Talk to Me, Princess | Marich...

By hayleyfaithxox

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Marinette was always the best at overthinking, and the worst at calming herself down. When things become over... More

Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two - Just a Phone Call, Right?
Chapter Three - We Could Be So Much More
Chapter Four - Spontaneous
Chapter Five - My Feeble Mind
Chapter Six - Croissant, Anyone?
Chapter Seven - Thank you, George A. Romero
Chapter Eight - Times like These
Chapter Nine - You Should Really Learn to Knock
Chapter Ten - The Best Dog Washing Team to Ever Exist
Chapter Eleven - I Don't Want to Hold You Back, I Want to Hold Your Hand
Chapter Twelve - Who Even Likes Twitter Anyways?
Chapter Thirteen - Ladybug's Wrath
Chapter Fourteen - Don't Blame Me
Chapter Fifteen - Face My Fears
Chapter Sixteen - Food is My Love Language
Chapter Seventeen - Stepping Into Dangerous Territory
Chapter Eighteen - Things We Shouldn't Do but We Did Anyways
Chapter Nineteen - Two Halves of the Same Heart
Chapter Twenty - Terms and Conditions
Chapter Twenty One - Difficult Conversations
Chapter Twenty Two - You're So Pretty It Hurts | Chat Noir's POV
Chapter Twenty Three - This Is What Im Living For
Chapter Twenty Four - I Dont Wanna Miss When You Cry
Chapter Twenty Five - All The Pieces Crumbling Apart
Chapter Twenty Six - Nightmares no Longer Wait for Sleep
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Roots of My Heart
Chapter Twenty Eight - To Believe Its All Been Worth The Fight
Chapter Thirty - In The Eye of the Hurricane
Chapter Thirty One - The Most Unlikely of Allies
Chapter Thirty Two - Just Breathe
Chapter Thirty Three - It Just Won't Stop
Chapter Thirty Four - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter Thirty Five - Winner Takes It All: Part One | Viperion's POV
Chapter Thirty Six - Winner Takes It All: Part Two
Chapter Thirty Seven - The Consequences of My Poor Choices
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Way I Am Without You Now
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Reason Why We Still Smile
Chapter Forty - Natures First Green is Gold; Her Hardest Hue to Hold
Chapter Forty One - So Dawn Goes Down To Day
Chapter Forty Two - Nothing Gold Can Stay | The End
Epilogue - Forever a Hero
BONUS CHAPTER - ONE: With Tear Stained Cheeks | POV: Chloe Bourgeois
BONUS CHAPTER - TWO: I Need Her |POV: Felix Fathom
BONUS CHAPTER - THREE: I Wanna Be Yours | POV: Luka Couffaine
BONUS CHAPTER - FOUR: Flowers In Her Hair | POV: Juleka Couffaine
BONUS CHAPTER - FIVE: Changing For The Better | POV: Adrien Agreste
BONUS CHAPTER - SIX: Till Death Do Us Part | POV: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
BONUS CHAPTER - SEVEN: My Forever After | POV: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Authors Note - Thank You + Spin Off Update <3

Chapter Twenty Nine - I've Always Wanted to be a Spy

607 14 4
By hayleyfaithxox

"Wait until you get here to transform, that way no one sees Rena Rouge jumping from building to building, okay? I'll have the boys wait in a room so they don't see you, and you can transform safely once you're here." I tell Rena as I sit on the edge of Luka's bed.

Both Luka and Adrien are in the living room, but I needed to let Tikki rest.

"Sounds great, I have some supplies too. I'll bring everything that I think will be useful." With that, Alya hangs up and leaves me in the comfort of the silent room.

"Are you okay?" Tikki pipes up amidst chowing down on some cookies and crackers that Luka provided.

"I don't have much of a choice. I need to be okay." I mumble, flopping down onto the soft mattress. Luka's room is nicely put together, and it smells comforting. Like fresh laundry and a newly lit vanilla candle.

"I'm sorry." Tikki says softly, making me let out a humourless chuckle.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who should be sorry, I shouldn't have rushed to save Adrien. I was blinded by my need to protect Adrien that I never took even a second to evaluate the situation."

"You never could have guessed Hawkmoth was behind this." Tikki slides up next to me, nuzzling against my cheek.

"Yeah, but still.." I trail off, taking a deep breath. "Ready to get back to work?"

"Always." Tikki nods at me, determination in her eyes. "You've got this, Marinette."

