Little Lightwood

By CECE5050

63.1K 1.2K 320

Everyone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no on... More

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The Bracelet and The Black Veins
The Clashing Memories
Mourning Evangeline Lightwood
Eva Explores Paris
Happy Birthday Eva!
The Apartment-less Warlock
Alec Messes Up
The Ring Box
Special Signs, Zeke Russo and Alec's Big Night
Happy Halloween!
Who Is In Control?
Alicante has fallen
Edom has fallen
The Consequences
Goodbye Evangeline Lightwood

Bad Memories and Strange Ladies

454 15 4
By CECE5050

Eva followed Magnus out of the kitchen and towards the front door where Alec was standing opening the door and she saw her mother with a big grin on her face and a bottle in her hand and Eva paled looking at the bottle... she knew her mother was better but she was worried that if her mother drank grown up juice that she would get all angry like how she had one of the last times she had visited the family for a meal, Eva walked up behind her brother as she held her arms out "My boys!" Her mother says with a smile and she chuckles and gives Magnus a hug, shocking all three of them and then she hands the bottle of wine to Alec and then she gives him a hug as well, she looks down at Eva who she can see is looking very nervous and she sees that Eva is looking from her to the bottle of wine and she realises why Eva is afraid and it kills her but she is distracted before she can say anything "I'm far from being a boy, but I appreciate the sentiment." Magnus says still recovering from his shock of Maryse hugging him and Maryse puts a smile back on her face "My apologies. I should respect my elders." She says and Alec smiled at her happy to see his mother happy, he was completely oblivious to Eva's scared face behind him "Can I get you a drink?" Alec asks his mother as Magnus finally looks down at Eva and sees she looks worried so he picks her up and holds her close "you okay my dear?" He whispers into her ear and she nods her head and leans up to whisper back to him "Grown up juice makes mommy mad." She tells Magnus who now nods understanding exactly why she is worried. "How about a round of Magnus' famous cocktails?" Maryse says as she goes to the living room and Bob watches as she walks into the room before he turns to Alec and Magnus "This is your mother on edge?" Magnus says as he takes the wine from Alec and follows Maryse into the living room and he makes sure to still keep a secure hold on Eva whilst Bob stays with Alec who picks him up "what's wrong with my sister Bob?" He asks and the elephant looks at him "I think she's nervous about Maryse having alcohol due to how she's behaved in the past." The elephant says and Alec sighs and nods remembering exactly how alcohol would effect their mother if she consumed too much of it.

Maryse was sitting against the wall on the floor with her hands over her ears and a bottle of some kind of alcohol by her side and a baby was wailing loudly and she was losing her patience quickly and a teen boy with raven hair came running into the room it was Alec "what did you do to her?" He asks picking up the screaming baby and bouncing her whilst shushing her gently "damn thing wouldn't stop crying, it's all she does!! Scream and cry for all this attention and it's ridiculous!!" A drunken Maryse shouts at him and she tries to use the wall to get up but she's leaning and stumbling and she also picks up the bottle as she stands taking another drink and baby Eva keeps crying and Maryse reaches breaking point "OH SHUT UP!!" She screams and that upsets the baby worse and Alec holds her close and shushes her "Don't talk to her like that! She's your daughter! it's okay Eva... it's all okay shhh." He says appalled and Maryse has her free hand in her hair pulling on the hair at the roots making her groan in anger "she's not anything more than a mistake!" She shouts and Alec decides that he is not standing around listening to that whilst his sister is distressed and crying her heart out so he leaves the room "and where do you think your going?!" Maryse shouts after him trying to follow but she doesn't get very far stumbling over her feet and he turns to face her when he's in the hallway "I'm going anywhere away from you! You should be ashamed of yourself... call yourself a mother..." he says and he walks away as Maryse keeps screaming at him but he doesn't look back or say anything else he just goes to a quieter room to look after his sister and to feed her and make sure that she was alright.

