Shoot ~ Duty after school x r...

By GiyuOnlyFriend

59.2K 2.3K 305

You just wanted to graduate peacefully but that didn't seem to be anyone's plan. An Y/n , a senior worked so... More

1 - recruitment
2 - training
3 - firearms
4 - reality
5 - uprising
6 - WuTaek
7 - a legendary tale
9 - Coca-Cola love
10 - Lieutenant Lee Chun-Ho
11 - flirt
12 - im against this
13 - prisoners
14 - zipper
15 - today is the worst day of my life
16 - feelings
17 - Commander Y/n
18 - i love you
19 - video camera
20 - shoot
21 - Parents

8 - flour

2.1K 103 13
By GiyuOnlyFriend


"Hey wait up!" The boy who followed you called to you, quickening his pace to meet up with you. You stopped looking behind and waiting for him. "Why are you here?" You asked , he took a second to catch up his breath. "Well you left and I didn't think you should be alone" you nodded beginning to walk again, the two of you walking to the barracks. He just stood by you quietly, enjoying just being alone with you.

"I was worried because you seem so out of it lately and then before the talk you came back with Ilha and seemed happier. I'm glad you're okay" Soochul smiled at you breaking the silence, you just showed a small smile back to him. The two of you continuing to walk back at a slow pace. "Thanks but...You don't need to worry about me. I'm a big girl." You joked , he let out a little laugh. "I know , I still actually haven't thanked you for helping me back at school." He said rubbing his neck "you don't need to, trust me I wasn't going to let you die. Especially after thinking WuTaek did" you admitted , he looked at you hopefully. "I feel so bad that we thought he died and left him there" Soochul admitted what was weighing down on his shoulders "don't worry Wonbin was there and helped him, WuTaek isn't angry" you comforted him. He accepted what you said with a nod, but he still felt guilty. It was clear in his eyes.

You both soon arrived back at the barracks . You went to head to your bed. "Can we talk some more?" He asked , causing you to look over to him. You thought about it and then nodded, walking over to him. "I feel like we haven't actually ever talked much" he admitted taking a seat on his bed, you sat down on the one next to his facing him. "I don't think we have just the two of us, well at least not a proper conversation. There's normally a third person around."

"Let's change that" he smiled, you nodded. The two of you talking about all sorts of things as if it was you getting to know each other. Speed questions to get to know more and more about each other. "Okay hmm favourite colour? Mines blue , like the ocean on a sunny day" you ooed at this and then thought about yours "hmm probably like a dark green"

"Like our uniform?" He laughed. "No no no" you quickly dismissed his joke , laughing too. "Like the trees in the forest by here" he smiled hearing this. "Okay my turn , favourite animal?" he thought long and hard about your question . "Uhhhh ooooo hmmm a dog"

"Seriously? All that thought and a dog was your answer? I was expecting something crazy and specific" you laughed . "Okay then what's yours?" He challenged. You thought about if for a second "a panda" originally he thought it could be for a sweet reason but then realised it was you. "Is it because of them being so clumsy on YouTube?" You laughed at his questioning, nodding. "Haha I seem to be understanding you really well"

The others soon came back. "Why're you two happy?" Taeman said walking over all pouty. "We have our mission tomorrow" he sat down next to you and leaned his head on your lap. "I couldn't even eat." You just played with his hair. "Oh you must be really suffering. Poor you." You said with the least empathetic tone ever heard to man kind, causing the boy to shoot up and look at you. "You don't care!" You and Soochul just laughed at the boy being so dramatic.

The others soon walked over. "Y/n~" WuTaek said sitting next to you on the other side. The two boys being all dramatic and clingy. Yeah the situation was not a good one and everyone was sad about it but these two were milking it for some attention. You mouthed help me to Soochul which made the boy laugh. "Yah get off my bed the three of you!!" Ilha said his anger with the mission getting let out onto you three, none of you moved though. "Yah-" he said pushing WuTaeks shoulder but was cut off before finishing his next outburst.

