pretty when you cry ☆ {serj t...

By mamaslamp

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{1995, early soad} love is fickle. an x reader of sorts angst, but eventually it gets better, i promise dail... More

862 32 25
By mamaslamp

{not really a huge fan of this chapter, its kinda generic and tbh just not that unique lmao
smut warning. its well written smut its just not that like.. good ig
anyways enjoy, give me criticism if its due}


"You have cigarettes on you?" I asked Serj, crushing the solo cup in my hand, fidgeting with the chipped plastic.

"Mhm." he whipped out an unopened pack, slapping it against his palm and ripping off the plastic. He held it out to me, letting me take one. I was a little disappointed to find out that he smoked Marlboro Golds rather than Reds. Gold wasn't strong enough. It was alright though, nicotine was nicotine and I couldn't complain.

I smoked it all the way down to the filter, content with just standing next to Serj and enjoying his presence. I felt happier than I had in a while, not having stupid things to stress about in the back of my mind.

"You wanna go inside? I want a drink."

I nodded, sliding open the glass door to go inside, inhaling the skunky scent of pot and sweat, pushing through a few people and mumbling out small apologies as I ran into them. I poured a drink for Serj, holding it out to him, and poured myself one. I choked a gulp down, knowing that it was only a matter of time before it started to come back up.

The two of us plopped down on the couch next to Mikey, who looked out of his mind stoned, a grin plastered on his face, his eyes barely able to keep
open, an assortment of nonsense spouting from his mouth, seemingly directed at no one. I wondered if he was back into his coke habit, obviously not wanting to ask. I supposed I shouldn't have been one to judge.

Serj glanced my way, making a face, indicating that he noticed it too. "I'm gonna go find Lynn, I'll be right back." I set his hand on my shoulder slowly standing up and disappearing into the crowd.

I was left by Mikey and a few others who were holding a fake argument, occasionally pulling me in. I wasn't fully understanding what was going on, but laughed along, rolling my eyes at the stupid jokes being made by the drunken group.

Serj returned and sat back next to me, running his hand down my bare thigh. "Your skin is cold." he let out a breathy laugh.

A couple seconds later, Lynn sat across from us on a fold- out chair, just sipping on his drink, slightly squeezing the cup with his fingers. The lack of conversation between the three of us despite the very, very loud surrounding people must've provoked him to need to say something in him, because he swallowed the liquid in his mouth and said, "I got my dick pierced, you guys wanna see?"

"What?" Serj snorted, his face twisted into an amused and confused expression.

"I'm serious." He grinned, moving to unzip his pants.

"No, no, Lynn." I pinched the bridge of my nose. It was normal for him to not seem get embarrassed over anything, but it was especially bad in this drunken state.

Serj laughed louder than he had all night. His laugh always brought a nice warm feeling to my chest, loving the sound and always wanting to hear more. I found myself wanting to make him laugh just to hear it.

He let out a small yawn, pushing his long locks of curly hair away from his face, shifting his position and moving closer to me so our legs were touching, his hand resting on my thigh.

It was pretty late, the lighting dim. It would've probably been pitch black if not for the string of lights strung across the walls. Music played through a speaker, barely heard over all the talking and laughing of the party, sort of setting the mood. This was the first time in a while that I'd been able to enjoy a party. I had always felt so out of place at larger gatherings such as this, although I was usually around friends. This time it felt like I could actually relax, let my guard down.

I felt Serj's free hand start to gently brush through my hair, occasionally gently scratching at my scalp. I closed my eyes for a small brief moment, reveling in the nice feeling, my head subconsciously angling itself for better access.

"Is there something new between you that I don't know about?" Lynn slightly smiled, his finger pointing at the two of us, moving between us, motioning that he'd connected something in his brain.

My stomach twisted into a knot, not knowing what either of us would say. Technically, we were nothing official.

"Sorta." Serj shrugged, moving his hand from my head. He didn't add anything else.

