π‘«π’‚π’“π’π’Šπ’π’ˆ~ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆...

By lazyshrimp11

57.3K 1.7K 4.2K

{ LawLu } { KidLu } Trafalgar Law Γ— Monkey D. Luffy Eustass Kid Γ— Monkey D. Luffy ~~~~~~ Two Demon Kings were... More

" First Note "
" I'm Sorry, the story will.... "
#63 { END }
" Q & A { With a Small Announcement ) "


545 12 30
By lazyshrimp11

-------No One's Pov------

Eustass Kidd, heard the news, even Killer himself, and received an invitation, which was surprising. Luffy was alive, he thought it would fail. To the fact that he is finally relieved yet he can tell that he already ran towards Law's arms.

Killer seeing Eustass at the balcony, he seems to be thinking a lot about it. "Your.. Highness?.." Killer called him, and Eustass didn't say any words. "What?" He just asked a question instead, "Aren't you going to see him??" Killer politely asks that question up, bringing something that was a bit hard to answer for Eustass.

"No, I'm not."

Killer waited for him to say anything, not just that.  "Why?.." He asked again, Eustass hummed for a moment, "The answer is pretty obvious." he says, Killer stiffened after that, one thing he suddenly thought in his mind right now, Luffy is with Law. 'Maybe that's why the Highness refuses to see him, the little beast.. must be with him..' Killer thought, one thing, just one thing of that thought.

Seeing Luffy with Law did trigger Eustass.

"Does the Highness want me to find a woman?"

"No. I'd rather stay here. I have nothing to do anyway."

Walking away, leaving Killer behind, "Your.. Highness, I know this is..", Killer didn't even finish his word when Eustass suddenly spoke, "I have no reason to see him, I'm just glad that he's back alive. Now, shut up. For fuck sake." continues to walk away, Killer expect from his cold response.

'It must be pretty hard.. Kidd.'


Since they were in the Human world, Shanks, Ace, Sabo, Dadan, Garp, Corazon and Luffy and Law's family are shocked to hear the sudden news, of what Luffy said.

"D..D.... DEBUTANTE!?!"

Shanks was shocked yet he just didn't say a word, more like he was speechless at Luffy's sudden decision, Luffy was sitting on Law's lap, snuggling his cheeks to Law's cheek and playing with Law's earrings.

"Luffy! Why!? It's so early!?" Ace was in disbelief, like he did not like the idea, well, part he likes it, but part of it is not. "No reason, I just want to, I want the biggest party ever!!! Nyahahahaha!!~" Luffy laughed, Sabo and Ace look at each other, "You need to wait until you're 21 you moron!" Dadan said, standing up from her chair, Makino chuckles sweetly.

"Do you really want to have your own debutante??"

Luffy looks at Shanks, Dragon and Garp, "Right now, I know everyone is surprised and so as I am. If that's what Luffy wants then we have no choice, do we??" Corazon said, Doflamingo just nodded, "To the fact he's getting older, but after debutante he is allowed to get married at his own decisions." Doflamingo says, making every one glare at him to death. Except for Law who looks at Luffy.


Luffy laughed hilariously, "I object!! No!! I don't want our baby to grow up!!!" Ace with his crocodile tears, while Dadan hiding her tears as well as Sabo, Garp sighs, "So?" looking at Shanks reaction, he only smiled and didn't seem to mind at Luffy's sudden decision. "Anyway, since Luffy wants to.. can we help?" Shanks looks at Luffy, Luffy softly chuckles.

"You guys can!!"

"Anyway, we should think of a place for his debut..---..."

"I know a place!!!" Luffy interrupted his Dad, Dragon. "Where????" Corazon, Ace and Dadan asked in sudden confusion.

"At the Underworld!!!!!"


"Why!?!" Garp can't even say a word after that, "Why? I want it there.. I want to make a debut in a castle. It's more classy and I love it!! And also!!.. I want you all to dance me!!~
Nishishishi!!~" Luffy sparkly says, everybody looks at each other and sparkles shows from the looks of their eyes, dancing Luffy.


Now they all look at Makino, "Since Luffy's birthday is already 3 days away, we should be looking for Luffy's outfit. I will come with Luffy, Shanks, can you tell Cavendish that we need his help?" Makino kindly says, planning for a perfect outfit for Luffy. "Since it's about outfits, we decided, me and Ace are going with you, maybe Gramps as well if he wants to." Sabo says, Luffy smiles more brightly.

"When!? I wanna go out! Can Torao come with us!?"

