Frost and Ice

By stvrgirl07

162K 2.5K 472

Jason and Emery have been friends since they could walk. Their families are close and will always be. No one... More

Charcter looks


15K 205 62
By stvrgirl07

Having a family friend when you have completely different social groups means you never talk to each other during school but know everything about each other's lives. It's the relationship me and Jason have. No one realizes we're friends but that's never bothered me. 

"Em, hey, can you help me please," Jason calls from the end of my backyard. 

I raise an eyebrow," What are you trying to accomplish right now?"

"Just stand here for a moment," Jason pats my shoulders as I stop in front of him," I just need to..."

He trails off before slamming whip cream into my face. I scoff as he laughs his ass off. I grab a handful of it off my face and rub it down his face with a giggle," You ass!"

He licks the whipped cream from his face with a smile," Delicious!"

"We leave you two alone for a minute and we come back to this," My dad chuckles behind me.

"Sorry Dad," I apologize as I reach for a napkin. Jason grabs one before me and holds my chin up with his finger as he wipes the mess off my face," Not my fault."

Jason rolls his eyes," Yes blame it all on me. Not like you put whip cream on my face at all..."

I laugh," That's cause I didn't. You did it to yourself after you hit me in the face."

He raises an eyebrow," Did I now?"


"You two come to eat," Jason's mom calls us," Before you start terrorizing each other."

I snort and push Jason's hands away. His mother is always so nice to us. I sit next to her and she kisses the side of my head," How are you?"

She smiles at me," I'm great, sweetheart. Eat up. You're always so skinny."

I shrug," I skate a lot. I have to keep the body."

"Your body is fine," Jason flicks a pea at my head and I glare at him even though it misses," You weigh close to nothing."

I stick my tongue out at him," I'm not a hockey player. I can't be built like a truck. I don't pummel my opponents I outskate them."

He rolls his eyes but I can see the smile on his face," Ah yes," He stands from the table doing mocking turns," flawless little spins and jumps."

Our parents laugh as he jumps and twirls around my yard with terrible grace," You look like a baby deer that's learning how to walk with two broken feet."

He pauses with a glare," Rude."

"You're the one making fun of me."

"You just called me a baby deer learning how to walk!"

"With two broken feet," My dad adds," Don't forget that part. Now sit. Eat."

We finally calm down enough to eat our meal. We break off into our conversations. Jason talks to his dad and mine about hockey and I talk to his mom and mine about figure skating. We periodically comment on stories of each other. It's calm and nice. I'm starting practices with my skating partner, Isaac, tomorrow and my parents decided I needed to wind down before then. So, here we are, with Jason and his family. They weren't wrong. Jason always seems to get me to relax and I love his family. 

                                                           ~The next day~

Come on you stupid locker. Just open for me. Why must you be so difficult?

"Would you like some help, Ry," Isaac makes me jump as I'm about to kick my locker. I turn to see the amusement in his eyes," You seem to be struggling."

"Yes, hah, just please help," I groan and let him push me aside to open it for me," I think it hates me."

"It's a locker, Ry, it doesn't have feelings," Isaac chuckles getting the locker to swing open on his first try," Are you sure you put the password in right?"

I roll my eyes," I know how to open a locker Isaac. You turn it right left right."

Isaac immediately bursts out laughing," No... it's-- I'm sorry, don't hit me-- left, right, left."

I close my locker and turn it his way and it opens immediately. I curse under my breath," Oh..." Isaac continues to laugh so I punch him in the shoulder," Shut up!"

He rubs his shoulder finally falling quiet," Easy there. I have to lift you later. I don't want to drop you because you're embarrassed."

I feel guilty fast and mutter an apology," I have to go to class. See you later Isaac."

"Bye, Ry!"

I walk down the halls in silence. I don't even have a class right now. I have an off hour. I walk towards the parking lot. My car is a welcome sight after my embarrassment. I'm pulled to the side by the waist before I can reach my car and I yelp.

"It's me," Jason says quickly before I can panic," I'm not kidnapping you."

I squirm anyway," what are you doing?" His fingers tighten on my sides and I hold in a giggle when it tickles," Jason!"

He sets me down by his car instead," When do you have practice tonight?"

"5-7. Why?"

"My team needs some extra practice," He explains and I can see him thinking," I'm just trying to plan so I don't interrupt your practice."

"So sweet of you," sarcasm rings in my voice," come in after. No one will be there on a Monday night after 7."

He smiles," Thanks, Em."

"Was it necessary to pull my to the side like that," I raise an eyebrow at him with a small smile," You could have just texted me."

"It was more fun this way."

I watch as his smile only grows as my frustration grows," You're an idiot."

"A beautiful one," He bumps his shoulders into mine," See you later, Em."

"Bye, Jason."

I watch him leave with a small smile on my face. He's an idiot but I love him. He's weirdly endearing. I finally sit in my car and I blast music until I need to go in for my next class. My earlier embarrassment with Isaac already feeling like it was months ago.  

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