He follows after the others to sit at the table with Eva and Magnus whilst Maryse sits across from them but before Alec says anything he picks up Eva and holds her close kissing her head "it's okay, nothing will happen." Alec says and Magnus leans over to check on Eva as well and Maryse takes a second to watch them, she gets a sad look on her face as she realises they look like a happier family than their own family had ever been and it made her regretful of everything she had ever done. She watched her son and daughter sitting together looking more like a father and daughter than siblings, the three of them sitting across from her looked like a little picture perfect family and it stung a lot, she knew that she would never have a strong connection with her daughter, it was her own fault for that but she was grateful that Alec had stepped up to raise Eva along with Izzy and Jace, she just regretted how she had been in the past, she didn't know that maybe if she'd gotten help maybe things could've been different but it was too late now... "it's okay my dear." Magnus whispers and she nods her head and Alec kisses her head again and rubs her back as Bob tries to cheer her up, Alec sits her back in her seat and gives her Bob to hug as he goes into the kitchen to serve the food "you like getting hugs from Alexander?" Magnus asks her with a smile on his face and she nods her head "I love getting cuddles from my Alec, I love my Alec." She says and Magnus chuckled at her "you so cute, he loves you too." Magnus says and Eva smiled and looked at Bob with a grin, Magnus makes cocktails for the adults but gives Eva a mock tail and puts a sparkler in the glass which makes Eva squeal happily "look my drink sparkles!!" She says happily as Alec carries the plates through with the stew on it and Bob and Eva sit happily waiting for it as they look at Eva's sparkly drink, Alec puts Eva's plate down in front of her before booping her nose with his pointer finger "it's hot princess be careful." He says and she laughs at having her nose booped and Alec sits down beside her and watches her eating to make sure she doesn't make a mess. After they were done eating Magnus and Maryse are talking but Eva is zoning out a little bit, she feels pain in her chest again not as bad as before but it hurts a bit, she focuses back on the conversation when she hears her mother and Magnus start laughing and she looks at her brother to see that Alec looks surprised with how well the dinner is going "I'm serious. Truman Capote was a total closet warlock, and he never knew when to leave." Magnus says before he begins imitanting the man called Truman "I'd like to stay here the entire night drinking cognac and regaling you all with all my stories." He says making Maryse laugh again "Well, you do know how to host." She says and Magnus brushes it off "Oh, please. Tonight was all Alec." He says and Maryse looks shocked as she looks over at her son "Really? That stew was incredible. Who knew you could cook?" She says and Magnus and Eva both look over at each other knowing that they were about to get found out "Oh I've made that for you before." Alec says and Maryse smiles and nods her head turning to Magnus "Oh, how could I forget? Alec and Isabelle made this for me when they were little kids. To see the looks on their faces when they brought it to me. It still warms my heart. But that stew, I still have nightmares." Maryse says holding a hand to her heart as she speaks at the end and Alec looks confused "I thought you loved that stew." He says and she nods her head happily "Oh, I do now. Whatever you've done to the recipe, it's unrecognizable." She says and Alec looks at Magnus who looks at the table before he turns to Eva who 'drinks' and 'sips' from an empty glass whilst looking away "Would anyone care for a digestif?" Magnus asks and Maryse shakes her head "No, thank you. I'm probably embarrassing Alec as it is." She says and Magnus smiles "Oh, we're just happy to see you in such good spirits." He says and Alec nods and leans forward looking at his mother "We thought you might be upset, what with the divorce and everything." Alec says and Eva still doesn't know what the word means but she has a feeling that now isn't the time to ask "I've made my peace with that. But your instincts are right. I do have some unpleasant news. I wanted Isabelle and Jace to be here, but you need to know. In light of Malachi's coup, the Clave has reopened its investigation of former Circle members." She says and Alec and Eva both look worried now "You had nothing to do with Malachi." Alec says and Maryse nods "Still. Based on a review of my actions in the Circle, the Clave has reclassified me a traitor." Maryse says and Eva gasps in shock as Alec pales "What?" Eva says and Maryse takes a deep breath before she explains what's going to happen "They're stripping me of my runes. In a few days, it'll be announced that I have been exiled from Alicante." She says and Eva looks at Bob worried as Alec shakes his head furious that his mother is being treated like this "This is completely unjust. You've given your life to the Clave..." Alec says and Magnus feels Maryse and Alec need to discuss this in private so he decides to make up an excuse to leave the table "I'll go check on the desserts." He says and gets up and leaves the table as Eva leans over to Alec who pulls her into his lap and rubs her back as she sits on his lap whilst holding Bob tightly in her arms "This is a total hypocrisy. What about the Pangborns, the Blackwells? Do they keep their positions? What about Dad?" Alec asks furious and Maryse sighs "He was assigned to the LA Institute as part of a deal." She says and Alec holds his hand up "That is exactly my point. He gets a slap on the wrist, not exiled!" He says annoyed and Eva's chest is getting worse and she whimpers a bit and tries to rub her chest which Alec sees "does it hurt again?" He asks and Eva nods her head and he sighs and kisses her forehead as she whimpers "Please, don't make this harder than it already is." Maryse says to her son and he sighs so Maryse stands up from her chair across Alec and moves so she can sit down next to him "My punishment is more severe because my crimes were, too. Back in the days of the Circle, I was convinced Valentine had all the answers. I recruited many good people, including your father. And together with Valentine, I orchestrated all the bloody details of the Uprising." She admits and Alec takes a minute to let that information settle but he doesn't stop rubbing Eva's back in circles "But you got out." Alec says looking up at his mother and she sighs "Only after I knew we were doomed. Once I saw Valentine for who he really was, I couldn't believe what I had done. I vowed to devote the rest of my life to the Clave. But the charges against me are just." She says rubbing her hands on her legs and Eva doesn't know what to say or if she should say anything at all so she decides it's better just to stay silent "That's very noble of you, Mom. But if you're not going to fight this thing, I will. Even if that means stepping down from the Institute." Alec says and Eva looks up at her brother in shock and apparently so does Maryse "No. Seeing what you have accomplished as Head of the Institute, nothing has made me prouder. The Clave has always had its faults. My generation nearly destroyed everything in our passion to fix it. Yours will have to be wiser... your sister is already doing what we should've been doing from the start, trying to forge a better relationship with the down world and the shadow hunters, giving them an equal opportunity and a voice." Maryse says and Magnus comes back into the room at that moment and sees Eva rubbing her chest and he goes and picks her up from Alec "come my dear let's get you something for that pain, I brewed a potion that I think will help." He says carrying her out the room with Bob still in Eva's arms and Alec watches them walk out before he looks back at his mother "I have something to ask you about actually... about Eva, but I need you and dads consent." He says and Maryse looks at him confused.

