The Different Worlds

By TacticalNarrator9000

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In the year 2026, our world will never be the same again. A mysterious portal was opened on the coast of Mani... More

New Discovery
First Contact
Pearl of the Orient
First Step
The Coming Age
Not A Hiatus
I'm Back
Man's Ambitions
Forging Pacts
The Musangs

Poor State

692 18 30
By TacticalNarrator9000

Chapter 6

"My formula for success? Rise early, work late, strike oil."

-Jean-Paul Getty

After the trade agreement between the Philippines and the Quatoyne Principality. Massive renovations are undertaken by both countries to accommodate their vastly apart systems.

The Philippines send the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to examine the food products by the Quatoynes. This is ensured on whatever they are edibles and safe to consume. All the tests result to be safe for consumption without any long-term consequences.

They organized a group of medium-sized cargo ships to be shipped to the Ring and docked at the port of Maihark. The shipment would contain commodities that improve the quality of life from access to clean water, cooking appliances, high-quality clothing, medical products, and equipment for the development of the country's infrastructure.

While the Quatoyne Principality are preparing for their arrival, the renovation of the port of Maihark to accommodate the large cargo ships that limit the tonnage of the Philippine ships that entered the port. The installation of a warehouse to store the trading wares to be handed over to the merchants. There is a command outpost to organize the shipment to various trading companies and distribute the imports and exports of products.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

February 10, 2026/1639

Philippine Embassy

In the capital of Qua-Toyne, the agreement to establish an embassy for the Philippine diplomats are slowly taking place.

This newly owned embassy was simply a repurposed manor in the Capital's affluent neighborhoods near the Government District.

Needless to say, building a normal embassy in a world that still used brick and mortar and had no electricity would be difficult. Just buying the land would be difficult. This manor had technically been given by the Quatoyne government, although both governments had promised eventual repayment. For now, the manor had enough beds and rooms. It was also close enough to the palace to be practical.

Of course, it had undergone some renovations to accommodate certain basic needs. The former servant quarters had been renovated into the appropriate barracks and arms storage for the Military and DSS personnel. The bedrooms had been renovated to serve as offices for the Ambassadors, military officers, and intelligence agents. A wooden garage had been built for diplomatic vehicles. It even had some generators supplying electricity for essentials like lighting, surveillance, and communications equipment-an antenna had been installed to communicate with the one erected near the Ring.

Most of it had gone into security though. The outside stone fence had been topped with barbed wire. A guard booth was built at the entrance. Windows had been barred and the glass had been replaced by bulletproof glass. One cellar had been converted into a safe room. Another was a monitoring center for security cameras that had been hooked up to the interior and exterior. Wiring those through the walls had been the most frustrating undertaking due to the manor's rodent population being unwilling to be evicted at first.

On the outside, it still looked like a luxury manor mostly bar the unusual fence. But it was now a small fortress. The Philippine flag waving proudly at the entrance of the building to represent the country that is occupied.

Ambassador Abueva looked at the building from the outside and admired the work that both countries have accomplished.

A woman in her formal attire approach to the ambassador to inform him.

"Sir, the American has arrived in the country." The woman notifies his boss of the news.

"Alright, let's get ready to work." He instructed his worker to start performing their jobs.

The Americans are pushing to send their diplomats first before the UN observers have entered the Ring. They managed to stall enough time and advancement to gain leverage on the Principality. They have gotten most economic agreements and development to benefit both countries. That leaves the Americans, their leftover choices to deal with the nation, due to being costly expensive, and risky to invest if the Ring starts to disappear and they lose all that investment in a flash.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Trade City of Maihark

Port Area of Maihark

The port is loaded by large cargo ships that are loading and unloading their cargo to the warehouse for commerce. The port is significantly changed after the Philippines arrived in the country, they introduced their equipment, like cranes and forklifts to transport their shipment from the ships to the warehouse.

On the horizon is a ship but unlike the other ships from the Quatoyne or the Philippines cargo vessels.

Many of the dock workers are working on the piers delivering the cargo to their respective places. But one worker noticed the lone ship heading towards the port.

