serendipity | jean k. ♡

By jeansmainb

67.2K 2.4K 13.7K

jean kirstein x reader what is meant to be will be based off of season 4 characters ac for cover photo: art... More

introduction - notes
sick love | chapter 1
roddy | chapter 3
hours in silence | chapter 4
soul to squeeze | chapter 5
sweater weather | chapter 6
ivy | chapter 7
harleys in hawaii | chapter 8
snap out of it | chapter 9
everything | chapter 10
lover, you should've come over | chapter 11
closer | chapter 12
jump out the window | chapter 13
under enemy arms | chapter 14
clout | chapter 15
dark necessities | chapter 16
nuketown | chapter 17
borderline | chapter 18
mirrors | chapter 19
still yours | chapter 20
all mine | chapter 21
pretty boy | chapter 22
love you to death | chapter 23
glock in my lap | chapter 24
love yourz | chapter 25

could've been | chapter 2

2.1K 83 481
By jeansmainb

• alexa, play could've been by h.e.r ft bryson tiller
• warning: drug usage
• i accidentally deleted this entire chapter like a fucking idiot so i'm reposting it (nothing has changed) my bad 🧍🏻‍♀️


You had no clue what to do with yourself in this very moment. You wanted to run. You wanted to just leave. However, that would've made the situation far more awkward than it already was and you didn't wanna embarrass yourself even further.

Your gaze moved from Jean to Kendra who looked upset and scared. You could tell she knew who you were and you felt incredibly guilty, knowing you'd be upset if it were you in the situation.

Jean said your name in disbelief as he stared at you in awe. Kendra grew tense beside him, not liking how he was reacting right now. Why did he seem so intrigued by you? She grew nervous, insecurity settling in.

To her, you were so beautiful. She could see why Jean fell in love so easily. She had spent many nights searching your socials, looking at all the pictures you posted. She was well aware of your boyfriend yet she still envied you. After all, many say a man never forgets his first love. Although her and Jean had been together for a couple years, she feared you could take him away in seconds. The look he was giving you right now made that feeling worse.

Connie's hysterical laughing abruptly stopped as he quickly sat up, looking between you and Jean. "Shit." He swore, "my bad." Connie felt himself grow incredibly sober incredibly fast, realizing what he had just done. He grew guilty watching your displeased expression.

You glared at him, standing from the ground as you adjusted your clothes. "This could not have gone any worse." You mumbled.

"Why were you in the closet with Connie?" Eren asked, giving you a confused look as he pointed to the now open closet.

"I- look- this is my worst nightmare." You nervously laughed, your gaze moving back to Jean who still seemed rather in shock. There was the most awkward tension between the two of you and it was painful for everyone else in the room. Neither of you knew what to say to each other or how to react.

"What's going on?" Mikasa asked, looking around the room.

"Okay," Hitch let out a frustrated groan, pointing to Jean. "Ex." She stated before pointing to you. "Ex." She moved to Kendra. "Girlfriend." She pointed to the closet. "Closet." Then to Connie. "Idiot."

Eren and her both nodded, fully understanding what Hitch was saying in her incredibly summed up terms. "Why the fuck would you date Jean?" Eren snickered, looking over at you. Mikasa nudged his side, Jean's gaze moving to Eren. "Let's not." Jean's tone was stern as his hand tightened on his girlfriend's reassuring her.

"Look, I didn't come say hi with some grand introduction because I was not about to make her," you motioned to Kendra. "Uncomfortable and I didn't know that all of you knew each other which is fucking insane." You were growing flustered and at this point just talking without thinking. "Look, I'm so sorry. You are so beautiful." You complimented the girl, frantically grabbing your bags. "Jean, good seeing you." You quickly nodded. "Tell Levi I am going home because I'm on the verge of jumping off a bridge." You smiled to Sasha, awkwardly walking passed everyone.

"What about my tattoo?" Markus asked.

"I don't think this is the time to be worrying about that." Connie whispered to Markus who just side eyed him. "I think this is your fault" he whispered back.

