The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to "The Caseys: Family Life - Part 1" After a stint in Los Angeles, everybody agreed that their life w... More

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Kelly Time
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Time to Get Comfortable, Relax, and Grieve
To Celebrate, or Not to Celebrate?
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First Day Home: Hi Hank
Meet the Jacobs, Part One
Meet the Jacobs, Part Two
(176) Noah's Crawling, Part One
Noah's Crawling, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Dream, Pt. 1
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Dream, Pt. 2
Last Night was Incredible
Bad Dreams, Part One
Bad Dreams, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Post-Breakfast Comfort Cuddles
How are Things? Not Good.
Daddy Likes...This Lingerie
Daddy Likes...Holding you in his Arms
Christmas Plans 2019, Part One
Christmas Plans 2019, Part Two
Nap Time, Business Time
Lunch Time Cuddles
Comfort Cuddles
Comforting Cuddles, and Questions
Comforting Cuddles (in a Hot Bath)
Adopting Jackson David Casey?
DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part One
DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part Two
Stella + Surrogacy = Jackson
Quick Family Time
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 1A
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 1B
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 2A: Matt & Gabby in the Ocean
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 2B: Will & Natalie on the Beach
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1A)
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1B)
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner: Cuddling
Taking it Easy Ahead of Family Dinner: Counselling
Family Time, Part 1
Family Time, Part 2
Casey Family Blog: December 6, 2019
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: I Had to Take Andy Out
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Lingerie
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part One
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part Two
The First ELLA Products
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 1
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 2: Jane & Rafael
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 2: Mario & Bella
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part One
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part Two
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (1)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (2)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years, Part Four
Your Comfort is More Important than Sexy Lingerie
(Leaving for) an Anniversary Walk to Remember
An Anniversary Walk to Remember
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1B
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2B
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2C
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years at the Beach
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years with a Surprise
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 1
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 2
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 1
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 2
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Post-Supper Skinny Dip
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Overwhelmed
I Missed the Signs...that I'm Hurting You
You Need to Tell Me...If I'm Hurting You
Matt & Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 1
Matt and Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 2
We Needed That
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 1
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 2
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part One
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part Two
You're My One and Only...Forever
It's Still Hard
Four All We Need
GABBY DREAM: One Year Later
Grilled Cheeses and Cuddles
The Sound of Music, Part 1
The Sound of Music, Part 2
Catching Up
No! Dad, Stop!
Talking About It
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (1)
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (2)
Change of Plans: Let's Have Fun in Bed (or Not)
Change of Plans: Let's Go Have Family Time
Let the Family Time, Not Office Time Begin
The Start of Family Time
Pre-Supper Family Time
Family Night: Including the Severides
Family Night...Or Not
The Only Family We Need
Nighttime Cuddles
Nighttime Intimacy
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 1
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 2
Halstead: Breakfast in Bed
Halstead: Time with Friends
Contracts and E-mails
Family Time in Bed
Nothing Like It...But a Bit Too Much
Morning Phone Calls and E-mails
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 1
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 2
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 3
Here, Let Me Help
Holy Hot Mama!
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part One
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part Two
Let Work Begin, Part One
Let Work Begin, Part Two
Getting Settled with Rafael and Gabby
Confrontation...and Labor?

Quality Time at the Beach, Part 3

27 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: What did you guys think of today's first chapter? Did you guys like the new couple that I introduced to you guys? What do you think of them? Well, I hope that you guys like the couple; because they may become part of the story more often, as I want to have more people that I can use to continue the storyline. Plus, I have an ulterior motive for this couple; and that would be that this couple is another Hispanic couple, which Matt and Gabby can associate with. Also, their boys can play with each other; and that is going to be nice, which I hope that you guys will enjoy. Thanks again for reading and let me know what you think of the story.