"We're going to die tomorrow" Huirak complained , sitting next to Soochul. "We're not going to die tomorrow" you looked at the boy who just sighed. "Yeah you won't but all these idiots here will, like me" he started to cry. "Oh you're such a cry baby, we'll all be fine. We'll get rid of them and then come back here to be discharged" you said trying to calm the three boys down. "Whatever, me and Y/n will be fine it's you four who are the ones fucked" Ilha let out pushing Taeman off his bed so he could sit down next to you, Taeman just moved to sit next to Soochul. The six of you chatting some more before Yoojung came back. "Let's have a meeting" she announced, everyone else heading into the boys side to talk. She had some weird packages in her hands.

They were all labelled with your names and contained a pen, some paper and some small clear bags. Everyone got handed there's, people had learnt and weren't as oblivious as before. Some quickly understanding what this was for. "Don't worry, everyone writes these before they go off for a mission. Cut a little bit of your nails and hair and put them in the pouches, this is for a funeral incase they can't find our bodies" hearing Yoojung say that it set into people more how this was dangerous, before they were mainly sad that they weren't able to be discharged but now it was becoming a reality that this mission could possibly be life threatening. "W-w-what ? It means we're going to die?" Soyoon stood up "No it's not that" Yoojung quickly dismissed that idea.

"Why're they being so scary?" SunYi cried. Yoojung sighed before turning to the girl. "It's just a formality, isn't it Y/n?" She looked towards you asking for your back up. You just looked up from yours. "Oh uh yeah, it's just a formality incase worse comes to worse" you said backing her up. "So why are they asking us to do something so formal? THEYRE ASKING US TO DO THIS BECAUSE ITS DANGEROUS" Joonhee complained raising her voice directly at you and Yoojung. "Aren't we going to be discharged, didn't they say we would be?" SunYi asked crying.

"No one mentioned anything about being discharged" Bora added and SunYi just cried mores "I don't kn-"

"If you don't know go ask them. Ask them why we have to go on the operation" Hana stood up cutting off Yoojung. "Yu Hana-" Bora tried to calm her friend down "she's the class President isn't she? As class President why don't you even ask them about it?!" Hana shouted at the girl who stood in front of you all.

"Ah Fuck. How could you just accept this because they fucking gave it to you?" Huirak joined in. It was clear Yoojung was getting overwhelmed. The ones complaining didn't seem to realise just how rude they were being and how they were all unloading it onto one person. "Stop always complaining about everything-" You cut in.

"Don't get involved you fucking bitch" Huirak cut you off , letting his anger out at you. You just sat there eyes wide from what he just said to you. "Yah! Why're you yelling at them? They can't do anything about it!" Taeman said now getting involved "You couldn't even open your mouth infront of the lieutenant colonel earlier" Taeman spat at the shorter boy , the two standing up and getting closer to each other. "What you fucker? Am I not allowed to voice my opinions?"

"All you're doing is swearing. If you're that bothered go and talk to Platoon leader himself, or are you all talk?" You spat at the boy, out of anger he chucked his little packet down forcibly, it hitting you. "Stop fucking opening your mouth you fucking bitch!" He shouted at the same time. Taeman grabbed hold of the boys collar forcibly, "what did you just call her , you fucker?" He said angrily and in a strong tone, something very foreign for the boy.

"Yah let go of me you motherfucker!" The two started pushing each other in a threatening manner, the other boys getting involved before it could go any further. "Stop fighting! Please!" Yoojung pleaded to the duo. The boys soon split them up. Yoojung started to leave, you got up to follow her. "Doesn't it bother you?" Soyoon called to the two of you "Aren't you scared?" Yoojung just held her head low, Ilha got up cursing behind the two of you. "I don't think this is right either" Soochul spoke up , you looked over at him. He seemed less confident than what he sounded. Yoojung looked at everyone, seeing their faces before walking off.

"Fuck..." Ilha let out. You just looked at them all. "What? Huh?" Soyoon challenged , you just let out an amused exhale as if you thought lowly of them all. "Sit down and write those letters, she's not asking for much.." You said before following the girl. After you left they all sat down in a huff.

