little lady

By mysterywriter2006

17 0 0

hey I'm Maesyn. Im 16. I live on a farm that I have created, alone. With help from my grandparents. My dads a... More

i never liked him anyways


2 0 0
By mysterywriter2006

I woke up the next morning with the sun in my eyes. I rubbed them. I looked behind me to see Dillan on his phone.

Dillan: Morning sunshine.

I laid on him to see my clock. It was 7:55. I looked at him. He moved the hair from under my arm to behind me and kissed my forehead.

Dillan: what's todays plan?

It's Sunday.

Maesyn: chores. Shower. Church. Breakfast. House chores, and then

I got up, sitting on his lap.

Maesyn: the rest of the day until like seven is whatever happens.

He put his hands on my hips.

Dillan: yeah?
Maesyn: mhm.

He kissed me. We looked at each other for a minute then I got up. I put on a shirt and we went out and did chores. Once everything was done we went back inside and showered. I wore this,

(But with boots) I did my mascara. I grabbed the hat and set it on my bed. Dillan came out. He threw his shirt on my bed and tightened his belt. Holy shit this man is hot as hell (italics are her thoughts). I put my watch on. I put my phone in my back pocket and then looked in the mirror as I ran my fingers through my hair one last time before we went downstairs. My phone was ringing.

Maesyn: hey gram
Gram: are you heading out?
Maesyn: yeah. We'll be there in ten.
Gram: we?

I looked at Dillan.

Maesyn: Dillans gonna come too.
Gram: I was wondering who's truck that was.
Maesyn: yep. That's him.

He put his hands on my hips, and hugged me from behind.

Gram: is he your boyfriend now?
Maesyn: yep
Gram: awesome!

I laughed.

Gram: alright get to church.
Maesyn: okay love you
Gram: love you too.

I hung up.

Dillan: who was that?
Maesyn : my grandma
Dillan: oh ok.

We went to his truck. He opened my door.

Maesyn: I can do it myself.
Dillan: I know.

I got in and shut the door. He came and got in the other side. He pulled out of the driveway. He put his hand on my thigh. I sent my streaks. Then I checked my messages from customers. I realized that I had four I checked them.

Haylee: Hey Maesyn. I'd like to book another month for Morgan. My stalls aren't quite finished yet.

I messaged her back.

Maesyn: sounds good. I'll get book done tonight and get back to you.

Dillan: what are you doing?
Maesyn : sorry I'm messaging customers.

I shut my phone off.

Maesyn : I can do it later.
Dillan: no it's okay.
Maesyn : okay

I went back.

Corey Michelson: hey Maesyn !! It's that time of year again! Baylors sixth birthday is coming up and we were hoping we could bring him and his friends again this year. Same money offer as last year if that's alright with you!

Maesyn : works for me. What day are you thinking?

Faith Moore: hey Maesyn. I have four rescue cats here, I'm wondering if you can take them in?

Maesyn: sure! we'll take them.

Tyler Rainer: hey Maesyn, I got a horse I need to have trained. I'd like to book it and you can work with him as you have time.

Maesyn : sounds good. I'll get price back to you tonight. When are you hoping to bring the horse by?

I cleared the app as we pulled in to church.

Dillan: did you get it all figured out?
Maesyn : yeah. Sorry-
Dillan: no. Don't be sorry. It's fine. You can be on your phone around me there's no reason you can't be. I trust you.

I nodded.  we went inside. My ex never let me go on my phone around him. He was always worried that I was cheating on him. After church was over, we went and had breakfast. All gram and pops did was ask Dillan questions about himself.

Pops: so how old are you?
Dillan: seventeen
Pops: who's your parents.
Dillan: Sarah and Micheal Anderson.
Pops: Travis your grandfather?
Dillan: yeah.
Pops: I like him. He's a good guy.
Dillan: he has his days.

Pops laughed.

