How to Stay Afloat

By Reeyu97

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Fallon's sole ambition in life is to escape her miserable hometown once and for all. She dreams of driving aw... More

~D E S C R I P T I O N~
~P r o l o g u e~
~1: Where She Tries to Bribe a Man with a Cupcake~
~2: Where She's Definitely NOT Being a Stalker~
~3: Where He is Definitely Being Stalked~
~4: Where She Lets Him in on a Secret~
~5: Where He Decides to Fix Her Car~
~6: Where She Sees His Abs~
~7: Where She Introduces Him to Spartacus~
~8: Where He has Company for Lunch~
~9: Where She's Invited to a Party~
~10: Where She Tries to Hide in the Bathroom~
~11: Where She Tells Him About Her Past~
~12: Where She Tells Everyone Her Brilliant Idea~
~13: Where She Takes Part in an Auction~
~14: Where She Lives a Little With Him~
~15: Where She Ends Up on the Beach~
~16: Where He Asks a 'Friend' For a Favor~
~17: Where She Gets a Reality Check~
~18: Where He Goes on a Date~
~19: Where She Goes for a Drive~
~21: Where She Defends Him~
~22: Archer's Story~
~23: Where She Learns About His Past~
~24: Where She Gets Him a Little Wet~
~25: Where He Finds a Place to Stay~
~26: Where She Gets a Roommate~
~27: Where He's Jealous~
~28: Where She Finally Gets Closure~
~29: Where She Cheers for Him~
~30: Where She Confesses~
~31: Where She Asks Him About the Future~
~32: Where She Has Her First Fight With Him~
~33: Where She Has an Unexpected Visitor~
~34: Where He Decides to Ask Her to Prom~
~35: Where She Decides to Ask Him to Prom~
~36: Where She Gets Him a Cookie~
~37: Where She Visits the Place She Came From~
~38: Where She Goes to Prom~
~39: Where She Confronts Her Past~
~40: Where She Gets an Offer~
~41: Where She Realizes That Some People Never Change~
~42: Where She Gets Caught in the Middle~
~43: Where He Can't Find Her~
~44: Where all He Feels is Hollowness~
~45: Where He Meets Her Brother~
~46: Where He Goes to See His Father~
~47: Where He Finally Accepts~
~48: Bittersweet Endings and Hopeful Beginnings~

~20: Where She's Not His 'Friend'~

1K 60 4
By Reeyu97


Where She's Not His 'Friend'


"Is everyone on the swim team rich or something?" Peyton mumbled as we stood outside Colton Miller's large Italian-style modern-looking house.

I could hear the sound of music blaring and people laughing even from outside.

Both Peyton and I had been taken aback when Colton invited us over to a party he was throwing at his place. We weren't exactly the kind of people who got invited to a lot of parties. Our social circle basically just consisted of each other.

The party was already in full swing when we stepped inside. The lights were dim and there was a makeshift dance floor in the living room. The kitchen island was loaded with all kinds of snacks. Everywhere kids who I mostly recognized from school were laughing, dancing, or making out. A couple of guys from the swim team were playing beer pong on the coffee table, they waved at me in greeting when they saw me and I waved back shyly.

I was wearing a turquoise romper that ended mid-thigh. I'd paired it off with my purple suede boots and a matching purple bow in my hair.

My eyes automatically searched for Archer's tall frame but much to my disappointment I didn't spot him. We hadn't spoken since he'd dropped me off at my apartment that night after picking me up from work after that reporter incident.

"Hey." A familiar voice called out. Peyton squeezed my arm excitedly.

I smiled when I saw Andrew Carter walking towards us. He was the cute guy with the crew cut who'd won a date with Peyton at the auction and from what Peyton had told me their date had gone exceptionally well.

And judging from the heart eyes she was making at him it was safe to say that my best friend was harboring a massive crush on Andrew.

"Hey, Fallon." Andrew greeted me politely and I waved at him. Then he turned to Peyton his expression growing intense, "Peyton, you look beautiful." Peyton's cheeks colored and she mumbled her thanks. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from smiling.

"Do you want to dance?" Andrew asked, not taking his eyes off her.

Peyton looked like she was going to decline his offer, and I knew it was because she didn't want to leave me alone at the party so I cut in quickly. "I actually need to go to the bathroom," I told her with a smile.

"I'll come with you." Peyton offered.

I shook my head, "No, you go dance. Have fun." I told her seriously before quickly walking away so she didn't have a chance to argue. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her finally taking Andrew's hand and allowing him to lead her towards the dance floor. I smiled as I watched the two of them start swaying to the music.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of Coke. No one seemed to take any notice of me.

I wandered down the hallway and found myself looking at the numerous frames hanging on the walls. Most of them were pictures of Colton. A lot of them were of him at different swim tournaments and competitions. There was one of him at his middle school graduation and one of him playing in the ocean not more than six years old, I smiled at how small and innocent he looked. The next frame was him around seven, with a man and a woman.

The next one had the same man and woman only this one was more recent because Colton looked the same age as he was now. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked at the other pictures. They all had the same couple with Colton.

And then it suddenly hit me.

My eyes widened in realization.

The couple in the picture were Colton's parents.

But they were clearly Caucasian

Whereas Colton was African-American.

Which meant-

"What are you doing here by yourself freckles?" Colton's voice had me gasping in surprise.

I clutched at my chest, my heart still beating wildly. "Colton! You scared me half to death!"

He raised an eyebrow at me warily.

My eyes trailed back to the family portrait.

I swallowed, "I didn't know that-"

"I was adopted." He finished my sentence and even though his words seemed nonchalant I didn't miss how his eyes flashed with emotion for a fleeting second. He shrugged "I'm one of the rare lucky orphans I guess."