"No, he'll be helping us prepare for your magnificent debut." Corazon looks at Luffy with a smile, then Luffy hugs Law's arm, "Then lots and lots of people will visit and be our guest!! Like banquet!!!~" Luffy sparkly says, to the moment Luffy says that, Law doesn't feel at ease when it comes to many people, it annoys him, a lot. It bothers him as well.

But since it's for Luffy, he totally can't say "No". to him. Now Luffy thinks about it, after shopping, he wants to talk to him. To teach him how to dance properly.


The shopping began. Luffy was with Makino, and his big brothers, Garp was also in a different shop to look for the perfect outfit for his grandson.

Now back to Luffy, who was shopping, he was only wearing big short blue pants and some big red T-shirt with his Straw Hat, sipping his juice box. Looking around, "Hey! Makino!! Over here!!" They noticed Ace saw a shop, where it was full of stunning clothes. The shop itself was also rich to look at, they saw some rich people going in. Luffy sipped his juice box, looking at them without a care.

Then Sabo gives him a "Triple Mocha Shake" take out from Starbucks, Luffy takes it and throws the empty juice box in the trash. Now he was more refreshed and popping flowers surrounds him. Luffy looks around, "Guys!" looking at Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Makino followed Ace and entered inside. They watch how expensive the outfit is.

"Don't you guys think this is too expensive?" Luffy shows the tag of the price of the one outfit, some of them are millions to buy. "So? What about it?" Ace looked at him, tilting his head, "It's pretty cheap, to be honest." Ace simply and truthfully says, Luffy blinks for a moment, as his eyes sparkle more. "Then! I wanna go upstairs and check!! This place is awesome!!" Didn't care about the price tag and went to the third, second, or any floors he could find a perfect outfit for his debutante.

Ace and Sabo looked at each other and chuckled, Makino was already picking up some clothes, "Ohhh!!! Lady Makino!! Sir Ace and Sir Sabo!! I'm pleased to meet you!!" one of the assistance of the shop, also the owner noticed them and greeted them nicely, to the fact they know the two of them, a successful business man and also the wife of the most powerful man. Is here for a visit.

"What brings you here? My dear guest?"

"We're looking for an outfit for our little brother."

"I see! I see! Come! Come!!! Please follow!!" He kindly said, needing his assistant which he wouldn't mind.

Back to Luffy, looking for some outfit which bored him out, if they were in a mall, he would buy robot outfits, scary costumes for fun or more funny outfits. In this store, only a royal and neat outfit. He sighs, sipping his drink again. He sighs, touching the dresses which someone caught him, it seems to be one of the assistants of the store.

"Don't touch that! It costs millions! And since when is food allowed here!?"

Luffy blinks for a moment, "Oh!! You must be one of the assistants!! Nishishishi!!~ Anyway! I'm here because of my big brothers..---.." Luffy was cut off of how the assistant of the store cut him off, "How impudent!.. Big brothers!? You seemed to be a young man alone!" the assistant was disappointed, to the fact, observing Luffy's clothes are baggy, of the mood, no style, even wearing slippers. Old Straw hat, baggy big T-Shirt and pants.

Luffy just smiles sparkly, "Then I want to buy something! Something really caught my attention!!" he says, 'So he has money? Just how much he has? Maybe 50¥! Ahahaha!!' he hilariously thought, "Alright, what do you want to buy young man?" Luffy smiles, and lets him follow him.

Luffy stopped in front of the dresses that were so expensive and the price that was too high, the outfit was stunning as hell, it's like from the "History". It was so undyingly beautiful, Luffy can't help but stare at it, "I want to buy this one! Please!!" pointing at the "Royal" outfit as he sipped his drink, Nami and Ussop, plus Robin taught him how to buy one.

So something caught his attention.

This is what he'll wear in his debutante.

The assistant smirked, "You have such a sharp and keen eye. However, why don't you take a look at how it costs." he says, Luffy stares at the price tag blankly, "And? I want this one. I already saw the cost of the outfit." Luffy says and sips his drink, 'This guy is cocky, who does he think he has that money?' the assistant laughed at him, "What's so funny!? I want this one!" Luffy angrily says, getting annoyed.

"Dear, guest. Do you have such money?"

"If you can't have me have it I will tell my big brothers!"

The assistant laughs more hilariously, he claps his hand and gets attention who was everyone in the room, and explains to them, everyone laughs. Not even some of the rich family can have this stunning outfit, it's more than a billion years to have this outfit, if they need to rent it, it will reach 5 to 10 Million, just rent, but this outfit, if it's bought, it's more different. Because the outfit already has stunning real flowers of rose and real jewels. Made from real red "Ruby".

