The Kiss Game (A TinaXZeke St...

By BunnyStyle29

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Tina only has two weeks left at Wagstaff and wants to leave an impression. But then Jimmy Jr and Lenny DeStef... More

Author's Note
Good Impressions and Silly Bets
A Walk on the Beach
Vampire Disco Death Dance


153 1 0
By BunnyStyle29



Tina groaned and buried herself further under her blankets. She planned on staying in bed for the rest of the day. Maybe forever.

Last night after she'd run out of the theater, she'd gone to the shop next door to use the phone. She'd called her dad and had him pick her up. The whole way home he'd tried to reason that maybe she should've let Zeke explain himself. She'd been too busy crying to listen though.

Now that it was morning she realized it was possible her dad was right, maybe she should've given Zeke a chance to explain.

Tina jerked when a loud tapping sound came from her window. She fumbled her way out of the covers and  hurried over to the window, sliding it open. Standing on the street below was a very out of breath Jimmy Jr.
"Jimmy Jr. what are you doing here?
"I need to talk to you. Come outside."
Tina groaned. "Ok, hang on."
She closed the window and moved to her dresser, grabbing a t-shirt and leggings, and pulled them on quickly.

As she made her way quietly through the apartment, she realized everyone was downstairs working. She felt a wave of guilt, but pushed it down as she crept quietly down the stairs. She opened the door and quickly hurried around the corner and behind the building where Jimmy Jr. was waiting.
"What are you doing here?"
She eyed him warily, waiting for a response, arms crossed defensively.
Jimmy Jr. shifted uncomfortably.
"It wasn't Zeke. It was Tammy and Jocelyn. They told me we were all supposed to meet at the movies. I swear I didn't know what they were planning." He looked at her pleadingly.
Tina sighed and uncrossed her arms, shoulders slumping.
"I believe you."
It was just like Tammy to pull something like that, and for poor sweet, simple Jocelyn and Jimmy Jr. to fall for it.

Jimmy Jr. nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Will you please talk to Zeke? I've never seen him like this. He really likes you Tina."
He handed her the paper and she took it, unfolding it and reading it carefully.

       Please let me explain.
     Meet me at Wonder Wharf.
    I'll be there until sunset.

Tina folded the paper and slipped it in her pocket before looking back at Jimmy Jr.
"Tell my parents I had to do something." He nodded and she hurried around the corner to the front of the building, walking briskly down the sidewalk.

It didn't take Tina long to get to Wonder Wharf. She wandered around scanning the crowd, wondering where Zeke would be. As she neared the carousel, she saw him leaning against the railing, staring out at the water.
She walked over nervously and stood next to him. "Hey Zeke."
He looked up at her, slightly surprised. "You're here."
She nodded, not meeting his eyes.
"Tina, I'm so sorry. I had no idea Tammy, Jocelyn, and Jimmy Jr. were gonna be there, I swear. You gotta belie-"
He paused, looking at her.
She shook her head. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Doesn't change the fact that I am."
Tina smiled at him. "I know. You're a good person. I'm sorry it took me so long to see that. Maybe that's why I overreacted. I haven't exactly been nice to you, so part of me couldn't figure out why you'd like me in the first place."
Zeke chuckled, shaking his head. "Tina, I like you because you're amazing. You go all out for the people you love. You always try to do the right thing when it's really important, even if it's hard. You don't back down when you really want something. You've got the biggest heart out of anyone I know."
He looked at her and blushed slightly. "And you're pretty too."

Tina stared at him, eyes wide, speechless. Zeke smiled at her nervously and she smiled back.
He reached out and gently took her hand. "So how about we try this date thing again? If you don't mind hanging around Wonder Wharf?"
Tina looked down at the oversized blue horse T-shirt and black leggings she was wearing.
"I'm not really dressed for a date." She giggled.
Zeke eyed her up and down, grinning at her. "You look fine to me."
She smiled back and squeezed his hand. "Well then, it's a date."

They spent the next few hours wandering around the Wharf, eating ice cream, talking, and riding a few rides. Zeke had even managed to win her a small stuffed horse. Tina hugged it to her chest tightly as they sat down on a bench overlooking the bay.
"I'm really glad you came, Tina. I wasn't sure if you would."
Tina nodded and looked at her shoes. "I'm sorry I ran out on you. I should've let you explain."
Zeke leaned against her and covered her hand with his. "You don't have to be sorry either. If anyone should be sorry, it's Tammy. That girl's more trouble than a fox in a henhouse."
They both laughed and Tina turned her hand over to intertwine their fingers.

They were both quiet for a few minutes, before Zeke glanced at her. "Are you busy tomorrow?"
Tina shook her head. "No, it's my day off." She shoved down a brief twinge of guilt, remembering she didn't work today.
"You remember that farmer with the two-butted goat?"
Tina nodded, smiling fondly. "Yes."
"Meet me there tomorrow around noon."
Tina looked at him curiously.
Zeke smiled at her. "It's a surprise. I had a back up plan, in case today didn't go well."
Tina raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth, but Zeke shook his head. "Uh-uh, I ain't telling."
Tina narrowed her eyes playfully, then shrugged. "Ok."
Zeke smiled and leaned back against the bench, arms resting on the back.
Feeling a rare moment of confidence, Tina slid closer and leaned against Zeke's side.
She heard him breathe in sharply, then felt his arm wrap around her shoulder cautiously.
She smiled to herself and snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of Zeke's strong hand gently rubbing her shoulder.