"Hey, guys!" The man notifies his coworkers. He then pointed at the ship on the sea. "Look at that, they one of the metal ships from the country of the Phlikpins"

"You mean the Philippines." One of his coworkers corrected him on his grammar. "At least, addresses their name correctly."

"The name is difficult to speak, even the name of their people is also difficult, like Philipino." He argued.

"Filipino." His coworker corrected him again. "And I think that ship is probably from someone else's."

"What do you mean by someone else's?" He asked the question.

His coworker pointed out the metal ship in the distance while holding a telescope in his hand.

"Here and look at the flag of the ship." His coworker lend him the telescope and looked at the metal ship.

"This one is much larger than the ones from last week, and they have a singular large tube on the starboard. Its flag that hangs on the pole is depicted to have a red and white stripe on the right side and a blue box holding multiple white stars." His coworker indicated the minor details that contrast with the other ships that docked at the port.

He closed the telescope and handed it back to his coworker. "So owned those ships?"

Before his coworker answers his question. Their boss shouted behind their backs in anger. "What you boys doing!"

"Well sir, the ship over the" He didn't finish his sentences. Their boss interferes with his statement.

"If it's the new ships that are trading on the port. Then stopped admiring them and start working. I'm not paying just for idle standing and talking." The boss exclaimed at both of his workers.

"Go back to work!" The boss yells at them as they quickly returned to their work.

The vessel in question wasn't like the others. The ship is an Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer from the United States Navy, as it's served as a temporary diplomacy ship for their diplomats.

The United States finally entered the Ring through the national status and relations between the US and the Philippines. They send one of their destroyers as a transport for their ambassadors to the Ring.

As the warship anchored at the port, the US Marines and diplomatic security departed the ship and secured the area.

A peculiar man wearing a formal black suit with a pin that resembles the American flag. He took a moment to look around his surroundings and contemplate his situation.

A man from the Philippine Foreign Affairs came and greeted him. "Welcome to the Quatoyne Principality, Mr. Greenfield, how's the view?"

"Never thought to be another world I dare say." He answered back.

"Your ride is here." The man showed a convoy of JLTV and other armored personnel carriers on his back. "This will ride to the capital in the fastest way."

He entered the JLTV and watched as the vehicle traveled to the city of Maihark. Many of the inhabitants are looking at the column of mechanized vehicles roaming the road. The onlookers are amazed at the iron wagon that is moving without a horse, and moving at high speed.

Ambassador Greenfield looked out his window and saw the crowd watching their vehicles like having seen the newest Ipad on the Apple Store. He expressed amusement at the people that haven't seen advanced technology that is from the modern era.

He then saw diverse kind of people that exhibits different features that is not generally found in a normal human being. There are people with elongated ears, stubby body characteristics, distinct hair colors that are found in anime, and animal features that make the best furry cosplay in shame.

It's more diversity in this country than his own. And the city landscape reminds him of his voyages from the Mediterranean to Greece or Turkey aged cities.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

February 10, 2026/1639

Capital Gates

As the convoy arrived at the Qua-Toyne Capital, he witnessed the massive wall with a giant wooden gate. The gatekeeper saw the armored convoy and went to his superiors about their arrival. After a moment of waiting, they opened the gate and reveals the city scenery.

People are walking through the road, and occasionally a horse-driven carriage would be passed through the road. The armored vehicles drive through the road as it's travel to its destination. The people have the same look as the port city of Maihark.

The convoy then stopped at the recently renovated manor that is converted into the embassy for the Philippine government. Ambassador Greenfield stepped out of the JLTV and his security followed up jointly.

"Ambassador Greenfield." His appointed colleague greeted him with open arms. "I'm Ambassador Abueva, I'm the current ambassador between the Philippines and Quatoyne Principality."

He shakes his hand and asked him a query. "This world is much more different and yet similar to our own."

"I know right." Ambassador Abueva replied. "The style reminds of medieval Europe and hints at fantasy elements.

"You noticed that?" Ambassador Greenfield inquiry. "I thought I'm the only one that noticed the elf and dwarves like people on the street."

