Weird Wooing

By FlowWrites

15 7 0

Sirius and Remus have been dating for a while and Sirius is worried about the condition of their relationship... More

Chapter 1: The (One-Sided) Conversation
Chapter 2: The Decision and The Plan
Chapter 4: Things Fall Apart With A Side Of Flirting
Chapter 5: Why Is No One Talking To Regulus?
Chapter 6: People Talk. . .Maybe Not To Everyone They Need To But They Do Talk
Chapter 7: Attempted Apologzing, Ignoring, and---OH Shit

Chapter 3: Admission

4 1 0
By FlowWrites

". . .and then Pandora said that it was a bird and we never saw Anunty Mad again. So you guys won't either. Unless Pandora did some weird dark magic so she literally can't come to our house anymore. Honestly, I think Pandora killed her for what she said to me." Evan said finishing up what he was talking about, Barty and Evan were just looking at Evan with expressions of confusion. "Yeah I know it was pretty crazy right?"

"Wait, so your parents are just fine with the whole James thing?" Regulus asks looking at his friend like he was ready to pick him up and take him away and hide him to keep him safe. Barty could relate when he heard the news. Unlike Regulus, his dad who cared about this stuff wasn't around enough to see him sleeping around with every gender and his mother didn't care she just wanted him to be happy but knew how his dad would react.

"Yep, honestly when Pandora started dating Xenophilius they are just happy that it is a pureblood so the line still looks good you know. Though she is still upset it wasn't a pure pure blood family like the Blacks." Evan says and Barty notices the significant glance he turned to Regulus who was either ignoring it or just not understanding it.

"What Barty you have never shown off someone like that," Regulus says while snorting but Barty didn't find that as funny.

"I think my father would flip if I showed him who has caught my eye," Barty replies not thinking about the words that were coming out of his mouth Evan and Regulus' eyes were on him, and looked as though they wanted to shake the information out of him.

"Are you, Barty Crouch Jr. saying that-" Regulus had started but Evan started talking after him. "-you have a crush on someone and you have not told us anything about them? Who are they? Do we know them?" Evan finished and Barty had no idea when Regulus Evan got so close to him during the questioning. Regulus was facing him on his right close to being in his face and Evan was too but on the left. Barty shoved them aside saying, "I am not saying okay it is just going to make it awkward for everyone!" Which was the exact wrong answer to give his friends apparently since it just egged them on more.

"Why is it one of us?" Regulus asked aloud and Barty did not intend to even entertain this anymore but Evan caught him in the chase before he could shut this down before it got out of hand like it was spiraling to now.

"No, because Barty would just admit that so he could move past it as he did with you in 4th year," Evan explained and Regulus nodded along Apparently this was making sense to him. Barty briefly thought that his friends knew his way too well or this would have blown over much more quickly.

"Then maybe it is James then? That would make things really weird for everyone." Regulus added on and Evan was already shaking his head.

"First of all, again Barty would just tell me that so again he can get over it. Second of all, James is in no way Barty's type." Evan argued back to Regulus who also agreed. Why do his friends have to be so damn smart right now? Barty thought to the universe at large for doing this to him.

"Your right so it has to be more personal than that."

"What could be more personal than one of us and in your case your partner?"

"Hm, someone else in the friend group?"

"Maybe. But again how would that be personal?"

"Your right, maybe. . .hm."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe it is one of our siblings? That would be extra personal and it would make sense that he wouldn't want to tell us." Regulus concluded and Evan was nodding vigorously oh great they are staring at him again like they need it to be confirmed or denied so they can have a proper reaction to the information. But apparently, his deadly silence about it was all they needed to draw their own conclusions. Which were sadly the correct ones.

"Oh, my Merlin! Barty you either like Pandora or Sirius!" Evan practically shouts and Barty is glad that no one gives a shit enough to try t overhear what they were saying in fear of arguing with the important pure-blood families which Barty was thankful for every day since he did not need his father to find out about any of this. Barty was so distracted with dread that his friends had to read him like a book that he didn't notice that Regulus was awfully quiet about the whole thing. "There is no way that it can be Pandora because again he would just say something so it has to be Sirius!" Evan concluded quickly and Regulus looked shocked at him. Barty groaned and Regulus laughed. Regulus has gotten the news that Barty has a crush on his older brother who is dating someone (that he also has a big crush on) and Regulus laughs at him. Little to say this is the last thing that Barty thought Regulus was going to do.

"That's it?" Regulus finally says wiping tears, yes tears from his face. "Anything else you got to admit now?"

"Well, I also have a big crush on Remus as well," Barty admits, and that gets Evan and Regulus laughing at him. This is awful. 

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