"Awww, barf!"
Tina and Zeke whipped their heads around to see Tammy and Jocelyn staring at them, a disgusted look on Tammy's face.
Tina felt her entire body heat up as she glared at Tammy. "Go away Tammy."
"It's a public place Tina, I don't have to. "
"Yeah, she doesn't have too." Jocelyn echoed.

Tina rolled her eyes.
"Don't you have anything better to do than make my life miserable?"
Tammy laughed obnoxiously. "Hmmm, nope."
"Tammy, get a life girl. This is just getting sad." Zeke shook his head.
Tammy narrowed her eyes at him before looking back to Tina.
"So Tina, couldn't keep Jimmy Jr. interested, so you had to settle for Zeke?"
Tina growled, leaping up from the bench, and stepped towards Tammy. "Shut up Tammy!"
"Oooh I think I hit a nerve."
Tina clenched her hands into fists and took another step towards the blonde girl.
She felt Zeke's hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "Whoa girl, she's not worth it."
Tina took a deep breath, unclenching her hands.
"You're right, Zeke. Besides, she's probably just jealous."
Tina smirked as Tammy's face turned pink.
"What's wrong Tammy, did I hit a nerve?"
Tammy made a strangled screeching sound and stomped away, Jocelyn trailing along behind her.

Tina shook her head, staring after her. "Why does she always pick on me?"
Zeke grabbed her hand and rubbed the back of it softly with his thumb. "Who knows T-Bird. She's an unhappy girl. Maybe she really is jealous of you."
Tina smiled at him softly. "Maybe."
She reached over the back of the bench and grabbed her horse, before following Zeke towards the carousel.
She smiled at him, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged at her and led her forward. "It's not a date without a ride on the carousel."
She grinned at him and stepped onto the carousel, searching for her favorite horse, Zeke following behind her.


Zeke smiled to himself as he followed Tina to her favorite horse. He watched slightly puzzled, as she patted it and moved past it. She stopped next to a spotted gray one that was slightly bigger than the other horses. It was added a few years ago and was popular with couples.
He watched her climb up onto it, turning to look at him with a mischievous smile. She patted the spot behind her and he nodded, smiling back at her. He climbed up behind her and reached around her to grip the pole, placing his hands over hers.
As the carousel started, Zeke felt Tina lean back against his chest.
Zeke felt his heart rate speed up and hoped she couldn't hear it.
As the music started and the lights twinkled, Tina tilted her head back against his shoulder to look at him, her face lit up in a smile. His breath hitched and he froze, completely lost in her big brown eyes that were reflecting the carousel lights. His heart thundered against his ribcage as they went slowly around in circles, neither of them daring to look away.

All too soon the carousel slowed to a stop, breaking them from their reverie.
Zeke slid off slowly and held his hands out to help Tina down, his hands lingering on her waist momentarily before dropping them to his sides. Behave yourself Zeke.

He gave himself a mental shake and held his hand out to her politely. She laced their fingers together and they stepped down from the carousel and walked over to lean against the railing. Tina squeezed his hand softly.
"I don't want today to end."
Zeke turned to look at her.
"Me neither."
She smiled at him, then sighed.
"I should probably get home though. I kinda left Jimmy Jr. to tell my parents where I went."
Zeke chuckled, shaking his head. "Let's get you home then. I don't want you to get in trouble."

They walked back to the restaurant hand in hand, in comfortable silence. As soon as they were in front of Mort's, Tina stopped and leaned towards him, kissing him softly on the cheek. She pulled away, blushing and hurried to the restaurant, waving over her shoulder. "Bye Zeke."
He waved back, speechless, before crossing the street and heading home, grinning the whole way.


Later that evening Tina sat at her desk, just finishing up her journal entry for the day. She'd helped close up the restaurant, her way of apologizing for disappearing earlier. Not that her parents were actually mad, but she'd felt bad anyway.

She closed her notebook and pulled Zeke's note out of her pocket, smoothing it out. As she reread it, she got a nagging feeling in the back of her mind. She traced the letters slowly, her brain trying to make a connection. Narrowing her eyes in concentration, she got up and dug through her sock drawer. Her fingers closed around the small blue box and she sat it on the dresser, removing the lid. She grabbed the folded piece of paper and took it back to her desk, unfolding it and placing it next to Zeke's note.
Her eyes widened and she dropped into her desk chair. The handwriting was an exact match.
She thought back over the last week carefully. She felt her face heat up as she thought about every time Zeke had looked at her, his eyes had paused on her necklace, and a small smile had flitted across his face.
I'm so stupid. She groaned and buried her face in her hands.
How had she missed what a caring, thoughtful person Zeke was. You didn't miss it, you ignored it. For a pretty face and cute butt.

She shook her head slowly, annoyed at herself. She looked back at the notes, reading them again. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she thought about Zeke.
His beautiful green eyes and curly brown hair. His strong hands, that were gentle when he touched her. His sturdy build behind her on the carousel, making her feel almost dainty.
The smell of his shampoo, an undefined scent, that was uniquely his.
She got up from her chair dreamily and sat on her bed, pulling the stuffed horse he'd won against her chest.
She flopped back on her bed, still thinking about Zeke. She wondered what he had planned for tomorrow. She closed her eyes as her imagination ran wild. 
She fell asleep dreaming of Zeke, the two of them riding off into the sunset on a spotted gray horse.


Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update. I've been a little unmotivated lately. This is going to end up being a little shorter than I had originally planned, but I also don't want to drag it out. Also I plan on a sequel so this won't need to be so long. Peace ✌️

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