In the other room Magnus has sat Eva down on the counter he had and gives her the potion he brewed, she drinks it and she instantly takes a breath of relief as the potion instantly starts to work and make her feel better "now hopefully if you take these for a week you'll feel much better in no time and you can say bye bye to those horrible chest pains." Magnus says pointing to the other potions he has lined up and she nods her head at him and smiles "thank you sparkles." She says smiling up at the warlock and he picks her up and lifts Bob up for her and he gives her a kiss on the forehead before he carries back out to the table to see Maryse hugging Alec tightly with tears running down her face and Alec has the same, "Alec? Mommy? Why are you crying?" Eva asks and they instantly wipe their tears before they look over at her and Alec takes her from Magnus "it's okay princess, they're happy tears I promise." He tells her and she nods her head and nuzzles her head into Alec's neck and Magnus observes how Maryse looks at the two of them and it seems like she looks devastated as if she's just lost someone but at the same time she looks grateful and Magnus is confused and he will definitely be asking Alec about it later but for now he just smiled at his boyfriend and Eva and they all walk Maryse to the door "Thank you, again. Tonight couldn't have been nicer." Maryse says as she turns to face them once more and smiles over at Magnus "You're welcome anytime." Magnus says and then she nods and turns to Alec again "And, um, I'd appreciate it if you could keep our conversation between us. I'd like to tell Isabelle and Jace myself." Maryse says and Alec nods his head "Of course." Alec says and she hugs him and Eva who is in his arms "I suppose we'll be seeing more of you." Magnus says and Maryse turns to look at him after pulling back from her children "I'd like that... I may have had my prejudices in the past. But seeing you stand by Alec, it's what every mother wants for her children. Thank you for loving my boy and for looking after my girl... I know that I haven't been a good mother at all especially not to Evangeline but seeing how many people care for her... I will live the rest of my life in guilt and regret and shame for what I've done but I know it won't make up for what I've done but I can still try to give her a better future... but I want to thank you for loving my children." She says to Magnus before she hugs him and it makes Alec smile and before Maryse can leave Eva looks over at her "Mommy?" She calls out to her and Magnus sees it looks like hearing Eva call her that pains her "yes baby?" She asks and Eva smiles "I love you." She says and Maryse let's tears fall again as she looks at Eva, "I love you too my sweet girl." Maryse says giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving and Magnus can't help but think somethings going on here and Bob thinks the exact same thing, "bed time princess." Alec says smiling at her as she nods and cuddles closer to him and he carries her off to get into pyjamas and she looks through all her pyjamas but she doesn't want to wear a onesie tonight so she tugs on Alec's shirt "you want my shirt?" He asks her confused and she nods her head and he smiled "well I'll get you a different one because I'm wearing this one silly bean." He says and goes to get one of his shirts "do you want some fabric shorts to wear?" He asks and she shakes her head and he nods "well I guess this'll be long enough anyway." He says and he's right, his shirt goes down to her mid calf and it makes him smile, "okay into bed princess, sleepy time." He says and lays her into the bed and he fixes up the covers and moves Bob to beside her and then kisses her forehead and brushes her hair out her face with his fingers "goodnight Eva I love you to the angels and back." He says and she smiles up at him "I love you too Alec to the angels and beyond." She says and and it makes him smile and he walks to the door turning the light off but leaving on the little nightlight that Magnus had bought for her to have.

