My Date with Markiplier (Jack...

By ThatOneFemaleGamer

4K 114 78

Jacksepticeye x Markiplier Jack has always had feelings for Mark, but he's always been too shy to tell him. B... More

Chapter 18
A/N (I'm so sorry)
Tumbling in from the oblivion


343 8 10
By ThatOneFemaleGamer

Hehe Mark and Jack at PAX East :3
Jack's POV
I walk to the gate then sat down at the chairs. I start texting Mark on Skype:

J: I'm coming over today, you readyyyyy?
It took him a couple minutes to respond.
M: Shhhh you woke me upppp
J: whoops forgot it was like 6AM where you are haha
M: Shaddup Jack
J: haha anyways you're picking me up right?
M: Yep.
J: Ok so my flight is getting in at 4PM your time, pick me up at around 4:30?
M: yeah yeah just let me sleep already!
J: ok jeez

I got off of Skype and blush a little. Oh god I woke him up? I thought. I imagine him on his bed just in his boxers with a bad case of bed head, all mad, with muscles flexing as rage and irritation ran through him... SEAN! Don't think that far ahead... What if he rejects me? Tears start to form in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall and shake off the thought.
"Flight number 207, boarding now, please check into the desk at gate number 25," an attendant says over the intercom, snapping me out of my thoughts for the second time that day. I grab my bag and made sure I have everything before heading to the entrance. I got to the front of the line fairly quickly and soon find myself sitting down at the window seat I'm assigned to. The seats are fairly big, and there's only one seat next to me. I decide it's time to check Twitter. I have already gotten a ton of responses to where I should go in California, and I respond to as many as I could. One of them particularly catches my eye and it said, "you should go to a fair with Mark!" I blush and quickly reply with a thanks and say that I might actually do it, hoping they would think it's a joke.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to take off, please turn off all mobile devices, which include and are not limited to cell phones, tablets and laptops. We will have a short safety orientation demonstrated by the flight attendants. Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful flight," one of the crew members says over the plane's intercom.


We finally land and I get out of my seat, grabbing my bag and turning on my phone. I slept through most of the flight, mainly because I was so nervous last night about telling mark about my true feelings that I couldn't sleep.
"Thank you," I said to the flight attendants who stood next to the exit. They smiled and said, "welcome to the US!"
I walked up the walkway and head towards baggage claim. I see a a girl look at me, while she was smiling and talking to her boyfriend, I assume. Her smile drops and she quickly whispers something in his ear. He nods but I just shrug it off and continue walking.

After waiting FOREVER (ok I'm exaggerating but it took a really long time) I finally got my bag and I head towards customs. I hand the security guard my passport and the form I filled in when I was on the plane, he stamps my passport next to my visa and says, "Welcome to the US, um," looks down at my passport, "Sean."
"Thanks," I reply, pulling my bag along with me, finally reaching the shops and stores and the exit right at the end of all of it. I decide to get a coffee, then text Mark to tell him I was at the Starbucks. He texted back saying he'd be here soon. I pick up my coffee and walk out the exit. I wait in the warm LA air, and soon a small gray car pulled up in front of me.
"Hey, kid! Get in the car! I got free candy!" A deep, raspy voice says from in the car. I roll my eyes, instantly knowing it's Mark.
"Mark, you big bag of hairy testies, stop being an idiot," I say, laughing.
"I don't know what you're talking about, kid," he continues. "I have cheez-its, and you're only getting them if you stop dicking around," I say, amused when Mark runs out of the car like an obedient little dog.
"Where are they?" He says, opening the passenger side car door. "No hello? No hugs? I'm so offended..." I say, fake crying.
"What, do you want me to do some kind of song and dance thing?" He says, engulfing me in a big man hug.
"Nah, I was joking. But thanks anyways," I reply, laughing and hugging back. He grabs my bags and throws them in the back. I climb into the car and shut the door after me. Mark runs around the car and climbs into the drivers seat. "So, you have those Cheez-its?" He says, starting up the car.
"Nope! But I'll get some later for you, I promise," I say. I take a sip of my coffee, which was getting a bit cold, but was still pretty warm. We start talking about our plans, and I tell him about the tweets, skipping over the part about the fair.
Suddenly, the car stops and I spill some of my coffee over my crotch. I wince at the heat over my manhood, putting the cup into the cup holder. It appeared that we encountered some traffic and some guy nearly hit our car when trying to change into our lane.
"HEY ASSHOLE, WHY DON'T YOU GO F YOUSELF!" Mark yells out, flipping him off. He quickly turns to me and says, "oh god Jack I am SO sorry, here let me help you." He reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out some tissues and absent mindedly started to dab at my crotch. I blush wildly, as I slowly felt some of my blood rush down there. "U-um M-Mark..." I say. "Oh god, sorry I was just trying to help... This is so awkward, I'm so sorry...." He says, quickly stopping his actions. I take the napkin from him and I finish up the job.

Whoop! I might update later tonight, I love writing this story...

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