𓆩||𝐉𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐞 🌊💧𓆪 [HI...

By Nebusoku_XP

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢�... More

𓆩ᥫ 𝟐᭡𓆪
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By Nebusoku_XP


Umeko had set her alarm clock extra early so she could wake up on time. She was always A heavy sleeper and she could barely get up in the morning for the academy. But despite the fact that it seemed there was no hope of her waking up in time, she somehow managed to wake up with thirty minutes to get dressed and travel to the meet up zone.

Though it took her frantically running around the house she managed to get ready. And she ended up taking snacks with her, she didn't care how hard she threw up. She needed food. As much as she would love to just teleport to the meeting spot she couldn't, she hadn't been there before and as such couldn't visualize it in her head enough to teleport.

So here she was, running through the streets of the town as fast as she could, she ended up taking a small messenger bag with her that had some food in it, and extra stuff just in case. Once she arrived at the bridge she saw that she ended up being the first one to arrive. As soon as she sat down she collapsed onto the ground and started to sleep. Maybe she could get some extra energy after all...

"Should we wake her up?" Sakura questioned as she laid fast asleep on the ground. 'How does she even sleep on the hard ground???' Sakura thought A bit concerned about the girl's back problems. Sasuke could care less as he stared into space, not paying mind to the two girls sitting beside and behind him.

Umeko had snuggled up to Sakura for comfort and began snoring softly, small breathy sighs she let out barely made any noise, they were far too sweet and cute sounding to be classified as snores. Sakura smiled and leaned onto Umeko and let herself slowly succumb to sleep. After Naruto had arrived the group sat in silence together for the most part. Umeko of course was sound asleep on Sakura's lap, not paying any attention to anything around her.


As Umeko laid unconscious on the soft grass the rest of team seven was well awake and wondering where the hell their teacher was. But speak of the devil and he shall appear, Kakashi appeared from seemingly nowhere walking towards them. "Morning everyone." He calmly greeted the group. "YOU'RE LATE!" They yelled, of course this had the side effect of waking up the sleepy Gojo who let out A small yawn. "Huh?...what time is it?.." She sleepily muttered not yet being able to fully function.

"Nice going Naruto! You woke up Umeko!" Sakura yelled, hitting the blonde over the head. "Hey! We all yelled! Why am I getting blamed???" Naruto whined rubbing his head. Kakashi sighed looking over towards the group. Umeko got up and let out A yawn, stretching her arms out. "Oh... Is it time for the test already?.." She mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Well A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." Kakashi made up A weak excuse from the top of his head. Everyone but Umeko seemed to be glaring at the man, Umeko was far too focused on the mention of the cat. "Was it fluffy!?" She squealed. Kakashi blinked, "Uh- Well, let's get started." Kakashi ignored her, walking over to a stump and set A small alarm clock down. "There, it's set for noon."

"Your assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from me." Kakashi voiced in A calm manner. He held up three silver bells attached to red ropes, all of them seemingly kept in good condition. "If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch. You'll be tied to those posts and forced to watch while I eat in front of you." He explained. Umeko sleepily frowned, she felt lucky that she had decided to eat some snacks a bit after she arrived at the training spot, it would make this a lot easier on her stomach.

"Wait, there are four of us. Why are there only three bells?" Sakura asked in a curious tone. "Oh that? Well at least one of you will end up tied to A post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy." Kakashi explained. Umeko frowned, the idea of returning to the academy wasn't awful, but it wasn't exactly all too favorable either.

"Then again, all four of you could flunk out too. You can use any weapon, including shuriken. And if you're not prepared to kill me, you won't be taking the bells." He spoke so calmly as if what he said wasn't in breach of several safety and teaching violations from the academy and jonin teacher log books.

"Those weapons are far too dangerous sensei!" Sakura proclaimed. "Man, this is gonna be easy! You couldn't even dodge an eraser. How are you supposed to dodge actual attacks?" Naruto laughed cockily.

Umeko knew a bit better than to underestimate A teacher, she had done some research the previous night and had discovered that her sensei was none other than the copycat ninja of the leaf, A highly reveared and feared Ninja who was considered one of the most powerful around. So it was in nobody's best interest to underestimate the man.

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links, you can safely ignore them. The lowest scores, the losers." Kakashi sighed. Naruto seemed to actually take offense to that unlike how he would usually ignore most of the villagers comments. "When I say start you can begin." Kakashi explained in his normal monotone voice.