"Truth is more stranger than fiction" Ambassador Abueva quoted. "Let's talk more inside the embassy."

Both ambassadors entered the recently remodeled manor and make further talks.

But distant away in an abandoned building, a group of hooded figures looked at the ambassadors through their telescopes.

"What do you see?" The first hooded figure asked his companion that has

The second hooded figure looked to his companion and answered."It looks like an iron wagon without a horse moving towards the embassy."

"What are you talking about?" The first hooded figure argued.

"Here." The third figure gave him his telescope and pointed at the convoy of vehicles in the distance. "Over there."

The first figure looked at the borrowed telescope and witness a line of metal boxes with wheels moving without a horse.

"What the fuck are they?" The first figure gasped at the scene. "They are clearly from the other civilizations."

"I agreed." The third figure replied. "There's is no possible way that a magical propelled carriage that is possessed by the Outside Civilization could wield such magical devices."

"What should we do boss?" The first figure raised a question about their next objective. And implying that the third figure is the leader of the group.

"For now, our current mission is to spy on the newcomers and learned more about them." He remind their primary mission that was tasked to them.

The third figure looked at the second figure and ordered him. "You returned to command and give this report, that we witness a magical horseless carriage sighted on the compound, and the unknown subjects are confirmed to be talking with the enemy."

"Yes sir!" The second figure affirmed the order and leave the building.

The Kingdom must know this situation.

Philippine Embassy

The interior design is still present in the building. But there are additional modern appliances are brought over, to improve the living conditions and work performance of the workers. Some slight renovations of lighting and electrical wiring are being installed. However, the lacking of power plants or generators has forced them to bring their power supply from diesel generators, just to provide power for the building. There are desks and shelves in the workplace of the embassy, with the addition of computers, but aren't connected to the internet for communication to Earth. The only communication system that can transmit communication with their world. Is through an antenna on the top of the building that relays signal through the port to the Ring.

But the other half of the embassy is a literal fortress for defense. The Philippine government doesn't want a Sudan Civil War scenario.

The Sudan Civil War incident caused tension since the 2019 uprising has been the civilian demand for oversight of the military and integration of the RSF into the regular armed forces. This bought many Filipino OFWs and tourists in the crossfire and the Philippine embassy into a stalemate. The embassy was turned into a shelter for the refugees against the fighting. They managed to rescue 1,000 refugees in the country through a ship or aircraft.

They added diplomatic security agents to the building with military-grade weapons and a possible landing zone in the courtyard of the embassy, for extraction via a helicopter.

Both ambassadors are exploring the transformed embassy as they talked about the diplomatic talks on the introduction of the United States with the Philippines acting as a guide.

"I need to know the current Quatoyne's state of affairs before the talks start." Ambassador Greenfield asked for information about the Quatoyne situation.

"Their world standing seems to be a third-world country standard from this world perspective." Ambassador Abueva suggested the country's status.

Ambassador Greenfield shakes his head in disappointment. "So this country is shunned for their lacking of economic and technological advancement ."

"This nation is somewhere on the Outside Civilization Area and those who are in this area are considered savages and barbarians to the other civilizations."
Ambassador Abueva responded.

"So you're saying that this world has more powerful nations than this one." Greenfield assumed the possibility of a more powerful nation than the nation, they are currently working together.

Abueva nodded at the response. Then he grabbed a sheet of paper containing the information collected from the Quatoyne and the other world. "This paper contains the entire information you need to know about this world."

Ambassador Greenfield groaned at the long list of information gathered for the meeting of the Quatoyne government.
"This is gonna be a long day."

Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

February 10, 2026/1639

Qua-Toyne Government Building

Prime Minister Kanata is waiting at his seat waiting for the other world ambassadors to arrive.

Ambassador Abueva informed his government that one of their allies will be joining the trade and development negotiation.

They called themselves, the United States of America, a complex name of a kingdom. They want to join the business and lend a hand to their country.

As the door opens, two men wearing the same black outfit entered the room. The first man is M. Abueva, while the other is probably the American envoy.