The next day they return to the institute to see one of the victims of 'the owl' a figure that has started showing up around the city and started to corrupt mundanes into killing their family members and so they approach the girl who's name is Morgan and see her clawing at her cell door and Alec is watching her from behind the glass with Eva "Sarah. I need to get to Sarah." She says in a deep voice and Alec sighs and speaks up "Whatever dark force you are, we will release you to your realm unharmed. Just tell us who helped possess this mundane." He says and the girl gets angrier "Take me to Sarah!" She says and Alec tries to ask her a different question "Who is the Owl demon?" He asks but that doesn't do anything other than make Morgan jump up against the glass, screaming "Sarah!" Now in a deep demonic voice and it scares Eva a lot "that's scary." She says to Bob who nods his head in agreement "oh definitely." He says and Eva nods her head in agreement, they hear the lift and turn to see that Izzy enters the basement "Any luck?" She asks and Alec shakes his head "There's no breaking through. What do you got?" He says and Izzy looks at Morgan in the cell before she looks back at her brother "Sarah's her twin sister. They share an apartment in Queens. If the Owl's MO is consistent with his previous victims, Morgan is being driven to kill someone she loves." Izzy says and Eva is confused "why would you need to kill someone you loved? It doesn't make sense." Eva asks Bob who shrugs "It's the 11th mundane this week who's become possessed." Alec says and Izzy sighs in frustration "The Owl is busy and unique. In a typical possession, the body cells wouldn't be affected." She tells her brother who looks interested "But Morgan's are?" He asks and Izzy nods her head "Her cells are no longer mundane. They're demonic." She says and Alec nods his head "So there's no way we can save her?" he says and Izzy stays silent because she isn't actually sure what they can do for the mundane... it gets to a little bit later on and Jace comes to find Eva training with her smaller seraph blade in the training room "hey I'm gonna head down to the water front wanna join me?" He asks her and she nods her head and puts her seraph blade away and runs to take Jace's hand, her angelic rune showing and Jace smiles and they head off. Jace is looking out over the water whilst Eva is up the path a little doing cartwheels and laughing as Bob watches, there were no mundanes around so they didn't have to worry about anyone seeing a moving toy elephant then before anything else Jace angrily rips his chain with his family ring off his neck and instead of throwing it into the water he decides to put it in his pocket. Then he hears a voice behind him and he turns around "You were supposed to take care of the girl. Why isn't it done?" He hears and he is confused when he turns to face her "Sorry, what girl? Who are you?" He says and that's when Eva looks over "Jace?" She calls over and the woman looks over at Eva and she has some kind of look of obsession or want on her face and it worries Bob "it's okay kiddo keep playing." Jace calls back to her and she keeps playing and as soon as Jace turns back "Sleep." Is all he hears and it causes him to close his eyes, and he tilts his head forward but when he tilts it back and opens his eyes he's in a trance of some sort but at the same moment a pain shoots through Eva's chest quite strongly, stronger than ever before "I told you to take care of the mundane captured by the Shadowhunters. What broke you free of my order?" She asks him but keeps an eye on the perfect little Angel playing around doing gymnastics on the sidewalk just down from them, Eva doesn't think anything is wrong so she carries on with what she's doing before she looks out to the water for a calm moment "Clary. You may be strong, but my love for her is stronger." Jace answers the woman and she becomes angry with that answer "So she's the reason I can only control you when you sleep. I knew Clarissa was dear to you. Why do you think I've been torturing you with dreams of you and Jonathan killing her? But I clearly underestimated the power of your love. Where is she?" The woman asks Jace and he doesn't answer straight but then he does "On assignment." He says and the woman nods "Good. Your love for me will be stronger. Complete your mission and I'll take care of Clary but first I want to meet this sweet little girl who somehow is deflecting my powers." She says with a smile but you could hear the frusration in her voice and she passes Jace and crouches in front of Eva "hello there darling... how are you doing, are you alright?" She asks Eva who nods her head with a smile "yes I'm fine... who are you? And how do you know my brother?" She asks the woman who smiles at her "my name is... lily but I know all about you sweet girl... the chosen one... special little girl who everyone adores... the perfect sister..." she says trialling off as she look at Eva and she reaches out to touch Eva's face making her feel a little uncomfortable "you deserve a family who will always love you... you don't deserve a family that hates you and wishes that you didn't exist but fear not... everything will work out in the end... it always does." T
'Lily' says as she starts walking away and Eva is confused so she looks to Jace who is rubbing his eyes then she looks back where the woman walked off only to see no one there at all... the woman had disappeared... Jace told Eva that no one was there and that she must've imagined it all and Bob was backing up Eva but once again no one believes a child over an adult.

