Card Fighters Recreation Fanf...

Par Venti_______Simp

120 19 10

In this world every once in awhile an competition of duels few years it closed to open where Players of child... Plus

Player One Epic Awakening
The Ambush
First Victory
The Argument
Solo Level Up

Taki Vs Boss Battle Card Retired Magician Card King Fighter

6 2 0
Par Venti_______Simp

Taki stepped up to the next-to-last gentleman in the middle, feeling a knot forming in his stomach.

As he approached, the gentleman turned to face him, looking like a mirror in the sink.

"Oh hoo, hoo, hoo-ha! What's up with you, guys?" he yelled. "Oh hoo, eheh, you want to battle right now?"

"If it's a battle you want, then it's a battle you're gonna get," said Taki, determined to win.

He sat down and rolled the dice, watching as they landed with a satisfying rumble.

Taki was up first, choosing his cards carefully and sending two to the fort before ending his turn.

Ryuhui followed suit, sending three cards to the fort and ending his turn.

Taki added another card to the fort, ready to activate its special ability.

He declared his two cards to attack Ryuhui, and the attack succeeded, dealing 600 damage points to Ryuhui's main HP.

Ryuhui had no new cards to send to the fort, so he declared one of his existing cards to attack Taki, dealing 400 damage points to Taki's main HP, before ending his turn.

Taki discarded two support healing factor cards in the discarded pile and traded enough force icons to send a powerful B rarity card to the fort.

He folded, ending his turn.

Ryuhui discarded two cards and added three new cards to the fort before folding as well.

Taki added a new card to the fort and folded, ending his turn.

Ryuhui revealed all his cards on the fort and added no new cards, ending his turn.

Taki used his action support card "Sorry!" to counter-attack one of Ryuhui's cards on the fort, deducting its HP to 700.

He then folded, ending his turn.

Ryuhui added no cards to the fort but commanded one of his cards to attack Taki. The attack failed, with both cards being knocked out.

Taki added a new card to the fort and its special ability came up.

He realized that the ability would be more beneficial to Ryuhui than to himself, so he decided to force his way past Ryuhui's cards to attack his main HP directly using fusion attack.

The attack sort of failed, with two of Taki's cards fighting Ryuhui's one card that was defending at the same time.

The attack dealt 1000 damage points to Ryuhui's card, reducing its HP to 700 before being sent to the discard pile.

Taki ended his turn, and Ryuhui added no new cards to the fort, declaring Taki to be attacked by his two cards.

The attack failed, with Taki defending with two cards of his own.

Two of Taki's cards survived, and Ryuhui's cards were defeated.

Taki hesitated, not having enough force icons to send to the fort for a fusion attack. But he wanted to end the match.

He decided to go for it anyway and sent his strongest card to attack Ryuhui's highest HP card.

The attack sort of failed, dealing 1000 damage points to Ryuhui's card but also defeating Taki's strongest card, which was sent to the discard pile.

Taki ended his turn, and Ryuhui added a tanky card to the fort, declaring two cards to attack Taki.

The attack succeeded, dealing 500 damage points to Taki's main HP.

Taki overdrove Ryuhui and ended his turn.

The attack succeeded, dealing 300 damage points to Ryuhui's HP. Ryuhui tried to fend off the attack but was defeated by Taki.

"Congratulations Taki, I'm impressed. You won your second Card Battle," the computerized female said. "You have won yourself 200 Card Points to buy yourself new card packs. Win more matches to see that number increase and buy more packs."

The Card battle had been intense, and the Ryuhui
felt as though his brain had been swirling. He stumbled backwards, feeling dizzy and disoriented.

Taki walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey man, you okay?" he asked.

The Ryuhui shrieked and ran away, leaving the Taki scratching his head in confusion. "Something's definitely not right with that guy."

Taki had walked  his way around  the Card Tower floor,  to reach the top and rescue his friend Makito.

As he approached the final level, he saw a pretty girl with long black hair standing a few feet away.

Seeing her brought a sense of comfort to Taki, and he walked over to her.

"Nana, it's so good to finally see you again. Can you tell me-" Taki began, but Nana interrupted him with a smile.

"Oh hoo hoo, accept my challenge, Taki," she said.

Taki shook the dice, his mind restless with anticipation.

He spun the dice and it landed in the center of the ring, with Nana getting an 8 and Taki only a 1.

Nana generously gave Taki the first turn, and the battle began.

Seven cards drifted onto the table, ready for battle.