You were already gone from the room and halfway to the parking garage. The room still filled with awkward tension. "I'm gonna go to her place." Markus sighed. "Jean, it was great seeing you man." Markus waved to Jean before he then left the room, following his sister.

"I feel I've made a mistake coming here." Jean let out a small laugh, not even sure what he was feeling in this current moment. He couldn't believe you were here. That you worked here. That you were friends with everyone he knew. It all felt so odd. How did none of this ever come up before?

He knew Kendra was tense beside him and he knew she had every right to be. Jean felt himself shift when he saw you and he didn't like it either. He loved the girl beside him, he shouldn't care about some silly high school relationship.

"How did none of you know?" Hitch looked around the room, completely confused.

"She never told us?" Eren raised an eyebrow.

"You," she pointed to Jean. "You never mentioned her? To any of them? You didn't know she was friends with them?" Hitch was growing frustrated.

"Just to Connie." He pointed. "But he never mentioned he knew her."

"So, there was a great lack of communication." Sasha looked around the room.

"I don't see why this has to be a problem?" Mikasa said softly, looking between everyone. We're all adults and the both of you are in relationships. Why does it have to be so tense?" She asked, thinking maturely.

"Somehow, I feel this is all my fault." Connie stated as if he wasn't observing the obvious.

"No shit." Hitch glared at him.

"Mikasa is right." Jean breathed, trying to calm his nerves. "No need for this to be so tense. We can all be fri-" he turned to see the glare Kendra was shooting his way. "Never mind. That's a terrible idea."

"You better hope she doesn't tell her boyfriend you're here." Eren stated, knowing Reiner didn't fuck around when it came to you.

"Oooh yeah." Sasha nodded, looking towards Jean. "He's a tank."

Jean didn't know you had a boyfriend, so hearing these words made him feel something he really couldn't explain. He was kind of nervous because he didn't want any issues but also... "he's gonna beat me up for simply being here?" Jean asked, feeling that sounded really immature.

"No." Eren shook his head. "You're her ex. He's her boyfriend. He just might not take it lightly."

The door to the lounge swung open, a rather irritated Levi peaking in. "Guys, what the hell are you doing? We've got customers." He glared amongst everyone before his gaze stopped at Jean. "And stop bringing random people in here." Levi groaned, closing the door again.

Connie sighed, "I got the sketch ready if you wanna get started." He looked towards Jean who nodded. "Sure thing." He replied, wanting to just forget about everything that happened in the last 10 minutes.

Everyone else had made their way back out front. Sasha explained to Levi that you weren't feeling well and had to go home before she rescheduled your other clients.

You had made it home safely still completely flustered, anxious, and upset. Markus sat on your couch, scrolling through his phone as he munched on a bag of chips.

You were pacing back and forth, too anxious to sit still. "Absolutely too much went down today." You sighed. "Like, can I live? Am I allowed to exist?" You stopped pacing, turning to your brother who looked up from his phone. "Maybe, you should just eat some cheez-its and go lay down." He smiled.

"You're so wise." You sarcastically stated as Markus shrugged, throwing another chip into his mouth. "I try." He smiled. "Has Reiner answered you yet?" He asked.

"Nope." You replied. "He should be at work right now."

"Why don't we go pay him a visit?" Markus suggested but you shook your head. "I'm not gonna create a scene when I don't know what's going on."

"You'll never know if you don't create a scene." Markus smirked.

"I am more concerned about the fact that my ex now not only lives in town but is going to be hanging out with all his good friends who are also my good friends!" You were beyond stressed. "I might as well just quit my job and just leave town and remove myself from everything ever."

"I think you are tragically overthinking this." Markus laughed, closing the bag of chips. "They all saw how uncomfortable that situation was. I doubt they'll have him just casually hang out there all the time."

"How am I gonna tell Reiner?" You groaned, sitting on the chair that sat opposite of your couch. "Oh, by the way, remember Jean, the guy I was madly in love with who was my first everything and our breakup was tragic? Well he's here!" Your tone was laced with sarcasm, your anxiety only growing worse as you thought about it.