"Shhh!" I put my finger to my lips, hushing Tikki as my eyes flicker towards the door. I don't need more people knowing my identity right now.

"Sorry, sorry. My bad." I giggle at her guilty face, poking her lightly.

"Don't worry about it. Tikki, spots on!" I transform back into Ladybug, feeling the power course through me. Tikki is right, no matter what happens I know we're going to figure this out.

I head into the living room, seeing a sleeping Luka and an anxious Adrien. Luka lays sprawled out on the couch as Adrien hovers by the window, tapping the frame with his index finger incessantly.

"Come here." I whisper, Adrien jumping as my quiet voice breaks the complete silence in the room. He turns to face me, slowly leaving his post by the window to join me in the doorway to Luka's bedroom.

I usher him inside, shutting the door behind us so we don't wake up Luka.

"Let's talk." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed. Adrien doesn't join me, just paces about the room.

"Can you turn into Chat Noir for me?" I ask after a few minutes, making Adrien pause his pacing to gape at me.

"Why?" He asks, baffled by my strange request.

"I miss seeing him." I shrug, making Adrien press his lips in a thin line.

"I can, but I don't think it will change anything."

"Sometimes it changes everything. I could be having the worst day of my life up until this point, and just transforming into Ladybug and letting that strength course through me really does make a difference. Our Miraculous' gives us powers to help others, but in return it provides this crutch for us to lean on. It gives us powers to help ourselves too." I hold my hand out, watching Adrien slowly approach and place his hand in mine.

Taking a deep breath, he nods his head.

"Plagg, claws out." He says, transforming into Chat Noir right before my eyes. I watch him closely, transfixed by the way he visibly glows in the dimly lit room.

When he takes a few more breaths, his eyes closed, I can see the way he holds himself taller. No longer like he's trying to shrink away from this whole thing.

"You were right. I don't feel better about everything, but I do feel more capable of taking this on." Chat Noir says, opening his eyes to smile at me.

"You're beautiful." I blurt, immediately regretting the words the second they come out of my mouth. Chat Noir laughs for the first time this night. "Im so sorry, I don't know why I said that."

"I have that effect on people." He chuckles, plopping down beside me. The bed shifts from his weight, making me slide the few inches towards him, closing the gap as our hips and thighs press together.

He doesn't seem to mind it, oblivious to the fact that I'm Marinette who is so enthralled by him. I want to reach out and run my fingers along his jaw, tilting his head so I can kiss him.

"Thank you, Ladybug. For everything." He says quietly, reminding me that right now he needs a friend more than anything else. Something that he's always been towards me.

It's time I step up to the plate, and provide that lifeline for Chat Noir the way he's done for me time and time again.

"You don't need to thank me."

"I do. There was no reason for you to rush to save me, especially since there was no Akuma. You could have left it to the authorities." He rubs the back of his neck, making my face flush.

If he has any inkling that Ladybug rushed to help him because I know him in my civilian form, he doesn't let on to it.

"Don't sweat it." I smile, desperately trying to think of something to change the subject. "You should get some rest while we wait for Rena Rouge to show up. Take the bed, Luka won't mind." I get up to leave, but Chat Noir quickly grabs my hand.

"Don't go." He whispers, eyes looking alert and slightly frantic. I smile gently, lowering back down beside him.

"Okay." We both move to lay on the bed, neither one of us daring to say anything.

"You should let Plagg get some rest." I tell him, since I already know his identity.

"You should let Tikki rest too. I can cover my eyes." Chat Noir whispers, his voice breathy and shy. I look over to see a light blush on his face, feeling giddy over the fact he still has feelings for me as Ladybug.

Maybe when he finds out that Marinette and Ladybug are one and the same, he will still love me.

"Okay. I trust you." I watch as he releases Plagg, transforming back to Adrien. Taking his shirt off, I stare wide eyed at his bare chest riddled with muscles. His smooth skin makes me ache to reach out and run my fingers along the ridges of his abs.

"Sorry, I'm going to use my shirt to cover my eyes." He admits, though the slight grin on his face makes my abdomen twist. He's totally messing with me now.

Does he have a suspicion that I'm Marinette?

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I tease back, eyeing him up as he ties his shirt around his eyes and forehead. Flopping down on the bed next to me, I let out a small sigh.

"Tikki, spots off." I say, transforming into Marinette. Laying in the bed beside him, everything feels far more intimate despite not a single hair on either of us is touching.

"You can sleep. I'll stay up and wait for Rena's arrival." I say quietly, watching Adrien tense a little.