Both of them sat on their respective seats and began the dialogue.

"Hello there, Prime Minister Kanata." Ambassador Abueva greeted the Prime

"It's nice to see you, Ambassador." He replied to the greeting.

It's also nice to see too, Prime Minister. Abueva compliment back." I'm here with a representative of one my allies."

He darted toward the second man beside him. The man stands up and introduces himself. "I'm Ambassador Greenfield and I'm a representative of the nation of the United States of America."

He extends his hand and handshake the Prime Minister's palm.

"That's a firm grip over there, Ambassador," Kanata commented on their handshake. "Now let's commence our talks. Can you explain the United States and your relations with the Philippines?"

Greenfield clears his throat and recites his country's history. "My country is from a continent of America and was formed three centuries ago."

He then gave the Prime Minister a translated list of the United States. "The United States consists of (number) states or small countries that govern themselves. Furthermore though that they formed together in a federation that helps each other interests and security."

This was a surprise to the Prime Minister, from the number of smaller states, that formed the United States of America.

"How did your government make those countries together?" Kanata asked for their numerous nation that banded each other. "Is it through diplomacy or did you conquer their land?"

The United States was formed to protect its people and constitution from the former world power's aggression that want to bring down its belief system.

"And what it's a belief system?" Kanata asked and Mr.Greenfield grinned at the question.

He then smiled and said in a warming tone. "That people have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. That what's the founding fathers wanted."

The Prime Minister was astonished by that assertion from the US ambassador. While Ambassador Abueva is cringing at the sentence.

"You have gotten to say that," Abueva whispered to Greenfield in embarrassment at the American quirky words.

"I'm trying to put my country in a good light. You should try that to the ladies." Ambassador Greenfield replied the answer.

"Right, I bet you practice that to the grannies from the retirement center." Abueva jested the answer of Greenfield.

"Ahem," Kanata interrupts the ambassador's conversation. "How did your country's relations with the Philippines start."

"The Philippine and United States relations began on the occupation of the Philippines during the American-Spanish War," Abueva explained. "When the Americans occupied the Philippines after driving out the Spanish and owned the Philippines for a decade."

"But another country invaded and conquered the Philippines from the Americans, they are hailed from the Japanese Empire. They wanted to spread their sphere of influence but pushed back from the combined allied force and liberated the Philippines from the Japanese occupation. After a year later of the defeat of the Japanese Empire, the Philippines gained its independence from the Americans after its liberation. The relation ties are deeply rooted from these events." He added that the Prime Minister is amazed by the historical context of their alliance.

"So the Americans used to be your former colonizers and they are now your allies." Kanata theorized the information. "But why did the Americans give your independence than from occupying your country?"

"The occupation of the Philippines brings some political and economic controversy from the United States homeland. And the country is eager for independence from the government and the people." Greenfield answered the question.

"The Philippines and the United States have signed economic and defense treaties for each other interests from the diplomatic affairs with each other," Abueva informed the Philippines' relation of the United States.

"Why does the United States want to participate in our diplomatic relations?" Prime Kanata asked the American ambassador.

"The United States want to spread its marketing and trade to the other side of the Ring. And to establish its standing on the other world." Greenfield proclaimed his country's intention of the Principality.

"What is the United States standing in your world?" Kanata raised the question of how influential are the Americans in their world.

"The United States is considered the true superpower of our world. It's always striving to be the best in the world." The American ambassador boasted about trying to display the image of America's greatness. While Abueva did his best trying to hide his annoyance from the speech.

But Kanata was appalled by the American claim. Revealing to be their world superpower, makes his legs tremble. It's like talking to the envoys of the Holy Milishial Empire or one of the members of the World Leadership Conference. If the man's words as true, and the reports about them are also true, then resistance is futile if the Americans decided to invade his country before the Lourians.

"So what's your government want for my country?" Kanata talked as he made an effort in a calm voice.

"Firstly, is about the Ring near your country shores and the Philippines too." He declared in a serious tone.