"Well... right now that's not looking like an issue." Markus held back a small laugh, watching you death stare him.

"Seriously though, do you think you still have feelings for Jean?" Markus asked, your stomach starting to hurt again at his words. "Markus, it was a high school relationship. I'm over him. I'm just in shock."

"I get it." He smiled. "Wanna give me that tattoo to take your mind off things?"

You rolled your eyes, a small smile making its way onto your face. "Sure. Lemme get my stuff." You replied, standing from the chair.

As much as you hated admitting it, Markus was right, it truly did take your mind off things and for the first time today you felt some sort of peace. Markus may have been super annoying at times but he was the best older brother you could ever ask for. He was always there when you needed him, never hesitating to make the hour drive to help you out.

You squeezed the plastic bottle of sterile water onto the ink before gently wiping with the paper towel. You watched your brother eyes light up as he moved his arm and examined the work. It was a long two hours but it turned out perfect. "Dude, this is awesome." He complimented. "How much do I owe?"

You laughed, "You're an idiot." You shook your head. "I'm not charging you anything."

"Come on-" "30 grand right now then." You held your hand out.

"I'll rip this off my body before I hand you 30 grand." Markus teased.

"Thank you." You smiled at your brother who gave you a disgusted look. "Don't be sweet with me. It's weird."

Your eyes rolled. "I'm just trying to be nice. I didn't have a mental breakdown because of you." You joked, watching Markus return your smile. "You would've been alright."

Back at the shop, Jean sat in the chair, his arm laying against the rest as Connie guided the needle across his friend's skin. Kendra was in the bathroom, leaving the two men alone. "I'm sorry about earlier." Connie apologized.

Jean laughed, "it's not your fault. She chose to hide and make it all weird." It was very like you thought and he found it adorable, although he'd never say that because it was wrong.

Connie sighed, "Yeaaah. I get it though."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jean asked, watching Connie let out a small laugh. "Dude, I didn't know. She doesn't look identical to those high school pictures you showed me. She's grown more so I just didn't connect the dots."

"Her name?" Jean questioned.

"Could've been a total coincidence." Connie shrugged, dipping the gun in the black ink. "I just never thought that deeply into it."

"I never thought I'd see her again." Jean sighed. "I hate that that was our first introduction."

"Well," Connie paused, focusing on the tattoo for a moment before he continued. "This weekend, my parents are leaving for a family vacation with my siblings so the house will be empty." He paused again, "and I'll be having a pretty big party."

"She'll be there?" Jean asked.

"Yeah her and Reiner." Connie replied. "But, if you can get her alone you can maybe have a less awkward hello."

"Is Reiner her boyfriend?" Jean had some concerns, especially cause he knew you'd be upset that Connie invited him. He also didn't like the idea of getting the two of you alone because if both Kendra and Reiner found that out it could be bad.

"Yeah. You could take him." Connie laughed.

Jean shook his head. "Dude, I'm not trying to get back with her. I just don't want things to be weird between us. I'd rather it be more civil."

"You gonna come or not?" Connie asked, making Jean feel a little tense. He liked the idea of getting to see everyone and meet new friends since he just moved here and he also liked the idea of getting to properly say hi to you, however, Kendra and Reiner.

After a brief moment of thought, he decided. "Yeah... I'll come."

"Good." Connie smirked.

Hours had passed and by now it was 7pm. Markus had left to go hang out at a friend's house so you had the apartment to yourself. You sat on your couch, feet kicked up on the coffee table as you blankly stared at the tv ahead, controller in hand. "He's top A." you called out before watching your teammate die, inevitably losing the game.

You let out a heavy sigh. You were bored out of your mind and still pretty anxious only this time it was due to the fact you still haven't heard from Reiner.

You were just about to enter another game until you heard frantic knocking echoing throughout your apartment. You groaned, canceling the queue and removing your headset to make your way over to the door.

