beautiful one, sharer of my l...

By sssadora

24.3K 724 200

who but you will ever hold my heart? Lu Yun Gojo Satoru is to be wed to the daughter of Zen'in Naobito. What... More

1: Duties
2: Smile and bear it
3: Water is good luck
4: Falling victim
6: Mail is here!
7: Naoya's letter
8: Gojo Satoru's bad handwriting
9: Adventures at the post house
10: New friends
11: Scorned child
12: High-maintenance
13: Big news
14: Letters to home
15: Dinner with friends!
16: Geto
17: Satoru is home
18: Real pain
19: Family ties
20: Shithead brother-in-law
21: Late honeymoon
22: Kiss and make up
23: The lion tamer and her small cat
24: The heartbreak of Maeda Jun
25: Misfortune upon the Zen'in siblings
26: Megumi's bad attitude
27: Allegiances and devotion
28: Tank!
29: Happy birthday Satoru
30: First snow
31: Pathetic and entirely manly
32: Good times, more bad times
33: Happy new year!
34: Unease
35: Zen'in return
36: Conspiracies of the Kamo and Zen'in
37: Perfect preparation
38: The war effort
39: Enlightenment
40: I love this bar
41: Just us and Toji
42: O, children
43: Lifelines
Ending notes

5: Swim in a pond

971 26 16
By sssadora

"I will miss you so much, Maki and Mai," you whispered sadly, "send me letters at least once a week."

"Ask your husband if we can ever visit."

"I will." pulling away from the two of them, Maki was the one who sighed with grief and fanned her face. You were her closest friend regardless if you were her cousin, and she would miss you more than you would ever know. Suddenly you were drawn into yet another hug, this time by Megumi.

"I will see you as soon as possible to check in." he promised, and you sighed into his shoulder as you had done many times before. This hug was a little longer, and when he stepped into the carriage you felt the entire world coming down around you.

This is real.

I am married and bound to be emotionally alone.

All that was exchanged between you and your father was another deep bow and a parting goodbye. Same with Naoya, and this time he actually gave you some encouraging words ("For your sake, sister, be as agreeable as you can."). You watched the carriages pull away from the Gojo estate, and not a moment later you heard a voice behind you and arms pulling you against a hard chest.

"Did you have fun tonight, Lady Gojo?" Itadori asked you excitedly as Satoru was hugging you from behind.

"I did," you smiled, "however I wish to see them again soon. Is that possible, Satoru-sama?" It was hard for Satoru to deny you when you looked so helpless, but he hummed in thought and kissed your cheek.

"If you behave, I have no issues," he teased you, and you had to restrain yourself from scowling. He then turned to Yuji, "please excuse Lady Gojo from your side, as I have plans for us this evening."

"Plans?" you questioned, while Itadori cringed and walked away, followed by a smirking Kugisaki and a laughing Jun. "Satoru-sama?" your eyes turned up to Satoru's gleaming ones, and all he could do was give you a dopey smile while leading you back inside the estate. It was a struggle to keep up with him, as your feet hurt from standing and dancing so much, but once you entered Satoru's lavish bedchambers and the door shut behind you, the man had picked you up and held you close by the waist.

"Many, many plans for you this evening."


The Zen'in estate was rather quiet after you left, as you were one who was constantly walking around and greeting everyone. Everyone, including servants, cooks, cleaners and your family members. In your abscence, Zen'in Naobito was expectant and more aggressive with the family in question, namely: Naoya.

"Are you incapable of acting like your sister?"

"What have I done to displease you?"

"To put it short, Naoya, the entire estate despises you."

On the other side, your cousins were especially despondent. Megumi and Maki had lost their closest friend bound by blood, and spent time to themselves writing you letters. From your own notes they had received, it seemed like Gojo Satoru had been treating you well. You wrote that he had been outright spoiling you, and Megumi scoffed when he read that line.

"I never thought someone like him would be a good husband."

"Well, he is getting old," Maki laughed, "has to treat her right for more reasons than one."

"Are you aware of the tensions between Master and the Gojo clan?"


"I win again, Itadori-kun." you smiled and set down your cards, making him curse. These days, you spent most of your time in the gardens or walking the estate with your serviceman and lady. Kugisaki always found herself beside you, however you did not mind...herself and Jun were both hotheaded and bright. You were not lucky enough to spend much time alone, but you supposed it was not such a bad thing.

Now, you sat on a blanket by the bay of your favorite pond with the three of them. Satoru of course, was busy with the happenings of the fief, among other matters and tensions. He always joined you later on, he had also fucked you mercilessly every night for the past five days, and he allowed you to make yourself at home under all circumstances.

"You have to be cheating," he complained at the sight of your cards, "have you always been good at this?"

"Of course she has! My mistress has been winning at card games since she could count," Jun said beside you, making you roll your eyes. "I should know...Master Zen'in has never won against her."

"He has once."

"Well it is true, Itadori-san." Jun said anyway.

Kugisaki chimed in: "play me now Itadori, I need to beat your ass in this game as well."