Taki quickly discarded a tanky card for more force icons, sending two cards to the fort and ending his turn. Nana added three cards to the fort and discarded two, then ended her turn.

Taki powered up a card that was already on the fort, hoping to add more force icons to his arsenal.

But his attempt failed. He discarded a card and added two extra cards to the fort, then declared his two other cards to attack his opponent. The attack succeeded, dealing 400 damage to Nana's main hp, and Taki ended his turn.

Nana added no new cards to the fort and demanded that one of her cards attack Taki.

The attack succeeded, dealing 400 damage points to Taki's main hp, and she ended her turn.

Taki added a powerful card to the fort and declared two of his cards to attack Nana.

The attack failed, and Nana's defense got one of her cards defeated while Taki's two cards survived. Taki ended his turn.

Nana added one new card to the fort and folded, ending her turn.

Taki added no cards to the fort and folded as well, ending his turn.

Nana added one new card to the fort and declared one of her cards to attack Taki.

The attack failed, and Taki defended with his strongest card, knocking out Nana's tanky card in the dust. Taki added one new card to the fort and folded, ending his turn.

Nana added one new card to the fort and commanded one of her cards to attack Taki. The attack failed, and both their cards were left badly injured but still in the ring.

Taki added no new cards to the fort and had fusion attack against Nana, ending his turn.

The attack failed, and she used her tanky hero to defend herself. It dealt 1000 damage to the hero, knocking it out, but only deducted 300 damage to her main hp.

Nana added two new cards to the fort and folded, ending her turn.

Taki added no new cards to the fort and had folded as well, his weak card powering up to be more powerful since the duration of the match, reaching 600 BP.

He ended his turn. Nana discarded almost her entire deck of cards, leaving just one, and folded, ending her turn.

Taki used an action card called "Magical Princess," healing his strongest card in the fort by 200 hp and then folded, ending his turn.

Nana sent her last card to the fort and ended her turn. Taki sent no new cards to the fort and used fusion attack to attack Nana.

The attack sort of failed, with Nana defending with her card tanking 1500 damage.

It reduced 1300 damage points to her main hp, and she was defeated.

[Congratulations Taki, on you're third win in Card Battles.]

Nana ran away with out a word, before Taki could even say anything.

Rena shimmy her way to Taki of the emtpy computerized force field, everyone of weird  kept away from.
"Uh, Taki.

Everyone had gone bonkers.

They all want to battle you!"

"Yeah, I know said Taki.

Something is really fishy.

It got do with something of Max an his accomplice."

Who goes there!?"

Male voice asked from the outside of the room,
electric field current formated blinding Taki an Rico, an long white bread individual held a wooden staff, appearing behind them both.

Yeek!" Gaah!" Yikes!" Who are you sonny?" It asked.

"It's not safe in the Card Tower, evil forces are at work here!

I had a bad feeling about this place I've retired from, that's why I came here. Looks like I'm too late..."

Who are you gramps!?" Taki demanded.

"Me!? I'm the Card Hermit! It answered.

I was called the Might Card Fighter years ago.

I couldn't bear ageing. So I too, myself out the circulation for awhile."

Oh, ehehehe-" Taki up his finger rested on his nose in doubt.

Aww, what a crock.

You're nothing but a simple old codger."

You mind you're tongue boy!!"


The sudden burst of feeling from the soul, knocked Taki falling backwards on his face.

Rena shook her head in disapproval, not helping him up this around.

Hey who are you there?!"

Kaito, announced hisself, the  rub the side of his chin.

"Come the think of it, I heard someone like you from my farther.

A card fighter who never lost a battle, so storng no one will battle him.....

And he vanished! Are you that legendary card fighter who dissappeared?"

"Legendary? Card Hermit asked. Ho, ho, ho, that's how people uses talk to me.

Ah, those were the days."

You can't be serious," Taki grunted on up.

This decrepit old fossil still packs game? I can't believe it...."

"What did you just say to me!?

You're snotty one, huh?

"Enough jokes!

"And by the way sonny, he given a good look up an down Taki.

I see you are a Card Fighter. I remember seeing someone like you before. What's you're name?"

"Oh, I'm Taki! He introduced himself.

And that over there is Rena. An that on the left side of me is Kaito!"

Hiiii," waved Rena.

"Kaito? It recollected itself to put his finger on hearing that name.

You said Kaito?

"Yeah Katio, you do have hearing aids, right-
Kaito casually step in between Taki's roast, cleared his throat giving him that look.

