I Am This Type of Woman

By Acrystalss77

203K 4.8K 251

A s*upid father with good luck, a kick-ass and protective mother, and a dandy younger brother all want a prin... More

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By Acrystalss77

Xizhou, a bitterly cold place in Yingchao, is windy and sandy, and the sun is strong. It is so cold in the morning and evening that there is a chill in your bones, but it is so hot that you want to take off your clothes at noon.

A few years ago, the people in Xizhou were still hungry and poorly clothed. Since the establishment of the new dynasty and Emperor Cheng'an ascended the throne, their life has gradually become better. At least they can eat enough. The local officials are also very honest and dishonest. It is said that they were all taken to the capital and beheaded.

In the hearts of the common people, even if someone said that His Majesty the Emperor is superhuman, they would believe it ignorantly.

In the fourth year of Cheng'an, it was said that the capital wanted to select some women to enter the palace as female officials. The number of places was very limited and the requirements were strict. When the news reached Xizhou, it was many days late, but even so, many people were moved.

That is the imperial palace, if it can be selected, it will be a matter of honoring the ancestors.

Ordinary people didn't even have the chance to hear the news. They only saw some girls from non-members or scholars' families frequently running to the county magistrate's house.

In Xizhou's prefecture, Xie Qilin circled a few women who knew everything and had a clean family background, and said to the servants around him: "Just follow this list and post it."

"My lord, the young lady of the Zhang family is well educated and sensible, and she is quick-witted, why didn't she be chosen?" The servant took advantage of Zhang Yuan's family, so he inevitably had to ask a few questions.

"In the harem... there is no need for court ladies who are well-educated and smart," Xie Qilin said calmly, "Go down."

"Yes." Seeing that his expression was not very good, the servants did not dare to ask any more questions, and walked out obediently holding the list.

After the list was posted, the selected girls were both apprehensive and happy. They were happy that they finally had the opportunity to go to Beijing, and even served as errands in the palace. What they worried about was that the capital was high and the roads were far away, and they didn't know what the future would hold.

The posting list was surrounded by people watching the excitement. Some people said that the girl from this family was ordinary-looking, so why was she selected? The other said, that girl has a dull personality, how can she be qualified to serve His Majesty and Empress?

Standing in the corner, Shi Feixian listened to the people's conjecture and yearning for the harem, with a slightly sarcastic smile on his face. Do these people think that if they enter the palace and become a court lady, they will be able to rise to the top and make the whole family honorable?

Are there still few court ladies who died silently in the harem?

"What are you looking at?" A woman wearing the same sarong as her came out and whispered in her ear, "Don't think about running away, there have been people like you who were sent away before. The woman who came ran away and was finally found outside without a piece of good meat all over her body, and the wolves ate all of it."

Shi Feixian smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I won't have such thoughts."

"You are also a smart person, you must not be stupid," the woman nodded, "Oh, it's a pity that the new emperor did not amnesty the world after he ascended the throne, otherwise people like you would be exempted from guilt."

Hearing this, the smile on Shi Feixian's face became even more bitter. She looked away and turned to see a man in an official robe riding a horse in the distance.

"Let's go, we should go back." The woman pulled her and was about to drag her to a dirty and broken donkey cart. The cart was driven by two shabby-dressed veterans with thick calluses on their hands. Half-closed eyes, as if never fully opened.

Shi Feixian grabbed the woman's hand and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, why is he here?

Xie Qilin...why are you here?

"Miss Shi, don't offend the nobleman, come with me quickly." Seeing Shi Feixian staring at Xie Qilin, the woman thought that she was trying to seduce Lord Zhizhou because of her beauty, so she hurriedly persuaded, "Let's They are all guilty people, and these high-ranking figures are beyond our reach."

"Sister, let me go," Shi Feixian anxiously pushed the woman away, and ran forward a few steps, "Xie Qilin, Xie Qilin."

Five years, she has been suffering in Xizhou for five years. Her skin, which was originally delicate and smooth, was roughened by the wind and sand, and her complexion was dark and dry like that of the locals. She was only in her early twenties, but she looked like thirty. year old woman.