"My government is cautious about the Ring's existence near my country's territorial waters, no less near the county's capital, Manila," Abueva explained. "They want an explanation of how the Ring appearance, if the Ring may appear from different parts of the country or the world."

"I see," Kanata answered bluntly. "This Ring is something that our best scholars are unable to comprehend. We gathered our best mages and scribes to find the conclusion, only to fail."

"That's is also troublesome to our scientists as they working on it but without any success," Abueva responded to the answer.

"Even our best minds and the helped scientific community are just baffled as us," Greenfield added the answer.

This caught the Prime Minister off-guard. Even the superpower of another world couldn't understand the Ring.

"I believe that it would be in our best interest that your country assisted our world scientist to research the Ring," Greenfield answered in a convincing voice.

Prime Minister Kanata think of the offer and questioned." I could see that would work, but what do my scholars can do what your can't."

"The answer is short and simple: Magic" He answered pleasantly. "We don't have access to magic, unlike your people. Our scientists would be happy if you would cooperate with them even if they can't use it."

Kanata understands the answer. "Then you can have my scholars assist your research on the Ring."

"Excellent," Greenfield said in a happy tone. "Now let's talk about trade agreements and infrastructure development."

"And in returned?" Kanata asked about the expense.

"Well, what can your nation could offer?" Greenfield replied.

"We have possessed a high yield of produce on our land. That could feed a country multiple times then it could consume." Kanata answered back.

"That would be great if there's exotic vegetation that can be seen on the global market." The Abueva commented as Greenfield nodded at the answer. "As long taxes and tariff are ruled out."

"My Minister of Commerce can work on the taxes and tariffs problem." Kanata conveyed his answer.

"Great" Greenfield replied in a happy tone. "We could introduce some assistance from our agricultural techniques to aid in increasing your yields without any extensive modifications. Might introduce some of our crops."

"You can?" Kanata is surprised. "How do you do it."

"Through the trials of learning and hard work from farmers and scientists that they found ways to improve our crop yields," Abueva answered the question.

Prime Minister Kanata appreciated the increase in crop yields. They could increase the exports of produce on the increase of the national budget.

"I see, thank you." Kanata smiled as he was grateful for the assistance.

"We should send some experts to guide them on what the best place to start." Abueva agreed with a nod.

"Our country's relationship will be stronger that soon that will be somewhere to allies," Greenfield remarked on the possible achievement.

"That I could accept," Kanata responded. "I do have a question?"

"Yes, what is it?" Abueva replied.

"Would it be possible for you to send soldiers to help fend off foreign invasions?" It was a question that the two ambassadors are surprised to hear.

"Like a defense treaty in case foreign invaders decide to attack my nation," Kanata added.

"Are you talking about your neighboring country, the Kingdom of Louria?" Greenfield raised a question, as he read the file where there's another country is trying to exterminate the non-human populace and unite the continent.

"Yes, our only ally is the Quila Kingdom, they are far away to assist when war has started," Kanata informed their situation. It would be wonderful if you can assist to defend my country in case of war."

"Prime Minister," Greenfield answered in a stern tone. You must understand that military alliance is a committed thing in our world." As he put some reasoning in his sentence. "We are interested in cooperating with your country in trade and scientific endeavors." He paused to give the meaning in his words. "But I can not risk sending my troops or antagonizing other countries without proper reason."

"The Philippines don't have a proper military force to organize a long war that could endanger my people's lives and damage our economy," Abueva added the reason why the Philippines will not go to war.

Kanata took the meaning of what they are saying. They want to trade with the Principality, likely to their benefit, they wouldn't risk conducting a war that could endanger their people. He must find a way to establish a defense treaty between one of them. Preferably the United States on what they declared themselves.

"I'm sorry to waste your time." Kanata apologizes for the unnecessary demands on their country.

"It's okay," Greenfield replied. "If the diplomatic situation is normalized and the Philippines agreed on the defense treaty, then in time it would be possible."

"I agreed," Abueva added. "Even my people disliked war, they don't stand by and watched innocent people being genocide for existing."

This warmth the Prime Minister's heart from these hoping words. But he needs a guarantee that his people are safe from the Lourian Kingdom.