While he did send his boss an e-mail after learning about the news of their (partial) miscarriage, Rafael Solano still felt like he should give his best wishes from both him and his wife in person; and now that they were at the beach with them, along with some of their friends...they had a chance to do just that, prior to him taking a swim with his little guy Matteo. The little guy who was currently in the midst of kicking him. "Hey, Matteo. No. No kicking." And Rafael saying that most definitely was something that worried the CEO, as well as his wife; as their son was also named Matteo, and they thought that they left him at home. But once they saw that the Matteo whose name was just said was not that of their son's, but it was that of one of their employees' children instead. More specifically, the son of Jane and Rafael Solano. "Oh, thank god it's you Rafael, for a second I thought I was hearing my brother-in-law's voice with our son Matteo." Looking at his boss as he said that, Rafael could clearly see that he was worried. "No, it was my Matteo here; the Matteo who's currently in the midst of kicking me, isn't that right Matteo?" Turning his head, Raf kissed his forehead.

Matt agreed with Raf as he said that, well aware that their sons kicking them in the water was the worse; not that they've really done it yet, as their boys haven't been able to come to the beach as of late. Between them wanting to be home to mourn, and the security problems that they've had this year; Matt and Gabby have mostly kept their kids at home, which is something that they are more than okay with doing, as it's for the health and safety of their children. And if that's what they need to do, then they're going to do it; and they're also going to say hi to Rafael. Walking over to his boss, Rafael smiled as he looked at Gabby. "Ms. Severide told us about your news in an e-mail that she sent to the employees of ELLA Apparel, and I am just heartbroken at the news; me and Jane both are." Gabby agreed with Rafael as he said that, before getting close to him; after which, she proceeded to hug him and smiled at the father. She then turned her head, smiling at the little boy who was being held in his father's arms. "Yeah, you like being in the water with your daddy; don't you buddy?" Rafael laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before holding Matteo close to his chest as he wanted to relax.

Tapping his back, Rafael smiled as he dipped him into the water; at the same time, he rubbed his back before going ahead with making a joke with his bosses. "Just a remember, this is my Matteo; not your Matteo." Gabby laughed as she heard Rafael say that, before moving to get close to her husband; after which, she wrapped her arms around his back and cuddled up to him. At the same time, Matt wrapped his arm around Gabby's back; turning his head, Matt smiled as he bent down and kissed the top of Gabby's head. "Are you going to go to the beach, and then talk to Jane? Or are you going to stay here in the water with me and Rafael?" Getting close to Matt, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to wrap her arms around him and kissed him softly. "I want to stay here, maybe Rafael can get Jane to join us instead." Rafael laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and looking at Jane. "Hey, Jane!" Turning her head to look at her husband, Jane smiled. "Everything okay with Matteo?" Rafael agreed with his wife as she asked him whether Matteo was okay, because he knew that she was worried right now base don the tone of her voice; but she had no reason to worry.

"It's okay Jane, you're just being summoned by your boss." Jane laughed a bit as she heard her husband say that, before agreeing with him; getting up off the beach chair, Jane started to make her way into the ocean so that she could spend some time with her well as her boss. But hey, at least this would give her a chance to personally send her regards to her boss as she absolutely hates what just happened to her and her husband. And she means that from the bottom of her head, which is why she wants to be here; so that she can hug her and let her know that (on behalf of all of the employees of ELLA Apparel) they're thinking of the both of them. And that they understand if she needs to take time, because they need to make sure that they relax; this is going to be a hard time in their life, and she just knows that she needs to take some time to grieve with her husband. And that's why she's going to help her in whatever way she can. But first, she needs to make her way over to Gabby so that she can hug her. "I hope you don't mind us crashing your time alone in the ocean." Gabby shook her head as she heard Jane say that, as she was more than okay with being with Jane.