As the night got later and people began leaving, eventually it was just me, Serj, Daron, and a few other lingering others. I had stopped drinking, being significantly more sobered up, alongside Serj.

We'd only stuck around because I think we knew that Daron would need help cleaning up a bit. It was the least we could do for him, knowing that he'd be shitfaced and wouldn't really put in the effort to completely clean everything up until a couple days later.

I picked up empty bottles and cans that were littered across the floor, stuffing them into a trash bag and moving on to pick up any other small pieces of trash. Daron sorta helped, barely able to actually stand, warbling on about how he felt like he could vomit any second. I told him to go to bed and we would take care of it, and he didn't protest, hobbling off to his bedroom.

Once we cleaned up the basics, me and Serj were off. Since neither of us had drank for a couple of hours, Serj was fine to drive. I was surprisingly not very tired, and he didn't seem to be either.

"You wanna stay at my place tonight?"

I didn't give it a second thought and said yes.

We got to his place, heading to his bedroom to get ready to sleep. It was extremely late, and although neither of us seemed to be tired, it was just routine.

I plopped down onto his bed, not bothering to do anything but stare at him as he was about to take off his shirt. I wanted to admire him any moment I could.

However, after the realization that I was staring, he threw his shirt to the ground, moved closer to me, and smashed his lips against mine. When I realized what was happening I was quick to move my lips against his, kissing him back with the same amount of force.

I couldn't have stopped kissing him even if I wanted to (which, to be clear, I didn't want to), the taste and feel of his lips against mine as addicting as always.

He groaned against the kiss as he pulled himself closer, a minute or two passing before it further deepened, the slow and gentle kiss gradually turning lustful, increasing in pace and passion. His hands traveled to my waist, giving me room to move and change our position. I pulled him onto the bed, straddling his hips with my legs, sort of sitting on top of him.

Serj groaned, his eyes staring up at me, wide and dilated. He quickly reconnected our lips, his tongue licking my bottom lip. I naturally opened my mouth and let him in, a small sigh escaping in response. I could feel every word and thought leaving my mind, the only important thing being Serj. The realization that I had him, all to myself, made me feel as though I would burst. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

My hands traced his skin as I kissed him, his hands meeting mine, much larger and rougher in contrast. His fingers trailed up to my top, slightly pulling, assumingely wanting it off. I separated the kiss to pull my top over my head, nothing under it, my torso now exposed. I threw the clothing to the side, shivering a bit now that I was half- nude.

Serj's eyes shamelessly lingered on my chest, occasionally flickering up to my face.

"You're so pretty. I mean, god, look at you."

"Serj-" my voice all of a sudden sounded weak.

"No, seriously." he whispered. His voice was honey, his tone low yet sincere, picking at my heart.

His lips met my own again, my eyes fluttering shut as I met Serj in a slow, lazy kiss. I quietly sighed against his lips, our movements unsynchronized and sloppy, the feeling bringing butterflies to my stomach.

My heart was bursting, my right leg slowly and loosely wrapping itself around Serj's waist, subconsciously pulling him in closer. Our pace started to slowly increase, growing quicker each second as our excitement grew, tongues entering mouthes, hands gripping skin.

Serj was still gentle, his lips remaining at a reasonable pace, hands never pulling or gripping too hard.

We meet in a push and pull kiss, quick and sloppy, remnants of our once slow and sweet kiss quickly disappearing as passion took over. Serj's lips were poison, I wasn't able to pull away, almost drunk from the taste and feel of the way our mouthes moved against each other's.

I whined into the kiss, unable to keep any sounds down that get pulled from me. Serj slightly bucked his hips at any small movement, gaining uncontrollable sounds from me, who was craving for contact. Serj took the hint and adjusted our position without breaking the kiss, grinding his hips. I could feel his hard- on, pressed up against me.

Our lips separated yet remained a few inches apart, his hot breath tickling my skin. My eyes were half lidded as they flickered up to him.

It felt like a lifetime before our lips rejoined in a firey kiss, my lips burning, hips rocking back and forth, grinding, disparity slipping through.