Pops: so you like my Maesyn do ya?
Dillan: I mean yeah.
Pops: why?
Dillan: why? well she's nice. She works hard. When she gets her mind set to do something she does it. She tells someone she's gonna do something for them and she does. She's always on time. And she's beautiful. You know honestly I don't understand how she even likes me. You are way out of my league

Gram laughed. I choked on my pancake and started laughing.

Pops: what do you do?
Dillan: I'm still in school. But on the weekends and during the summer I work concrete.
Pops: for your grandfather?
Dillan: yeah.
Pops: can you fix stuff?
Dillan: yeah.
Pops: good so Maesyn shouldn't have to change her own oil or put air in her tires anymore you can do that for her?
Dillan: if she'll let me. I can hardly open the door for her before she yells at me.
Gram: Maesyn!
Maesyn : I'm sorry!
Gram: if he's gonna treat you like a princess embrace it don't yell at him. Next time she does you let me know I'll beat her.
Dillan: will do.

We laughed.

Waitress: how is everything here?
Gram: it's good. Can we get the bull please?
Waitress: of course.

She walked away. I took the last bite. I reached into my pocket and secretly pulled out my card.

Gram: we'll get the bill Maes ( pronounced mase) you leave the tip.

I nodded. She came back I snatched the bill before gram could reach for it. I slipped my
Card in and handed it back to her.

Gram: Maesyn Jean Wilson you did not.
Maesyn : I did Gram. It was my turn.
Gram: no. It's never your turn.

I laughed. She came back and I signed. We left.

Gram: your lucky I don't kick your butt.

I laughed.

Gram: see you at home.
Maesyn : love you guys
Gram: love you too.

We left. Dillan put his hand on my thigh. We went to my house. I took off my sweater leaving me in a black tank top. I took off my boots.

Dillan: what are you doing now?
Maesyn : cleaning

I cleaned the house. After I did that I went outside and collected eggs. I put them away.

Dillan: okay. Dinner with my mom at my house?

I looked at him.

Maesyn : yeah sure

I grabbed my phone. We went and got in his truck and then went to his house. When we got there she was setting the table.

Theresa: it's my favorite girl!

She hugged me.

Theresa: What have you two been up to all day?
Dillan: church, breakfast with her grandparents, then she cleaned her house. Now we're here.
Theresa: nothing crazy though right?
Dillan: no mom
Theresa: use protection if you do
Dillan: I know
Theresa: let's eat.

We sat down and started eating.

Theresa: so do you have your homecoming dress?
Maesyn : yep.
Theresa: can I see it?
Dillan: no she won't even let me see it. She just ordered my flannel without even telling me the color!

I pulled up a picture of it.

Theresa: oh I love it!

I smiled.

Maesyn : me too.
Theresa: are you going to wear heels with it?

I looked at her.

Maesyn : you won't catch me dead in heels. I mean maybe at my wedding but probably not.
Dillan: you showed her now show me.
Maesyn: no.
Dillan: rude.

I showed her the boots

Theresa: oh those are cute!
Maesyn : and I didn't order you a flannel by the way I just ordered a white button up with a tie to match my dress.
Dillan: that's gonna end up tied around my head.

I laughed.

Theresa: I'm excited now.
Maesyn : wait one more thing. This is the idea for the corsage

Theresa: did you order that?
Maesyn : no I'm gonna make it. When I get the chance.
Theresa: cute.
Dillan: I feel so excluded.

I laughed. I finished eating I cleared my plate. I looked at my Apple Watch. It was 6:45.

Austin: wya?

I opened my phone.

Maesyn : dillans.
Austin: me and kelli are in the barn. We're gonna start cows.
Maesyn : ok. I'll be back soon.

I sat down. I put my phone in my lap.

Maesyn: I just realized that we came here together. How am I gonna get back to my house?
Dillan: I'm gonna take you?
Maesyn : ok.
Dillan: are you ready?
Maesyn : Austin and Kelli are in the barn we should probably go.
Theresa: it was nice seeing you.
Maesyn : yeah you too!

