*Pogue for Life* Outer Banks...

By Countrysweetheart39

250 9 0

Joanna Mills made a life-or-death choice and chose to stay with her ex-boyfriend Rafe Cameron instead of jump... More

Poguelandia and Guadalupe
The Bells
No Love Club
The Diary
Happy Anniversary
Tapping the Rudder
Welcome to Kitty Hawk

The Dark Forest

23 1 0
By Countrysweetheart39

Jo is just standing by the door.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" she asks him.

Buzz stands up from sitting on the couch.

"I knew you would be back here. You and I got to have a little chat." he tells her.

Jo sighs in frustration.

"Dad, it's been a long night. I would rather go to bed. We can talk later." she tells him.

She heads back toward her room.

"There won't be a later. Your Aunt Cynthia and Uncle Rodney are coming down in a couple of days. You're gonna go stay with them for a while." he informs her.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere!" she tells him.

"I think it's for the best. Your life here hasn't been good for a while now. And I blame myself for that. I let myself get roped in on the drama of the Royal Merchant." he says to her.

"Dad, please, I don't wanna go anywhere. My friends need me." she pleads.

"Your friends will be fine without you. Right now my main concern is you. You need to get put back on the right path." he tells her.

"And my cult religious aunt and uncle are the way to do that?!" she retorts sarcastically.

"I think a little Jesus in your life will do you some good." he says.

"Well, I don't. They will have just wasted a trip down here because I am not going. They would have to drag me off this island by my hair." she tells him firmly.

Buzz steps closer to his daughter.

"If that is what it takes to keep you safe from all of this dangerous shit, then so be it."

The look in his eye makes Jo tense up.

She knows that he's serious.

She takes a deep breath and tries to think of something to say.

"Dad, I know that you love me and only want the best for me. But forcing me to leave isn't doing either one of us any favors. I know that you're upset about the choices that I have been making, but you have to understand that I am not a little girl anymore. You can't keep babying me and expecting me to make the choices that you want me to make. I am my own person who just wants to live life. Sending me away will not help me like you think it would." she says to him calmly.

Buzz sighs in frustration.

"They'll be here in a couple of days. I expect you to be ready." Buzz tells her in a final tone.

She starts to feel tears in her eyes.

She puts a hand over her mouth so he doesn't hear her cry as he walks out the door.

Buzz is heading back to his truck when he spots Big John leaning against the side of it.

"I've been trying to call you. I came to show you. We found the other piece."

John unwraps the completed artifact and shows him.

"You found the other half?"

Buzz looks at it closely in awe.

"John B and I did. It wasn't easy either. I need you to come with me to meet with someone to have it translated." Big John tells him.

Buzz hands him back the gnomon.

"Listen, we've been through a lot together throughout the years. And you know that I'll do anything for you. But I'm done with the treasure hunting." Buzz tells John.

"What are you talking about? This is what we've been waiting for! We're on the right track to find El Dorado." John tries to convince him.

"Not anymore. I just got my daughter back home. I'm getting ready to start a campaign for mayor. I have all of these plans and not one of them involves treasure hunting." Buzz says.

Big John looks at him with disbelief.

"Do you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now? You're a coward. You just wanna up and quit when things get hard. Just like old times. You would rather have a paramedic career instead of a treasure hunt!" Big John argues.

"It's a lost cause, John! I have more important things to worry about like my family. My daughter has no business being involved in any of this." Buzz argues back.

"Take a look around Buzz, your daughter has been involved in this from the start! She is not a little girl anymore. So quit treating her like one. I may be the less obvious one around, but even I can see you're just pushing your kid away by protecting her. You're gonna run her straight into Rafe Cameron's arms. And that would be the true consequence of you trying to protect her." Big John tells him.

"Just mind your own business, John." Buzz spits out.

John scoffs at him.

"I don't even recognize you anymore. You've become the Kooks we used to make fun of. Maybe I am better off doing this on my own."

