Hope Doesn't Hold Back

By joseph_taylor25

17.5K 367 68

Hope stops holding back who she is and how powerful she is. She ends up deciding to leave the Salvatore schoo... More

Finally Free
New Orleans
New Adventures
In Love
Dark Josie

Leaving the School

1.9K 46 3
By joseph_taylor25

Hope is waiting the next morning at the mansion for her family to get there and she can't wait to get to spend a couple of days with them. She is also excited because has a surprise for her uncle Kol as well. Thats when she hears the front door open and her aunt Rebekah vamp speeds and brings Hope into a crushing hug. Hope hugs her back just as fiercely.

"I have missed you so much love" Rebekah says fiercely.

"I missed you to auntie Bex" Hope says just as fiercely.

"Bex stop hogging my favorite niece and let me give her a big hug" Kol exclaims while vamping up to the pair.

Hope then goes around Kol and hugs her aunt Freya "I have missed you so much auntie Freya" Hope says before turning around and laughing at Kol's face. Everyone else in the family is also cracking up laughing at the offended look Kol has.

"I missed you to gorgeous" Freya says lovingly after she stopped laughing.

"Oh you are going to get it for that and I definitely haven't forgotten the prank spell you taught Nik to do to me." Kol says with a smirk right before he vamp speeds to Hope picks her up and throws her over his shoulder while she screams. "This is what you get for teasing me darling"

"Uncle Kol put me down I was just messing with you. If you put me down the next prank spell I teach Nik will be for Marcel I swear" Hope pleads while laughing and saying a silencing spell so Marcel doesn't hear.

"Okay fine but I would love to see all these spells you have created" Kol says curious as to what his brilliant niece has come up with. He honestly can't believe how smart and gifted she is in magic. He then puts his niece down and she goes and hugs the rest of her family before they go sit in the living room.

"So Hope what is it you wanted to talk to us about?" Freya asks curiously

Hope first summons a grimoire from her room to her flips to a page and hands it to her uncle Kol to read over. "I created this spell for you uncle Kol, I have been working on it since I have been going to the Salvatore school" Hope says while waiting for Kol's reaction.

As Kol is reading over the spell his eyes widen in shock and his jaw drops. He starts tearing up when he looks up at Hope. "Is this for real, you can get me my magic back?" Kol asks in shock and awe at how smart and powerful his niece is. Once the rest of the family hears what he says their eyes also widen in shock. Freya and Davina go to look at the spell in disbelief.

"Yes it is uncle Kol. I completed the spell recently but I needed one more thing before I could perform the spell" Hope says softly and a little nervously when they find out the last thing she needed to perform the spell.

"Hope tell me what you need isn't what I think it is you need to do for this spell?" Freya questions seriously.

"Well this brings up another reason I wanted to talk to you guys." Hope says seriously looking right at her family. "Please let me finish what I'm going to say before you interrupt please" Hope waits for every family member to nod agreeing to wait.

"Okay so I am ready to become the tribrid" Hope gives a look to her aunt Rebekah and Freya when it looked like they were going to interrupt. "I want to become the tribrid now and the timing has nothing to do with getting uncle Kol is magic back. The monsters that malivore keeps sending are getting annoying and I want to choose the time I become the tribrid and not risk it being chosen for me if a monster kills me one of these times. So i want to become the tribrid to also end malivore for good and live my life without constant fighting anymore." Hope says determined to see this through.

"Honey are you sure this what you want we can stay here and help you fight the monsters so you don't have to turn yet" Freya says softly

"Yes I am sure auntie Freya. I have never said this because the timing of when I triggered my curse was terrible. But triggering my curse was like unlocking a part of myself and made me feel more comfortable in my own skin. And I believe becoming the full tribrid will do the same thing for me. And I am tired of holding back who am and how powerful I am for other people's sake. I am also leaving the school and going back to New Orleans once I kill malivore." Hope says with full conviction.

"We understand Hope we just wanted to make sure this is what you truly wanted and not doing it because you felt like you had too." Rebekah says softly. As everyone else is nodding and looking at Hope with understanding.

"I know guys but this what I want. So I am ready to do this tonight and for the spell to give uncle Kol his magic back and have you guys train and help me with my vampire side." Hope says

"Of course we will help darling I always wanted to take you for your first drink" Kol says smirking mischievously. Everyone else rolls there eyes at him fondly.

"What does that headmaster of yours think of this decision?" Rebekah asks

"He doesn't know that I am doing this and he won't know until it is done because I already know what he is going to say." Hope says with a roll of her eyes. "You can't do this Hope? There is always another way Hope? You are not ready for this Hope?" Hope says mockingly. Everyone is laughing and rolling their eyes at her.