"You are on!" you smiled at their antics and moved so that Kugisaki could be face to face with him and play gin, Jun switching back and forth to look at their cards. Looking out over the great expanse of the pond, you wondered if you should be able to swim to cool off from the hot end of summer day. It did not matter, you were the lady of this estate and you could do as you pleased.

There were always servants and workers marching around the estate, and you turned around to face a young blue-haired girl around sixteen by the name of Miwa-she specialized in yard work, you had learned.

"Miwa-chan!" you called and waved her over, and she practically ran to your aide.

"Lady Gojo, is there something you require?"

"Would you accompany me to my chambers for a moment?" you asked, "my lady is observing a heated game of gin at the moment."

"And I'm winning!" Kugisaki threw over her shoulder, and you nodded at Miwa for effect.

"Of course!" she said happily, and you could only assume that she was thrilled to be called on by you. You especially tried to make good impressions and converse with those who served you, as you did at your own home, and most appreciated that. Others believed you thought them a charity case.

"I was hoping to swim in this pond," you told her as you stood up, kimono tight and hot as you walked, "I am burning in this clothing."

"Swim in the pond?" she asked to which you nodded, "I have never seen one swim in it as long as I have been here."

"Would you like to join?" you smiled invitingly, believing that she was just shy and wanted to entertain you, but Miwa only flushed and waved her hands around.

"N-no, Lady Gojo! I am not permitted!"

"I permit you," you pressed, "Miwa-chan, I permit you to swim with me if you should like." She was still embarrassed, but you thought nothing of it as you padded into the home once again.

"You are too kind, Lady Gojo. You are also quite elegant."

You smiled at her again shaking your head lightly, "Not at all. I am only a tall child still," Stepping into your shared bedchambers, you peered around to the dresser standing tall in the corner of the room. However Miwa stayed planted at the threshold of the door. "You may come inside, Miwa. No need for manners with me." you laughed as she reluctantly came inside, sticking to your side in this strange room.

You tore through your drawer of undergarments, finally finding something fit to cover your top and lower half, "Miwa, would you run to the washroom and grab me that yukata? The unlined one?"

"Of course!"

While she did so, you had quickly stripped and changed into the makeshift swimming clothes, namely a simple brassier and one of Satoru's many compression sleeping shorts, putting the robe on once Miwa had returned.

"Before we go, I would like to visit my husband in his office..."

"He is at work, is he not?"

"He says to visit at any time," you said as she led you down the hallways, "you can say hello as well, Miwa. If you like."

"I shall wait for you...Master Gojo is rarely spoken to by us."

"If you insist," you had arrived at the great spruce doors and knocked twice before hearing a grunt from your husband. You opened them slowly, seeing Satoru sitting at his desk with a feather and ink in front of his papers. "Satoru-sama." he looked up, gentle smile slipping onto his face when he relaxed in his chair.

"Come, wife. Let me see you," he said as you stepped further into the room. "This is the first you have come to visit me, is it not?"

"I believe so." you were smiling when you made it into his arms, and it was then that Satoru grew curious of your attire.

"Heading to bed already?"

"Oh no, I was going to swim."

"Swim?" without warning and a quirked brow, Satoru was unlooping the belt of your robe and spread it out wide, body on display for him. "These are a little big for you, no?" he laughed at his shorts hanging off your hips, "I should hope they do not fall down."

"They will not," you assured, falling into the tug of his arms to sit you down in his lap, "you are rather affectionate."

"And you are irresistible," he tapped your thighs with his fingertips, grinning at you when he saw the blush spreading on your face. "Who's this?" he asked you, seeing little sixteen year old Miwa standing at the doorway.

"This is Miwa!" you introduced, "she was assisting me." She bowed to Satoru, a little star struck, and he looked back to you.

"Where are your assistants?"

"Playing cards."

"You are too lenient," he told you, "keep one of them with you. Nothing against Miwa," You nodded, standing up off his lap before turning around. "Enjoy your swim, wife. I shall join you shortly." You smiled over your shoulder, one that Satoru found that he enjoyed the most when he decided to reach out and slap your ass with no warning.

"Husband!" you turned around with shock, only to see Satoru with a shit-eating grin as the noise echoed throughout the room.

"So sorry you had to witness that, Miwa." Running out of the room and dragging the embarrassed girl with you, you cursed your husband for surprising you as such, and when the doors shut behind you, Satoru felt the smile slipping off his face slower than it usually was. He was already breaking his promise to himself not to spoil you and let you in too far, but you were so sweet and lonely that he couldn't help but do it.

Plus, your pussy was the best he ever had. Far better than that Kamo girl.

"He is crude..." you laughed as you stepped back outside.

"Do not speak of your husband in such a way!" Miwa scolded you lightly, but as you found Jun sitting down before you, you sank to your knees before speaking.

"If you could describe Satoru-sama in one word, what would it be?"

"Crude." she answered without looking up from the cards, and you gave Miwa a winning smile that she just couldn't look away from.

"y/n-san, why are you wearing a robe?" Itadori asked with confusion.

"I am going swimming."