With golden leaves, this dark, outfit can be bought if it has that kind of higher kind of money. It is professionally handmade.

Everyone laughs at Luffy hilariously.

The assistant just laughed out loud, Luffy looked at the price again, the outfit cost 50 Million to 150 Million, since it has golden features. Also, it's because of how old and mysteriously they look. So, the manager of the store, costs it to be higher than 50 Million. Then the assistants ended up higher the price that is more than hundreds.

"How about 200 Million? Is that enough?"


Everybody stopped when Luffy said that, "Stop joking! 200 Million!? Ahahahaha! Since when did you have that kind of money young man!!" They laughed, and the assistant sweat slightly when they saw Luffy's face wasn't even joking.

"You must be joking? Don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone." He says, Luffy scoffs and takes out something in his pocket, "My big brothers give me these papers whenever I want to buy something very big, I have their permission." Luffy signed the paper, at first everybody was curious and walked closer.

Then the assistant receives a paper, it was not an ordinary paper, written 200 Million, by Luffy. 'Such an ugly writing.. even though the signature is ugly, I can't even understand it.' The assistant thought, "You? Have a million dollars? Did you win a lottery or something?" he made a joke that made every guest laugh again.

Luffy was not even joking, "Then do you want me to raise it higher?" Luffy playfully grins, "What? Higher?.." that's when everybody stops laughing when they see Luffy smile, releasing a soft chuckle, again, they didn't believe such a thing. Luffy crossed his arms, he was not smiling anymore and it seems very uncomfortable to be with this troublesome assistant.

"I'm with my big brothers, they have the money, I will go get it if you want to, I just want this outfit!!"

"Oh! No! You! Young man must be a scammer who just entered this dazzling place!!"

Luffy got more irritated, he crossed his arms, then he suddenly realized. "Don't insult me just because I look like I don't have money. 50 Million to 100? To my brothers.. that sounds cheap. Nyahahahahahaha!!!" Luffy laughed hilariously, "So you're going to use your brother's money? How spoiled brat you are. Nonetheless, I saw them earlier." the assistant smirked playfully, he lied.

"Eh!? My brothers are buying me some outfits right!?" Luffy's eyes sparkled, 'This guy is totally useless.. he's totally an open book to read.' the assistant thought, "No, actually, I feel pity. I heard that they've been talking about how spoiled you are and that they are disappointed. How they.. hated you." he grinned.

"My big brothers don't hate me!!!!"

"Oh yes! They are! They are even having second thoughts to buy you one ridiculous outfit!!"

Luffy clenched, now he was disappointed at Ace and Sabo that they'll think that way of him, "The price is still cheap! I want that dress! My big brothers also don't hate me!" Luffy keeps stomping, angrily. As he sips his drink, he will never forget about his drink that Ace gave him.

"How dare you mock the design!!" the assistant angrily said, "I did not. Hmp, it was the price tag that I mocked. If I make a mess right now, my big brothers will be mad." Luffy says, and sticks his tongue out, "WHERE IS YOUR MANNERS!? HOW AN IMPUDENT CHILDISH---..!!" everyone turned to the third floor.


Ace and Sabo arrived, Makino was on the second floor, buying outfits.

When they arrived, the assistant's eyes widened as well as the guest, Portgas D. Ace, and Sabo, are one of a kind men. In Japan. Some girls blush that they'd see them in person, successful men. With the owner of the store.

"O-Oh my!!! Sir Ace! Sir Sabo!! What brings..---"

He was totally ignored when they came to Luffy with a bunch of outfits, that's when Luffy shove them away and turned around angrily not to face them. "What's wrong? Our dear little brother didn't like it? Then we, big brother will.." Sabo was cut off when Luffy just shoved them all away. Even the assistant was in disbelief, sweats in bullets, other guests also started to gossip around.

The owner of the store was happy, and did not know what exactly happened.

"I'm disappointed at Ace and Sabo, this guy told me that you guys are disappointed in me! Why didn't you guys say so!?"

"What!? Luffy!? What's wrong!?" Even Ace tried to connect the conversation, the owner of the store sweats a little, and gets concerned about the situation, "What's wrong? Sir Ace? And Sir Sabo??" he politely asked. "This guy.." He pointed at the assistant who was with him.

"Turned me into a laughingstock!! And he said you guys are disappointed in me!! He even says that he saw you guys are dumping me with some ridiculous outfits!! Is that even true!? Ace! Sabo!?"

Well, that was unexpected.


The assistant panicked and stepped back, shivering down the spine even the owner of the store as the guest stepped away from that cold aura coming from the brothers.