I needed more, needed to feel Serj on me, to have his large hands snake up my body, gripping me anywhere he could. I needed more, needed Serj.

His pants and my shorts started to get in the way, started to get annoying. I decided that I needed to get rid of them. I slid my hands away from Serj's body and slipped my fingers under the waistband of my shorts, lazily pulling them down as I started to wiggle, struggling to slip them off.

I didn't seem to be as nervous as I was the first time Serj and I had done this, not nearly as scared to be exposed in front of him. He made me feel safe. There was nothing to be afraid of.

The small struggled seemed to catch Serj's attention, who paused his own movements and watched me with an amused smile. He reached over and gently brushed away my hands, gripping my shorts and promptly pulling them the rest of the way down, removing the garment off my body and throwing it to the floor.

He wasn't rough or impatient, his movements haste yet still gentle, kind, and considerate, great care present in the way he pulled the clothing off. His eyes lingered on my body, only clothed with panties and nothing else, a hidden glint of hunger present in his eyes.

I watched him pull his eyes away and meet them back with mine. His hand snaked up my thigh, softly gripping the skin as he hovered only a few inches away from my yearning lips.

My brain turned off the second our lips met, unintentionally moving my hips and swaying them upwards, fingernails digging into skin. Serj didn't complain but instead slid his warm hands up my body to cup my face.

He disconnected his lips from mine, and wasted no time as he leaned down to kiss the soft skin on my neck, nibbling on the spots he knew were sensitive. I breathily moaned, so quiet it was barely audible.

My mind was blank, overtaken with the electrifying pleasure that tingled throughout my body, my hips moving in sync with Serj's. The air was thick, the world moving in slow motion, Serj being the only thing that mattered in that moment.

Chills ran up my spine as goosebumps spread over my body, tilting my head to provide Serj better access to my neck.

I craved more contact, needing to feel more of him, nearly desperate. My hands slid down his torso, feeling his perfect body before hooking my fingers under his waistband and starting to slide his pants off.

It wasn't as easy as I would've thought, especially with Serj sucking on my neck as our hips moved against each other's, my mind was mostly focused elsewhere. My hands lingered on his waistband as I made a weak attempt to pull them off.

Surprisingly, I was somewhat successful in my endeavors, the pants half way down his thighs, almost bunching down before Serj took notice and intervened. He mindlessly slipped them down and tossed them to the side, his hard member grinding against me harder than before, a breathy moan escaping my lips.

"Hm, you sound so pretty." Serj mumbled, his dark eyes meeting mine. I almost wanted to turn away out of shame, embarrassment.

"Oh, shut up." I whispered, my tone lighthearted.

A warm deep chuckle filled the air between us, the sound bringing a fuzzy feeling to my heart. Serj's soft laugh was followed by a lopsided grin that I'd grown to love so much. It was small moments like these that made me realize how deeply infatuated I was with the man.

The simple, smallest actions left me reeling and wanting more of what would otherwise be interpreted as dumb and meaningless. I didn't know how how I was able to speak, or really say anything after kissing Serj. Those firey lips that pulled me quick to render me speechless, leaving my mind blank.

I was head over heels, something I'd mostly come to terms with. I was so deeply infatuated, smitten, in love with the man below me. My once small feelings that I'd buried deep inside of me, buried them so deep that I wanted to throw up at the mere thought of being near Serj, had grown into something so large I couldn't contain it. It was something I couldn't just push away anymore.

We shifted our position, Serj now above me, softly kissing me, his hand snaking down between my legs. I felt a finger hook into the waistband of my panties, pulling them down agonizingly slow.

I almost had to stop kissing him when I felt his fingers run through the wet slick built up, using it as a lubricant to insert two of his fingers, slowly moving them within me. It seemed like he knew exactly what spot to hit. I wished he'd move quicker, push in deeper, harder, and not be so gentle.