Walking over to her, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to hug her employee; and she's also someone that she wants to make friends with, due to the fact that their sons are the same age. As well, they are similar race; and they most definitely do want to make friends with them, so that they can have more friends for their sons to play with. "Anyways, it gives us time to get to know each other better." Gabby laughed as she heard Jane say that, before looking at her. "And it will also allow us to finally start planning a play date for all of our children, which something that we most definitely need to do; I mean, we are working together all the time." Rafael agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "But first, we need to figure out how we can differentiate our sons." Matt just looked at Rafael as he said that. "That's easy, my son goes by Matteo; your son goes by Solano." Jane just looked at Matt as he said that, unsure as to why their son would be known as Matteo, while their son would go by their last name. "Can I ask why?" Matt smirked. "Seniority." Rafael agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was something that they can hold above them.

After all, Matt and Gabby are the co-Chairs of the Board, Matt is the Chief Executive Officer of the company, and Gabby is the President and Deputy Chief Executive Officer for ELLA Creations, which is the company which Jane works for, as a designer...more specifically, she's a designer for ELLA Apparel's baby line. "Right, that makes sense. But we aren't talking about business right now, due to the fact that I'm spending some time with my family." Gabby agreed with Rafael as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I'm just glad that you guys are having fun with your son at times, even if it's the middle of the day." Jane sighed as she heard her boss say that, before turning to look at her husband. "We delayed our lunch break, and I thought that we could come out for a quick swim; then we would go home and go back to work. I promise boss." Matt agreed with Jane as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know you mean that Jane, I can hear it in your voice. Just relax and take it easy. We're here as friends right now."

Rafael agreed with his boss as he said that, well aware that was the case until he heard one of his close friend's voices; a voice that he can recognize anywhere, as it (just like his voice) has a hint of Spanish in it. "I thought I recognized you here Rafael." Turning around to see his friend Mario, Rafael smiled as he got close to him and then went to shake his hand. "How are you going Mario?" Mario smiled as he looked at him. "Things are doing good." After which, he turned to look at Matt and smiled. "And thanks to your wife, my sex life has been better than ever." Matt laughed as he heard Mario say that, well aware of what he was talking about; it was due to the fact that Gabby recently chose Mario's wife Bella to be the face of ELLA Intimates' Spring/Summer 2020 Campaign, but you already knew that. Walking up to him, Matt smiled as he proceeded to shake his hand. "Just to let you know, you can take the day of the photoshoot off; then you can go there, and watch." Mario laughed as he heard Matt say that, glad that was the case. "Thanks Mr. Casey."

Matt agreed with Mario as he said that, well aware that he was grateful that his wife was going to be the head of the campaign. "By the way, how was the honeymoon in Oahu?" Turning his head, Rafael remembered that was the case. "Right, I forgot that you guys just got back from your honeymoon." Mario agreed with Rafael as he said that, well aware that was the case. "It was fun, and I am so glad that we got away. I just hope that we didn't take too long." Matt shook his head, before taking a breath. "Trust me, I wish I took my wife on a honeymoon right after we got married; but I didn't do that, and had to do it now." Rafael agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "By the way, how is she doing?" Mario agreed with Rafael as he asked their boss how they're doing, because that was something that he (and Bella) wanted to know as well. "Yeah, how are you and Gabby?" Matt sighed as the two gentlemen asked how they're going. "God, that sounds so informal and wrong." Matt shook his head. "No, but we're okay."

Both of the Hispanic men agreed with their boss as he said that, feeling horrible over what they're dealing with. "Just to let you know, the entire company feels horrible for the both of you; and this is the last thing that we both want." Matt agreed with them both as they said that, well aware that was the case. "Thanks Rafael and Mario, I truly mean that. And I really want to thank you guys for stepping up, and just contributing more. This gives me and Gabby some time to take care of each other, and just relax with each other." Mario agreed with Matt as he said that, before walking up to him; after which, he proceeded to shake his hand and smiled. "Let me guess, you're done in the water; aren't you?" Matt laughed as Mario asked him whether he was done in the he thought that he was, because he would rather be with his wife. "I want to be with my wife, and make sure that she's okay." Mario agreed with Matt as he said that, as he understood why that was the case. But before he left, Jane looked at her boss. "Matt?"