"In a bathrobe?" Kugisaki asked with a finger to her chin.

"Maybe?" Itadori mumbled.


"You are such a dunce." Jun laughed at the girl, and from there they started arguing and you got the opportunity to slip away down at the bank.

"Lady Gojo, are you sure about this? Have you swam in a pond before?"

"Of course I have," you chuckled, disrobing, "well, our lake, yes. But often times it is too cold for me."

"Maki and Fushiguro enjoy it too, do they not?"

"Yes. Mai, not so much." without a word, you waded into the water and smiled at the warm feeling surrounding you. Mud was of course seeping through your toes, but you did not mind at all.

"Screw it, I'm coming in too." Jun declared as she stood up from their cards in the unfinished game. Itadori questioned it of course, but upon seeing the two half-naked women stepping into the spring, he didn't care so much anymore. Not that he was staring.

No. Nobody was to stare at Satoru's wife-he had made it perfectly clear before your arrival.

You toppled over very...ungracefully into the pond with a yelp, Jun wading in with expertise. Coming up and pushing your hair back, you shared a laugh with your lady and began standing upon the clay in the water peacefully.

"Please refrain from drowning," Itadori called as he sat on the dry part of the bay, "this is a brand new hakama."

"I ain't saving you either!" Kugisaki said.

"We are good swimmers, do not worry!" you laughed, and suddenly every worker outside had their focus turned to the pond.

Itadori was smiling from his spot on the vegetation, watching you and Jun swim and dive aimlessly without a real motive or strategy. Fun on the estate was hard to come by, especially when Satoru and his father were worried and tense about the uprisings in the Kamo and Zen'in fiefs. And then he realized, you would know absolutely nothing about that...women were simply not allowed to know.

So he took it for what it was: a young woman and her lifelong companion basking in the sun above them, not a care in the world while the people under their daimyo were feeling anger rising day after day. Workers surrounded the scene and smiled at the obscurity of their Lady, and you acknowledged them with a bright smile and sopping wet hair.

"Are you all surrounding my wife?" Everyone turned to the voice which held a curious amusement, wading through them easily and looking down into the water. "Well, it looks like you are having fun while I am stuck examining taxes." Ignoring the shock of his employees, Satoru went to sit down next to Itadori with a smile on his face.

You only grinned as Jun dunked you over again. Satoru cringed before you came up for air, and he would have scolded your lady for her roughhousing if you had actually cared. You spewed water out of your nose, making the workers gasp and whip their heads to their master...only to find him smiling with his chin in his hand. "Jun! Do you remember our old game? Shall we-"

Before you could finish, you were swept down without so much as a warning. Bubbles rose to the top of dark water and everybody observing gasped loudly and rushed to the bank, while Satoru, Itadori, and Kugisaki were standing at attention, craning to get a look at you anywhere.

"No! She's the only cool girl around!"

Jun, on the other hand dove under as well after a freak out moment, trying to look for you and your husband was ripping his socks off to go looking too.

Then, with two broad smiles, you and your lady rose up, perfectly fine and breathing. Teasing is what was written on your faces, and Miwa felt like she was going to pass out from relief.

"My word, Lady Gojo." Itadori sighed, and Satoru could only place his hands on his hips with disapproval.

"Wife," he said, "do not ever scare me again." At his words, you sank down into the water again, stopping just below your nose.

"Yeah! As he said!" Itadori pointed at you, and then he yelled as his master pushed him into the pond himself. Itadori landed nearly on top of you, but the splash of his body weight ricocheted through the entire pond. "Gojo-sensei! I told you I got a new hakama!" he whined, but the man was already sitting down with a triumphant smile.

"I will personally buy you a new one, Itadori-kun," you consoled him, but he splashed water at you in retaliation. "I was being kind!"

"That is what you deserve for scaring us!"

From there, Satoru watched you with a grin, noticing how much morale had risen around the Gojo estate since your arrival. No doubt it was thanks to you, and when the sun had set and it was time for dinner, he was very pleased with you. Satoru knew you loved to be outside to observe creation as much as you could, so he has elected to have your dinner out on the many porches around the estate...and he hated to admit that he enjoyed sitting out with you.

Well, I have to keep the woman happy so she will conceive. That is it.

The both of you never really had much to say, but it was always comfortable. Even so, while you ate, he had a very nice complement for you: "You have rejuvenated my home."

You were in the middle of eating when he said this, so when you had finished your food, you choked out, "how ever do you mean, husband?" You amused him, to say the least, and it wasn't just how youthful you were, but how kind you were to complete strangers. You were not kind because you had to be, but because he thought that is just how you were. At his quietness, you smiled awkwardly.

He liked your smile.

"My workers all adore you," he said, "normally they do not utter a word to me. But in the last five days I have heard endless chatter from them."

"There is one woman who is not my biggest fan." you chuckled, referring to the one who gave you that nasty look on your arrival. Satoru shrugged and took a good, long look at you in the dim light.

"I will fire her."

"Do not do something so rash, Satoru-sama!" you quipped, "perhaps she wishes she were in a better position."

"Well, she can keep wishing."

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