Naruto charged at him with A kunai, he seemingly had no regard for his own safety as his attack was immediately stopped. When the dust cloud cleared Kakashi stood behind Naruto with his own Kunai pointed at his head. "Don't be so hasty. I didn't say start, yet." Kakashi sighed, letting go of Naruto's arm.

"Well at least you came at me with the intent to kill. So how can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you guys." He chuckled, Umeko smiled, it wasn't A big one but it was A smile. "Get ready...and start!"

Everyone in the team retreated back into the forest to hide, Umeko had teleported into A nearby tree and took watch of Kakashi, trying to see if there was anything she could exploit to get A bell. However before she could observe too much she noticed that Naruto hadn't jumped back. 'Oh god no, what is he doing?' she internally sighed, getting ready to teleport in and save his ass like normal.

"YOU AND ME RIGHT NOW! FAIR AND SQUARE LETS GO!" Naruto yelled, pointing towards Kakashi. Umeko sighed and changed to A more casual pose, letting her feet fall down as she sat on a tree branch. She would only interfere if she thought he was in real danger. "Y'know compared to the others you're a bit weird." Kakashi observed his voice brimming with confusion and a bit of concern. "Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your haircut!" Naruto huffed and charged at the man. Umeko carefully watched the scene unfold and she noticed A small book in the man's hand, it was smaller than most in general size as it could fit in the man's hand easily.

Kakashi slipped his hand into a small pouch near his rear making Naruto stop in his tracks, suspicious of the jonins action. "Shinobi battle techniques part one. Taijutsu." Kakashi said his voice was unbearably montone. Umeko watched in suspense as he pulled out a- is that A book?

Umeko slipped off her blindfold and everything became clear, she could see the natural chakra in the air and the natures of everyone. Umeko rubbed her eyes and attempted to compose herself not wanting to become overwhelmed by the overload of information. She focused on her teacher and was able to see the book's title. She sat on the branch a bit confused. "Make out paradise?" She repeated aloud A bit confused. She had lost any previous sliver of respect she had for her teacher.

She slipped her headband back over her eyes, not wanting to get eye pain so early on in the test. "Hey!What's with the book!" Naruto yelled. "Oh? I was curious about what happened in the story, of course." He answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. " Don't worry. With opponents like you it doesn't make a difference if I'm reading or not." He teased. Naruto's fists clenched as he ran at Kakashi. "I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU" Naruto yelled.

Not really surprising Umeko, Kakashi dodged every move flawlessly, not missing A single beat. When Naruto finally stopped Kakshi had taken a position behind him. "Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time." Kakshi instructed as he stood behind Naruto.

"Is that the tiger sign...?" Umeko muttered. His hands were positioned in the familiar pattern.


There was a small pause,pure silence. Naruto's face changed to one of embarrassment and horror. "A THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!" Kakashi yelled, sending Naruto flying. Umeko couldn't tell whether she wanted to laugh or cry, A mix of both maybe.

"How the hell did he become A jonin?..." Umeko wondered aloud. I mean if that worked then good for him. Naruto crashed into the water and Kakashi continued to read his book. Suddenly two shuriken came flying from the water, to which Kakashi caught them easily, he didn't even flinch. It was incredible to watch.

Umeko was starting to wonder if the man wasn't A clone of her father but was related to him somehow. Sure the Gojo clan wasn't known for branching out, but it wasn't impossible, right? Umekos stomach began to grumble, she felt A small bit of blood rush to her cheeks from embarrassment.

At this point it was easy to tell that the group had been tricked into not eating breakfast, Umeko suddenly felt very relieved she had packed snacks. She reached into her bag and started munching on one of the granola bars she had stashed in her room. As she finished eating she felt A wave of sleep wash over her.

A little nap couldn't hurt...right?

Her mind dozed off as her braided hair laid against her shoulders as she leaned against the tree. It hadn't even been half an hour since the test commenced and the girl had already fallen asleep. It wasn't really surprising but it was still annoying.




Umeko jolted awake at the call, she looked up to find Kakashi crouching on the branch infront of her. "You fell asleep." He sighed. Umeko shrugged and yawned, stretching her arms. "Come on, it's lunch." He sighed, taking her by the arm and gently guiding her to the lunch spot, Umeko was a bit confused when she saw Naruto tied to a pole with Sakura and Sasuke sitting beside him. She sat down beside them a bit too out of it to give them A friendly glance.