When the news of Rong Xia's ascension to the throne came, she was happy, because in this way, there would be an amnesty order.

However, her expectations soon came to nothing. Rong Xia didn't pardon anyone at all, he just reduced the taxes of the victims. Xizhou, as a place of bitter cold, was also exempted from taxes for one year after the conferment ceremony.

After the news came, the people in the whole Xizhou were overjoyed. Everyone thought of the empress's kindness and wished to erect a longevity monument for her.

Shi Feixian thought that she would not be able to survive a day, but she did not expect that her desire to survive was so strong. After being bullied, ridiculed, and excluded, she also survived in this barren place for five years. She thought she would continue to suffer. When going down, Xie Qilin's appearance was like a straw after she drowned.

He is an official of the Ying Dynasty, and he will definitely be able to eliminate her crimes and save her.

The astonished eyes of the crowd and the vigilant gestures of the guards could not stop Shi Feixian's excitement. She felt that she had never run so fast before, and she had never been as nervous as she is now.

However, just as she was about to approach, two yamen servants with knives stopped her.

"My aunt, if you have any grievances, you can tell us first, and we will convey them for you."

"Auntie?" Shi Feixian looked at the yamen servant who was speaking as if struck by lightning. This yamen servant had a round face and looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. She touched her face, and she was at the age of being called aunt ?

She looked up again and found that Xie Qilin was going further and further away, so she hurriedly said: "I am an old acquaintance of your lord, please let me meet with lord Xie."

"Old acquaintance?" The little yamen servant looked at Shi Feixian suspiciously, this woman was dressed in coarse clothes, she looked like a convict in hard labor, how could such a person be an old acquaintance with their adults?

Seeing that the yamen servant didn't believe her words, Shi Feixian said anxiously: "I'm really an old acquaintance of your lord, if you don't believe me, go ask him if he knows Shi Feixian?"

Aristocratic women's names are generally not told to men of low status, but now that she has come to such a fate, why does she care about her name?

Seeing Shi Feixian's swearing appearance, the yamen servant reluctantly nodded and said: "You wait here now, let me ask."

"Thank you, thank you." Shi Feixian thanked repeatedly, she wiped the tears from her face, her rough palms ached her eye sockets.

Xie Qilin planned to go to the outskirts to see the growth of this year's crops. When the yamen guard called him to stop, he stopped the horse and looked down at the yamen servant standing in front of him with folded hands, "What's wrong?"

"My lord, there is a woman who claims to be your old acquaintance and wishes to see you."

"Old acquaintance?" Xie Qilin frowned, turned his head and forgot to look behind his eyes, and saw a woman in gray clothes stopped by the yamen from a distance. He didn't remember knowing such a person, so he shook his head and said, "I didn't know him in Xizhou old friend."

Hearing the words, the yamen servant was about to retreat, but thinking of the woman's begging eyes, he couldn't help but add another sentence: "She said her name is Shi Feixian, you must know her."

Shi Feixian? !

This name, which was buried deep in his memory and hadn't appeared for a long time, was uttered by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old government servant at this time, which made Xie Qilin feel absurd. He looked back at the woman, and was silent for a moment: "Bring her here."

The woman in gray gradually approached, Xie Qilin looked at her vicissitudes, and was silent for a long time: "Miss Shi."

Shi Feixian looked at Xie Qilin who was sitting on the horseback, pinched the hem of the gray cloth skirt with some embarrassment, the clothes on her body were distributed uniformly, standing in front of Xie Qilin who was wearing an official robe, he suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

"I have met Mr. Xie." She blessed her body, although she has not paid attention to these etiquettes for many years, but the elegance engraved in her bones is not so easy to wash away.

The yamen servant who sent the message looked at the two in surprise. It turned out that they were really old acquaintances. The identity of this woman was unknown, and the way she saluted was different from that of women from other families.

"How's Miss Shi these years?" Xie Qilin didn't expect that the noble young lady who was striding forward in one step would turn into this appearance. He glanced at the people around him, "This is not a place to talk, please invite Miss Shi to the teahouse to have a talk."

Shi Feixian nodded silently.

The two entered the teahouse, and Xie Qilin chose a seat by the window.