Turning to look at Jane, Matt smiled. "Yes?" Jane smiled. "Make sure that Gabby takes some time to relax, all of the ELLA Staff are making sure that we keep the company going until she can come back." Matt agreed with Jane as she said that, before going to get close to her; he then proceeded to hug her, and just smiled as he was glad that was the case. "Thanks Jane." Jane agreed with Matt as he said that, before watching as he let her go so that he could walk away and go be with his wife; the husband obviously a bit worried about her, which is the entire reason why he's getting out of the ocean. At the same time, Jane turned to look at her husband. "Are the two of you guys going to spend some time together? Because I can go take Matteo back to the beach and relax?" Rafael then realized something. "You have to feed him, don't you?" Jane sighed. "Yes, I do. And then I might just tan. How about you come get the volleyball that you can use with Mario?" Rafael was confused as he heard Jane say that. "What volleyball?" Jane smirked.

"I may have called Bella and asked her to join us at the beach. I need some girl time." Rafael laughed as he heard his wife say that, before looking at Mario. "Be right back man." Mario agreed with Rafael as he said that, before watching as he walked away so that he could go get the volleyball that they could use; at the same time, Rafael grabbed Jane's hand and intertwined their fingers so that they could get out of the ocean together. After all, Jane is still getting used to being back in the water; they haven't gone in for a while, because they have been worried as to how Matteo would like the water. But they're both glad that he loves the water, which is everything that they want in life. They want their son to be okay with their water, as they live in Hawaii; and they are going to be spending a bunch of time at the beach as a family, especially since it's always nice here in Hawaii. So nice, and they are both extremely happy that they have this life with each other; a life that they enjoy more than anything, as they are together eat the end of the day.

They're living this amazing life with each other, and their son Matteo; and they also have great friends, and incredible jobs that give them a lot of flexibility when it comes to family life. And that's everything that they want in life, great jobs, and a family.


Walking back into the ocean with the beach volleyball that he and Jane brought, thinking that they were going to use it themselves; Rafael smiled as he looked at his friend. "Hey, Mario!" Turning to look at Raf, Mario smiled as he was ready to start playing with his friend. Serving the ball, Rafael went to start playing with his friend in the ocean; the father wanting to have some fun with a friend of his, rather than having to do some father stuff right now. As much as he loves Matteo, he does miss the "Bachelor" lifestyle at a bit; but nothing replaces being married to the love of his life and raising a beautiful son with her. They are extremely in love with each other, and their son Matteo. But now, he's ready to take some time with their friends, and just relax with each other. "I swear, it's like our wives are sisters. They're already talking like no time has passed." Mario laughed as he heard Rafael say that, before going to hit the ball back towards him. "No score, just fun okay?" Rafael agreed with his friend as he said that, as that was what they both wanted as well; they both want to just have fun, and they don't want to have any competition right now on a day where they can relax.

"I swear, I am so glad that we have such a free schedule; and that we can just go to the beach whenever we want and have fun with our friends and family." Rafael agreed with Mario as he said that, as he loves that too. "That's what the boss wanted. As long as we do our work, then he's okay with it." Mario agreed with Rafael as he said that, glad that was the case. "Well, I'm glad that's the case; because I am so glad that this is exactly what I want. I want to have a nice life with my wife and someday, our children." Rafael agreed with Mario as he said that, before going to hit the ball again. "Are you and Bella talking about that now? Having kids?" Mario agreed with his friend as to whether they were talking about having kids now, because they were. "We agreed to just try, and we're going to leave it up to faith." Rafael agreed with Mario as he said that because that's something he can understand. "Oh, I most definitely agree with that. But god, I am so ready to have another kid; I want to have a daughter." Mario agreed with Rafael as he said that because he feels the same way. "I'm not sure what I want first though, whether I want a son; or if I want a daughter first."