"Okay." His voice is timid, a little shy as though he's nervous about something.

Then it dawns on me. He didn't want me to leave because he's scared of being left alone. The boy just got kidnapped, of course he's on edge.

"I'll watch over you, don't worry. Get some rest." I reassure him, patting his hand. 

And so we lay like that for quite some time, with just the sounds of our breathing to break the silence.

"Come in." I whisper as I open the door wide for Alya to step through. Both the boys are asleep right now, it's just after midnight. I told them to get rest while they can, we'll likely be up all night now.

"Trixx, let's pounce." She says, transforming into Rena Rouge the moment she's concealed inside. With a grin, she shoves a bag of stuff my way.

Opening it up, I see a ton of supplies. Mainly some small devices, ear pieces and binoculars. She also has a camera, but I can't picture us being able to use that for anything.

"Here's some stuff I had lying around at home for my journalism. I only have two ear pieces, though. However, I have a whole plan already. Where are the others?"

"I'll wake them up. Wait here." I rush over to Luka, crouching down to shake him awake. His eyes slowly open, confused blue orbs staring at me in a dazed state.

Any trace of confusion is wiped away within moments as he gets up and looks around.

"Transform. Rena doesn't know you're Viperion, and I'll tell her Luka is asleep in another room. Maybe she'll piece it together, maybe not. We have bigger concerns right now anyways." I whisper to him before taking off to wake up Adrien.

Placing my hand on his bare shoulder, I shake him a little. He stirs, suddenly sitting up with his hands flying to his face. I hear the panic in the noises he makes, flustered movements desperately clawing at the shirt wrapped around his eyes.

"Adrien! Adrien its okays, it's just me." I work fast to hold him steady, hands gripping his shoulders as I envelop him in a hug. He stiffens before relaxing into me, letting me start to untie the shirt.

"Marinette?" His groggy voice says, making me hesitate.

"No. Ladybug." I say quietly, trying not to wince at the way he flinches, tensing up in my arms. I finish untying him, letting the shirt fall into his lap.

Neither of us speak for a moment, his eyes staring at mine with an unreadable expression on his face.

I'm okay with telling him my identity. If Hawkmoth already knows, maybe I should tell them all.

But it should be Adrien first. Chat Noir deserves to be the first one to know before everyone else. With the exception of Alya and my mom of course.

However, if Hawkmoth doesn't know, that would complicate things a bit. On top of that, I don't think Adrien can handle more shocking news.

I can't help but pray that Gabriel isn't Hawkmoth. It would be amazing to know his identity, but I wish it would be anyone besides Gabriel Agreste. Adrien deserves at least one parent.

Albeit, Gabriel is hardly even a parent.

"Well." I clear my throat awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Rena Rouge is here. Come out as Adrien, once we leave you can meet up with us as Chat Noir at your house. I don't want them to catch on. You'll need to leave before us to meet back here as Adrien."

"Okay. Thank you, Ladybug." He says softly, his eyes never leaving mine. When he stands up I should take a step back, but I can't make myself move away from him.

We stay there for a few moments, just mere inches apart. I can't stop my gaze from travelling to his mouth, watching as he chews his bottom lip.

There's something in the way he's looking in my eyes, almost like he can see right through me. As if he's finally pieced it together and figured out my identity, but isn't daring to admit to it.

"Let's go." I whisper, cursing the way my voice comes out so breathy. I want to pull him against me, hold him tightly and kiss him until he can't feel any pain anymore.

He doesn't need that though. Most importantly, he needs a friend and a shoulder to cry on. I shouldn't take advantage of his vulnerability.

"You're the one standing in the way." He whispers back, making me burst out laughing. I try to ignore the blush creeping up my neck, making my cheeks and ears burn hot.

"Touché." I smile, watching his face light up more. Taking a few steps back from him, he tugs his shirt on much to my disappointment.

We head out to see Viperion and Rena Rouge set up around a table with all the equipment.

"Whoa." Adrien gapes at the stuff, looking between all of us.

"I'm glad you're safe." Rena smiles at Adrien, eyes flickering between him and I. Her grin is suggestive, making me want to slap the thoughts out of her head. "Your shirts on backwards."

Oh my god.

Adrien's face flushes, quickly tugging his arms into the sleeves to shimmy the shirt around and poke his arms back out. Viperion let's out a laugh, Rena just grins at us as she leans against the table.