The next day Eva decides to go with with Clary who is going to ask Luke for some help with something, they are walking down the street and Clary is on the phone to Izzy whilst walking "Going undercover?... Izzy, is there something going on?... Tell me everything." Clary says and Eva is confused "is Izzy okay?" She asks and Clary nods at her, Bob is in her bag because they didn't know who would be around so they decided that he's better situated in the bag just in case they have any run ins with mundanes, "Well, then why go out with him at all?... Izzy, you've been working nonstop. You can take a couple hours and enjoy yourself. It'd be good for you." Clary says before finishing up her call and turning her attention to the curious toddler "your sister has a date with a mundane and she needed some mundane clothing and so she is borrowing mine because my clothes are a lot more mundane than hers are." Clary explains and Eva nods "Alec and Jace will go nuts if they find out she's going on a date you do realise..." Eva says and trailing off and Clary stops walking for a second thinking about that before she shakes her head and continues to walk "they won't find out." Clary says and Eva makes an uncertain sound "I'm not so sure about that... they find out everything." Eva says as they approach the station and begin to find Luke which they do and then after that he is showing Clary a board with pictures of all the Owl's victims and Eva feels sad as she looks at how many people have died because of this and it made it worse that they innocent mundanes who are supposed to be protected by shadow hunters "Are these the victims of the Owl?" Clary asks and Luke nods his head "Yeah. Twenty-six victims in total throughout the tristate area. Law enforcement thinks it's some deranged cult, brainwashing their members to kill their loved ones. What's up?" He says before he moves away from the board and back over to the chair in his office and sits down before looking up at Clary "I need to talk to your sister." Clary says getting straight to point and Luke looks confused but Eva just kept exploring the police office "Cleophas?" Luke asks and Clary nods and comes closer and lowers her voice "I need an Iron Sister. And for what I have to do, I can't go to the Citadel." She says and Luke gets worried for them quickly "What's this all about? Kiddo, it's me. You can talk to me about anything." Luke says and Clary looks conflicted for a moment before she looks at Eva and then back at Luke "Um..." She mumbles and leans back against the desk "Back at Lake Lyn, when Eva, Jace and I were battling Valentine, Jace wasn't just injured." She says taking a pause and Eva wanders over already knowing how this story ends "He was killed." She says and Luke's eyes go wide "What?" He says in shock and Clary nods "and then Eva got involved and tried to help but she also got killed and I was holding him, Jace... dead in my arms, and... Raziel was right in front of me. I did the only thing I could." Clary says and Luke pales at Clary's confession "You had Raziel bring him back?" He asks her quietly knowing that if anyone found out Clary would be in for trouble with the Clave "I had no choice. Luke, I've been lying. I've been lying to Alec, to Izzy, to everyone. It's eating me up inside. It's not who I am." She says struggling to hold back tears and Luke tries to comfort her "It's okay." Luke says and Clary shakes her at "No, it's not. Because ever since Jace has been brought back to life, he hasn't been himself. There is something... seriously wrong with him." Clary admits and Luke nods his head seeing what she's planning "And that's why you need Cleophas." Luke says and Eva looks up at Clary "She can communicate with the angels, right?" Clary asks Luke who nods "She can ask Ithuriel for help... hey Eva wanna go on an adventure with me and Luke ?" Clary says and Eva shrugs and nods her head "sure I don't have anything else to do today." The young girl says as she smiles up to the red head and the alpha wolf.

5116 words

Hello there everyone! It's me! How are you all doing today! Here is todays chapter and there is quite a lot in it, we see another glimpse of the past in the Lightwood family. We get some more wholesome Alec and Eva moments and even some Eva and Magnus moments too! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because I quite liked writing it.

Please leave a comment about anything you like! Good or Bad! I always like or answer questions as long as they don't ruin or spoil the plot! I also quite like to see what aspects of this story interest people and what ones don't.

Other than that I hope that you all have a good day and I will speak to you all later!

-C. R. Barnes

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