John gives Buzz a sad shake of his head and turns to walk away from him.

Buzz just clinches his jaw in anger.


Jo manages to calm herself down and stop crying.

She sneaks a peek out the front door and spots her dad in a heated argument with Big John.

She rushes to her room and throws clothes into her big Victoria's Secret duffel bag.

She grabs a bunch of stuff that she thinks she needs and wants to keep.

She throws the bag out the window.

She hears the thud of it hitting the ground.

She then follows behind and climbs out the window.

She grabs her bag and rushes across the lawn to go over to John B's.

She dumps her duffel on the porch and listens for the sounds of her friends' voices.

She finds them in the back together talking.

Kie is the first one to spot her.

"Hey, there you are." she comments.

"Where have you been?" Pope questions her.

JJ looks up and glances at her.

"Sorry, I just had a big fight with my dad. What did I just miss?" she questions.

"Well, I was just telling everyone that my dad and I went to the archives in Charleston and uh, it was a dead end." John B states.

Jo can instantly tell that John B isn't telling the complete truth.

"So that's it? We're just done?" Jo questions with disbelief.

"So we lost the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado. Looks like we're three for three."

Pope throws something at a tree.

He storms off angrily.

"I'll see you guys around." Kie states as she follows Pope.

Jo feels a tightening in her chest.

She feels awkward being in a place that has always felt like home to her.

She is starting to feel like she doesn't belong here anymore.

She doesn't notice JJ watching her as she turns around to rush into the Chateau.

She runs to the bathroom and throws up.

Once she finally finishes, she rinses her mouth with mouthwash she finds in the cabinet.

She goes back out to the porch to grab her bag but sees JJ sitting beside it.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asks her.

He hands her a bottle of water and motions for her to sit down with him.

She takes the bottle and sits down on the couch.

"I'm alright. Just everything going on has my stomach upset." she tells him.

"Where are you going?" he asks as he nods his head toward the bag.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know. My dad is threatening to send me away." she tells him.

"Wait, what?" he stares at her with wide eyes.

"My aunt and uncle are coming down here to get me and take me back to the mainland and across the country. He says that's what is best for me right now. He thinks that all of this treasure hunting has only led to trouble." she tells him void of all emotion.

"What do you need me to do? I dont want you to leave. You can't leave. I- I wouldn't know what to do if you left me." JJ tells her.

He stands up and starts pacing.

Jo watches him and finally speaks.

"I think we need to have that talk now Jay." she tells him.

He shakes his head.

"I'm not ready for you to pick him. I mean what do I have? Nothing. He can give you things that I can't." he speaks softly.

Jo stands up and grabs his face.

"Quit talking bad about yourself Jay. You are amazing. You care about all of us and you're always here to help. You have such a big heart and I love you so much. And I am so sorry that I didn't take that leap with you guys." she whispers to him.

He leans down and stops just before their lips touch.

She can feel his breath on her lips, and she wants nothing more than to kiss him.

JJ scoffs and pulls her hands off his face.

"You can't come here and say this stuff to me when you're wearing another man's ring on your finger! That's not fair to me. You chose Rafe. You chose to stay with him instead of jumping off the ship with us." JJ raises his voice sounding heartbroken.

"If I had jumped he would have shot you!" Jo argues back.

"You don't know that. If he loves you like you say he does, he wouldn't have shot at the boat and you would have been there with us."

Jo feels tears in her eyes again.

"But you chose to stay ultimately choosing him. I mean look at you, your nails are done and you're driving a range rover. You look like a Kook to me."

His words cut her deeply.

She doesn't know what to say to him.

He turns to walk off the porch but turns to say something else to her.

"I hope you do leave the island. That way I won't have to see you with him and it keeps you away from him."

He regrets the words as soon as he says them, but he turns to quickly leave the porch before anything else can be said.

He listens as he hears her sit back down and start to openly cry.