Rafael agreed with Mario as he said that, well aware of the struggle. "I get what you mean, but I would just say that you should take it as it comes. If you have a son first, just enjoy it and learn how to be a father; the truth was, I wanted a daughter first. Then we had Matteo, and then I realized that this is a great learning experience; I can learn to be a father with him, so that I don't screw up when it comes to having a daughter." Mario thought about it and agreed with Rafael as that made sense. "Well, that makes sense." Rafael then smiled as he proceeded to hit the ball again, pushing it towards his friend; but it soon went over his head, making Mario have to back up. But that didn't mean that Mario wasn't able to hit the ball, because he soon leaned back and just hit it; and he hit it hard enough, so that he could send it back towards Rafael. "Good shot." Mario agreed with Rafael, catching his footing before getting ready so that he can go hit the ball once again (continuing the rally in the process, just like they both wanted to do with each other today). And just as he expected, he proceeded to hit the ball once again; sending it back to his friend, which allowed them to continue with the rally.


Meanwhile, back on the beach with their wives; the wives who were currently in the midst of admiring their husbands playing with each other, because it was hot. "I swear, it's like the water just makes his muscles flex even more." Jane laughed as she heard Bella say that, it being clear that she was madly in love with her husband; and that she was also wanting him, because she wants to have him in bed. "You are so craving him Bella; I can see it." Bella laughed as she turned her head and looked at Jane, especially since she wants to have a baby with Mario. "I need to crave him, if I want to have a baby with him." Jane agreed with Bella as she said that, before smiling at her. "How much are you trying?" Bella smirked. "As much as we can, and I am so glad that's the case because he's really good." Jane laughed as she heard her friend say that, well aware that was the case; because she could see it in the way that she was looking at her husband, and that she really wants to have a baby. "Tonight?" Bella smiled. "I'm ovulating." Jane agreed with Bella, smirking.

That's when Gabby decided to turn her head, and speak to some of her employees; well, Bella more specifically. "Bella, if you get pregnant; just let me know, and I promise we can work it out." Turning her head to look at her boss, Bella smiled as she was glad that was the case. "I swear, this is so weird; you're my boss, but I feel like we're friends too." Gabby smiled as she heard Bella say that, as that was something that she was hoping to have. "I want to be friends with my closest team, because you're the people that I'm going to be trusting the most with the future of my company; and that includes my head model, even while she's pregnant. I promise that you can just do what you think is right for you and Mario." Bella agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case. "Thanks Ms. Casey." Gabby agreed with Bella as she said that. "Please, call me Gabby. God, I hate the whole Ms. Casey. I want to be informal as it's much easier to talk with our first names, especially since this is a family company; and we want to be a family."

Bella agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case. "Thanks Gabby, I truly mean it when I say that I appreciate this." Gabby smiled as she heard Bella say that, before reaching over to grab her hand; at the same time, Matt came out of the water and looked at his wife. "Mind if I sit down? Still not used to running that much." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she proceeded to get up; after which, she moved her hands to his chest and smiled as she stepped close to him. At the same time, Matt moved his hands to Gabby's stomach and smirked as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smiled before getting close to her and wrapping his arms around her. After which, Gabby wrapped her arms around his back; at the same time, Matt turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "How about you let me sit down, and then you can relax in my lap?" Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling at him as he asked her that. "You just want to relax, don't you?"

Matt sighed as he looked down at Gabby. "I'm starting to get a bit tired, because I didn't sleep good last night too; we both didn't." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Do you want to stay here? Or do you want to go?" Biting his lip, Matt sighed. "What do you say we go home? Maybe we can sneak in, and relax for a bit before we have supper?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she stepped close to him and then leaned up to kiss him softly; at the same time, Matt smiled as he turned to look at Jane. "Nice seeing you Jane, have a good day." Jane agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling at her; at the same time, Matt turned to look at Will and Natalie. "See you guys soon Will and Natalie." Will agreed, reaching up to shake Matt's hand. "Same to you." Matt then smiled as he turned to look at Gabby. "Here, let's pack up and then head home." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to pack up so that they can head home; even though they weren't here long.

"Hey, at least we'll get a bit of time with each other before we spend time with our entire family downstairs." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case as well. "Sounds perfect." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, ready to go home.

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