I swallowed. "No orphan is lucky," I said quietly.

He gave me a smirk, "Bruce Wayne was."

I shook my head, "No way, poor kid saw his parents get murdered in front of him. No amount of money can make up for that kind of trauma."

"He did end up becoming Batman because of it," Colton argued.

"But at the end of the day, he wasn't really happy about it, was he?" I countered back.

Colton's lips suddenly drew into a smirk, "Are we seriously arguing over the life of a fictional comic book character?"

I laughed, "I guess we are. And just so you know I was totally winning that argument."

Colton shook his head, clearly amused. "Come on." He said after a beat, "Let's dance."

I froze. I was a little taken aback by his offer. I raised my hands in mock surrender.

"No, thank you. I'm an awful dancer. Your feet will end up bleeding from how much I step on them." I cringed.

"I'm wearing combat boots." He smirked, "You're not going deny the birthday boy his birthday wish, are you?"

I inhaled sharply.

"It's your birthday?" I asked, surprised. "Happy Birthday." I smiled, "I'm sorry, if I knew I would have gotten you something."

"You can dance with me to make up for it." He gave me a wink before taking my hand and tugging me towards the dance floor.

He placed one of his hands on my waist and the other one on my upper back. We awkwardly started swaying to the music.

For a while, we just danced without saying anything.

I finally decided to break the silence. "So, I'm curious about something."

"What?" He asked, his hand flexed against my back.

"Why did you bid on me at the auction?" My eyes met his grey ones.

He just gave me an annoyed look.

I smiled. "It was because you didn't want me to be embarrassed right? Because you thought no one else was going to spend money to go on a date with me. Thanks for that." I nudged him with my elbow. "You're a big softie on the inside, aren't you Colton Miller?"

He scoffed.

His jaw clenched, "You don't remember who I am. Do you?"

I gave him a confused look.

He looked at me then, his expression serious. "Twelve years ago when my mother died I was sent to the Saint Lawrence orphanage."

My whole body froze in shock.

Saint Lawrence was the name of the  Orphanage I'd grown up in.

Colton's eyes remained on mine. "I can't recall much but I remember being cold, scared, and hungry. I was sobbing so badly that my entire body was shaking. Through my tears, I remember this small fire-haired freckled angel coming up to me." He smiled, it was the first genuine smile I'd actually seen on his face. "She gave me her jacket and wiped my face with the sleeve of her shirt and then she took me to the kitchen and took a bag of chocolate chip cookies from the cabinets and gave them to me.

The next morning the Matron asked who'd stolen the biscuits and that girl told her that she'd eaten them because she was hungry. She even got punished for it but she didn't utter my name once. I didn't get to see her much after that during my short stay at that place before my adoption but I haven't forgotten her."

My mouth hung open in shock.

Bits and pieces of memories started falling into place. 

"That was you?" I was completely baffled.

He gave me a stiff nod.

Small world.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I hit his shoulder lightly.

Instead of answering he just resumed dancing, increasing his pace as the music sped up.

I laughed as he spun me around and back towards him, both his hands coming to rest on my waist this time.

Is it my imagination or did he just pull me closer?

This was getting a little too personal for me.

"Colton I-" I started to step back.

Suddenly Colton halted, his shoulders stiffened. His eyes locked on something behind me.


I turned around


He's here.

Archer's hands were clenched into fists, his eyes were dark, and his gaze zeroed on Colton's hands which were still around my waist. His nostrils flared.

If looks could kill Colton would have been six feet under by now.

"Glad you could make it Hastings." Colton's calm voice finally broke the awkward silence as he removed his arms from around me.

Archer didn't answer him, instead, his eyes focused on me. I noticed his throat work as he swallowed.

Without saying another word Archer turned on his heel and started walking away.

"Archer!" I called out after him but he didn't stop.

"Leave me alone Fallon." His words almost sounded like a warning.

He was angry.

Really angry.

I followed him but he didn't slow down. I finally caught up with him outside the house walking down the sidewalk.

I grabbed his arm to stop him. Thankfully he halted

"Archer, what's wrong?" I asked, still breathless from running after him.

His jaw clenched, and his face was turned away from me.

"You know what's wrong Fallon. You should know by now." He said quietly.

I swallowed. "I really don't." I let go of his arm and stepped in front of him so he was looking directly at me. "Talk to me, Archer. Friends are supposed to be honest with each other."

Archer laughed humorlessly. "We're not friends." He said flatly.

His words were like a punch in the gut. I ignored the awful stinging in my chest. My own anger spiked.

"Why are you being such an asshole?" I snapped. "We're not friends? Then why did you bid on me at the auction, why did take me to the beach that night and why did you pick me up from work yesterday when you found out I had a panic attack?!" My eyes suddenly stung, his words had really hurt me.

He didn't answer me. I noticed that his breathing had turned ragged.

My hands curled into fists, my frustration getting the best of me.

"If we're not friends then what are we?" I demanded as I stepped closer, my chest almost brushing his.

"What are we?" I asked again, my voice louder this time.

Then suddenly my back was against the brick wall. His arms are on either side of my head caging me in. His eyes angry as he stared down at me.

"You want to know why I don't consider you my friend?" He murmured.

I swallowed, my mouth had gone completely dry.

"It's because Colton is my friend." He leaned closer, his lips brushed against my ear, "And I wanted to rip his fucking arm off when I saw him touching you."

My eyes widened in shock.

He stepped back. "I don't know what we are Fallon, but I'm done pretending we're friends and it's about time you did the same."

He turned and walked away leaving me completely stunned.

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