"Lizzie is the only one that knows what I am doing and that I am leaving the school after it is done. I am done being held back by this school and specifically Dr. Saltzman. He only wants me to be at the school to use as a weapon and to keep a leash on me and make sure I don't become like every other Mikaelson" Hope says with a roll of her eyes.

"Thank god you are finally done with this stupid school. Alaric is a dumbass that has no clue what he is doing. Vampires on animal blood is never a good idea as soon as they get a whiff of human blood someone is getting drained." Kol says rolling his eyes. Everyone else nodding with him completely agreeing with that statement.

The family then starts getting dinner ready to eat before Hope does the spell to give Kol his magic back and to become the tribrid. Hope is sitting with Nik on her lap laughing at something stupid her uncle Kol said just enjoying this moment with her family that she loves dearly.

Hope is getting the spell ready after dinner with her family watching her still in awe that she was able to create this spell and is willing to become the tribrid to do it. "Uncle Kol, do you think I could be the first person you do a spell with?" Hope asks softly

Kol looks at Davina she nods and he looks back to Hope with a giant smile on his face "I would love nothing more darling." Hope's smile brightens and hugs Kol before going back to where she has the spell set up.

As Hope is finishing the spell she passes out and her heart stops, at the same time Kol feels magic humming through his body. He has a complicated look on his face because he has the thing has missed the most for over a 1000 years but he just watched his niece die to activate her vampire side. Everyone knows that Hope will be fine and wake back up but it is still hard to see her like this.

A couple of hours later hope wakes up with a gasp and sees her whole family let out a sign of relief. Freya hands Hope a cup of her blood "Here you go honey" Freya says softly.

"Thank you aunt Freya" Hope then takes a drink and everyone looks out the window and sees the sky turn red and thunder and lightening for about 15 seconds. "Wow guess that what happens when a tribrid is born" Hope says with a smirk.

Everyone is looking in awe at the sky and laughs at Hope's comment. Then everyone gasps when they see Hope's tribrid face with her golden eyes with a hint of red and dark veins under her eyes. Then she has double fangs for her wolf and vampire nature. Everyone commented on how beautiful her vampire face is.

"Okay lets go kill malivore and get this over with and then we can focus on my vampire training. Oh uncle Kol did it work? Do you have your magic back?" Hope asks excitedly with a huge smile

Kol vamp speeds to Hope and gives her the biggest hug. "Yes Hope it worked I can feel the magic running through my body. Thank you so much darling. You have given me the best gift I could ever ask for" Kol says lovingly with tears in his eyes.

Hope has tears running down her face "Your welcome uncle Kol I knew it was the one thing missing in your life to make you truly happy and that is all I want for all of you." Hope says with love in her voice. Everyone has a smile on their face looking at Hope.

"That is all we want for you as well Hope. To live your happiest life, so lets go kill this malivore piece of shit" Rebekah says with a smirk on her face.

The make their way to pit and Hope bites her wrist over the pit and lets it pour into the pit. The pit starts to bubble and the next thing they know the pit is completely vanished. Hope feels a weight being lifted off her shoulders with malivore being dead.

"Okay lets go to the school so I can let everyone know that malivore is, I'm the tribrid now and that I'm leaving the school." Hope says just wanting the day to be over with.

They get to the school walk through the front door and everyones eyes widen except for Lizzie's when they see all of Hope's family with her.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? You are not supposed to come back to town that was the deal." Alaric yells with a glare and a little bit of fear in his voice.

All of the Mikaelson smirk when they see the fear in his eyes at their presence while Hope rolls her eyes at her families proud look of people fearing them. "We came because our niece asked us too" Freya says

"Yes I called them because I became the tribrid and killed malivore today." Hope says waiting for the blowup she knows thats going to happen from Dr. Saltzman.

The super squad is staring at Hope in shock except for Lizzie. While Alaric looks outraged and furious. "How could you do something so stupid and reckless Hope? I thought you were better than that." Alaric yells

The Mikaelson's look murderous and Kol was about to start yelling at Alaric before Hope held up her hand to stop him "I've got this uncle Kol" Hope says with an evil smirk on her face looking at Alaric stare at her in fear.

"This has nothing to do with you thinking I'm not ready to be the tribrid, this has all to do with your fear of me becoming my dad" Hope says with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Of course it does because no matter how strong you are, you are still your fathers daughter" Alaric says stubbornly while the twins are staring at him in shock and disappointment. While Kol, Rebekah, and Marcel let their vampire faces come out looking at Alaric. And Freya and Davina let go there magic just a little to let him know that he better careful of the next words that come out of his mouth.

Hope's has the famous Mikaelson smirk on her face and starts walking toward Alaric. Who is trying to stay strong and not let his fear show but every vampire and werewolf can hear his heartbeat picking up.

"You are right I am my father's daughter. I will do anything to protect the people I care about, so I ended our last threat this school has. Now everyone here can go to school normally without a monster showing up every other day." Hope says.