"Uh oh, stomachs growling, huh? That's too bad." Kakashi sighed. "Oh by the way, about this exercise,well I've decided I won't send any of you back to the academy." Kakashi explained. Umeko looked up, still suspicious of the man's words. "What I passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?" Sakura questioned, confused by the man's words. "That means- all four of us!" Naruto couldn't even finish his sentences. He was so excited.

"Yes! All four of you are being dropped from the program. Permanently." He revealed. Kakashi's voice was devoid of any humor or sympathy, clearly he wasn't joking around this time. "Drop us from the program!? That means we can never become ninja! You said if we couldn't take the bells we'd be sent back to the academy! YOU CAN'T JUST CHANGE YOUR MIND AND KICK US OUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Naruto yelled.

"Because you don't think like a ninja. You think like little kids, like brats." Kakashi scolded. Sasuke got up angrily and rushed Kakashi, of course he was shut down immediately. Kakashi immobilized him on the ground. "You think it's all about you." Kakashi angrily sighed. "HEY STOP THAT, GET OFF SASUKE YOU CAN'T SQUISH HIM LIKE HE'S SOME BUG!" Sakura yelled. "You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's some kind of game, huh?" Kakashi angrily asked, it was more rhetorical and it was clear whoever tried to answer would be glared at to death.

"Why do you think we put you on squads, did you consider that for one moment?" Kakashi asked. "I-i don't know what you mean!" Sakura stuttered. "I mean, you never realized what this exercise is all about." Kakashi clarified, becoming increasingly annoyed. "What its about?" Naruto reiterated. "Yes, that's what determines whether you pass or fail." Kakashi repeated. "But that's- I mean I wanted to ask you that from the beginning!" Sakura stuttered,becoming increasingly nervous.

"Use your head! Three people on A squad, why do you think we would do that?" Kakashi asked again. Umeko thought for A moment. "Well uhm- we arent that experienced so... maybe protection in numbers? Experience buffers? Teamwork..?" Umeko rattled off a few ideas, shyly shrinking into herself in shame and fear "Yes. Teamwork." Kakashi groaned, feeling annoyed that it took them this long.

"Just working together?" Sakura mumbled. "That's what I mean, it's too late now. If all four of you had actually come at me you might have been able to take them." Kakashi sighed in annoyance. "But there are only three bells! If we worked together it would devolve to anarchy over who got the bells!" Sakura questioned. "Exactly. I purposely pitted you against each other." Kakashi explained. "Like a sacrificial token?" Umeko hummed.

Kakashi nodded, "Yes, precisely. A genin should have a natural feel for teamwork. But you three. It never even crossed your mind!" Kakashi groaned. "Sakura, you obsessed over Sasuke thinking he was gone. But Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift A finger!" Sakura looked away in shame.

"Naruto, you do everything on your own. Everything." Kakashi grumbled. "Sasuke. You thought the others were so far beneath you that they were worthless." Kakashi scolded. When he looked towards Umeko she looked away in shame, she didn't mean to fall asleep, She really didn't this time. She wasn't sure what came over her, it's like her entire mind had glazed over.

"And you Umeko-" Before Kakashi even began, Umeko interrupted him. "I know. Im not skilled in any form of advanced combat and i slack off. Not helping my team" She admitted, not wanting to even hear the words leave the mans mouth.

Kakashi was A bit surprised, he expected that any child of Satoru would be filled with far more confidence or arrogance, not shame and insecurity. Though Kakashi was planning to call her out for falling asleep he wasn't planning on going that far, after all when he read her student profile it had mentioned several times that her body couldn't handle full days without naps.

"Well, not really." Kakashi stared blankly. Umeko looked up in shock, she was expecting the same spiel she got from every teacher she had. That she was lazy and unmotivated. " While yes, you should have stayed awake to help your team, I can't exactly fault you for something you can't control, and you were the only one who seemed to figure out the point of the exercise. Even if it was a bit late." Kakashi wasn't exactly known for cutting his students slack, but in this case it just would have felt so wrong to put down a girl with such low confidence.

Kakashi got up and sighed, walking behind the group over to A large stone. "Did you look at this stone? The names engraved on it, they are all ninja who are regarded as heroes in our village." Kakashi explained. Umeko frowned as she had seen the stone before, it was A grave site. "That's it, that's it! I've decided I'm going to have my name engraved on that stone!" Naruto announced. Umeko glared at him. "Naruto! quit it." She scolded. "Huh? But come on! Tell us, what kinda heroes are they?" Naruto asked. "They're all K.I.A." Kakashi solemnly spoke. "That sounds awesome!" Naruto gasped. "Naruto! It means killed in action. They all died." Sakura spoke.