You opened it to find a panicked Reiner holding a bouquet of flowers in hand. He rushed into the apartment, "Babe, I am so sorry." He sighed, continuing to frantically explain "you're not even going to believe this but I swear everything I am saying is true." You held your bland expression, ready to listen to whatever excuse he had. Reiner frowned, "look, I dropped my phone in the road and it got ran over and I was at work so I couldn't do anything about it until I got off and I went straight to the store and I've been trying to get everything situated for the last 2 hours and I just got all your calls and messages and I'm so sorry." Reiner seemed sincere and his panic made you believe he was telling the truth.

"Okay," you nodded. You were happy it wasn't him just being a prick and you were also happy to see you were right about it being nothing serious. He held the flowers out to you, "I'm so sorry. I felt terrible. Especially because this morning. I shouldn't have acted that way."

You softly smiled, taking the flowers from his hands. "You're okay. I'm sorry too." You apologized, watching a smile form on his handsome face. "You have nothing to apologize for." He shook his head.

"I could've been nicer." You smiled, sitting the bouquet on the counter. "They're so pretty. Thank you."

"Of course, my angel." He replied. "How was work?"

You tensed up instantly.

Because work... work was a disaster.

You couldn't even fathom what to say. What to tell him. Truth be told, you didn't wanna tell him about Jean. He was your ex, sure, but despite that, he didn't do anything wrong or disrespectful today.

Reiner didn't have to know he was in town? He didn't have anything to worry about and mentioning your ex would just make it seem like he does. In reality, not mentioning him was the safer option.

"It was exhausting." You responded. "Levi actually let me come home early because I wasn't feeling well."

"Why weren't you feeling well?" He asked, giving you a concerned look.

"Just, anxiety." You shook your head. "I'm okay now. Just needed to relax for a bit." You felt a tinge of guilt lying to him. It was wrong and you knew it but at that time you wanted to avoid drama and avoid upsetting your boyfriend who already seemed to have had a rough day himself.

"I'm so sorry." He stepped closer, placing his hands against your waist as he pulled you into his chest. Your hands met his broad shoulders before gliding up to his jaw to pull him down into a kiss.

You felt all the stress of today instantly dissolve, Jean instantly fading from your mind. You just wanted relief from all the anxiety and panic and embarrassment. The kiss only deepened as he lifted you onto the counter, your legs wrapping around him to keep him close.

Within moments your were in bed, underneath him in your most vulnerable state. Legs entangled, sweat, sloppy kisses, and loud moans. You were content. You were happy. Everything was fine.

However, nothing was currently fine for Jean.

"You looked real fucking happy to see her!" Kendra was beyond pissed, her insecurities eating away at her.

"Babe, I was just surprised." He tried so hard of defend himself to his girlfriend but she simply would not listen to a word he said because she knew she was right and part of Jean knew she was right. "Jean, I am not stupid."

"Kendra, come on." Jean groaned.

"Come on? You probably knew she worked there. You probably knew she lived here and now you mention a party Connie invited us to knowing damn well she'll be there too! If you want her that fucking badly just go get her." Kendra was ready to cry. She knew she was being a lot right now but she couldn't help it. She was terrified of losing him.

"I didn't! I had no fucking clue! I wanted to come here because I got an awesome job opportunity so I could create a decent life for us, together. Do not worry about her, she is nothing but the past." Jean stressed.

"She was your first love." Kendra shook her head, still upset.

"I was in high school." Jean defended again.

"Is she going to the party?" Kendra wanted a straight answer and Jean knew it. Yes. Yes you were going. He knew that full and well.

He knew he was wrong for the words that left his mouth.

"No. Connie said she's not into parties." He lied.

And she believed him. "Okay," Kendra nodded. "I just- I worry because she's so pretty and she was so special to you-" Jean cut her off. "She is nothing to me now. I am here with you." He reassured.

But was he telling the truth?

You were nothing but the second he laid eyes on you, it was like everything hit him again.

But it was nothing.