Jo finally leaves the porch and grabs her bag and heads for the car that Rafe gave her.

She throws the bag in the back and sits in the car.

She hesitates because she has nowhere to go at the moment.

She doesn't wanna anger her dad and go to Tannyhill to Rafe, but she doesn't want to go to her dad's house since he's threatening to ship her off.

And both of them would find her at her mom's trailer.

She finally pulls out and just drives around.

She drives through town and decides to park the car and walk.

She walks around town, then makes it down to the marina.

She looks up to see Sarah riding her bike towards her.

"Hey." she greets her friend.

Sarah stops the bike in front of Jo.

She looks like she's been outside for a while and looks thirsty.

"Are you okay?" Jo asks her.

Sarah jumps off her bike and heads for a closed shop.

Jo watches as Sarah jumps over the counter and starts drinking beer from the tap.

"I could have bought you a beer if you wanted one so badly."

Jo laughs as she reaches over and grabs a water bottle from the cooler.

"Here's to going full pogue." Sarah mumbles.

Jo raises her eyebrow in question.

"if you need some money, Sarah, I can get you some." Jo tells her.

She shakes her head.

"I don't want you to get in trouble with Rafe." Sarah tells her.

"It's not gonna be a problem. I'll just have to pull some money off of this card." Jo shrugs her shoulders.

She jumps up on the counter and sits sideways.

"It won't be a problem. It's the least he can do is give you some money." Jo tells her.

"Do you want some?" Sarah asks holding up the tap to Jo.

Jo finally shrugs her shoulders again.

"Fuck it why not?"

Jo tosses Sarah the bottle of water to drink.

Jo grabs the tap and sprays some beer in her mouth.

"That's actually pretty good." Jo laughs as she hands it back to Sarah.

Sarah takes it and drinks from it again.

"Sarah? Joanna?"

Both girls turn to see Topper staring at them looking confused.

"What are you guys doing?" he questions.

"Hey, Top." Sarah greets.

"Do you girls wanna go for a ride?" he asks them.

"You know I never pass a chance up on the Malibu since it's in my name too." Jo retorts.

Topper holds the keys out in her direction.

"Then you can drive." She grabs them and smiles.

"Don't mind if I do."

They all head to the boat.

Jo starts up the Malibu and drives off.

"You look to be thirsty Sarah. If you want there is beer in there. You can grab one."

Topper points to the cooler beside them.

"Grab me one please." Jo speaks from the wheel.

"I never thought I would be a beer cooler vagrant." Sarah jokes.

She hands Jo a can of beer.

"Yea I thought you were more into like, high-end heists now." Topper tries to joke.

Sarah giggles softly.

"I'm surprised you're not back at the house by now Jo." Topper turns to her.

"Why would I be?" Jo asks.

"Well, because your aunt and uncle are in town." Topper tells her.

Jo's eyes widen.

"Wait, they're here now? In Outer Banks?" Jo rapidly questions.

"Uh, yea, they arrived late last night. Why are you acting like that?" Topper questions her off behavior.

"Because they're here to take me back to the mainland." she informs them.


"Are you serious?"

Both Topper and Sarah exclaim.

"Let's face it, I've had it coming for a while now. There is only so much that my dad will take before he snaps. I brought this on myself." Jo mumbles wallowing in her self-pity.

"Do you need me to drop you off anywhere? Are you crashing at John B's?" Topper asks.

Jo and Sarah share an awkward look.

"I am not staying there. I can't go back to my dad's either." Jo says.

"Yea, I don't blame you, I wouldn't wanna be there either." Sarah tells her.

"I can drop you guys off at Tannyhill and possibly talk to Rafe on your behalf." Topper suggests.

Jo snorts causing beer to spill out of her nose.

Sarah scrunches up her nose trying to hide her laugh.

"What? Was it something I said?" Topper asks.