You found Yoojung sitting down in one of the quiet corridors. You walked over, standing next to her. "Y/n... I actually became class President for the student record." She admitted, you just stood there quietly. "I'm not any good at this, they don't listen to me like they do with you." She sighed , you wanted to thank her for the compliment but now wasn't the time. "You're a better fit then I would be" you reassured her. She looked up to you. "If i was in your position I would have probably started shouting at them all by now. Your method of a friendlier approach is much better than mine of a firm hand" she just listened. "People know you're better, that's why they voted for you. They only speak up because they know you'll listen and take their opinions into account." It went silent between you two. "I'm not even the vice" you let out a little laugh "we'd truly be good cop bad cop if I was" she let out a small laugh at your comment. "You're vice is probably in there right now making sure what you asked for is being done. You two as a team works best , no one can replace you and Jangsu in that sense" she looked up to the sky hearing this, you did the same the purple spheres glowing brightly in the night sky. " It's okay"

Later no one could get to sleep. Neither the girls or the boys. All of you just lying in your beds , not even trying to sleep. "Should we see if the boys are awake too?" You asked sitting up, looking at the girl on the other side of Bora. She nodded. The two of you getting up. "Wait for me" Bora said getting up and following you two. The three of you got to the entrance of the boys tent, hearing their voices all three of you popped your heads through. "Hi!" Hana said happily. "Are none of you able to sleep either?" You asked noticing them all looking at you three. "Well if you're all awake I guess we can get those letters done." They all groaned hearing this. "Hana go get the others" you turned to the girl. "Yes commander Y/n" she saluted before rushing off. Bora and some of the others laughed at this. Soon all of you were in the boys tent. You sat next to WuTaek and Taeman. After some final touch ups Jangsu walked around collecting the letters and packages. Once done he handed them to Yoojung.

"Everyone is here" Youngshin made the observation. "How could any of us even sleep. It's tomorrow. What should we do?" Soyoon replied.

"Damn I'm so fucking scared" Huirak let out

"It's on the outskirts , we'll all be fine" Jangsu spoke up .

"Yah why would we have to write these letters if we'll be fine" Joonhee let out

"But we'll be able to go to our parents once it's over" Yeonjoo added

"Fuck. We just have to trust them and go. If we can make it through this safely..." Ilha glanced over at you. Your head just resting on WuTaeks shoulder as you held onto his arm.

"I miss my mum and dad" SunYi cried. Others agreeing and admitting they did too. Crying that they missed their mums too. "I miss your dad Y/n" WuTaek whined earning a hit on the head from you. All of a sudden Yoojung started shushing you all. The curtains opened and you all went into hide mode. WuTaek and Taeman squashing you as they pushed you on the bed to lie down as they jumped ontop of you, suffocating you.

"You all..." he paused seeing the packets in Yoojungs hands. "Im sorry, we'll all head to sleep now" she said bowing and then quickly ushering everyone to get to bed. You pushed the boys off of you, them both falling on the floor. Tsking at them before getting up. "Guys..." you all paused hearing him speak. "I heard you didn't even eat dinner" Platoon leader said looking at you all. "Sergeant Kim go bring them all here" he ushered Wonbin to go outside, all of you nervously following him. Shocked to see the table covered in ingredients outside. Wonbin and Platoon Leader doing a hand shake before getting into it. You all just watched amazed as they cooked using some very odd ingredients. Confusing turning into excitement to try the new stuff they were making. Burgers and ramen included. "This is so good" you said shocked taking a bite out of the burger. You turned to Ilha next to you. "Try a bit" he was confused before taking a bite of the burger too, nodding his head at the comment you had made. You took another bite, shocking the boy. Soon they were chucking snacks for all of you to try and catch in your mouths. It was your turn but WuTaek moved his face in front of yours catching it before you could, earning a hit to the head for everyone to laugh at. All of you cheering happily at others getting it into their mouths. "This makes me so hungry" Huirak admitted "What are you going to salivate like a dog?" You made the comment. "He's like a tiny chihuahua" Taeman added, taking the joke too far. Everyone went silent. "You fucker" Huirak chucked flour but it hit your face instead of Taemans.