They talked about trade deals, infrastructure development, economic aid, and technology transfer. Anything that could benefit the three countries in the long run.

The talks also set the limits of the trade that should be imported into the Principality. Trade would be limited on what they can use immediately and anything related to weaponry. They both are on the agreement after they concluded.

"Let's form a friendly relation between our countries for the improvement of our nation," Kanata spoke to both ambassadors with a friendly voice.

As both of the ambassadors nodded at the answer. They both shake hands with one other and come to terms with their talks.

"For long-lasting peace!" The Prime Minister cheered.

"For long-lasting peace!" Both ambassadors cheered together as they finished the diplomatic talks.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

February 10, 2026/1639

Philippine Embassy

Both of the ambassadors are resting on the recently placed leather couch. They finally reached their main goal in the discussion of the trade agreement and the joint research on the Ring.

"That was the first time I spoke to a client that was not human, but a fantasy elf." Greenfield declared as he rested on the coach.

"Oh yeah." Abueva realized

They both heard a knock on the door, a man from Quatoyne Foreign Affairs entered the room and saw the two ambassadors having a rest.

"Did I come in the wrong time?" The man spoke in an apologetic tone.

Ambassador Abueva looked at the man and asked for his identity. "Who are you?"

"I'm Payne from Quatoyne Ministry of the Foreign Affairs." He introduces himself. "I sent from your request to establish open diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Quila."

Abueva realized the implication, while Greenfield is dumbfounded by the situation.

"You very early," Abueva responded to Payne's arrival. "Our meeting schedule should on 3 hours later."

"But it's already the schedule for our meeting." He retorted back his reasoning.

Abueva thinks for a second if he made a mistake. Then he realizes his crucial mistake. "I forgot to change my time zone to another world."

"Really." Greenfield chuckled at the blunder of his coworker. "That was the first thing I do in this world."

"Well, I keep on going back to back from the Philippines and this world for my job." Abueva gives his reason for his mistake.

"Excuse me." Payne butted in the conversation. "Should we start our journey to Quila Kingdom?"

"Quila Kingdom?" Greenfield asked. "Sounds familiar."

Greenfield tries to collect his memories of where he heard of that subject.

"Well, it's a country on the southern part of the Rodenuis Continent. And they are an ally of the Quatoyne Principality." Payne exemplified the Quila Kingdome to the American ambassador.

Ambassador Greenfield looked at Abueva and raised a question. "Why didn't I hear about this?"

"Well, the Kingdom of Quila is a country made of barren land and nothing interesting happens there," Abueva answered the question.

He looked at the Quatoyne diplomat and asked. "Is that true?"

Payne nodded and responded. "The lands are barren and the region too infertile to support any crops. It's a sea of scorching sand and only a few traveled the country for a stay"

Greenfield looked back to his colleague and demanded. "Then why I haven't heard of this?"

Your nation hasn't had enough time to talk with the Principality. He explained. "Also it's a waste of time for you to join an unimportant meeting for a small amount of time."

Greenfield darted at Abueva's eyes if there were any indications of him holding back some information.

"Ahem." Payne interrupted the silences. "Should we continue the travels.?"

Greenfield straighten himself and went back to the couch. "Fine, I will be talking to the Quila Kingdom at another time when I'm not busy."

Abueva has a sigh of breath as he relieves the tension.

"Okay, I already set my flight on the kingdom." Ambassador Abueva commented on their travel.

Abueva stand up and Payne followed him on leaving the embassy.

"Good luck on your travels!" Greenfield brought up a goodbye as they leave the embassy.

"Good luck with your work!" Abueva answered back.

"I don't need luck, I have my charisma and American ingenuity." Greenfield talked to himself and got underway to work.

As Abueva and Payne exited the embassy. Payne let out a word. "How are we traveling to Quila?"

"Through a helicopter," Abueva answered.

"Helikopter?" Payne didn't understand the word till a seeing for the first time the flying object as it conjured up gusts of wind with a thundering sound.