"Top, no offense, but I don't need you to talk to Rafe on my behalf for me. If anything it's the other way around." Jo tells him.

"Why? I'm not following." he says confused.

Jo grabs a hold of her necklace and shows him the ring on the chain.

Topper's eyes widen in shock.

"Are you fucking serious? You and Rafe? No wonder your dad is pissed bro!" Topper exclaims.

"Yea, it's a shitshow." Jo mumbles.

"I did not see that one coming that's for sure." Sarah starts laughing.

"How did things get like this?" Sarah continues to laugh.

"What do you mean?" Topper asks.

"This! Like things almost feel normal again, but they're far from normal. And were just sitting here having a normal conversation just catching up. That's just funny to me." Sarah takes a drink of her beer.

"Not everything is the same. You have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend."

Jo quickly turns her head as Sarah's eyes widen in shock.

"You have a girlfriend?" Sarah questions awkwardly.

"Why do you seem surprised?" Topper asks.

"I'm not surprised. Of course, you do." Sarah takes another drink.

"Who?" Jo asks him.

"Uh, you guys know Elena." he tells them.


Both girls exclaim at the same time.

Topper looks between the two girls.

"You guys dont like her?" he questions with amusement.

"Yes, I do. You can do so much better than that hairbow-wearing preppy little-"

Jo stops when she catches both Sarah and Topper just staring at her.

"Never mind." she mumbles quickly.

"It's just that when we were together, she was always like up your ass. So that's just kinda strange to me that's all." Sarah states.

"Oh ok, so you're jealous." Topper teases.

"No! I'm not jealous." Sarah denies.

"You do sound a little jealous."

Sarah sticks her tongue out at Jo.

"It's not even that. She would just linger and always ready to pounce." Sarah tells Topper.

"Now that you mention something, she was always around in the background always watching you." Jo laughs.

"Is this gang up on Topper day? Come on girls."

Topper throws his hands up in defeat.

"Yo, Top!"

They turn to see Kelce on a boat with a few other people.

"Holy shit! Is that Sarah Cameron and Joanna Mills?" Kelce asks.

"Hey, Kelce."


The girls greet.

"I heard you were back on figure eight for good. Please tell me you guys are coming!" Kelce shouts to them.

"Where?" Sarah asks Topper.

"A bunch of us are gonna head out to Mase and just do a little surf and sun action. A little fellowship by the break. You guys should come. It'll be fun." Topper speaks keeping his eyes on Sarah.

"You should come, Jo! I ran into Rafe earlier and said he might come out too." Kelce shouts from the boat he's on.

"Don't worry if Rafe shows up I'll keep him away from you." Jo whispers to Sarah.

"Come on guys!"

The group shouts to the girls.

"Alright, we're coming!" Sarah shouts.

Jo shakes her head with a laugh.

Topper hands her another beer.

She shakes her head.

"I'm good." she tells him.

He gives her a look.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yeah, man I'm fine." she tells him.


They finally make it to the beach and Sarah and Jo end up walking alone as Topper and Kelce go out in the water.

All around them are other teens dancing and drinking.

Sarah has a beer in her hand and Jo has a bottle of water.

"Are you sure you're okay? You havent been drinking much." Sarah speaks to Jo.

"Yea, I'm fine, really, just not in a drinking mood." Jo excuses.

"You would tell me if something was up right?" Sarah pushes.

"Nothing is up Sarah. I promise. Just with everything going on, I don't think I should be drinking right now." Jo argues.

They spot the girls that Kelce showed up with and sat down with them.



They watch as Topper jumps around on the water while on his surfboard.

"I don't mean to pry, but Sarah were you really on a deserted island for a month?" One of the girls asks.

"Yea, I was." she answers.

"That is pretty awesome. No parents and no school just hanging out on the beach the whole day." The girls giggle.

Sarah grabs Jo's hand and squeezes.

"Alright, Joanna, you have to spill the beans to us. Is it true that you and Rafe Cameron are back together?" One of the girls asks.