Oh right sorry, Kaito an Card Hermit" giving Kaito the floor.

"That's gonna take more then a apology for me to accept that soony- he muttered.

So, you're Kaito?

You are the spitting image of a young Makito!"

"You know my father, Card Hermit?" Kaito questioned.

Yeah, I knew him.

"He was strong Card Fighter who always come to challenge me.

Makito was like my disciple.

And I hear he's devoted to card research now."

"Well, Makito has been abducted by Max an his accomplice!

Taki began.

We got to think of something!"

"Is that what the commotion before was all about?

Makito been abducted?

I thought these people wandering around was not acting like themselves.

I guess they all been brain-washed by Max an his accomplice!"

"Brainwashed? Taki urged.

Everyone so weird, because they're been brainwashed?

What can we do to save them all gramps?"

"Take a chill pill! He suggested.

They must be really powerful Card King fighters strongest then Makito an me to tamed him under there control the feel helpless.

It seems card battles are the key to breaking Makito's brain-washed!

If the card battles is using card data, you must win card battle to break it.

To do that, you need to climb up Card Tower.

To do it, you need real good ability son.

This is actually perfect! I'll take you on a card battle," he smirk under his bread trimming it, extending out any wrinkles within in.

That is if you can beat me, Taki.....

You will have the skill to enable to climb up to the top of Card Tower."

"Ok, I'll do it! Taki sounded determined, clutched on up his fist.

Let's dance old man!"

Leaned forward the simulation, shaking there dice as Card Hermit jungles it within his magical staff.

Taki rolled a three as the magician rolled a two.

Taki went first an Card Hermit second.

Seven cards approached the bench to both there tables.

Taki discarded two cards, added three new cards to the fort ended his turn.

Card Hermit discarded one card an sent two new cards to the fort, ended his turn.

Taki applied one new card to the fort, declared his three cards to attack Card Hermit.

The attack succeeded, done 1000 dmg points all together to Card Hermit main hp, Taki ended his turn.

Card Hermit discarded almost his entire deck, added two new cards to the fort, commanded his two cards to attack Taki.

The attack succeeded, done 800 dmg points to Taki, ending his turn.

Taki added no new cards to the fort, have chosen to overdrive his opponent.

The attack succeeded, have done 1000 dmg points to Card Hermit hp, had him ko on defeated.

[Congratulations Taki, you've just won you're first Card King Fighter.] [Here's you're 700 card points, as a reward.]

"You did well, complianted, Hermit.
You have the ability to take on Card Tower.

But here's the catch: I don't think I like where this going-"

"Hold on Taki, let me finish; a tough bunch of players controlled by Max an his accomplice contribution a few of their card battle strengths, will lie awaiting for you.

And his accomplice will accompany Max not just full control of the Card Tower, but to break the forth wall the take these forbidden powers out to the real world!

To climb up Card Tower, you need to defeat the key man on each floor.

Look here, just like me, the card fighter to beat should be flashing red, on Makito, screen."

This system was used in Card Battle Tourneys.

It may be all related to all the brainwashing that's going on.

But don't be pleased by beating me.

It won't be a cake walk up the tower!"

"Not only that, he continued clearing his throat.

There are two routes for each floor of Card Tower.....

And the only way to climb it is by using the elevators, I'm sorry they blocked off the stairs cheat cut away up the tower.

You must choose golden or silver elevator, but either choice will be tough!

The battles won't be easy!

Tough matches await you traveler..
So take this," he given Taki one of his cards from his deck, to put his strong Card into good use.

"By the way, my grand-children ignored my warnings, entered the Card Tower.

If you meet them, take an easy on them.

Oh head forgot the mention the floor is back to normal.

I've asked them to let them battle you to give you practice, if you need some.

"Oki, Card Hermit! said Taki.

Oh my god, did Taki finally give me respect of saying my actual name? He thought.

Thanks for all you're help really, I got everything I need to look out for to save Makito, for once in for all! "

Rena  has blinked her eyes to scan the Card Hermit around the room.

" How does this old man, know so dang much? She muttered.

"Come on, Rena! Taki, commanded at the snap of his fingers.

Yo want to hug him or what?"

Coming, Taki!"

"That kid got spunk, just like the younger me.

But something is not right... Could those guys-" nah, Card Hermit chastised himself.

I'm thinking to much. I do have a bad feeling about this, they need to be careful of the last Card Fighter dressed all in red....."

Continuer la Lecture

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