The helicopter is an Airbus Helicopters H145, with its twin engine and its inherently versatile cabin layout, this multi-purpose rotorcraft is tailored for emergency medical services and law enforcement duties, along with aerial work and passenger transport, including private and business aviation as well for the diplomatic mission.

The helicopter doors opened up and Abueva asked Payne to enter the chopper.

"Is it safe?" Payne questioned. "What if it will eat me?"

"It's completely safe," Abueva reassured him. "It's a flying carriage that is not a living being."

Payne slowly stepped inside the helicopter and observed the cabin. The cabin is very luxurious and comfortable for a high-ranking noble to own.

Ambassador Abueva hopped inside the helicopter and seal the door closed as the helicopter begin to lift off.

As the helicopter rises in the high altitudes of the sky. Payne looked outside the window and view the Capital as a miniature city in the far away distance.

"Our next destination is the Kingdom of Quila," Abueva announced as they traveled in the sky to the nation.

Barrat, Quila Kingdom

February 10, 2026/1639

Outskirts of the Capital

Standing on the ground is an ocean of sand, a city of sand, and a region too barren to support any crops. It's reminiscent of the Middle East deserts, where it's filled with dunes of sand, the intense heat that water evaporates in mere minutes, and almost nothing grows except some cactus.

High above the sky, is a weird object flying with a loud noise and spinning blades that move rapidly.

Ambassador Abueva looks out the window and watched the environment on the ground being a scorched earth that could make a person die of dehydration in minutes. But the helicopter air condition prevents the helicopter from heating up like a rice cooker on cooking rice.

Their country is barren land that shows nothing worthy to do business. But if his reports are true and they do indeed have what they looking for. They could profit up to tens of millions if the information is accurate. There is also a reason why he didn't let the American ambassador join the diplomatic mission. They could divide the investment and lessen the profit from the other world.

When he looked outside on the helicopter, he have glimpses of multiple oil rigs in the distance. The oil rig was a rudimentary design but still functions to pump out crude oil on the ground.

Is there a nation that possesses advanced technology in this fantasy world? He must be asked questions to the Quilians delegates about this oil rig and its owners.

The built-in manacom from the helicopter communication received messages from the Quila National Security of an unidentified flying object choosing their airspace. The good news is that they have permission from the Quila government to let their helicopter enter the nation.

After a minute of conversation with the communication officer to land their helicopter on an empty patch of land on the outskirts of the Capital.

As they land, Abueva and Payne exited the helicopter and were greeted by the diplomatic security of the Quilians Royal Guard. Some of them are taken on shocked by the helicopter, as they haven't seen a mechanical flying machine in their lives.

The Royal Guard managed to set straight their formation and escorted the diplomats to a carriage that carry them to the Royal Castle.

Barrat, Quila Kingdom

February 10, 2026/1639

Foreign Affair Office

A royal noble who oversees foreign affairs, Metzal, is waiting in a room for the ambassador of the Principality of Qua-Toyne who has requested a diplomatic mission from a newly discovered country that has advanced technology that could rival the other civilization.

Metal was skeptical of the reports from his colleagues. The nation claimed to have possessed flying machines that are much faster than a wyvern or a ship made of steel that moves without sail and moves at a very rapid pace.

The nation called themselves the Republic of the Philippines, and they claimed that a portal or the Ring they named it, connects their world to ours. The first report was doubtful to the Quilians, the second report is nonsense. He still must abide by the order from his superiors, because the request was important to not be ignored.

His door is opened and revealed two men entering the door. The first man is Payne, an ambassador for Quatoyne and Quila's diplomatic office. While the other man is wearing a weird black suit with a tie. He assumes to be the Philippine ambassador.

As the diplomats sit on their respective seats. They begin to introduce themselves.
"Hello, I'm Ambassador Abueva from the Department of Foreign Affairs. I have come this time around for preliminary consultations to establish diplomatic relations with your country."

Metzal wasn't sure of the man's goals for his country he asked a question for the ambassador.

"We have heard from the Principality of Qua-Toyne that your country is one with superior technological capabilities. May I ask what the Philippines want from a poor country such as ours?"