"Back to business." I bark the order, slapping my hand on the table. "Explain to me what you have in mind here with all this stuff."

"So," Rena smirks, her eyebrow cocking as her hand waves over the scattered objects on the table, "here are all the keys to our success tonight. We'll head to the Agreste mansion, once we're there Viperion will set the clock. Then, Viperion, Chat Noir and myself will sneak in and set up the these little microphones." She holds up these tiny black devices that look a lot like the ones people clip to their shirts on live television.

"If we get caught at any point, Viperion will reset time and we can keep at it until with make it through without ever being noticed. Once all the microphones are in place, we'll come out and meet you across the street where you'll be camping out with the binoculars. I'll set up the camera, and zoom in so we can try to get video evidence too." Rena pulls out her flute, giving it a little twirl.

"With my power, I'll send in an illusion of Ladybug bringing home Adrien. Since you guys have been on the run, we'll need to come up with a believable excuse for why you didn't bring him home right away. Then, we'll see if we can trick Gabriel into admitting if he's Hawkmoth. If this really was a trap for you, and Gabriel is behind it, then I'm sure he'll leap at the chance to seize your Miraculous. If he does, well I guess we have our proof."

Rena grabs one of the two ear pieces, helping to put it in my ear. Grabbing some tape, she adheres the second piece to her camera.

"We'll use these to hear everything the microphones pick up. You, Ladybug, will hear everything crystal clear. The other ear piece will feed into the microphone on my camera. The audio quality will be garbage, but it should be fine enough to hear what's being said on the footage we catch. We need to try to have all of this take place where we can see from across the street. That's where Adrien comes in." She turns to face him, the poor boy looking pale and overwhelmed.

"You need to tell Chat Noir the whole layout of the house, and help ensure he knows the perfect place to set the whole scene up. If this happens where we can't see it, there won't be much point in trying to get proof. The most we'll have is Ladybug's testimony, which isn't enough to prosecute him."

"Rena. That's his father you're talking about. Try to show a little more compassion." I grit out, placing my hand on her shoulder. She gives a sheepishly apologetic look, backing off from full investigator mode. Viperion clears his throat, drawing our attention to him.

"Sounds like a pretty concrete, fool proof plan. The only thing is, what happens if Gabriel expects this? If he is Hawkmoth, he must know that we know by now." Viperion pipes up, leaning back against the table as he stares us down.

"One of the best things we have going for us is that Hawkmoth always underestimates our intelligence. He thinks we're a couple of kids. He won't be expecting a recruitment of heroes and he probably won't be expecting me to have heard the things I heard back at the abandoned farm." I respond to Viperion's concerns, glancing at Adrien to see him stare heavily at the camera on the table.

"We can tell him that I was worried that going home would put my father in danger. That I was waiting to make sure everyone involved was caught before I went home. He'll believe that." Adrien finally speaks up, but he doesn't bother to look any of us in the eyes.

"What happens if police rush you guys the moment you step foot on the property? If they touch the illusions, they'll disappear." Viperion questions again, arms crossing over his chest.

"Then Rena will just have to make sure they don't get near the illusions. Maybe once you're all back with me, you can quickly recharge Sass and then set the time again. If something goes south with the plan from that point forward, we'll reset time and make the adjustments accordingly." I pipe up, Adrien finally looking up to meet my gaze. I give him one single nod, a confirmation that I trust in him to get through this. That he's not alone in this disastrous storm.

Because no matter what, this is a lose-lose situation. If Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth, Adrien will have no parents left to take care of him and on top of that he'll have to fight his own father. If he isn't Hawkmoth, then we still have reason to believe Hawkmoth knows my identity yet we have no lead on his.

It's a sticky situation, and I have no idea what to hope for here. I keep hoping that my suspicions of Gabriel are wrong, but then I get scared of what that really means for us.

"You three ready?" I ask, looking between Viperion and Rena Rouge. They both nod, and I turn my attention back to Adrien.

"Wait here. The moment we're done, we'll be back for you. If anything happens just call the police, even if it sabotages our plan it's better than you stay safe." I place a hand on his shoulder, offering him a comforting squeeze. The words I said are a facade so the others don't suspect anything. However, the comfort I'm offering is genuine.

This isn't going to be easy for him.

Looking at all of them once last time, I give a curt nod.

"Let's do this."


I watch my friends from a rooftop across from the Agreste mansion. It's weird leaving it up to them, but I trust them to handle it.

I watch with the binoculars, trying my best to peer into the windows of the cold house. It's not easy, but I can see well enough.