I hugged her and went outside. A minute later he came out. He got in. We went to my house.

Dillan: I'm staying at your house tonight.
Maesyn : ok.

We went home. We did chores and then I took a body shower. I put on pajamas and went and threw clothes in the washer. Then I started pricing. I messaged back a few people and then went to the couch and sat by Dillan.

Maesyn: Wanna do some night time shenanigans?

He looked down at me. I had my head on his legs.

Dillan: what was that?
Maesyn : night time shenanigans.
Dillan: and what are those?

He sat up and put his hand on my cheek, leaning over me.

Maesyn: you know better then I do.
Dillan: do I now?

He kissed me.

Dillan: tell me what you think they are

I sat up. I sat on his lap, facing him. He put his hands on my butt. I put my forehead on his.

Maesyn: I want you

I stopped talking.

Dillan: you want me?
Maesyn : yes.
Dillan: you already have me. I mean we're dating.
Maesyn : not like that
Dillan: how then?
Maesyn : inside of me.
Dillan: see it's not hard to tell me what you want.
Maesyn : well usually you just start making out with me and then one thing leads to another and you don't even have to use words.
Dillan: cause I'm the boss.
Maesyn: then fuck me.

He smiled.

Dillan: yeah? What if I don't want to.
Maesyn : I'll find a way to get what I want. I always do.
Dillan: ok. Let's do it.
Maesyn : right here?
Dillan: no. Your bed

I got up. I helped him up. He kissed me, squeezing my ass.

Dillan: did I leave condoms in your room the last time I was here?
Maesyn : no but I'm on the pill now.
Dillan: oh sweet.

He smacked my butt.

Dillan: alright. upstairs.

We went upstairs. I held his hand behind me on the way up as if I was pulling him. We got to my door. I stopped. He opened it. He took two steps in and I bolted to the stairs.

Dillan: what are you doing?
Maesyn: your gonna have to come get me.
Dillan: oh we're gonna play this game?
Maesyn : mhm.

He came at me, I ran down the stairs. I got to the kitchen. I stopped at the counter.

Dillan: if I catch you I'm going to throw you over my shoulder and carry your ass up the stairs.

I nodded.

Maesyn : that's okay.

He came around the counter. I backed up slowly. He lunged for me. We fell to the ground he got in top of me.

Dillan: I got you.

He said with a smirk.

Dillan: now are we gonna walk up the stairs nicely, or am I gonna have to carry you.

He had my legs pinned between his and he was sitting on me with both my hands tied into his one.

Dillan: I'll just carry you.

I picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. We got to my room. He threw me on to my bed and shut the door. He came back over and took off his shirt, then his shorts leaning him in his boxers. I hadn't moved from the place he put me in. He kissed me, putting his hands under my shirt. He took my shirt off. I had no bra on, so he migrated slowly, kissing my cheek, to my neck, to my collar bone to my nipple and that's where he stopped. He continued to suck on my nipple as his hands slid down to the tie of my pants, he undid them. He slid them off. He spread my legs apart and got between them. He massaged the spot where my legs meet my hips and slowly traced his hand down. He rubbed my clit. He moved down, and slid in his finger. He made a motion with it. He took it out. He removed his boxers. He stopped sucking my nipple. He looked at me. I pulled my hair back.

Dillan: head on pillow.

I laid so my head was on the pillow. This is the second time we've had sex. He spreaded my legs. He stroked his dick, it was its full length. He lined himself up. He pushed in. I put my hands on his hips. He started a motion. He stopped. He reached to the nightstand and ripped the condom package open took the condom out, pulled out and put it back on. He continued. After a few minutes he pushed in and held, looking me in the eyes. He kissed me.

Dillan: you feel so good.

I kissed him. We laid there and fell asleep.

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