weren't supposed to put a toaster in the microwave! Agh, snuggle-muffins!" Duncan yelled, both pissed and scared.

"Ah, justice! It's voting time!" Chris smiled.

I voted for Alejandro.

We went back out to where the ceremony.

"Well, I believe this is a first! The votes have been tallied, and it's unanimous! Tonight's Flush o' Shame recipient is..." Chris said, before flipping a photo around.


Wait, what? Did someone change the votes?

"WHAT?! How can it be unanimous? I didn't vote for myself!" Cameron exclaimed.

"I didn't vote for him either!" Zo exclaimed. Mike simply shrugged.

"I don't think any of us did. Well, except Scott." I said, pointing my thumb at Scott.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"What? How could I have done this?" he exclaimed.

"True true. you're far to stupid to do this..." I nodded.


Scott: yeah, I kinda set myself up for that one.


"Relax. Since Duncan the Destroyer is gone, Cameron gets yet another stay of the flush of shame. You're still in the game. For now." Chris said.

"Sweet!" Mike said.


Scarlett: Hmmm... that sounded forced...


Author's note

Arghhhhhh, this chapter is so short! Sorry!

Anyway, after I finish this book, unless TDI2023 comes out in Australia or I can find all the episodes on Youtube, I won't be writing my Gina fanfic.

So, I have some ideas for fanfics for after this,

1. Wednesday fanfic

2. TDI fanfic with Alex's brother

3. TD ranting book (Yes, it's what it sounds like)

4. Just another TDI fanfic with one of the many OCs I have in the back of my mind

5. Just a book of Scarlex

Tell me what you think!

-Chinchilla ✨

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