Topper and Kelce come up to the girls.

"Quit asking them questions. Just let them breathe and enjoy themselves." Topper defends.

"I mean I'm just saying that if you weren't back together you wouldn't be here with us right now." Kelce states.

"I think it's romantic. You guys were the 'it' couple. Broke up, had your little fun, then you find your way back together again. That's like the perfect romantic fantasy."

The girl sitting closest to Jo says to her.

Jo listens to the words and she starts to question whether or not that may be true.

What if the reason why she's so conflicted is that maybe JJ is just supposed to be a phase?

Jo finally turns her attention back to the girls.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"It's complicated." she tells them.

"Is it because of JJ Maybank?" The girls continue to question.

Topper reaches his hands down for Sarah and Jo to grab.

He pulls them up to stand.

"Enough with the questions. The girls just got back here. Don't smother them with questions." Topper snaps at the girls.

"It's fine really. I'm sure people have questions about what's going on." Jo defends.

Kelce comes over and wraps his arm around Topper's shoulder.

"Well, it's about to get less complicated cause here comes your boy." Kelce tells Jo.

She turns her head and Rafe is walking down the beach toward them.

He has a drink in his hand and a smirk on his face as he greets people as he passes them.

His whole appearance mesmerizes her and she remembers the very first time she met Rafe and it was on this very beach.

5 Years Ago

The beach is crowded with kids and families.

A stage is set up with a banner that says OBX Beach Concert Night.

Jo is standing with Kie and John B as they watch the stage as the band is setting up.

"Are you guys sticking around long for this thing?" John B asks them.

"Yeah, I kinda wanna see the band. Maybe they're good." Jo says.

"JJ and I are gonna get a couple of blunts and head back to the Chateau. You guys should come." John B tells them.

JJ and Pope quickly make their way through the crowd toward their friends.

"Yo, man I got the bud." JJ states as he glances toward Jo.

"Yea, so what are we doing?" Pope asks.

"The girls wanna see the band. What do you guys think?" John B asks the boys.

"I mean if the girls wanna see the band, we should totally smoke this while watching the band." JJ suggests placing an arm around Jo.

"We're gonna get caught smoking it here." Jo gives JJ a pointed look.

"Look how nice these Kook beaches are, let's go down that way and smoke then come back." JJ continues to suggest.

"I mean what could it hurt?" John B agrees.

"Alright, let me grab a drink and I'll meet you guys." Jo tells them.

Jo completely misses the longing look that JJ throws her way as he watches her walk away from them and over to the concession stand.

Jo looks around the beach as she waits in line.

The band starts playing and she turns toward the stage.

As she does she locks eyes with a pair of blue eyes.

She could tell the boy was a Kook, and he was a couple of years older than her.

She feels herself blush and quickly looks away.

She manages to get her drink and heads through the crowd to get to her friends.

Someone pushes her and she collides with a person, spilling her drink all over him.

"Oh fuck! I am so sorry!" Jo quickly apologizes.

"Can't you watch what you're do-"

He stops his words as they lock eyes.

It's the same boy that she was staring at in line.

Her jaw drops and she is at a loss for words.

He is staring at her like she is the only person on the beach and she has his full attention.

"I-I'm so sorry. Someone pushed me and I wasn't expecting it and lost my balance." Jo quickly explains.

"Forget it." he tells her as he waves his hand.

"I'm Rafe." he introduces.

Jo lets a small smile appear on her face.

"Hi, I'm Joanna."

He holds out his hand and she takes it.

When their hands connect, she feels a spark shoot up her arm.

And by the look on his face, he feels it too.

"I should get back to my friends." Jo pulls her hand back.

"Yeah, I'm here with a few people too. Maybe I'll see you around." he tells her.

"Hopefully." She smiles at him.

She turns to walk back toward her friends.

She stops and turns back around.

He's standing there watching her walk away.