The next day at the studio wasn't perfect but it was definitely better than yesterday. Connie had apologized 300 times for everything which you easily accepted considering he was your friend and you knew he had no ill intentions.

You further elaborated everything between you and Jean to your friends and also got information on how they all knew him as well. Connie of course met him in college, Sasha met him through a party, and Eren and Mikasa met him online through gaming many years ago, also explaining how Jean stopped playing whenever he got with Kendra yet stayed in some contact with everyone afterwards.

They also explained that Jean was an 'old friend'. Once they got out of college and went separate ways, all of them kind of disconnected with him until recently, when he contacted them about him moving into the area.

Hitch was the only who had never met him and Armin due to his service.

It came together and once it did you decided to change topics because you didn't want your entire day to be about your tragic incident regarding your ex.

Eventually the party was brought up, something you were very excited for. You guys went out quite often but the house parties always hit different. Not only did Connie's parents have a huge pool, the house itself was huge and they were always willing to let us use it when they went away.

You knew a night out would relax you, however you were unaware of Connie's invitation, which made the night go completely different than planned.

You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, lip gloss in your hand as you applied it to your lips. You wore the tiniest bikini in your favorite color and a pair of jean shorts that barley covered your ass. It was hot outside and you were more than likely gonna get in the pool at some point, so wearing a ton of clothes didn't matter.

You closed the tube of lip gloss, admiring how you looked in the mirror, doing a little 360 to make sure every angle looked good.

You walked out, Reiner's gaze instantly moving to you. He felt his heart rate speed up, his cheeks burning as you smiled. "How do I look?" You asked, doing a little turn for him, knowing you were driving him insane.

His eyes traced every curve of your body, taking all of you in. "you're so perfect in every way." He complimented, making your own heart race as you smiled. "Think so?"

"Know so." He nodded, standing from the bed. Reiner just had on a pair of black swim shorts and loose t-shirt himself, still looking extremely good as the fabric gripped his buff arms. "You're pretty handsome yourself." You complimented.

Reiner smiled, grabbing his phone and keys off the nightstand. "You ready?" He asked. You nodded as a response before the two of you got an Uber and headed to Connie's parent's house.

You and Reiner knew the layout fairly well because of the amount of times you had been there. When you arrived, you were met with a countless number of random faces, some you hadn't seen before and some you'd seen once in a blue moon. You met up with everyone from the shop, already taking your usual starter shots together.

The music was loud, and conversation could be heard everywhere. LED lights that Connie put up lit up all the rooms. Alcohol could be found everywhere and the smell of weed, tobacco, perfume, and cologne mixed together lingered in the air.

You guys chatted for a little bit and before you knew it an hour had gone by.

Meanwhile, at Jean's apartment, he anxiously sat on the couch waiting for Kendra to get ready. He was excited. It was terribly wrong but he was so giddy to have a chance at speaking with you normally. To catch up with you a little bit.

His only hope was for Kendra and Reiner to not find out. He didn't want any issues. He didn't want drama. He just wanted to talk to you.

Why did he want to talk to you?

Why did talking to you matter so much to him?

"How do I look?" Kendra's voice knocked Jean from his thoughts. He turned his head, his eyes moving upon his girlfriend. She had on a shear black cover up that fit like a tight and short long sleeved dress, her pink bikini peaking through the fabric. A small smile made its way onto his face, the only issue though was that he was still thinking of you.

"So beautiful." He mindlessly complimented, watching Kendra's lips curve into a smile. She was clueless but happy with her boyfriends words. "I know." She confidently stated.

"We gotta go. We're already late." Jean stood from the couch, anxious to get there.

Back at the party, you were downing another shot, still pretty sober and in general just having a good time. You had played a few games of pong (you and Hitch still undefeated against your opponents), danced a little bit, and chat with some of the randoms.

"I'm gonna be going out to the pool, wanna join me?" Reiner whispered in your ear, his hand meeting your waist as he caressed your bare skin. You shook your head, "not yet, babe. I'll join in a bit." You smiled, giving him a quick kiss before he went outside.