Shi Feixian suddenly thought that back then she also liked to sit by the window, and every time Xie Qilin discussed poetry with her, she would choose a private room with a good view and wide windows, waiting for her arrival.

As soon as it was almost served, Xie Qilin poured a cup of tea for Shi Feixian, "We don't have good tea in Xizhou, I hope Miss Shi doesn't mind."

"I am very grateful now that I can drink a sip of clean water. How can I be picky about the quality of the tea." Shi Feixian reached out to serve the tea, and a pair of rough hands were exposed in front of Xie Qilin's eyes.

He looked away and turned his head to look out of the window. In the distance were stretches of loess walls and the sky full of wind and sand.

"I didn't expect...you would be here." Sensing Xie Qilin's indifferent attitude, Shi Feixian smiled awkwardly, "How about my brother and sister?" She heard that the former crown prince gave Rong Xia the seat of meditation. Next, Rong Xia must not kill the abolished prince. Her sister is the first wife of the abolished prince. Even if she loses her freedom, her life will be better than she is now.

Xie Qilin turned his head to look at her, and said after a while: "Master Shi is very good, and now he has taken the post of Minister of Taichang Temple. Although he is not considered prominent, he is also quite respected."

"Then... is he married?"

Xie Qilin shook his head: "Sorry, I haven't heard the news of Master Shi's marriage."

"Yes, is that so?" Shi Feixian was a little confused. She took a sip of tea and licked her dry lips, "What about my sister?"

Xie Qilin was silent for a moment, and turned his head away from Shi Feixian's expression: "Sister Ling sent someone to assassinate the Queen, His Majesty and Prince He were furious, and were abandoned by Prince He. Later, because Lord Shi begged for mercy, the Queen spared her life, but Sister Ling and Prince He spared her life. After my brother returned, he committed suicide and died."

"Suicide..." Shi Feixian was dazed for a long time, and wiped away the tears on his face, "She has more courage than me."

She suddenly didn't want to ask Xie Qilin to save her anymore, so what if she got rid of her crimes now, could it be that the old grievances between her and those people in the capital can be wiped out?

Could those people in the capital forget that she had a rift with the current empress? Even if Banhua doesn't care about this, those who are eager to please Banhua will jump out eagerly and take pleasure in bullying her. For no reason, he involved his brother and added trouble to his official career.

After staying in the capital for so many years, how could she not understand the thoughts of those people in the capital. Because even she herself is such a person and has done such a thing.

"What happened back then was because I was sorry for you," she squeezed the teacup tightly, which made her more confident, "There were too many people who didn't want you to marry Ban Hua back then, and I followed suit to add fuel to the flames and hurt your family, I'm sorry."

Xie Qilin closed his eyes and concealed the emotions in his heart: "It's only me who is to blame, vanity and complacency, if..."

If he was as determined as Rong Xia, no matter what others said, he could maintain a firm attitude, and his marriage contract with Ban Hua would not end in such an embarrassing way.

He thinks he is noble, and thinks he looks down on Ban Hua, but it is because of the uneasiness and inferiority in his heart. He is afraid that he will not be able to catch Ban Hua, that he is not worthy of her, so he can't wait to show his self-esteem. Everyone knows that it's not that Xie Qilin can't catch Mr. Banxiang, but that he doesn't like her and doesn't want to marry her.

He likes talented and gentle women, all of which Banhua doesn't have.

After a long time, even he himself almost believed that he only likes talented women, refuses to think about Banhua's good, and refuses to accept his heart that has no place to rest when he is with Banhua, and he always doesn't know what to do. Raised hands.

At that time, he was too young, he didn't know that his heart would sprout, he didn't know that this was the shyness in front of the person he liked.

When he finally understood, it was too late.

"When I came to Xizhou, I didn't have a change of clothes on me, I didn't have any money to please the yamen servants, and I didn't even have a grain of dry food." Shi Feixian gulped down some bitter tea, "Everyone avoided me like a snake, and only one sent me a hand." I sent a package and said that the past grievances will be written off."

"Although she didn't say who she is, the way the guard behaved reminded me of someone." Shi Feixian sneered, "It's Banhua."