Rafe finally makes it to the group and wraps an arm around Jo's waist and pulls her back so her back is against his chest.

"You weren't answering your phone. I've been trying to call you." he whispers in her ear.

"I'm sorry. I left it in the car. I needed to clear my head." she tells him.

"By partying at Mase?" Rafe questions with amusement.

Rafe finally notices Sarah standing there and he looks down at the ground awkwardly.

"Hey Sarah, I wanna show you something." Topper states as he pulls on her hand.

"Okay, yea that would be awesome. Let's go."

Sarah agrees as she lets Topper pull her away from the group.

"Sorry." Jo mouths to Sarah.

"So what's up man? This almost feels like old times again with you guys here together." Kelce states drunkenly to Rafe and Jo.

Rafe looks down at Jo and gives her an expected look.

"Well, things are a little different now." Rafe states.

"How so?" Kelce asks looking between the two of them.

"Should we tell them, babe?" Rafe asks Jo.

Jo opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.

"We're engaged." Rafe tells the group.

The girls start squealing and stand up.

Kelce's jaw drops to the ground.

"Holy shit, bro are you serious?" he asks.

"Let us see the ring!"

Jo shows them the ring on the chain around her neck.

"It's so beautiful oh my God!"

"Of course, it's a diamond."

"Only the best from a Cameron."

Rafe gives Kelce a smirk.

"I've never been more serious about anything in my life bro." Rafe tells him.

"Why is it on your neck instead of on your finger?" one of the girls asks.

"Oh, I didn't wanna damage it or lose it." she tells them.

"Girl I don't blame you. You wanna hold onto that for sure."

"You are one lucky girl."

Rafe wraps his hand around her hips pulling her against him.

"Bro that's awesome though. Congrats you two. Now we don't have to watch him pine after you anymore." Kelce jokes.

"I wasn't pining shut up Kelce." Rafe glares.

"You were so pining. It was pathetic really."

Jo laughs and Rafe just rolls his eyes.

"Whatever man." Rafe scoffs under his breath.

"Who wants another drink?" Kelce asks passing the clear bottle around.

"You're just drinking water today?" Rafe whispers in her ear.

They end up swaying their bodies back and forth in tune with each other.

"Yeah, I just don't feel like drinking today." she tells him.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird." he asks her.

He grabs her hand and pulls her away from the crowd.

"Yo! Where you going?" Kelce shouts after them.

Rafe leads them further down the beach away from the partying teens.


"Where are we going?" Jo asks him.

Rafe finally stops and grabs both of her hands.

"Do you remember this spot?" he asks her.

Jo looks around the beach and her eyes widen.

"Is this where the concert was?" she asks with a smile.

"Standing right here was where I saw you for the first time and knew I just had to get to know you." Rafe tells her.

"The funny thing is I was just thinking about that day." Jo tells him.

Her smile vanishes as she steps away from him and looks at the waves crashing against the sand.

He watches her deep in thought.

"If you're having doubts about me you need to tell me now." he tells her as he steps closer to her.

"It's not you Rafe. You've been great. It's my dad." she tells him.

"What about your dad?" he asks quickly.

"He wants to send me to the mainland to live with my aunt and uncle." she confesses to him.

"What? Why are you just now telling me about this?!" he raises his voice.

"Because I knew how you would react!" she raises her voice back.

"Do you want to go? Because if you do I won't stop you. But if you don't wanna go, you gotta trust me to take care of it for you." he tells her as he grabs her face in his hand.

"I dont wanna go Rafe. My friends are here. You are here. I wouldn't survive if I left." she tells him, her eyes pleading.

"Then don't worry about leaving with them, okay? I will take care of it. Do you trust me?" he asks her.

She nods her head. He leans down and kisses her softly.

"I want you to stay with me. Your dad won't dare to come to Tannyhill looking for you. I'll have him arrested for trespassing." he tells her as his eyes darken.