"If the Philippines wishes for slaves, tributes, or land, I intend to withdraw from this discussion." Metzal retorted the choices that the Quilians will not accept.

"No worries, we do not seek harsh demands for your country. We only want to have open diplomatic relations with many countries as far as possible." Abueva reassured him of his cause.

"Then what to do you a country that has no precious natural resources or significant assets for your nation."

The Philippine ambassador takes out two sheets of high-quality paper.

"Here are our terms"

Written on one of the sheets of paper were characters Metzal couldn't read. The other sheet seemed to be a translated copy of the other sheet written in the continent's common language, then the other paper must be in the language of the Philippines.

The demands are unnatural, they want to export large quantities of flammable water and flammable rock that is present in the country.

"Is this a joke" Metzal gagged on the terms of proposals. "Our country is brimming with lots of that flammable water since it is useless for growing crops to our citizens they see it as a nuisance needed to be cleansed."

"Well to our world, this flammable water and flammable rock is called crude oil and coal in our words. It's a precious resource for our industry and economy to run by these resources." Abueva reasoned the demands.

"I think you would need a substantial amount of manpower and time for these kinds of large-scale construction work. It would be a burden for our workers to perform these operations." Metzal was concerned with a distrusting tone.

"The Philippine government will cover the manpower, materials, and equipment to work on this project," Abueva answered.

"Also in return, we establish better infrasture projects to better the living condition of your citizens. What do you say." He added.

He analyzes his judgment for the moment. The deal is too good to be true, even by his country's standards, where it's from the outside civilization. There must be a hidden agenda from the Philippines. But with the build-up of forces from the Lourian Kingdom and a chance to improve his country's situation. He has no choice but to agree the agreement.

It's settled, I accepted this arrangement and l hope this isn't some scam.

"Don't worry, our partnership will benefit both countries in the future." Abueva widen his smile as spoke those words.

"Could I ask a question, sir?" He added.

"Yes," Meztal replied.

"In my travels to your country, I saw an oil rig from the outskirts of the Capital. Who owned them?" Abueva pondered.

Metzal thought for a second about the old oil rigs from the country countryside.

"Those towers come from a forgotten era, where the owner disappears without a trace," Metzal told the old legend of the continent.

Now Abueva is more interested in the story as he listened to legend. "So who's the owner of the oil rigs?"

"Its owners were forgotten in the winds of time and some information evidence is kept hidden in the Royal Archives ." He answered in a serious tone.

"I see." Abueva speculated that an ancient civilization have access to utilize combustion mechanics and probably is a modern country like the Philippines. It's a theory that sits well with the ambassador's mind.

Abeva stands up and extends-tend his hand towards the Quilian diplomat to gesture a handshake.

Metzal shakes the Philippine ambassador's hand in return for the mutual gesture.

"Remember no takes back," Metzal mentioned to Abueva to not back down from the deal.

"As I pull back a good deal," Abueva answered still smiling on his face as this annoys the Quilian diplomat.

"I wonder how Greenfield is doing. I bet his furious about not joining me from the sweet deal." Abueva thought of his colleague doing back on the Principality.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

February 10, 2026/1639

Philippine Embassy

Ambassador sneeze on his papers as some of them flew away from his desk.

"Fuck!" He cursed on his accident as he picked up his papers.

"I felt like someone is shit-talking to me." He muttered in the empty room as he grabbed one of the papers under his desk.

Back to the Kingdom of Quila

Nah, I bet his smoking on the rooftop of the embassy. Abueva thought about his colleague's actions.

This day sets the Quila Kingdom and the Philippines has established diplomatic relations, and the kingdom has received so much support that they have become richer than they ever have been in their history.

Author Note's

I have managed to create this chapter much faster and cleaner for you guys to understand my story better.

I reflected that my story grammar is what you called a fucking disaster. I created a story table to set straight my story so that I'm not making you have a mental stroke. I did this because someone named is called 'eririn1725' pointed out my flaws and strengths, so I oriented my story to be better for my dear readers.

Thank you for reading my story.

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