"I hate this!! I wanted this dress and he could not even give it to me!! Then you guys are!..--" Luffy got a hug in a rush by Sabo, "Aww.. You believe it is so ridiculous.. pathetic.." Sabo gave a very cold smile to the assistant, even though the assistant was far away, he could feel that he was like going to get murder by that smile.


Sabo manages to finish the sentence, Ace looks at the owner of the store, which was the manager, he madly smiles and walks closer to him, whispering. "Get that fucking bug out of here, if your thinking he has a family that you helped him, who the fuck cares? I want him fired, so I won't be able to see that shitty face." Ace tried to calm down himself, "N-NO! I-IT WAS A MISTAKE!! W-WE WERE JUST PLAYING! I-I MEAN.. TELLING PRICE OF THE OUTFIT!!" the assistant tried to save his picture, his high standard profile.


Ace walked in front of him, "A miserable mistake? How funny. And interesting. Makes me wanna.. rip you to pieces of what you've mistakenly said to our little brother." in a blink of an eye, his collar got grabbed tightly, "Do you want me to crush your goddamn head instead?" saying that, making the assistant form some tears into his eyes, "P-PLEASE.. I-I'LL DO ANYTHING...!!" he pleaded like he was going to faint.

"I-I'll fire him!! I promise!!"

The manager said, and was so disappointed at his own assistant that he chose for years. Now, he feels like he also wants to beat him up because the guest is not just a normal guest.


Ace let go of his collar, Luffy looked away from Ace and Sabo, Ace saw the outfit that Luffy was trying to buy and saw the price, it was highly expensive. "Is this the outfit? Don't be mad at us.." Squeezing Luffy's cheek. "So that means he's lying?" Luffy says blankly then gets a hug from Ace and Sabo. "He is. And a liar.. for saying all those things to our little one.. shall.. receive a punishment." Sabo darkly said, Luffy thought that he was kidding so he let it off, the guy was fired anyway, Ace also whispered something to Sabo.

Ace and Sabo are both amazed at what Luffy picks for his debutante. It was lovely.


In the evening finally came by, Sabo called a limousine, Makino thanked both of them, Makino and Luffy entered the limousine car, "What about Ace and Sabo? I.. feel sorry earlier. I've made the mistake of Sabo and Ace.." Luffy says, and he feels like his sulking for being mad at both of his brothers, Ace and Sabo only smile and pat his head.

"It's fine."

"Where are you guys going? I thought we were all supposed to go home."

"We're still gonna take care of something, we've forgotten something so.. Good night. We promise we'll come home early.".

Luffy nodded as Ace closed the door and the car started to drive away, getting far, far away.

Meanwhile, the assistant. Take all his things, and be so disappointed at what happened.

"For fuck sake!.. It's so unfair!! Why didn't I notice earlier!?.. This is so goddamn unfair...!"

He kept saying that sulking words, with his worst expressions of all. In the dark, empty street, going home, his car was a bit far away, in the parking lot which was still far away from the store he just worked in, and he still had to walk. It was quiet, hearing rustles of winds with leaves, he just felt someone was following and following him.

His walk began faster, his heart was beating fast, racing like a drum, fear started to build up as his skin was shivering, hugging his things and thinking other positive things.

"If someone is following me! W-What do you need!? Money!? My things!? M-My car!?"

He stopped for a moment when he could hear the sound of a whistle all around, as he could feel a sharp nail scratching his neck, a heavy breath behind him.

"You've been annoying lately. It sucks to let you walk freely."

A breathy chuckle, when he looked at a shadow, it was not a dog, not a human, nor any kind of animal. It was a creature.

One thing in a whole night, a loud scream can be heard.


Makino told Luffy that she'll be on her way, then Luffy told Makino that he wanted to stop by at Eustass' house.

"Luffy, it's already dark and we can't totally..."

"He's.. good at dancing.. maybe he could teach me how to dance in my debutante."

Makino looks at Luffy and smiles, "You are already good at dancing, maybe tomorrow, just visit Eustass tomorrow. We still have 3 days left right?" Makino pat his head, "Right.." Luffy chuckled as he was finally alone in the car.

Going back home, he was surprised that he could smell that the dinner was ready. Going inside and closing the door, he can see Ace and Sabo.

"Ace! Sabo!!~"

Makino has his outfit.

Anyway, "I thought you guys were gonna go somewhere.." Luffy said with a sweet chuckle, "We did~ We just can't stay here alone!" flicking Luffy's forehead. "I'm already not a baby I said!!!!.." Luffy whines, he always gets treated like this, is it because of his age? The way he looks? The way he acts? What made him act this way?