When Jean arrived, him and Kendra felt incredibly out of place at first. Jean's main goal was finding you and Kendra's was to just have a good time and hopefully make some new friends.

Kendra's goal seemed pretty simple though. She had already found a group of girls to talk with, leaving Jean like a stray puppy searching for his owner, which was you in this scenario.

"Yo, Jean!" Connie spotted his friend, approaching the male. "Where's Kendra?" He asked, handing Jean a shot.

Jean downed the whiskey, his shoulders relaxing as he felt the burn move down his throat. "She met some random girls and ditched me." Jean teased.

"Lame." Connie laughed, reaching into the pocket of his shorts, pulling out a clear plastic bag filled with pre rolled blunts. "You want one?" Connie asked as Jean nodded, reaching into the bag to grab one. "Thanks." He stated, still scanning the room for you.

"Looking for your girl?" Connie teased, watching Jean's eyebrows furrow. "I just told you where she-" "you know who I mean." Connie cut him off before bringing his lit blunt to his lips. "You wanna just talk to her or do you wanna do more?" He blew the smoke in the air, watching Jean's expression change. "What are you on?" Jean glared. "I have a girlfriend."

Connie let out a small laugh, shaking his head. "I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid."

"What does that even mean?" Jean was now lost, not sure if Connie was even trying to make sense.

"Dude, I don't know." Connie laughed which made Jean lose internet in the conversation since his friend was just high and talking nonsense.

Jean just wanted to talk to you.

Nothing more.

He placed the blunt into his pocket before he continued his search.

You were currently talking to a random girl as the two of you hyped each other up. You had no clue who she was or even her name but she complimented your outfit and now the two of you were chatting away as if you'd known each other for years. "What's your name by the way?" You asked the short blonde.

She smiled, "Historia."

"Thats so pretty." You smiled before introducing yourself.

"Do you have any socials I could add you on?" She asked as you nodded. "Absolutely. You're one of the sweetest girls I've ever met." You complimented before the two of you traded accounts.

The conversation was cut short when one of her friends drug her away. You felt the urge to use the restroom and since you were free from conversation for once, you made your way to the bathroom.

You decided to use the one connected to the spare bedroom, knowing it was much more private than the other two.

When you were finished, you decided to sit on the bed for a moment and relax. You loved parties but being social was exhausting at times, especially with new people.

You laid in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the peace.

You jumped when the door to the bedroom opened, sitting up to see the last person you truly wanted to see right now. You felt your stomach instantly turn before anxiety settled in.

Jean truly didn't expect to see you in here. He just wanted to take a break from people and searching for you. He also wanted some cover in case he ran into Reiner. Lucky for him though, you were already in the room he had just randomly entered. "I'm sorry- I can go."

"No, wait." You stopped him.

You don't know why you stopped him.

"You sure?" He hesitated, acting as if he wasn't happy to hear your voice.

"Um-" you had no clue what you were getting at. You weren't drunk (barley tipsy) so you couldn't even tell yourself it was that.

Jean sighed. "Look, I feel the other day was super awkward and unnecessary. I didn't know you worked there or anything so I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable by just showing up." He apologized.

This was Jean.

The Jean you had known.

That sickness in your stomach felt less like anxiety and grew more into something you hadn't felt in a long time.

"No, I'm sorry." You sighed. "I should've just greeted you guys like a normal person instead of hiding in a storage closet." You let out a small laugh. Jean smiled, "it was cute." He shrugged, fully shutting the door behind him before he made his way towards the bed, sitting down next to you. "Wanna smoke?" He asked, removing the blunt from his pocket.

This was familiar. You'd done this before. During those times though you two would end up doing much more than just hanging out.

This was not a good idea.

This felt intimate.

Both of you knew this was wrong.

"Sure." You shrugged, watching him smile as he grabbed his lighter from his pocket. You watched him take one end between his lips before lighting it. He was so unbelievably good looking and even more so up close. His hair was messier than the other day, strands falling in his face. His lips looked so soft as he took a puff of the blunt before removing it from his lips. He wore a simple oversized t-shirt and swim shorts but he still looked very put together due to how handsome he just naturally was.