Xie Qilin unconsciously looked at Shi Feixian, wanting to hear more about Banhua from her.

Noticing his look, Shi Feixian smiled wryly: "You don't have to look at me like that, she and I have always disliked her since we were young. Ten years ago, I even arranged for a little maid to lead her to the frozen lotus pond, and wanted her Died under the ice."

Xie Qilin's complexion changed slightly, how old was Shi Feixian at that time, ten years old? Eleven years old?

"Why, didn't you expect me to be such a woman?" Shi Feixian chuckled, she no longer had to maintain the illusion of being gentle, and she felt very happy. If Banhua died at that time, would there be so many things in the future? Provoked?

"Obviously everything has been planned, but Rong Xia suddenly appeared," Shi Feixian laughed at himself, "I can't do anything with the people I arranged. Do you think this is fate? Leaving at the palace banquet, you just met Ban Hua?"

"Why?" Xie Qilin looked at Shi Feixian, "At that time she was less than ten years old, why do you hate her so much?"

"You really believed it?" Shi Feixian sneered, "It seems that I am such a woman in your heart."

Xie Qilin had no words.

"Let me tell you the truth, it's not me who wants to kill Ban Hua, but Rong Xia's biological mother Lin," Shi Feixian sneered, "Lin hates Princess Dening so deeply that she even hates Ban Hua." I just accidentally discovered the truth."

The Lin family hated the Ban family, but her son married the granddaughter of the eldest princess, and he regarded it as a treasure. I don't know if the Lin family will be so angry that he will come back to life under the nine springs.

Xie Qilin never thought that there would be such a life-and-death crisis back then. If Rong Xia hadn't appeared at that time, would Banhua...would have died in the cold water?

"Miss Shi..." His throat was a little dry, "I'm going back to Beijing for a briefing next month, do you have any letters that I need to take back?"

"Letter..." Shi Feixian was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head, "The Shi family has already been destroyed, and it is not easy for my brother to be in the capital, so let him think that I am dead, it will be good for him and me."

The table became quiet, and after a long time, Xie Qilin nodded: "I see."

"Thank you sir for your hospitality, I should go back too." Shi Feixian stood up, thanked Qi Linfu for his blessing, "Farewell."

"Miss Shi," Xie Qilin called to stop Shi Feixian, "Yunniang, did you arrange to come here and approach me?"

Shi Feixian paused slightly, "She is not mine, but I arranged for someone to guide you, making you think that only by elope with Yunniang can you show your integrity."

In the elegant time of talking about poetry and Ci in the past, the elegance on the outside was torn apart, and the inside was full of calculations. It was so embarrassing that Xie Qilin once again realized how stupid he was.

"Thank you sir, do you have any questions?"

Xie Qilin shook his head: "Go slowly."

That night, Shi Feixian received a transfer order, saying that she had performed very well in the past two years, and that her higher-ups had given her an easier job.

Facing the envious eyes of everyone around, Shi Feixian packed his bags and went to work in the city.

She didn't tell Xie Qilin that after she knew about Lin's plot, she also helped Lin's lead away a few court ladies, because she also wanted Ban Hua to die. However, all of this is no longer important, because it is she who is living a difficult life now, and the woman whom she has hated has become the mother of all peoples.

The past grievances and hatreds are all a joke.

She is the most clumsy actor in this joke, she thinks she can win the applause of the whole house, but the eyes of the spectators are no longer on her.

From Xizhou to the capital, half by dry road and half by water, it took nearly two months for Xie Qilin to return to this place where he had been away for three years.

The city gate was still the same city gate, but the guards guarding the city gate did not know how many times they had changed. When Xie Qilin handed the documents and waist badges to the guards, he found that many people were beaming, so he asked, "I don't know what happened in the capital?" What's up?"

"Your Excellency returned to Beijing from another place to report on his duties. It is not surprising that he does not know about the happy events in the capital." The guard returned the paperwork and waist badge to Xie Qilin, and said to him, "A few days ago, the empress gave birth to Lin'er. Your Majesty is very happy. I personally hung a bow on the main wall of the Great Moon Palace. It is strange to say that there has been no rain in our capital for more than half a month. On the day His Royal Highness was born, there was a moderate amount of rain. What do you say? Is this a gift from God to us?"