A silence rang through the air, as if it was A moment of silence, of respect for those who had passed. "It's A memorial stone, the names of my closest friends are engraved here." Kakashi spoke. Umeko looked towards her sensei, it must have been rough to lose so many friends, all through the same line of work.

"Alright. I'm giving you all one last chance." Kakashi declared. "I'm going to go much harder on you. You're going to have three hours to get A bell." Kakashi explained. "Eat lunch now to gain strength, but Naruto doesn't get any. It's your punishment for breaking the rules and trying to eat by yourself." Kakashi sighed. "And if anybody tries to feed him, that person will immediately fail." Kakashi's voice was calmer, yet it still held an air of violence. "I make the rules, you follow them. Got it?" He asked, it was of course rhetorical and Umeko immediately covered Naruto's mouth so he wouldn't piss off their sensei more.


Naruto's stomach was unbearably loud, despite his protests it was obvious he would need to eat soon. "This is no big deal! I can go without eating for days, for weeks! Believe it!" He proclaimed, however his stomach told A different story. "Naruto it's not A good thing that you can go that long without eating." Umeko sighed. She reached into her bag and pulled out one of her granola bars. "He didn't say anything about feeding you food that he didn't give us." Umeko giggled.

Sasuke handed his lunch over as well. "What are you two doing? If he sees us we are doomed!" Sakura panicked looking around to see if Kakashi sensei was anywhere in sight. "Kakashi is gone. We have to work as a team. If Naruto goes hungry he'll be weak and ineffective. That hurts the team and jeopardizes the mission." Sasuke sighed, he wasn't all too happy about giving up his lunch but if it meant becoming a real genin he would do it.

Sakura handed over her lunch silently, not wanting to say a word. Naruto's eyes grew wide and so did his smile. "T-Thanks." Naruto stuttered out A response. "Don't thank us, just hurry up and eat!" Sakura insisted, still rapidly looking around for their teacher. "But isn't that your lunch?" Naruto asked, hesitant about accepting her offer. "I'm on a diet- I mean I don't eat as much as Sasuke. Just take it Naruto!" sakura could barely muster A response.

"I can't take it! I literally cannot move. Remember?" Naruto huffed. "Sakura just hurry up and feed him." Sasuke sighed in annoyance. "This is one time only! Never again, got that!" Sakura spoke through her teeth. Naruto smiled and nodded. Just as Sakura fed Naruto the first clump of rice Kakashi appeared in front of them in A cloud of smoke.

"YOU!" His voice was enraged. Umeko just sat on the ground and stared at him. Even with her blindfold on she could still see he was hiding behind A tree, it wasn't that hard. "You broke the rules. I hope you're ready for the punishment." Kakashi angrily stood up. "You..."

"You pass." His voice changed to cheerful and giddy in A matter of seconds. God now he really did sound like Umeko's dad... "Whaddaya mean? How'd we pass?" Sakura asked, still a bit frightened from his outburst. "You're the first squad that succeeded, the others did exactly what I said. They fell into every trap, they couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but. Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." Kakashi explained with A heavy amount of dramatic flair.

"The exercise is over. Everyone passes, squad seven starts its first mission tomorrow!" Kakashi happily announced. Umeko smiled, she wouldn't have to retake the academy after all.


Satoru arrived home late from a mission. The amount of missions he was being assigned was beginning to weigh on him. He barely saw Umeko anymore, she was all he had left in terms of family. After all, he hadn't considered his parents' family for years, not after what they did to Kei.

Satoru sighed and looked at the small picture that hung on the wall. It was Kei's birthday and Umeko wanted to make her breakfast in bed. It ended up burnt to A crisp but Kei still adored it. She adored anything Umeko did, Satoru missed her everyday. How he wishes he could have her back.

He walked into the living room and took his blindfold. but as he moved to turn on the lights he spotted Umekos sleeping figure on the couch. He smiled, he tried to stay up to see him... He sighed, picking her up, gently moving the covers off her body.

He walked up the stairs, walking down the hallway to her room. Miscellaneous photos hanging on the wall. Satoru opened the door to her room, gently setting her down on her bed with a smile. Her soft and light snoring making him laugh a bit.

He walked out of the room, pausing at the door and turning back to Umeko, he would protect her.  He wasnt letting the only thing he had left go.


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