Before I know it, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge and Viperion land beside me. They quickly lay flat, trying to conceal ourselves from view.

Rena beams over at me as Viperion gives me a thumbs up before darting away. He'll recharge and join us. Once the time is set, it's game time.

"How many attempts?" I ask Chat, who grimaces.

"Viperion said 8. But we did it." I nod slowly, thanking the heavens for Viperion's abilities. Otherwise we'd never be able to pull this off. The Agreste mansion has insane security.

"Good job." I squeeze his hand again, cursing the way he doesn't allow himself to relax. His mind is a storm right now, and there's nothing I can do to help ease it.

No matter how much comfort I can offer, it will never be enough.

"Hey lovebirds, check this out." Rena nods her head to the camera she has set up. The little screen sticking out of the side shows a pretty decent zoomed in shot of the room that we're hoping to have everything take place in. The room right beside the entryway. As it stands right now, there are three police officers inside it.

We have to lure Gabriel into that room as well. If we send in the illusions, we can make them go directly to the officers. Maybe Gabriel will come rushing in.

We have to wait until the timing is perfect.

Viperion joins us, holding up his wrist like he's prepared to set the time.

"Whenever you're ready, Ladybug." He confirms, and I hold up my hand to tell him to wait.

I click on the earpiece, getting the live audio from the room.

"- wait here all night, or come back once the kid shows up. Maybe having police here is what is preventing him from returning." One officer says, before another agrees with him.

"Orders are orders. We were told to wait here. So we will." The other officer pipes up.

"We should just-"

"We wait." The one who seems to be in charge cuts the other officer off. "Ladybug needs to be questioned too. We can't miss the opportunity to take her down to the station."

Great, now I have to deal with all that legal nonsense too.

No officer you don't understand, he's actually my unofficial boyfriend though he doesn't know that, and I technically didn't know that running into this anyways. Anywho, that was why I got involved in the first place, but then I didn't return him cause his dad was behind his kidnapping and also might happen to be Hawkmoth, so we couldn't bring Adrien back home for his own safety. I certainly wasn't kidnapping him again.

I wince at the thought of that scene playing out in my mind.

"Mr Agreste." I here one of the officers greet Gabriel, making my spine straighten on instinct. I give Viperion a thumbs up, and he sets the time.

"It's go time." I tell everyone, watching as Rena Rouge whips out her flute. "Remember, we're not here for combat. Get the info we need and we retreat immediately."

Rena Rouge begins the illusion, sending a very convincing Ladybug and Adrien right up the property towards the house. The gates were left unlocked, probably to allow the police constant access in and out.

Shoving open the door, we lose sight of the illusions for a moment. Glancing over at Rena Rouge, her eyes are shut as she focuses hard to make this go smoothly.

"Dad! I'm home!" Rena says and I hear it come out as Adrien's voice through the ear piece. I bite back my smile, impressed by her good work.

"Adrien!" Nathalie exclaims, and I watch as the illusions burst into view. All the officers jump up, quickly approaching the illusions.

This might be where we need to reset time. If any of them touch the illusions, they'll disappear.

"Stay back! Everyone, just stay back for a moment. Adrien is really overwhelmed." The illusion of myself speaks up, loud and once again extremely convincing.

Everyone pauses, and I watch the smile grow on Gabriel's face.

"Everyone leave the room, please. I want a moment alone with my son and Ladybug. We can resume questions afterwards." Gabriel barks the orders, slowly approaching the illusions. Rena Rouge works fast, making them take several steps back. Any further and we'll lose sight of them.

"Gabriel. Enough of this." Nathalie grits out, practically vibrating with anger. I watch as the officers glance at each other confused, but still move on ahead with stepping out of the room.

I guess money really does buy power.

"I knew you would bring my son home to me. What took so long?" Gabriel's voice sends chills down my spine, and I tighten my grip on Adrien's hand.

"I was scared of bringing the bad guys here to you, dad. They said something about you, I figured they wanted something and I was scared they would attack you." Adrien's voice wavers, feeling far too real. Good, it needs to be believable.

"Very thoughtful of you. Adrien, go to your room so I can speak with Ladybug." Gabriel barks the order, his eyes lingering on my illusion like a lion about to finally catch the gazelle he's been chasing.

"He just got home, Gabriel." Nathalie goes to step forward, but Gabriel holds his hand out to stop her.

Gabriel walks towards the doors, opening them for his son to leave the room.