"And what about all the people that are going to die now at your hands while you learn control and have more power than anyone has ever had." Alaric says determinedly.

Hope rolls her eyes "I already was the most powerful person ever before I became the tribrid as just a were-witch. I have just been holding back how powerful I actually am because I knew you would freak out but I am done doing that. You will be scared of what I could become no matter what, so I am just going to be me." Hope states seriously.

The Mikaelson's look at Hope proudly, while the super squad looked shocked that Hope has been holding back. Alaric's fear on his face grows "Since it has already happened we should get you started on animal blood early" Alaric exclaims seriously.

Hope and the rest of the Mikaelson's just start laughing "Ya, no I am never drinking animal blood." Hope says seriously.

Before Alaric can say anything and start a big argument Josie speaks up and asks with a confused frown on her face "Why? Whats wrong with animal blood?"

Hope looks at Josie and sees no judgement just curiosity and confusion, so she softens her look and starts to answer. "Firstly animal blood keeps you weak and sick all the time. Secondly it tastes terrible, like think of the worst taste you could possibly think of and it would still taste worse." Hope then turns to Alaric with a glare "Do you want me to tell them what happens to vampires that leave this school after drinking animal blood only for years?" Hope asks Alaric. Raising her eyebrow challengingly.

Alaric just keeps glaring at Hope while the super squad look at him questioningly. Hope sees Alaric isn't going to answer her question smirks and looks at the super squad. "The vampires that leave this school for the most part have no clue how to control themselves around human blood and they aren't even taught how to hunt for animal blood themselves. So when they go out into the world where blood isn't provided for them they lose control around the first person they come across thats bleeding. They then go on a ripper binge since they don't know how or when to stop when drinking from someone. You want to explain what happens next Dr. Saltzman?" Hope asks raising an eyebrow at him with a mocking smirk.

Alaric narrows his eyes at Hope with a glare. "Ya if they keep killing like that they get killed by a supernatural or a vampire hunter." Alaric says.

"And what if they don't kill him what do you do about it? Do you try to help him find himself and get control? Or do you use the trust they have in you to get an easy kill on a vampire?" Hope asks with a smirk.

The super squad looks at Alaric desperately hoping that what Hope is implying is not true. "What are you saying Hope?" Mg asks with a slightly shaky voice knowing that he could easily have been one of those students after he leaves the school.

Hope's look softens when she looks at Mg. "Dr. Saltzman here has had Ms. Tig put tracking spells on vampires when they graduate and he keeps track of them. When he sees that they are going on a killing spree because they don't know how to control themselves around human blood he kills them if another supernatural doesn't kill them first. He has killed dozens of former vampire students that way." Hope says ending with a glare at Alaric.

The super squad looks horrified that this what has been happening to former students for years. Lizzie looks at her father with disgust. "So instead of teaching vampires how to control their bloodlust you basically set them up for you to have to kill them later?" Lizzie asks incredulously.

Alaric is trying to avoid everyones gaze, especially his daughters. "I can't just let them kill innocent people all time." Alaric says trying to defend himself.

"And you know how you stop that from happening, is to teach them control on human blood. Stefan Salvatore even learned how to control himself on human blood after 150 years on the animal blood diet. Because he knew that he would always lose control again at point and become the ripper, so he learned control so that wouldn't happen anymore." Hope states.

Mg looks on the verge of tears as he looks at Alaric betrayed "Would one of those students have been me once I graduated from here?" Mg asks with a slight crack in his voice.

Alaric just looks away and doesn't answer his question, indicating what his answer is. Lizzie scoffs and looks at her father in disgust. "I am going to call mom and let her know exactly how this school has been run and tell her that she needs to take over." Lizzie states seriously.

Alaric looks betrayed that his daughter took Hope's side but before he can speak up Hope steps back in. "Let's not forget how he treats the werewolves and witches either." Hope states.

"What am I doing wrong with the werewolves and witches?" Alaric asks.

"You have the werewolves locked up on full moons instead of having the witches put up a boundary spell in the forest so that they can safely run free." Hope says.

Most of the school is now witnessing this argument. The wolves are now glaring at Alaric for not letting them do this and making them be chained up instead. All the vampires look ready to rip his head after hearing what he does to them when they leave. And the witches are wondering how they didn't think of the boundary spell for the wolves themselves and waiting to hear what Hope has to say about them.

"And the witches need to learn offensive magic. When they graduate from here I would almost guarantee that they will be attacked by a vampire at some point. They need to be ready to defend themselves and fight back when that happens." Hope states still glaring at Alaric, also noticing how the whole school is now here.

"No that is not what this school was built for. We need to make sure you guys don't hurt anyone and to fight your basic instincts." Alaric says stubbornly.