He handed you the blunt, allowing you to repeat his actions as you brought it to your lips. He watched your every move. His eyes glanced down to your chest, your small top barley covered you and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it. He released the smoke from his mouth, his eyes then lowering further down to your thighs and your legs.

He knew what he was doing.

He knew it was wrong.

He shook the thoughts, taking the blunt back as you handed it to him. "I had thought you would've left California." Jean stated.

You shook your head. "No. I was going to but then I got hired at the shop and met Reiner and this place became my home. I learned to love it here." You shrugged, examining Jean's face as he took another hit. "Why didn't you stay in Florida?" You asked.

"Job." He replied, handing the blunt back to you, your fingers brushing together softly as he did so. The warmth sent a chill down your spine but the weed was relaxing the anxiousness you had felt when he first entered the room.

"Did you get to follow your dream?" You asked, the smoke releasing from your mouth as you spoke. Jean nodded, "I'll be teaching art at the high school next month."

You smiled. "You were always my little artist." You said it without a second thought. As if it wasn't flirtatious. Yet you also didn't acknowledge it because of how natural it felt. "I see you got to follow yours too." He smiled. "Tattoo artist is pretty hot."

"Saying I'm hot?" You teased.

"Absolutely. Always have been." He handed the blunt to you, "you look amazing though. Grew to be a beautiful woman."

If Kendra heard him say that she'd be beyond upset but she wasn't a thought in his mind right now and Reiner wasn't a thought in yours. "You are too, ya know." You smirked, shifting to cross your legs and lean back a little bit. "I love the long hair."

"Mmm. You always told me to grow it out." He smiled.

"I always knew you'd look good." You felt your confidence skyrocketing and the weed was starting to kick in quite a bit for both of you.

"Ya know, it kinda seems like the universe wanted us to meet again." Jean smirked. "I kinda always hoped we would."

You smirked, "I'm that unforgettable?" You teased.

"Mhm." He hummed, puffing a couple times. "Everything about you is."

Jean and you were making a huge mistake right now but neither of you cared. It's as if you had both forgotten about your relationships. As if you'd had both forgotten where you were. The two of you felt as if no time had ever passed and as if you were never apart.

"It took me a while to get over you." You admitted.

"Is he better than me?" Jean asked.

Your answer would've ended your relationship then and there if Reiner was in the room. But he wasn't. You shouldn't have said it but you did anyway. "Not a soul has came close to you." You responded.

"Yeah." Jean lazily smiled. "You either."

There was a moment of silence as the two of you just took small puffs and passed the blunt back and forth until it was almost gone. You were both high as can be, talking without a second thought and smiling at the pure excitement of being in each others presence.

"Can I admit something to you?" Jean asked.

"You wanna kiss me?" You asked, knowing exactly what he was gonna say.

"Real bad." He laughed. His laugh was so beautiful to you, you couldn't help but laugh with him even though there was no joke. "Me too." You confessed.

There was tension. A sexual tension. A sensual tension. A lustful tension thick in the room.

Yet neither of you acted.

Because for some reason, despite everything that's been said, despite the betrayal you had both shown to your significant others behind their backs, kissing each other would've been too far.

No matter how badly you wanted to.

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"𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙤𝙞𝙖 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘪𝘵, 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶.." - All charac...
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❝ 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙬 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨. 𝙞 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙧.❞ 2021 | © ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ ɪsᴀʏᴀᴍᴀ © ɪᴀᴍʀɪᴄᴇᴜ
17.3K 637 21
Sequel to I Wanna Be Yours The artwork in this fanfic's book cover isn't mine. Credits to the rightful owner. {Jean Kirstein x Fem! Reader} Disclaime...
5.6K 146 1
Your attraction to Jean was pure lust, nothing more and nothing less. He was only a midnight fantasy that you allowed yourself to play out in your h...