He found a consistent rhythm, his fingers managing to hit deeper each time he pushed in, curling his fingers and trying to hit the exact right spot. I had to hold back any sounds he was trying to push out of me, nearly biting my own tongue in the process.

I pulled away from the kiss moving my hands from his chest to his boxers, pulling them down as swiftly as I could. He had to help, hopping on one leg for a second to pull them off, throwing them aside.

I didn't dare look down, too nervous, barely able to think. It wasn't until I felt the bed shift that I decided to redirect my gaze, my eyes flickering down, noticing his slicked up cock, my stomach stirring in excitement.

He wasted no time and hooked his arms under my knees, pulling my toward him, a breath escaping my lungs at the action. My face heated up, heart racing in my chest at the effortless manhandle, nearly yelping at the action.

I'd thought about it millions of times but I'd think about it again, I loved the way Serj gripped me and moved me around so easily at his will.

I grew impatient, needy as I just wanted Serj to hurry up and fuck me, arousal growing more with each passing second. It almost hurt, the way I needed him, desperate to feel him inside of me, to feel him pressed up against me, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm.

Serj was precautious and didn't rush the process despite my pleading face. He took hold of his dick, using the slight amount of pre- cum built up at the tip as a sort of lubricant, running his hand down the shaft a few times.

He pulled his hand off and inched impossibly closer to me, the room around us silent as one of his hands held onto my thigh while the other gripped the base of his cock, slowly moving in towards me. I watched with bated breath as he alined himself between my legs, pausing for a brief second before slowly pushing in.

My breath hitched. It seemed I could never get used to his size, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. My mouth was slightly parted open, fingers dug into the sheets as I attempted to relax my body.

Serj remained still, allowing me the opportunity to pause and catch my breath, flashing those concerned eyes at me. I met his gaze, nodding at the man on top of me, silently affirming that I was okay.

"You're so pretty like that." Serj breathed out, one hand gripping my waist, the other sort of cradling my face.

I didn't respond, didn't look away, but rather felt a wave of emotions hit me all at once. Serj always said things such as this, it was nothing new. But each time it effected me the same way, making me want to cry, my mind filled with indescribable sentiments. Serj's expression was filled with both affection and genuinity, his face never changing until he slowly pulled back at his hips.

He paused for a few seconds before pushing back in, his thrusts slow and sensual, hitting deep into me. It's agonizingly slow. I released a quiet moan as I attempted to relax my trembling and tense legs.

I didn't understand why he was being so slow, so gentle. Was he worried he was going to hurt me? If so, I could've reassured him that it was fine and to please for the love of god go faster. Or was this intentional? Serj moving at this excruciating pace to mess with me? To have me whine and writhe beneath him, begging for more.

His pace remained slow and consistent, his hips moving in and out of me with care as his hands ran through my body, feeling every inch of me. His wet lips met my warm skin, placing small kisses wherever he could reach, the contact light and almost angelic, resulting in a few shivers running through my body.

Serj caressed my cheekbone with his thumb, his lips brushing my collarbone, tongue teasingly lapping the area before whispering an indecipherable phrase, the words reminiscent of 'mine.' He pulled his hips back, nearly all the way out of me before lightly thrusting back into me.

I loved the way he touched me, loved the way his lips sucked on my skin, loved the way he moved inside of me. It was good but somehow not enough. I needed more speed, more pressure, attempting to move back at his hips in an attempt to achieve that euphoric spark. My attempts were futile.

At that point it was obvious what I wanted, what I craved, my actions speaking loudly. Serj didn't increase his pace, his thrusts remaining slow and gentle, his hands gripping my hips, digging into my skin with an iron grip, the contrast apparent.

He continued to push into me and despite the slow pace, the heated pressure was enough to elicit the same reaction I usually had; muffled moans and quiet pleads. I wrapped my arms around him, subconsciously pulling him closer, soft moans escaping my lips.

I couldn't think straight, my thoughts scrambled and incoherent as my mind became a cloudy blur. My eyes were half lidded, gaze glued onto the beautiful man on top of me, watching him with lustful eyes while my face twisted into pleasure. My back almost arched off the bed, my arms falling back onto the sheets, needing more.