Rena makes the illusion of Adrien walk towards the doorway, despite something feeling off about this. Suddenly, Gabriel reaches out and grabs Adrien's head, making the illusion disappear.

He laughs, making Nathalie gasp.

"Where is he?" She barks at Ladybug, taking a step forward but Gabriel shoots his arm out to stop her once again.

"I knew you wouldn't bring your only leverage here." He smiles, making Nathalie stare at him in disbelief.

"Turn back time!" Alya croaks, trying to maintain the illusion and speak to us at the same time.

"No! Leave it." I demand, watching the situation unfold.

"You're a smart one, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Gabriel smiles, making me let out a string of curses. I'm not one to cuss often, but damn this isn't good. "Want to know how I figured it out?"

I see Alya's face pale when I take a quick glance towards her.

"I have a feeling you'll tell me anyways." Alya speaks as I listen to my voice on the ear piece. It's both creepy and impressive.

"I narrowed it down to one of my son's friends. I figured that if something bad happened to him that wasn't an Akuma, and you still rushed in to save him, it would confirm my suspicions. Ladybug has never helped any investigation aside from an Akuma attack. Who of my son's friends is so stubbornly in love with him? The one and only, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Gabriel takes a step forward, but the illusion jumps back like a cornered animal.

"Give me your Miraculous, Marinette. There's no use in fighting this anymore."

"You did what?" A wavering voice suddenly pipes up, Nathalie's gaze locked solely on Gabriel.

The silence that follows makes Nathalie step closer to him, grabbing his shoulder and ripping him around to look at her.

"What did you do to Adrien?" She growls, her grip tightening on his shoulder while her other fist clenches at her side.

"I staged a kidn-"

"Staged?! Does he know it's staged?! Don't you think he's scared half to death right now?!" Nathalie shrieks, cocking her elbow back to land a harsh punch to Gabriel's gut. He drops to his knees, wheezing and making these satisfying choking noises as he clutches his stomach.


"Shut up. You make me sick. Your son is more important than your fucking dead wife!" She yells, kicking him over onto his back. I gasp, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene.

I never knew Nathalie was so hardcore

"She's not dead! And Adrien will understand once I have Emilie back! The boy needs his mother." Gabriel hollers, slowly standing back up.

"He needs his father! I've done everything I can to help you make your dreams a reality on the one condition that Adrien's safety is never compromised. The ends do not justify the means, Gabriel! I promised Emilie a long time ago that I will always look after Adrien." Finally she looks from Gabriel over to Ladybug.

For a few moments, everything is eerily calm for a reality that just hit us like a ton of bricks.

"Ladybug, return Adrien to me, please. Do with Gabriel as you will. I'll be fully compliant with the police-"

"Nathalie!" Gabriel's angry voice booms through my ears, and I watch in horror as he stands up and grips his Miraculous.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" He calls, transforming into Hawkmoth. He lunges for the Ladybug illusion, and it dissipates once he connects with it. Landing on the ground, he stares at his empty hands in shock.

I guess he didn't think we were using an illusion for both of us.

"Gah!" Nathalie drops to her knees and my attention shifts quickly to her, watching as she fights being Akumatized.

"Gabriel! Stop it!" She shrieks, clawing at her head. He was so fast with it that as he lunged for the illusion, I didn't see him send an Akuma after Nathalie.

"You turned your back on me so fast, and we didn't even have a chance to speak about all of this. Let me remind you of what it is we're fighting for. Adrien's future."

"You're. So. Selfish!" She chokes out, her body shaking as she tries to reject the Akuma.

"I'm determined." He corrects her, dropping down to her level. Placing a hand on her shoulder, the other hand tilts her chin up to force a better look at each others faces.

"Stay on my side, Nathalie. I need you." He says so quietly the microphone barely even picks up up.

And with that, Nathalie gives in.

I quickly stand up, pulling Chat Noir with me.

"Let's go!" I call out, rushing off into the night as Rena quickly gathers her things. We all move as fast as we can, trying to put as much space between us and the psycho power couple from hell.

"We need to regroup and make a new plan! We got the info we need, now hurry!"

"It's true?" Chat Noir asks quietly as he easily keeps pace with me.

I look over to him, watching as his sad eyes connect with mine. The pain in his expression is enough to break my heart, wanting so desperately to lie to him, tell him his dad isn't Hawkmoth.

It wouldn't change a thing though. His life has already been filled with so much lies, it's time someone is completely honest with him.


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