Silence took over everyone once again. No one really sure what was going to happen, the people closest to you cautiously taking a step back. You blew it out of your mouth. You exhaled through your nose. "You little fucker" you said in an annoyed yet amused tone chucking some flour at the boy but he ducked and it hit SunYi. The girl whining before chucking a bunch at the boy who looked at her shocked. Everyone laughing. "Yah! Stop playing with food-" Wonbin was cut off with Huirak chucking some flour at him. Deokjoong the only one laughing, earning himself a glare from the kind officer. "Wonbin" Platoon leader tried to calm his friend down but was met with a face full of flour. Now everyone was silent, shocked at what just happened.

"Kim Won Bin." Platoon leader spoke calmly before chucking handfuls of flour at both sides of the table causing people to retreat slightly. But then everyone looked over hearing a small laugh and soon you were all back into it. Having a flour fight. You used WuTaek and Taeman as shields for some of it. Before getting ambushed by Soyeon and Bora. Everyone laughing and messing around.

You were all cleaning up. "Ugh I think I got some in my hair" you complained trying to brush out the flour you couldn't see. "Let me help" you looked up at the boy brushing your hair softly with one hand whilst the other was held above your eyes to protect them from the falling flour. "Thanks..." you said quietly too stunned by the gesture. "Oooo what is this" WuTaek cooed seeing you two. "Are two people getting all lovey dovey" Huirak added seeing this. "Leave them alone" Ilha added, standing behind the two. You looked over at the boy. "Thanks Soochul" you thanked the boy for helping you before taking a step back. Walking back over to the table. Most people cleaned up. You looked at the boy who stood next to you, raising your hand to his cheek. "You're such a child" you tsked wiping away the flour, he just watched you as you touched his face. He could feel the blush creeping on his cheeks so he quickly looked away, doing up his fleece and tucking his head in. "Taeman I wasn't done" you said tapping his shoulder. "It's okay".

"Tell us Tell us Tell us" you looked over to see Soyeon trying to get everyone to chant with her, slowly people got involved. It seemed to be to get the Platoon Leader to reveal what he did before all the 'shit hit the fan'. "I was in ROTC, so I came here after graduating from college" your ears perked at this. "I still have a year left but I'm not sure if I'll discharge or apply for an extension. That's it"

"An extension? Why would you want to continue doing this?" Soyoon asked. "Exactly. Isn't it better be go out into society then be stuck in this" Joonhee added.

"Society is tough too guys, although I'm still young I'm sure that going out into society is just like going to war" Wonbin added. "The entrance exam is like a local war whilst society is the big one. This moment...this is the happiest moment." That seemed to get you all thinking. Especially you. What did you want to do? Originally it was just follow your parents footsteps as it seemed to be the path laid out for you but was that really what you wanted? To live like this for the rest of you life? In a constant state of life or death unless you got a high level promotion? Or would it be best to go into society and be with everyone? But you'd have to deal with all those struggles too. You're thoughts clouded your head so you weren't aware of the others asking when this would all be over and when they could go home. Not that it mattered, it wasn't as if Platoon leader had an answer he could give anyone.

- - - - -


"Why do you keep making me do interviews with people I have a problem with? Kimchi are you stirring things up?" You looked at the boy who quickly dismissed your comment. "No no no, I just thought it would be good to see how you two had developed as a duo"

"Ugh you're fucking kidding me, this is for your entertainment" Huirak complained. "We don't fucking like each other" he added

"I think we've made improvements though" you added , looking at the boy who already had his head turned to look at you. "I mean we did help each other out." You said , the boy next to you sitting up properly and nodding.

"I guess so... after all I saved you" he said smugly

"Yeah well I took the short straw for you"

The two of you started bickering , kimchi just turning off the camera.

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