If I was being honest, our current pace wasn't even considered to be that slow, it was just a lot slower compared to our previous experience. I liked when he was a little rough, liked it when Serj moved into me fast, thrusting deeply into me, the bed creaking from force and speed.

That being said, I didn't hate this either. In fact, the slowness was almost overwhelming, more intense as Serj pushed into me, his long dark moving into his eyes in result.

It was euphoric, the way Serj thrusted into me, slowly pulling out and slamming back in, slow and deep, filling me and leaving me breathless each time. I loved it, loved the way his calloused hands squeezed my hips every time he moved inside me. I was only able to slightly hold back the sounds being pushed out of me, it was almost embarrassing.

My smaller hands, only in comparison, slithered up to his neck, my arms wrapping around and promptly pulling him down, bringing our faces closer together. We remained a few inches apart, Serj's warm breath ghosting my lips.

I wanted to say something, opening my mouth to
speak but my scattered thoughts were interrupted when Serj pointedly thrusted in, lowering his torso against mine, my breasts squished up against his chest, his eyes rolling back and mouth opening.

He licked his lips, his arms pulling me closer. His thumb caressed my hip, nearly pulling all the way out before pointedly thrusting into me once again.

A moan is pulled from me, nearly a whine. My hands instinctively moved away from his neck and moved to the white sheets, clenching the fabric and pulling at them, my body desperately trying to move with Serj's thrusts.

His expressions changed, his eyes filled with lust and a glint of something I couldn't make out, his sharp eyes staring directly at me. "Fuck." He almost silently uttered, his voice low and filled with arousal.

"F-, hah- Serj-" I moaned, unable to form a proper sentence.

Serj leaned down further, his lips brushing against my own swollen ones, planting a small kiss on the corner of my mouth before meeting his lips with mine.

I moaned again, unable to hold it back, my body tingling with pleasure as jolts of electricity ran through my veins. I couldn't help the sounds that escaped me but I stopped caring.

The room felt small, heat encompassing my body as Serj thrusted in and out. I could smell his shampoo, could smell small hints of his cologne each time he leaned closer to me.

His warm hands snaked up my body, his touch feather- like, almost haunting as they made their way to my neck and face, gently cupping my cheek.

Time froze for me, the room still as Serj held me, his thrusts gentle yet deep. His thumb caressed my cheekbone, leaning down and pressing his forehead against mine, our gaze glued to each other, his hands continuing to cradle my face.

I was awestruck, my lips parted as my heart bursted, burning within me. Serj slammed into me, his hips meeting my ass, our pace only increasing slightly yet the force strong and deep. He held me with care and affection, his eyes soft as his fingers gently touched the back of my neck.

"Serj-" I whispered, voice slightly strained as Serj continued to move inside me, hitting deep.

Serj was quiet, silent grunts escaping his lips before he opened his mouth to speak, pausing his words before he visibly changed his mind, his face hard to read. It left me curious, wondering what he was going to say, but it was pointless to dwell on it.

Instead, Serj swallowed his words and planted a kiss onto my cheeks, jaw, and lips. It was soft and gentle, his lips lightly pressing against my skin. I felt butterflies form at the small gesture.

I struggled to muffle my moans, unable to restrain the sounds that left my lips. The pressure in my stomach increased, my body desperately trying to move against Serj's thrusts, my face inches away from him.

I looked up at him, strands of loose hair falling into my face and nearly impairing my vision. Serj quickly swiped the hair out of my face, gripping me tightly once again.

Maybe it was stupid, but the look Serj held had me melting beneath him. If I were standing I would've probably stumbled, legs weak. My heart nearly broke as I yearned for him to always look at me the way he was now— looking at me as though I were the only person in the world, the only one who really mattered.

Or maybe I just hadn't payed attention to how he looked at me in the past.