Everyone looks appalled at what Alaric just said. "Oh I see what is really going on here now and I can't believe it took me so long to see it. You are a former vampire hunter and that part of you hasn't fully left. You might not hate supernatural's the same way you did decades ago but you still fear what they could do, so you use this school as a way to control them and keep them on a leash. I thought this had only mainly applied to me but turns out you still fear supernatural's." Hope says as her eyes widen in realization.

"What no that is not true I just want you guys to be better and be at a place with other people like you." Alaric states trying to get people back on his side.

The students are all looking betrayed and disgusted at their headmaster still not believing that is how he saw them the whole time they were there.

"No you wanted to keep them all on a leash to protect the humans from us. And that is why I am leaving the school and going back to New Orleans now that malivore is dead. I am not letting anyone control me or try to guilt trip me with mentions of my dad to get me to do what they want me to do. I am going to be me. I am done holding back and being your weapon you can use whenever you want but then get mad at me for the way I kill a monster." Hope states seriously.

Everyones eyes widen except for Lizzie and the Mikaelson's when says she is leaving the school. But they get it and would do the same thing in her shoes. Some students breathed out a sigh of relief when they realized Hope was leaving because their fear of her grew exponentially when they realized she was a full tribrid now and that she is done holding back how powerful she truly is.

Hope has noticed how most of the students fear on their faces has risen since they figured out she the full tribrid now and is no longer holding back. But she is used to that by this point so it longer bothers her for the most part.

"Uncle Kol do you want to show everyone the gift I got you?" Hope says while smirking at her uncle who is smirking back mischievously.

"I would love to my darling niece." Kol says excitedly.

Kol turns and looks right at Alaric and says "Incendia" and Alaric's jacket is caught on fire. Alaric is freaking out trying to put out the fire while everyone is in shock that an original vampire just did magic.

"Hope how could you do something so stupid as giving a Mikaelson more power" Alaric yells.

Hope rolls her eyes "I gave my uncle something he lost over 1000 years ago because of my bitch of a grandmother. I gave him the one thing keeping him from being truly happy and that is all I want for my family is to be happy and enjoy life." Hope says passionately.

"And it is the greatest gift I could ever ask for." Kol says gratefully to Hope. "And you better watch how you talk to her. You are just lucky that Hope cares about the twins so much and won't let us kill you. All of us tried to come her to kill you after we heard how you have been using Hope as your own personal weapon. how you have been emotionally manipulating her by bringing up her father anytime she does something you disagree with. But she can only stop us for so long before we say fuck and let Hope be mad at us for a little bit and kill you anyway." Kol says dangerously, looking right at Alaric. Then smirks when Alaric gulps nervously.

"Kol calm down Hope is never going to see him again after today so it doesn't matter. Hope honey why don't you say good bye to your friends while we clean out your room before we head out." Freya says trying to deescalate the situation before they break their promise to Hope of not killing Alaric.

Alaric is furious at how this day has gone. Not only did Hope activate her vampire side but she somehow figured out a way to give a vampire back their magic. Then he remembers that he has another white oak stake and he quickly makes his way up to his office to get it. He is going to Hope's room knowing that is where Kol is. He is now only a couple steps away from Kol when someone grabs his throat and he is slammed into the wall.

"What do you think you are doing?" Hope yells dangerously. Her tribrid face out in full force.

"I can't let an original vampire with magic live. It is too dangerous and too many innocent lives will be lost." Alaric defends himself.

"Well you better re-think what you were about to do if you want to live." Hope threatens.

Alaric still thinking he is right is seeing how like Klaus Hope is becoming, stabs the white oak stake into her heart. All you hear is screams and cries when he does it. He falls to the ground when Hope drops him. But he then notices that Hope is still standing with a smirk on her face. she pulls out the stake says a spell and burns it.

"Man you really thought it would be that easy to kill me? I knew the white oak couldn't kill me but I just wanted to see if you could actually do it. Shows how little you ever did actually care about me." Hope says smirking the whole time. She leans over to whisper in Alaric's ear. "I don't think it would be possible to stop my family from killing you now."

Kol vamps over to Alaric and grabs him by the throat. "Trying to kill me I could forgive and we would leave with you still being alive but trying to kill Hope is something that no one will survive." Kol says right before he rips out his heart.

After Lizzie and Josie came to terms with the fact that her dad had actually tried to kill Hope they weren't mad or upset with anyone. Hope said her goodbye's before making her and her family started making their way to New Orleans for her next chapter in life.

Hope feels freer and more comfortable and relaxed than she has since her parents death. And she can't wait to see what this next chapter in life has in store for her. She is sure there will be plenty of people trying to kill her now that she is a fully activated tribrid but she will be ready and show them that it is not smart to mess with the Mikaelson's.

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