"I don't want all of that done." she objects.

"I'm not letting them take you away from me. Do you understand?"

He tilts her head so she's looking at him.

She sees the determination in his eyes and gives in.

"I understand." she says.

"I love you. I'm the better version of myself when I'm with you. You make a better man. I will literally do anything for you."

He leans down to grab the back of her thighs and lift her up so she wraps her legs around his waist.

Her arms go around his neck.

He sits down in the sand with her straddling him.

"I do love you too Rafe. I've been so happy this past month. Thank you for that." she whispers to him.

"I can't imagine my life without you in it. I know now that I let the drinking and the drugs control me because I didn't have your love to help me through my demons. You are my salvation, Joanna Marie Mills soon to be Cameron."

Rafe unhooks the necklace from her neck to get the ring.

He grabs her left hand and slides the ring back on her finger.

"It's back where it belongs." he kisses her hand.

She feels butterflies all over her stomach.

She grabs his face and kisses him.

His grip tightens on her thighs as they deepen the kiss.

She starts grinding against his hardening cock.

He pulls away but keeps his grip.

"What do you say we go back to the boat? Take it out for a little moonlight ride?" he suggests.

"I like that idea."

She smiles and stands up.

"I just have to tell Sarah and Top that I'm leaving." she says as they walk back towards the party hand in hand.

"That's fine. I'll just meet you by the boat."

He gives her one more kiss before he walks off so she can talk to Sarah.


Rafe finally takes the boat back to the marina.

Jo is downstairs changing her clothes after a shower.

She comes back up to the main deck to see Rafe talking on the phone.

She is towel-drying her hair when he finally spots her.

He ends the phone call and gives her his full attention.

"You feel better?" he asks her.

"I feel loads better." she tells him.

She's only wearing one of his shirts and a pair of short sleep shorts.

"I need to talk to you about something." he says to her.

"Okay? What's going on?" she asks him giving him a suspicious look.

"I need to know that you're completely with me. Because I want you by my side with this. It doesn't feel right leaving you in the dark. But it's a conflict of interest for you." he tells her.

He grabs a briefcase and slides it across the table.

He opens the case and there are small bars of gold and jewels.

Jo stands up and looks at him with shock.

"What did you do Rafe?" she questions.

"I melted the cross. I'm gonna sell everything off and we're gonna be set for life." he tells her.

She steps away from him and feels like she's gonna be sick.

"I know that the Pogues tried to steal it back and I know that you were involved."

She gives him a look.

"But I don't care about any of that. I need to know right now that you're with me. I take care of you and you take care of me. We take care of each other. I need you by my side as my equal. It's you and me for life baby." he tells her sincerely.

Jo takes a deep breath as she feels herself getting upset by what Rafe has done.

"What have you done Rafe? That cross was historical! It was a piece of Pope's family history! And you just melted it down like it was nothing!"

Rafe tries to reach for her, but she pulls away.

"Don't touch me. I need a minute."

She leans against the railing and puts her hands over her face.

She feels guilty for what Rafe has done.

But she knows deep down that it doesn't stop her from feeling for him.

"I need you to look at me right now."

Rafe grabs her and turns her so she's facing him.

He grabs her chin and makes her look at him.

"I am doing this for us. I am doing this so I can protect you against your father so he can't come and just take you. I'm trying to make a name for myself here. I need you to answer me. Are you all in with me? Yes or no?" he demands that she answer him.

She looks conflicted, but ultimately she knows the answer.

She looks at his face.

"I am not happy about you melting the cross. But I am with you all the way as your partner and fiancé." she says to him.

He grins happily down at her.

He plants his lips on hers and picks her up by her waist.

He spins her around.

"I love you." he tells her.

"I love you too." she responds.

As she is in his arms, she can't help but feel guilty about choosing him over her friends.

What she doesn't see is that Pope and Cleo see the whole exchange between the couple.

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