Serj looked at me in affection, with soft loving eyes, almost like he's lost in me. It made me feel sick and weak, knowing that his pretty eyes were looking at me, that I had the chance to so much as glance at him. He was so beautiful, it was almost overwhelming trying to process it.

I didn't know how he could look at me like this, why he was so gentle with me. Did I deserve it?

It was hard to fathom how our pace was sweet and gentle while hints of disparity and roughness appeared at the same time. Serj's left hand squeezed my hips harder at one particular deep thrust, the force pushing a small gasp out of me.

My cheeks were scarlet, locks of hair slightly disheveled as the repeated movements caused it to continue moving into my face. My body moved against Serj's thrusts, small quiet huffs escaping my lips as I nearly arched my back, pulling Serj close.

"You're so beautiful." he whispered.

My mind was a mush, vacant and blank, Serj's sultry voice repeating those honey words over and over again in my spinning mind. I looked away, turning my head to the side, embarrassed to show my flushed face. Why did his compliments have that same effect on me each time?

Serj slowed his movements, his thrusts languid as he adjusted his position on the bed before continuing to repeatedly thrust into me. He hit deep inside of me, hit at different angles that perfectly hit just the right spot.

He leaned his head down, brushing his pink lips against mine. I instinctively parted mine, our eyes half lidded, fluttering shut as we inched closer. Serj pressed our lips together, kissing me until I could hardly breath.

My lips burned, heat spreading through my body, small flames dancing on my skin, tickling my body as heat engulfed me. I felt dizzy, drunk on his lips, on the way he tasted. My heart was bursting in my chest, emotions whirring inside of me.

Serj reluctantly pulled away, separating our swollen lips, the two of us catching our breaths. The lustful gleam in his eyes never disappeared, hunger pooling in them, his piercing gaze filled with emotions I couldn't read.

His lips parted, lowering his head and leaning down and promptly kissing my cheek, pressing his face against the surface affectionately.

Fuck, I loved him so much it hurt.

Serj's hips thrusted into me, his movement becoming quick and sloppy, hitting deep inside of me, gradually unraveling all the nerves in my body that were built up.

It elicited small whimpers and cries from me, who desperately tried to stay quiet but found it more than difficult, my fingers digging into his skin.

"Fuck, baby, you feel so good." Serj mumbled against my cheek, his slow pointed thrusts making the bed slightly creak.

My blunt nails scratched his back at the deep pointed thrusts, leaving behind shallow scratch marks. My mouth was open but I was finally silent, no sounds coming out as Serj hit deep within me. I threw my head back, legs moving higher up his back, reveling in the sensation.

"You're so pretty, baby. Look at you, all pretty just for me." Serj whispered, his voice cracking.

He slammed into me, harder than before. "Fuck, I can't stop thinking about you." he mumbled, thrusting shortly after. "You don't know what you do to me."

The words were too much for me to handle. I felt like I could cry which was was embarrassing enough. It was bad enough that I was in love, but to cry during sex? That was something else entirely.

Serj pulled back at his hips, pulling out and readjusting his position, shuffling on the mattress and re- angling himself as he aligned his cock again. He pushed back in, no longer holding back, and slammed into me, finally granting what I'd been wanting all night.

My eyes slightly watered, crying out as I clenched the sheets, my body tensing, back almost arching. My head was thrown back, unable to suppress my sounds, my free hand clasping my mouth in attempt to muffle my moans.

Serj licked his lips, watching me with those sharp eyes, reaching down and pressing a wet kiss on my neck.

Electricity flowed through me at each thrust, my body hot as if flames were engulfing me, writhing against the man atop me. My mind was a blur, nearly dizzying as the walls closed in on us, the air surrounding us thick.

It didn't take a scientist to tell how close I was to reaching my climax, my reactive body and broken cries more than telling.

"Ah- f- shit-" I moaned quietly, my back arching at the feeling of Serj slamming into me.

"Fuck, you sound so pretty." He said, those dumb simple words catching me off guard as they always did. I wondered how he could think such a thing.