Xie Qilin's hand holding the document trembled slightly, "So...was the dragon son born?"

"Exactly," the guard said with a smile, "My lord, you are also very lucky. You have encountered such a happy event just after returning to Beijing. Maybe you will have a prosperous official career and prosperity from now on."

"Yes," Xie Qilin nodded, "Brother, I would like to borrow your good words."

The guard didn't dare to say anything.

Xie Qilin put down the curtain of the carriage, and said to the driver: "Let's go."

The carriage slowly entered Beijing. The place where he had lived for twenty years seemed more lively and unfamiliar than before. The people here dress cleaner than the Xizhou people, eat better than the Xizhou people, and even have fairer skin than the weather-beaten Xizhou people. Perhaps it was because he had been a parent officer in Xizhou for three years, and felt that even though the people in Xizhou were not more particular than those in the capital, they were just as cute.

After bathing and changing clothes in the residence where he received officials serving from other places in the capital, he went to the palace to see His Majesty.

According to the rules of the big win, Zhizhou returns to Beijing every three years to review his post, and then waits for His Majesty's edict to decide whether he will continue to work in the same place or be promoted.

Entering the palace from the Vermilion Bird Gate, he waited outside the imperial study for about half an hour, and finally an eunuch in a dark blue robe led him in.

Walking in the door with his head down, Xie Qilin didn't dare to sit on the head of the man in black, he lifted his robe and bowed in a dignified manner: "My minister Xie Qilin has seen His Majesty, long live long live, long live His Majesty."

"Get up."

This voice was still familiar, but it was a bit more majestic than three years ago.

He stood up, looked at Rong Xia, he was still handsome and noble, but his aura was stronger than before, more like an emperor than an elegant nobleman.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are much calmer than before," Rong Xia put down the pen in his hand, and said to Xie Qilin, "I have read all the excerpts from Xizhou, and you have done a good job."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment, I'm ashamed of you." Xie Qilin didn't expect Rong Xia's attitude to be so calm.

"It's good if it's done well," Rong Xia put her hands behind her back, "There's no need to be humble. Tell me about the situation in Xizhou, both good and bad."

"Yes." Xie Qilin cupped his hands and began to talk about what he saw and heard in Xizhou in detail.

About half an hour later, he saw a eunuch hurried in and whispered something in His Majesty's ear. The voice of the other party was very low, and he could only faintly hear Niangniang, Tang and the like.

Then he saw His Majesty showing a distressed expression, and subconsciously felt that he shouldn't look at it at such a time, Xie Qilin hastily lowered his head.

"Master Xie, go back and rest first, I will call you again in a few days," Rong Xia raised her hand, "Retire."

"Yes." Xie Qilin took the order to retreat, and just after he walked not far, he turned around and saw His Majesty coming out of the imperial study in a hurry, walking towards the harem.

Could it be that something happened to the harem? He frowned.

"Thank you, my lord."

Xie Qilin raised his head and met Shi Jin's eyes.

"The lower official has met Master Shi."

"Master Xie is polite," Shi Jin stopped, "Master Xie just returned to Beijing?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving in a few days." Seeing Shi Jin, Xie Qilin hesitated to speak, "I don't know what's the matter with Master Shi?"

"I don't know... Mr. Xie, have you ever met your sister in Xizhou?"

"No, I haven't seen it before." Xie Qilin said calmly.

"If Mr. Xie sees Sister She, please write a letter to Mr. Xie and let me know. I will be very grateful." Shi Jin gave Xie Qilin a deep bow.

Xie Qilin pushed half a step away, avoiding the ceremony: "Master Shi, you are welcome, if I meet you, I will definitely tell you."



Xie Qilin and Shi Jin passed by, Shi Jin didn't see it, and Xie Qilin didn't have the slightest emotion in his eyes.

As long as he thought of the possibility of the little girl being buried in the ice water back then, he didn't want to speak again. He spared Shi Feixian from hard labor, but he never thought of letting her return to the capital to be a comfortable eldest lady.

Since he is a heartless person, why not do a few more heartbreaking things.

In this way, it is enough.

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