Luffy notice there's a blood on the edge of Ace's sleeve.

"What's this? Did you guys beaten someone??" Checking it, and Ace move his hand away, he smiles. "Some gang.. tried to kick us so we fought back." He respond kindly, "NISHISHISHI!!~" Luffy chuckled so proudly at his big brothers, Sabo and Ace's smirked satisfyingly.


At midnight, in front of the store.

That Luffy bought some outfits, some guests fell on their knees and butts on the ground as well as the assistant, fear crawled into their body when they saw something they didn't mean to see.

The assistant's body got cut like a piece of meat, and the head was in front of the door, everybody screamed and stepped away from the head. The store was still open, thinking who would do this? And the fact that it will be midnight soon, maybe a robbery could've done this.

Not knowing, it was a Devil after all.


The next day, in Eustass Kidd's mansion, even Killer is astonished by Luffy's sudden visit, they indeed knew his debutante coming so thinking, what was the sudden visit? For Eustass and Killer, seeing Luffy alive again, is unbelievable.

"I.. want you to help me with my dance, at my debutante, I just noticed that Jaggy knows that so!! Nishishishi!! I've made my decision!!~"

"What about your boyfriend?"

Killer looks at Eustass and Eustass crosses his arms, "Torao says he'll be busy! I'm sure Jaggy will help me! Right!?" with a sparkling, hoping eyes of his, how can he even decline?


In the empty ballroom, at Eustass' mansion, the music is turned on, however, to the fact that Luffy keeps stepping on his foot, is getting on his nerves.

"Just relax! For god sake!!"

Eustass irked, "I'm already doing it!!!" Luffy roared back, Killer sweatdrop, in the dance ball, they totally can't get each other without leaving a fight. Killer watches them slowly dance, seeing Eustass very close to Luffy, it's not like he was jealous. Watching them, watching Luffy, makes him feel very excited.

To Eustass, right now, dancing with Luffy is a little bit hard, due to Luffy's height, he tried to be a little bit slower.

"Your.. debutante. Why so early?"

"No reason, I just want to."

Dancing around with soft and sweet music, it was peaceful and quiet, then made another turn, a hand on his waist, and the other hand were resting in place in Eustass' hand. Dancing like he never did before, it was either the same feeling, but different.

"Does that idiot if you know that you're coming here?"

Eustass doesn't mind asking, quite a lot, Luffy nod slightly, it was very quiet between them. "Did Jaggy dance like this before? Not me of course, with a woman." Luffy did not mind asking that, since Eustass doesn't mind either, dancing quite a lot.

"I did, at first try, it was suck." Eustass honestly said, making Luffy laugh, it was a bit of making the mood lightening up between them, "What about Jaggy? Did Jaggy have a lover before?" when that question asks, the music still goes on, and after another spin, the dance stops, which makes Luffy silent when Eustass forehead leans forward to his shoulder, near to his neck, arm wrapping around his waist.

"No, I didn't. I just use them to satisfy me."

Luffy lips unable to say anything, "I see. Did Torao bother you that much?" that honorable question made everything silent. It depends on the answer he was waiting for, what kind of response, Eustass didn't feel like answering that either, he hesitated to say it. No answer coming from him.

He just made an embrace, Luffy didn't say a word.

"I got rejected by you aren't I?"

Luffy answered.

"Yes.. I did. I'm sorry."

The only thing he could say, he could never lie to his feelings, he could never have done that. "Of course I know it, why'd you still answer?" A chuckle coming from Eustass as he let go of him.

"Killer, continue the dance with him, I'm gonna grab some snacks. And someone's been calling me on the phone. I'll be back shortly."

Killer only nodded and Eustass left the ballroom.

Now Killer and Luffy were alone, Killer walked closer to Luffy step by step until he was closer, offering his hand. Luffy stared at his hand and looked up to him, "Killer.." he called for his name. His waist got pulled closer by Killer, and accepted the offering hand of his. And a hand on Killer's broad shoulder, Killer can feel like Luffy was looking through his mask, like Luffy, wants to take off that mask of his. Making eye contact.

"Shall we dance? Little beast."

"Yes..... I'd.. love you to dance with me.... Killer."

As Killer look down at Luffy, Luffy look up to him, "And another thing...." Luffy tilt his head on the side. Being held by Killer.

"I.. want to see Killer's face.."

That made Killer felt silent.

"While we dance.."

He chuckled at Luffy's request.

"Will.. you take off your mask?.."

"Yes.. If that's... What the little beast wants."

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