His cheeks were a light pink, his lips pressing messy kisses on my neck. "I love you so bad." He breathed out, the bed creaking.

I didn't respond, too awestruck.

"You're so pretty. Fuck, I'm- I'm-" He paused, looking like he was stopping himself, holding back on what he wanted to say. "You're in my fucking head, I can't stop thinking about you. You're all I want." He whispered, his voice low and breathless, barely audible.

I felt as though someone had hit me across the head, a wave crashing into me as the feeling of wanting to cry returned. The weight of the words nearly knocked the wind out of me, spinning my head, drowning in an overwhelming amount of emotions.

I wondered if that was just the horny talking or if it was him, if he really loved me, if he really wanted me the way I wanted him.

He continued to thrust in, his movements quick and sloppy, losing rhythm he once held, clearly nearing his own climax.

"Fuck, Serj-"

"Come on, baby, it's okay. Come for me." he whispered, the words having me shuddering, chills running down my spine.

I could no longer hold back, Serj slamming into me one final time before I finally came, body shaking as I reached that climax, a small cry escaping my lips, hair in my eyes and sticking out in multiple places. My body tensed, toes curling as I held onto Serj.

Serj's pace increased, slamming into me hastily and sporadically, his body still on top of mine. With one final thrust, he came in me, his hips stuttering, loudly groaning.

I saw all white, coming down in my small high, my mind dazed as fatigue washed over me. He collapsed on top of me, the two of us panting as we attempted to catch our breaths, my once racing heart gradually slowing down.

Serj lifted himself on his elbows, shuffling himself closer so our faces were centimeters apart, the shared heat between us spreading, our bodies moist with sweat.

My tired eyes flickered between his caramel eyes and his swollen lips, his hands cupping my warm cheeks with his large calloused hands, meeting our lips in a slow and gentle kiss. A saccharine taste filled my mouth.

Our sweet kiss was short lived, Serj breaking the kiss looking into my eyes for a brief second before separating his body from mine, slowly pulling his dick out, making me wince.

He apologetically caressed my thighs with his hands, his thumb grazing my soft skin before he lifted himself off the bed and dug through his dresser, slipping into a pair of clean boxers, glimpsing at me before heading to the bathroom, the house eerily quiet with just one lamp lighting the room. I closed my eyes, taking shaky breaths and trying to maybe fall asleep, too lazy to try and do anything else.

The bedroom door creaked open, Serj walking in with a glass of water in one hand and a wet towel in the other. He climbed back onto the bed and handed me the glass of water. I silently thanked him and took a few large sips, setting it down on the bedside table.

Serj didn't say much before he gently pushed my thighs apart and began to clean me up, wiping off the cum that was dripping between my legs. I quietly hummed, the soft fibers gliding against my skin feeling nice.

His free hand caressed my hair, pushing away a few loose strands before running his fingers through it, his blunt nails scratching my scalp. I closed my eyes at the nice feeling, subconsciously leaning in to his touch.

He pressed a small kiss on my cheek. "You're so-" he paused. "I-" he whispered, cutting himself off.


He flashed a tiny smile. "Mm... nothing, baby. It's okay."

I didn't push him, nodding and turning my head, watching Serj lift himself off the bed and pull out a pair of boxers from his dresser, carefully tossing it to me. "You can just wear these to sleep, so you have something clean."

I smiled at him, a small upward tug of my lips, too tired to give him anything bigger. I lazily slipped on the boxers, lifting my pelvis. I didn't even notice that I wasn't given a shirt.

Once on, I let out a small quiet yawn, my eyes heavy and my body growing cold as fatigue washed over me. I lifted the covers off the bed and shamelessly slipped under the warmth, enjoying the comfort of the soft sheets that touched my skin.

Serj crawled in after me, joining me in the warm sheets, pulling my towards him, our bare chests pressed up against each other.


{5800 words, mostly just smut im sorry bout that
hope u enjoyed, have a good night/day :)}

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